Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 96: Draw your sword to help (ask for the bookshelf!)

With a "bang", a branch appeared out of thin air behind Lin Fei, hitting Lin Fei directly and throwing him out.

The situation was critical. Xiao Qiang saw this scene. If he didn't take action, Lin Fei would probably be beaten to death by several people.

However, Xiao Qiang didn't plan to have a direct conflict with these people. He took out two smoke bombs from the system and threw them directly at them.

The strong man at level 5 also reacted quickly. Hearing the sound of the wind in his ears, he directly knocked a smoke bomb away with an axe.

However, the other smoke bomb rolled to the feet of several people.

When the smoke was filled, Xiao Qiang jumped directly from the third floor. Wearing jumping shoes, this height was nothing to Xiao Qiang.

After landing, Xiao Qiang ran at full speed and rushed to the direction where Lin Fei had just landed.

He lifted Lin Fei up, carried him on his back, and turned to the corner of the street.

When the smoke gradually dissipated, several people looked around, but there was no trace of Lin Fei. Several people were furious, but they didn't know where to chase the person who suddenly appeared.

Xiao Qiang carried Lin Fei on his back, turned a few street corners, and saw that no one was chasing him, and gradually slowed down his pace.

"Hey, thank you, but put me down, I can walk by myself." Lin Fei, who was lying on Xiao Qiang's back, said weakly.

Hearing Lin Fei's words, Xiao Qiang went directly into a store next to him and put Lin Fei down.

"Xiao Cong, Xiao Cong, give me a bottle of hemostatic and healing medicine." Xiao Qiang hurriedly summoned Xiao Cong as soon as he put Lin Fei down.

"Yes, in this situation, there are hemostatic pills and recovery water here. Which one do you want, host?" Xiao Cong listed them directly to Xiao Qiang.

"Which one has the best effect? ​​Take it. Human life is at stake." Xiao Qiang said.

"Then we need recovery water. It requires 2,000 exchange points." Xiao Cong said, and he had already presented the recovery water to Xiao Qiang.

"This is a hemostatic medicine, drink it." Xiao Qiang took out the recovery water and handed it to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei did not doubt it, took the recovery water and poured it into his stomach in one breath.

Then, the wounds on Lin Fei's body slowly closed and scabbed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Fei moved his hands and felt a lot more relaxed, but his face was still pale due to blood loss.

"Thank you, I will repay your kindness, what's your name?" Lin Fei looked stubborn, obviously unwilling to owe others a favor.

"You're welcome, seeing injustice on the road, everyone has the responsibility to help. Just call me Xiao Qiang." Xiao Qiang replied while being alert to the outside.

Lin Fei nodded and said, "Your medicine is quite useful, the wound healed so quickly."

"Of course, this cost me 2000 exchange points." Xiao Qiang couldn't help but curl his lips, his 2000 exchange points were swallowed by Lin Fei in one gulp, and there was nothing left.

"By the way, do you know where the Black Wind Base is?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Black Wind Base, what are you going there for? Are you going to join them too?" Hearing about the Black Wind Base, Lin Fei became more alert and his tone became heavier.

"Find someone. I have a friend's brother. I don't know if he is in the Black Wind Base. Besides, I am not interested in joining the Black Wind Base. I have my own base. Do you know Baichuan?" Xiao Qiang asked.

Lin Fei thought about it for a while, looked at Xiao Qiang and shook his head, indicating that he didn't know him.

"The people in the Black Wind Base are not good people. If you want to go there, you'd better be careful." Lin Fei reminded again.

"Yeah, I will be careful." Xiao Qiang nodded.

"Okay, then, the Black Wind Base is located in the factory area in the south, but you need a pass to enter and exit." Lin Fei told Xiao Qiang the location.

"Is it this one?" As he spoke, Xiao Qiang raised the pass in his hand and shook it.

At the same time, he added: "I snatched this from the people in their base."

Seeing Lin Fei nodded, Xiao Qiang was about to say goodbye to him.

It can be seen that Lin Fei is also a proud and stubborn person. If he is allowed to join me now, it will probably be more trouble than gain.

Anyway, he said that he would repay me, and there will definitely be a chance for us to get in touch again.

Sure enough, when I said goodbye to Lin Fei, he confirmed again whether he was going to the Black Wind Base. It seems that he was going to find me when his injuries got better.

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