Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 1004: I heard you have a boat

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After the nightmare has completely come, the whole world has undergone tremendous changes.

This change has never happened in the past.

There is no experience to draw from.

Everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones, and at this time, it reflects their own abilities and strengths.

In the past, countries with little power began to fall one after another after the nightmare came.

This fall is not complete extinction, but a breakdown of order.

When the old order collapses, a new order will naturally be born.

Therefore, in most foreign countries, the nightmare is regarded as the end of the world, and after adapting, they call the current world the "new world".

The new world naturally has a new world order.

But the creators of the new order are definitely not those countries whose order has collapsed. At any time, if you want to be the dominant player, you need enough strength and influence. They have decided on new trade, new ecology, and new economic system is slowly taking shape.

Just like a severely injured person, as long as they don't die, their wounds will slowly heal.

Even with scary scars.

The new world is like a village. The village is full of hideous-looking people with ugly scars. Naturally, normal people who are not injured will be regarded as aliens by them.

"We are people who have no scars, so those who are disfigured are not pleasing to our eyes, especially those who have a ghost in their hearts, who have a distorted mentality, and have some grudges with us, even more so. They will Treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, they will strike first, because they feel that we will deal with him. As the saying goes, people with a dark mind look at everyone and think they are as sinister and perverted as him."

Swallowing Whale City, a pier.

Lin Mo was chatting with the veteran.

Because of several meetings, Lin Mo felt that he had understood a lot, so he was explaining these big truths to the veterans at the moment.

Mainly, the state of the veterans is not quite right.

According to my brother, the veteran is also a nightmare in the final analysis. This time, the other party angered him with despicable behavior, which caused the hatred of the veteran to increase.

This is not good for veterans.

The increase in hatred will consume more or less reason.

If this veteran loses his senses, he is no different from any other dangerous nightmare.

So enlightening the veterans has become Lin Mo's official task.

For this matter, the leader of the bureau specially called Lin Mo to the office, and it was a while to explain, saying that this time you have a heavy burden.

Speaking to Dali, at the beginning of the establishment of the new world order, such an incident suddenly occurred around our Qianlong City safety zone, which is not simple in itself.

It is almost certain that there is a huge game, huge temptation and conspiracy behind this.

So how to deal with it is very important.

There are many considerations above, but hit back hard, this is a finalized plan.

The above said, not only to fight back, but also to fight back fiercely, and to hit the snake and hit seven inches.

This is against two masters.

The opponent's tricks are tricky and vicious, and they are very high-end, so the means of counterattack can't be too bad, they must be more high-end and more tricky and vicious.

So in order to achieve this goal, the above decided to send Lin Mo to perform this task.

As for the veterans.

Originally, he was not allowed to come, but he couldn't stand the strong request of the veteran, and it was useless for anyone to say.

The veteran said that this time, he must come.

In addition, the veteran also said that he was born in the XX shrine in the country of Yeji, and he has a good understanding of the situation there, so even if he is a guide, he is qualified.

In fact, everyone knows that veterans are there for revenge.

In the end, I didn't beat him, so I had no choice but to bring them together.

Although it is fast to go by plane, it is easy to be detected, so after a discussion, I decided to take a boat.

Under the new world order, there are currently many sea routes, some are operated by people, some are not. It is said that every day at docks around the world, various ships will dock.

If you have the guts, you can go up.

It might pull you to heaven, or it might go straight to hell.

It is said that many people from abroad do not want to sit still and want to make a personal appearance, so they desperately choose a certain ship to go on. Most never came back, but there were some who really got ahead and became big shots.

But just like what is said in most chicken soups, only a few with preparation, perseverance, and ability, who are lucky in Lin Mo's opinion, can survive and gain huge benefits.

It seems like just a while ago, a new challenge appeared on the Internet.

Offshore challenge.

It's just like how humans went out to sea in search of new continents hundreds of years ago.

That means endless wealth and opportunity.

The same is true now.

There are various live examples on the Internet.

For example, so-and-so can't go on, chooses to go out to sea, and as a result, has an adventure, and comes back with a powerful nightmare, and from then on set foot on the pinnacle of life.

similar cases

After Lin Mo found out about this, he posted on the Internet saying that it was killing him.

Under the fire, Lin Mo was out of sight and out of mind, and did not pay attention to similar news.

But the fermentation of some things has nothing to do with whether he pays attention or not.

For example, the originally spooky pier, a place that would not be visited except by nightmares and ghosts on weekdays, when I came here today, I actually found a lot of people who came to check in.

Just crazy.

Seeing the recognition in groups of three or five on the dock, Lin Mo called the local security bureau and asked them to come and take care of it.

If it goes on like this, something will definitely happen.

As a result, local colleagues said that they could not control it.

But don't be afraid of accidents, because most of these people are here to watch the fun, and they don't dare to do anything out of the ordinary. They have been here before and stayed here for more than ten days. come over.

In their words, it is impossible to manage.

However, there are indeed no vicious nightmares here. Lin Mo has to wait for the boat, so he doesn't bother to bother about this business.

This time my brother came too.

Said that he had never been abroad, and wanted to visit the pheasant country to see the girl.

The reason was very good, and Lin Mo couldn't refute it at all.

Because the two of them are exactly the same, I am afraid that people will ask questions, so my brother wears a hat and a black mask most of the time.

The veteran remained silent.

He didn't feel disgusted with Lin Mo's consolation all the way, but he just didn't want to make any response.

Later, I couldn't help it anymore. I patted Lin Mo on the shoulder and said, young man, don't talk nonsense. Although I have hatred, it's all for the enemy, and I won't lose control of my own people.

Not in the past, not now, and not in the future.

What he said was called a firm decision. Lin Mo felt a little embarrassed after hearing it. He felt that he had been gossiping all the way before and completely distrusted the veteran.

"Then I understand, I said, veteran, you can't tell the difference between the serious and the serious, the consciousness is the highest, and no one can compare with you."

Put on a top hat first.

"By the way, I heard that you have a boat?"

The soldier asked.

Take the sea route, this was Lin Mo's suggestion, and the reason given at that time was that he had a boat.

"You heard it wrong, it's not me who has a boat, it's some friends of mine who have boats. This time the boat we're on is called Silent. It's fast, stable and comfortable. It's just this distance. Get there. UU reading"

"That's fast enough."

Veterans disagree.

At this time, a ship seemed to float over the dark and deep sea.

Because of the fog, I couldn't see it clearly.

Only a black one can be seen, the silhouette of the ship is from far to near, and the sea water fluctuates, hitting the reefs on the pier one by one.

Everyone on the pier looked over.

Everyone was very excited.

"Look, here comes the ship."

"There really is a ship, haha, you said, is this a ghost ship? I'm a little scared."

"What are you afraid of? Aren't we here just to see this? Someone on the Internet has studied it for a long time. Generally, as long as you don't get on the boat, there will be no problems at all."

"Yes, let's just watch, don't care about the ship, we don't get on, no one can hurt us. And I heard about the nightmare at sea, and those who dare not go on land are afraid of a ball."

"There are really ghosts, just run. There are so many people who really want to chase, and they won't be so bad that they catch us."

Not far away, there were several young men and women, and the sound of their conversation reached Lin Mo's ears.

Lin Mo only felt that these guys were fed up, and they were too naive.

Some people on the Internet say that the nightmare at sea does not come ashore? Does anyone believe this nonsense?

But they can live to the present, can only say that luck is not bad.

And it also shows that whether this person is smart or not has nothing to do with luck.

The ship has docked.

Lin Mo didn't move.

This was not the Silent he was waiting for.

This is a small boat.

Of course, it is only relative to the Silent. Looking at this ship alone, it is actually not too small.

This is a cruise ship with five floors. There are people. After docking, the landing board fell, and then a few people got off the ship.

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