Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 1005: new world order

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"It's here, it's finally here, hahahaha!"

"This is the safest place in the world right now, Huaxia, it's really lively. You see there are many people on the pier. Wherever it is like our broken place, except for ghosts, there are evil spirits."

"Yeah, it's not in vain for us to spend the price and come across the ocean. In the future, we can make a good noise in this place. There are no terrifying vampire families, no king of evil spirits, no sleep demons, no... "

These people were happily imagining the future, but they didn't think about it, and saw the Lin brothers and veterans on the dock at a glance.

He was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed wildly.

"Something's wrong, how do those people feel, weird?"

"What a strong hatred, the hatred on that old man is too strong, more terrifying than the king of evil spirits, he, he is looking at me, damn, he is looking at me, what should I do? Oliver, think about it. a way."

"What can I do? Don't move, don't get off the boat. If the situation is not right, let's go back quickly. The owner of the boat is very powerful and should be able to help us block each other."

These people stopped in the middle, muttering in their mouths.

All tense.

Extremely nervous.

Originally, they couldn't get along in the original country. They heard that Huaxia was stable, so they tried every means to take a ghost ship to come here.

Needless to say how thrilling this journey is, if I really talk about it, it will definitely be a nose and a tear.

When they finally arrived, they were about to show their strength in this new continent in their hearts, but before they got off the boat, they were stunned by the three people on the dock.

The few of them can reach here from thousands of miles away, which is not bad in itself, and naturally has a vision.

All are insiders.

So it can be seen that the following three people are not simple.

Especially the hatred on the old man, soaring to the sky.

But apparently they had misunderstood something.

The three below looked at them out of curiosity.

"The foreigners who are about to disembark, aren't they nightmares?"

"No, there is no resentment and malice of a nightmare, it is a human being, but it is a person who has died in the real world."

"What were they shouting just now? They seem excited."

"Maybe it's a tourist. Generally, people from other places come here, and the freshness has never tasted. It's all the same!"



"There are still people traveling? Is it funny?"

"Brother, you don't understand this. There are many people like this kind of poor, thrilling, and deadly travel, especially abroad. They are all in dire straits, and these people like to run around in their bones. I heard that our place is here. Alright, here we come."

"Oh, so it is." The old man nodded.

The veteran also asked curiously at this time: "Come here, why don't you come down?"

"How do I know this? Why don't you go and ask?" Lin Mo was very happy when he saw that the veteran seemed to be back to normal.

As for why the yellow-haired and red-haired ones on the boat didn't come down, he didn't care.

It is said on the Internet that the order of the new world is the most primitive kind of freewheeling, where you want to go, where you want to do what you want, and there is no need to report.

But this kind of thing is not easy to manage at present, and it is impossible to control it, especially in the nightmare world, any boat can come to the shore.

How to prevent this?

If you come across some good water, can you just swim over there?

So Lin Mo felt that there was no need to guard against it.

Anyone who wants to come can come, but if they come and cause trouble, the security bureaus around the world are not used to it. In Lin Mo's view, the order of the new world depends on strength in the final analysis.

If you have strength, you can make whatever rules you want, and make whatever order you want.

If you don't have the strength, speaking out is the same as letting out a fart, who will take care of you?

The stability of a region is also a principle. If you have strength, you can stabilize the overall situation. No matter who comes, you have to be honest; without strength, defense is useless.

The three of them chatted below, relaxed and comfortable, but the people on the ship that had just docked were not so relaxed.

In addition to the few foreigners who came to 'tour', there were many things on the ship who wanted to disembark.

There are demons, there are ghosts.

They're all smart wits.

If you are not clever, you will be killed on the way.

I wanted to get off the boat, but when I saw the three people below, I felt the peculiar aura, and they were all cowardly.

No one dared to go down.

If you think about it, you can't do it.

Go to the owner of the boat.

The owner of the ship is a ruthless person, otherwise it is impossible to become the owner of the ship, let the owner support them, and they will go on smoothly.

So I went to the owner of the boat.

The problem is that the owner of the ship is also a little cowardly at this time.

He glanced at the three people on the pier and shivered.

Intuition tells him that it is not easy to mess with.

"Are they waiting for a boat? Will they get on my boat? No, if they get on my boat, then my boat may not be my boat in the future."

The owner has a lot of heart.

At this moment, I instructed my subordinates to drive the boat quickly and leave this place.

Right and wrong place, should not stay for a long time.

But at this moment, Lin Mo below sensed something, and he looked up into the distance.

On the sea, a behemoth appeared.


Lin Mo patted the veteran and brother, and said that he was ready to get on the boat.

The old soldier and the elder brother were shocked when they saw it.

I had indeed heard that Lin Mo's friend had a boat, but thinking about it, it was just a normal size. Now, although I can only see the outline of it, it already feels extremely huge.

Compared with the huge black shadow, the ship that was docked on the dock just now was like a three-year-old child facing a 200-pound fat man.

In addition, the huge ship shadow coming from behind was extremely fast, but it was there in the blink of an eye.

The ghost ship that came before did not dare to move.

Can't move either.

Was squeezed into a corner, unable to get out.

That's not all, the Silence, which was docked, moved forward and touched the previous ship.


The ghost ship fell apart and began to sink.

The things that get off the boat won't work if they don't get off the boat.

In the chaos, they all climbed ashore.

Only then did they see clearly the huge ship that hit them.

The boat owner glanced at it, turned his head and jumped back into the sea without saying a word.

My heart is beating wildly.

"My mother, this is the Silence. Run fast, run slowly. It is designated to be pulled to the boat. On this boat, it will really not be able to get off."

There are various legends in the sea.

Most of them are terrifying, of the kind that shiver all over even if a nightmare hears it.

And many terrible legends are related to ships.

Silent is the 'king' among them.

This ship is silent and extremely fast, and many times it comes without noticing it. There are so many terrifying legends about the Silent, the owner remembered one.

It seems that there is a huge sea monster living on the bottom of the Silence.

"Wait a moment!"

The captain was stunned.

He panicked and jumped back into the sea just now.

And the Silent is right next to it, doesn't that mean that he is now on the bottom of the Silent?

Thinking of this, the owner of the ship stiffened.

He shivered and turned to look.

Seeing that under the water, there is really a behemoth at the bottom of the Silent ship.

Like, a giant octopus.

At this moment, the behemoth was also looking at him.

Eyes wide open.

"I'm going ashore!"

The owner of the boat reacted and went to the shore like crazy. Because of his nervousness, all the bubbles spewed out of his mouth and nose.

It's good that he didn't run. This commotion successfully attracted the attention of the huge sea monster at the bottom of the Silent.

Then a tentacle that was 30 to 50 meters long stretched out like lightning and rolled the ship owner over.

Everything is at peace.

On the shore, those who climbed ashore from the water were also frightened.

Behind it is the Silence.

In front was the Lin Mo trio who walked over.

Especially the hated old man in the trio looked too scary.

There was no way, a group of people were confused, and they were forced to go on the Silent.

It was too late when I got on the boat.

I want to get off the boat.

The boat has already set off.

Lin Mo was very curious at this time.

In addition to the previous interesting foreigners, there was a girl who followed them on the boat.

That is to say, in his early twenties, he is very fashionable.

At this moment, Lin Mo looked at her, and she also looked at Lin Mo.

"Look at me? What's the matter with you?"

The girl asked with hostility.

Lin Mo said what are you doing here?

"Joke, you are allowed to come up, but I am not allowed to come up?"

The girl asked back.

Lin Mo felt that what the other party said was reasonable and unreasonable.

I came up to go to the pheasant country, this girl is definitely not, because no one knows the next route of the Silent except herself.

However, the girl was very prepared, and Lin Mo didn't ask any more questions. She was an adult, and no matter what she did, she had to be responsible for it.

Since it's up, just stay.

Can't go back because of this person?

Then Lin Mo looked at a group of foreigners over there.

"What are you doing here?"

The girl had been at the pier just now, maybe she was waiting for the boat, and she was on a trip with no purpose.

But this group of foreigners is definitely not.

They were on another boat just now, obviously going to get off.

Although the Silence accidentally crushed their ship when it stopped, it wouldn't run up, would it?

Could it be that you are here to discuss?

In the nightmare world, there is no language barrier, everyone communicates at the soul level, and communication is barrier-free.

Those foreigners who were asked did not know what to say.

Actually, I want to say.

But a little afraid.

Lin Mo said don't be afraid, our buddies won't eat you, so what are you saying boldly.

So, several foreigners started talking.

Totally a complaint meeting.

One of them, Oliver, is the main narrator.

They came from the faraway Baidaozhou. After the nightmare came, they experienced a lot of hardships.

Finally died.

But they still survived in the nightmare world, and they also got some adventures and acquired some self-protection abilities.

But they said that Baidaozhou was too dangerous, and they also offended a more terrifying existence.

So decided to move.

After research, they decided to move to this place in Huaxia.

Oliver said that he had stayed in Huaxia for a few years before and liked this place very much, so he called a group of good friends and came on the ghost ship.

Unexpectedly, they met Lin Mo and three people before they got off the boat.

"The three of you are not easy to mess with. We can see that, especially this old gentleman, the hatred in him is terrible."

Lin Mo said that the hatred on the veterans is not aimed at you, you are afraid of a bird.

"How do we know?"

Oliver and the others looked aggrieved.

"There was nothing we could do, so we ran back to the boat to find a way for the owner of the boat, but before we could think of a way, the boat was overturned, we finally swam up, and when we saw you approaching aggressively, we had nowhere to go. Can run on this boat."

Speak clearly.

Lin Mo felt helpless.

This is a coincidence. He told the other party that there is no need for you to run up just now, and we don't know each other, so why hide.

"Then, can you let us go?" Oliver and the others guessed that Lin Mo and the others were not bad people, so they asked at this time.

"It can't be done now. The boat has already left. At this moment, it is estimated that it is about to reach the pheasant country. Why don't you wait, we will go to the pheasant country to do some business. You will wait on the boat when we go back. I'll take you back again."

Lin Mo thought of such a compromise.

Oliver and the others, listen to you.

At this moment, if you don't listen, it won't work.

They are not stupid. I heard the ghost ship owner say it before. It seems that this huge ghost ship is called the Silence.

The name Silent, they had heard of it, and it was very fierce.

At sea, no one dares to provoke.

The girl who came up with Lin Mo listened to the conversation between Lin Mo and Oliver. At this time, he came over and asked Lin Mo how did you know this ship would go to the pheasant country.

"I have inquired about the erratic route of this Silence, no one can predict it. I was at the dock every day and waited for it for several months."

Listening to this, the girl obviously planned to board the Silence.

Lin Mo said, in the past, the Silent One could drive as much as he wanted, but now, he had to go to the Pheasant Country.

The girl looked at Lin Mo up and down, obviously not believing it.

"You can go wherever you say you want. Do you think this boat belongs to your family?"

"Yes, this ship is his."

A voice sounded from the other side.

The dancer came from the corridor over there.

The powerful aura immediately suppressed everyone's breath.

The girl dared not speak.

At first glance, the dancer is not a good person, and there are a group of ghosts behind him.

Any one of them can make your scalp tingle and can cause huge damage.

The dancer ignored the others and came over to give Lin Mo a hug.

The people behind were all acquaintances on the boat, and they all said hello at this moment.

The most frightening thing was that a thick tentacle came in from the window. Lin Mo looked at it, smiled, and reached out to touch it.

The next moment, several huge mollusks were squeezed in from other directions. Because they were too huge, they couldn't all come in, but only part of their bodies.

"Boss, you are back."

"I miss us!"

These are the masters of the three ghost ships, and looking at their mental heads, it is obvious that they have had a good time.

Lin Yuan said that brother, your card is quite good.

Lin Mo said that going out depends on friends, and we don't care if the cards are not good, but there are many friends, and there is no way.

The veterans were also a little stunned.

There are no one thousand or eight hundred nightmares on this ship. They are all friends?

That's too violent.

If he and Lin Yuan were shocked, then the girl and the foreigners who followed them would be shocked.

They had never seen so many horrible nightmares.

Here, there are murderers, ghosts, evil spirits, and huge sea monsters.

So many monsters are actually greeting that man.

Who is this person?

In short, what happened in front of them refreshed their cognition, and even in horror, their minds went blank.

At this time, the third child of the ghost ship said that it had found a little cutie who fell into the water on the bottom of the boat. He wanted to eat the toothbrush, but he was afraid that he would be criticized for eating the wrong one.

Saying that, the tentacles reached out, poof, and fell to the ground alone.

It's a nightmare.

But at the moment, his face was full of fear, obviously frightened enough.

Oliver's foreigners looked at it and said that they knew it. This was the previous owner of the ghost ship.

The third ghost ship said that since he knew him, he wouldn't be embarrassed.

The owner of the ship was immediately grateful, and he saved his life.

Lin Mo didn't bother to care about these little things. The third ghost ship was willing to let him go because he mistakenly thought that Oliver knew him.

Lin Mo told the girl and Oliver the foreigners that the Silent was big enough to accommodate as many people as possible. As long as you follow the rules, no one will embarrass you.

"We will go back to Huaxia when we are done. At that time, you can choose to disembark, or continue to travel with the boat."

At this time, the dancer dragged Lin Mo aside and said what to do this time, and whether there was anything that needed help.

Lin Mo thought about it for a while, and then explained the specific situation.

"This matter is very simple. I will let the crew and passengers go around the pheasant country and kill anyone they see. I will definitely help you out of this bad anger."

Lin Mo said that this is not necessary.

"If it's just killing people in the past, I have the means, and I don't need you to come forward, and that's too low-level. Besides, the pheasant country is not simple, and its strength is not weak."

Lin Mo is telling the truth.

Although the pheasant country has collapsed because of the nightmare, it is said that they have found a path suitable for their own development from the destruction and chaos.

There are also extremely powerful nightmares.

Lin Mo intends to explore the truth first, and the rest will be discussed later.

"Well, I'll park the boat on the shore and wait for your news."

Lin Mo's choice of the Silent is undoubtedly the right choice.

As he said, two hours later, the boat stopped at an unknown pier in Yeji Country.

As soon as I got off the boat, I saw this scene.

On the coastline of several hundred meters, there are sticks of wood, each with a human head on it.

Some people, some nightmares.

It felt a bit like a very primitive warning from the indigenous tribes in the past.

That is, they are not allowed to step in. If they enter rashly, these heads will be the end of the game.

"So cruel?"

Naturally, the three of Lin Mo would not pay attention to this. This thing can only scare newbies. It has no deterrent effect on the existence of their level, and it will only feel childish. Continue to move forward, and after a while, you will enter a small town.

The pheasant country is not big, so there is no depth.

The small town is very small, so it is very easy to find a city wall.

Kind of like a safe zone, but smaller, it's more appropriate to say it's a gated residential complex.

The wall is not high, only about five meters. It is built with iron sheets and bricks, and there are many spikes inserted. This is to prevent climbing. In addition, there are many nightmares of living corpses with their limbs cut off on the wall. , one by one with their mouths open and roaring, looking quite scary.

Lin Mo watched for a while before he understood.

This is also a means of defense. If someone wants to climb up, they will inevitably be attacked by the living corpses above.

Pretty creative.

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