Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 209: : King

ps: I didn't say it! Impermanence is here to thank Dong Xiaowu, Gulangmo, Celery, Yimi2, Mu Longfu, and Wangchuan for the reward!


Can only be more attentive to write this book more exciting!

Under Xia Jian's perverted strength, the partition between the underground parking lot and the ground was unable to withstand it, and the third attack shihou collapsed!

In an instant, most of the clothing stores fell into the underground parking lot...

Xia Jian originally just wanted to escape from the parking lot...

Unexpectedly, under the yin and yang, the sunken building just blocked the gap he just smashed through!

The whole shijiè fell into darkness at once!

Apart from the sparse sound of stones falling to the ground, in the darkness, only the sharp screams of the bat-winged beasts above can be faintly heard...

a long time……

'Bang dang...'

A slate turán was lifted far away, and only after hitting a wall did it hit the ground heavily...

A burly figure stood up from the ground...


It's Shihu...

'Bah ah... I'm here...'

With the four attacks just now, Xia Jian did his best to suckle, and until now, his body is still a little weak!

Plus the floor is turán collapsing!!

Since Turán lost his center of gravity, he almost fell from the air and almost hit his head!

He was hit by a falling stone again! He still hasn't caught his breath!

‘How are you all?’

'I'm fine...'


'Cough, cough...' There was a juliè cough from turán in a corner, and then he heard Ruda's weak help: 'Who comes to help me?" "The novel chapters are updated the fastest. I was crushed by my neck, and I was almost suffocated...'

Ruda, who took strength as his evolutionary direction, would be so unlucky. I was smashed to the neck by a stone slab weighing several hundred kilograms, and I was so crushed that I couldn't breathe!!

Everyone was startled at first...

Immediately after that, Lu Da, who was pressed by the stone, looked depressed and embarrassed, couldn't help but laugh out loud...

'Ha ha……'


The tense atmosphere just now relaxed suddenly...


At the same time, Xia Jian, Shi Hu and the others are rejoicing for the shihou of Ziji's life after the catastrophe...

Military bases hundreds of miles away...

'Check mingbái is that a shime thing?'

In a smoke-filled room. A thick, majestic voice came out...

This is a conference room...

At the oval conference table, there are more than a dozen old people sitting...

The first old man sitting on the left. Suddenly it is the shuji of the Southeast Provincial Party Committee, Wang Mingquan!

And the first old man on the right is none other than the commander of the Southeast Military Region. Lieutenant General Liu Guowei!

It was Liu Guowei who spoke just now!

The one who asked was standing with his hands down. The middle-aged man in white robe with a calm face!

At this time, the picture that appeared on the large screen directly opposite the conference room was the vision that appeared in the sky more than ten minutes ago...

Countless bat-like creatures, densely packed, obscuring the sky, constantly hovering at an altitude of several kilometers.

Below it, is a huge tornado...


It was the scene that Xia Jian encountered just now...

It turned out that because these bat beasts flew high enough. The number is large enough, and the movement is too great. Not only can you see it in the entire Shenzhen-Hong Kong city, but also in the neighboring southeastern provinces...

'According to the data, it was a creature called a bat-winged beast...'

The middle-aged man in white robe took a document from the assistant behind him and handed it to the nearest old man.

The old man took it and read it directly...

'Bat-winged beast?'

Liu Guowei obviously didn't have the patience to wait until the information was passed on to Ziji, "Blood? Demon? Shime level?"

A series of questions came out of his mouth like a machine gun...

They even zhidào 'blood clan' and 'demon clan'!

The middle-aged man in white robe pushed the golden eyes that had slipped to the tip of his nose, "Low-level flying demons, soldier level!"

'A low-level demon?'

Hearing that the level of the bat-winged beast is only a soldier level, more than a dozen old people present, including Liu Guowei and Wang Mingquan, all breathed a sigh of relief...


Ruguo is only a low-level demon, so things are still within the controllable range!!

The people present are all mature people, just thinking about it for a while...

bijing is a flying demon! It is a low-level one! It is destined that except for flying, the power and defense of these bat-winged beasts will not be too strong!


But in this shihou, the calm voice of the middle-aged man in the white robe, without a trace of emotional fluctuations, sounded again very ignorantly, and he didn't care about the people present at the scene. When he stomped his feet, the entire Southeast Province would tremble. The terrifying identity of the trembling, 'According to the previous information, although the bat-winged beasts are low-level demons, their intelligence is very high! And among the demons, their bloodline status is not low...'

'Is the pedigree not low?'

Liu Guowei, Wang Mingquan and others, although they are also demons and blood, but bijing are not professionals, they are just superficial things: 'What's going on?'


The middle-aged man in white robe thought for a while, then changed to a way that Liu Guowei, Wang Mingquan and others could understand, and explained: 'You can think of them as an evolvable species, different from other demons, Their status in the Demon Race is not determined by blood, but is directly linked to strength...'


The white-robed middle-aged man explained this, and most of the old people here understood...


But at this moment, the middle-aged man in white robe threw out another piece of heavy news, 'Usually, bat-winged beasts act in groups, and a group usually does not exceed a hundred, and like today's Thousands of them act together, usually for one reason...'

'shime reason?'

'There is a king among them! They were all summoned by the king...'

'King? How's your strength?'

'The lowest level is also the king level! There are even kěnéng who are emperor level...'



The sound of a large amount of air-conditioning suddenly resounded in the conference room!!

Obviously, these giants here were all frightened by the so-called emperor-level among the middle-aged people in Baipao!

To zhidào, it is the emperor level! !

Even if these giants present are lacking in professional knowledge and ignorant, they are still under the influence of their ears. The presence!

Because someone once gave them a very simple example!

The general-level demons and vampires, basically conventional weapons, have no shime effect on them!

Once at the king level! Basically, it can only be bombarded with missile jinháng!

And the object of this bombing has to pray that its evolutionary direction is not defense! Otherwise, you may not be able to blow it up!

As for the emperor!

With an atomic bomb?

Perhaps! But hope is not that much! The real horror of the bijing atomic bomb is the high temperature generated by the radiation and the explosion! In terms of the power of the explosion alone, it may not be comparable to some unconventional missiles.

Not to mention radiation!

Even the lowest-level demons and vampires are not afraid of that thing!

And the heat!

It's probably a little overhanging!

………………………………………………(To be continued.)

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