Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 290: : strong wind

() Even if the big guys present don’t understand it, it should be clear that if an emperor-level demon really appears in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, it will be very important to all the survivors living in the southeastern province and even the entire southeastern region of China. It's definitely a huge disaster...

There are those who are amazed, there are those who are worried, and there are those who doubt and fear...

For a while, the meeting room that was just a little dull suddenly became a little noisy...

'cough cough...'


Seeing that a good meeting was about to fall into chaos, Liu Guowei, who was sitting at the top, finally couldn't help coughing twice. After seeing no effect, he took a few more shots on the meeting table. [Wudong Qiankun]

‘Quiet!! Quiet me all!!’

After shouting a few times, the conference room finally became quiet again.

Liu Guowei turned his attention to Wang Mingquan, who was sitting opposite: 'Secretary Wang, what's your opinion?'..

'My opinion?'

Wang Mingquan seemed a little surprised that Liu Guowei would suddenly ask his opinion!

You must know that although he is still the leader of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Southeast Province, and zhèngfǔ has also issued a clear order, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of each province and the commander of the military commander of the garrison will jointly manage the base during the special period! One is in charge of the people's livelihood and the other is in charge of the army.

But as long as a discerning person knows, this is just deceiving oneself and others!

If zhèngfǔ still maintains absolute control over various regions, it does not even need absolute control, but only needs to be able to ensure general control over surrounding areas, there will be no big problem in implementing this order nationwide! After all, it can climb to people in this position. None of them are simple, basically everyone knows that zhèngfǔ has some trump cards, if not ambitious. Or maybe it's not a last resort, basically no one will be this early bird easily!

But the problem is, according to the performance of zhèngfǔ in the past half a year after the Great Destruction, as long as you are a little more awake now, you will understand that the so-called zhèngfǔ now is nothing but a show of strength!

It has been reduced to relying on famous heads to bluff people!

Although Wang Mingquan didn't understand what happened above...

But nothing more than an invasion of power. Or maybe the strength of the enemy has far exceeded expectations, and the above is already unable to guarantee these possibilities...

If you don't have a gun, why should you fight with Liu Guowei!?

People's Livelihood!!

Also share the base!!

Fuck the shit!

I can still sit here now. It's already considered that Liu Guowei is thinking about his old relationship, and he doesn't want to tear his face with zhèngfǔ so soon...

'My advice is……'

Wang Mingquan's brain started to run fast...

Now he feels that his position is really difficult for his female horse!

My answer should not be too weak, so as not to be looked down upon, but also must try to figure out Liu Guowei's mind. I have to follow this old guy's idea...

Anyway. He is also a figure who has climbed to a provincial frontier official, just after thinking for a while, he understands what he should say now, 'I think our first task is to quickly find out the true strength of this thing, if we can suppress it, we will Kill it immediately, and if you can't, try to see if you can lead it to other places. Anything! If that doesn't work, then I suggest we move to an alternate base. Anyway, I don't want to be neighbors with such a guy...'

After Wang Mingquan finished speaking, the meeting room became quiet when it was neutral...

Some people disagree!

But most of them nodded thoughtfully, agreeing with Wang Mingquan's opinion...

As for Liu Guowei! This old guy is sitting there, no one can figure out what he is thinking...

'My opinion is, let's not mess with it! Didn't Professor Gu say that these bat-winged beasts are very intelligent? If we don't mess with it, it probably won't mess with us...'

At this moment, a fat old man suddenly couldn't help speaking!

Between the lines, it's basically a blatant disagreement with Wang Mingquan...

When they saw him, Wang Mingquan and Liu Guowei showed a trace of disgust deep in their eyes, but they were hidden so deeply that no one noticed!

But they cover it up well, but it doesn't mean that everyone will cover up their disgust for this fat man. There was a black-faced old man who said **** for tat: 'Lao Ni, according to you, if we can, will we finally Somebody needs to be sent to get in touch with them, preferably a friendly agreement or something?'

The fat old man called Lao Ni took it for granted: 'That would be better...'


The black-faced old man cursed out without mercy.

‘Hey! Old Hei, who are you scolding!’

'It's you who are scolding...'


'Clap clap clap...'

Seeing that the two of them are going to perform the whole martial arts again, Liu Guowei finally reacted, patted the table and said: 'Okay! Okay! Both of you shut up! The old way! Let's raise your hands to vote! I agree with Secretary Wang's opinion Raise your hand...'

Say it! Liu Guowei was the first to raise his hand...

Others naturally joined in...

Even the fat old man raised his hand after hesitating again and again...

Seeing this, Wang Mingquan immediately knew that he had made the right bet, this old guy is still iron-blooded!

'Then it's decided, Xiao Liu...'


'You go and inform Xiaojian, let him complete the task, go over there to have a look and find out. Also, let the staff figure it out, if we want to completely destroy that area, that kind of weapon will have the best strike effect! The most thorough! Remember, let those little **** listen to Professor Gu more! Come out, let them go directly to the logistics office to pick up...'

Speaking of this, Liu Guowei paused, turned his eyes to the fat old man, and said coldly: 'Lao Ni! How is it! You have no problem with my arrangement!'

'No! Of course not...'

The fat old man who was called Lao Ni almost had a flower on his face, patted his chest and said: 'Liu, what do you need, come to me directly, I will give it to you directly...'

'That's good……'

Liu Guowei nodded without a smile: 'That's it for today...'


at the same time……

Since the military bases hundreds of miles away can find the heaven and earth visions created by the bat-winged beasts hovering in the sky, then the nearby Delianhu base can naturally also be found...

More than just discovering...

Even some survivors who were active outside were attacked by bat-winged beasts.

Looking at the terrifying bat-winged beasts in the sky that covered the sky and was close at hand, most of the survivors in the base were so frightened that they hid in the bunkers and did not dare to come out at all!

If it wasn't for those bat-winged beasts showing no signs of attacking the base for the time being, I'm afraid the survivors in the entire Lianhu base would have already started a life-and-death escape...

However, a small base also has the advantage of a small base!

At least the highest decision-making level of the entire base is Hoger alone!

Even Xie Cong can only give his best advice!

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Hoger opened the underground shelter prepared in advance at the first time! All the survivors of the base were transferred underground!

But now Ho Jie is also faced with a dilemma...

In an inconspicuous dark corner, Huo Jie was frowning, observing the bat-winged beasts hovering in the sky from a distance...

'team leader……'

A person suddenly walked out of the darkness behind me...

It's Xie Cong! I haven't seen him for a few days, his injury has almost recovered, and he doesn't look as embarrassed when he first came back, but he doesn't have the style of a scholar at the time!

The tight-fitting, straight military uniform made him look very tough at this time, and he also shaved his head (it was all done by Xia Jian, and his hair was burnt, what else could he do if he didn't shave his head! ), and finally have a little taste of Jagged Soldiers!

‘How is it? No information is available…’

'I got it...'

Xie Cong took out a document from the folder in his hand and handed it to Huo Jie...

Although they have defected from the headquarters and cut off all contact with the headquarters!

But no one knows! It's just an appearance they pretend! In fact, they have been in touch with some people at headquarters all the time!

It's just not a relationship between superiors and subordinates.

Both sides just get what they want!

like now...

Xie Cong obtained the relevant information of the bat-winged beast from the other party...

‘Demon race? Bat-winged beast?’

Huo Jie carefully read the relevant introduction to the bat-winged beast in the document, and the frown deepened...

The development opinion of things is beyond his imagination!

'Anyone of us has seen these before... have these batwings?'

Huo Jie put down the information and suddenly looked at Xie Cong with a solemn face...

'No!' Xie Cong shook his head and affirmed: 'I remember a week ago, we had an outpost there! But they have never seen these bat-winged beasts...'

'Well! That is to say, they were suddenly drilled out in these two days...'

Ho Jie closed his eyes and fell into deep thought...

After a long time, Huo Jie decided something and suddenly opened his eyes: 'Xie Cong! Now let everyone know that they can bring everything they can bring. We will evacuate here tonight...'

'leave here?'

Huo Jie's decision obviously surprised Xie Cong, 'Don't we want this base?'

'No more...'

Ho Jie's tone is very firm! There is no room for negotiation!

'Then... what about the survivors? And those who don't want to come with us! ‘

Huo Jie said coldly: 'The old way! Bring those who are willing to go with Those who do not want to go with us...don't worry about them...'


Xie Cong obviously didn't understand why Huo Jie made such an incredible decision!

You must know that the Lianhu base has their hard work for half a year!

How can it be so easy to give up and give up...

…………………………………………………… (To be continued.)

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