Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 304: :ambush

There is no doubt that this slender body is covered with green-brown scales like snake scales, and has a pair of wings on its back. It is a terrifying creature that clings to the wall like a gecko. It is the one who has been hiding in the dark. the raider. [Wudong Qiankun]

"Female horse, what is this? Bat-winged beast?"

Xia Jian has one head and two big!

And if Xia Jian didn't predict it wrong!

This sneak attacker was clearly planning to sneak attack the soldier who had been completely collapsed from fear.

"Grass mud horse..."

Xia Jian felt so depressed at this time!

I had been hiding well here! You said you had nothing to do running this way.

What to do now?

Do you want to make a move?

A difficult multiple-choice question was placed in front of Xia Jian. ..

Judging from the current situation, it seems that the sneak attacker has not found himself.

But the problem is, as long as it looks down a little, as long as it is not blind, then it is 100% exposed.

And there is one more problem.

That is, although Xia Jian can detect the attacker in advance, Hua Fang can't!

Since this round of sneak attacks just now, this girl has been restless and seems to want to rush to help!

But she didn't even think about it. With her current physical condition, even if she rushed up, what could she do? To die with those warriors?


But apart from cursing in his heart, the only thing Xia Jian could do was to hold her down.

It doesn't matter if you rush out.

But if it attracts the sneak attacker. Then you will be unlucky.


Said to be optional.

But in reality, there is no choice.

Because at this moment, Hua Fang, who was relieved, was relieved. Starting to struggle again...


Following the soldier on that side, they approached quickly.


Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air.

In the perception, the sneaker clinging to the wall, a tail suddenly appeared behind his butt, and the tip of the tail was hook-shaped, like a scorpion tail, with a faint metallic luster. In the night sky, a little bit of cold light was sprinkled, and it slammed into the face of the soldier who was running towards him.

See this posture...

Xia Jian is almost certain.

If you don't do it yourself. What awaits this soldier must be a split-brained end.

But since there was no choice, Xia Jian naturally couldn't let this happen.


What Xia Jian had to do was not to save the soldier.

This soldier has completely collapsed, showing signs of confusion. Even if saved. It can only become a burden.


Xia Jian sneered in his heart...

Compared with a sneak attack, it is more dangerous than a sneak attack. As far as the level of this sneak attack is concerned, it is obviously a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from human beings.

Xia Jian just silently pointed the blade of the saber in his hand to the outside, on the only road that the sneak attacker must pass when the tail is swept down.

That's right!

Judging from the situation just now, the scales covering the surface of the attackers' bodies were quite powerful, so powerful that even bullets couldn't penetrate them.

It is not the sharpness of the saber in the opponent's hand. Xia Jian is still very confident.


What happens next is predictable...

The scorpion tail with the thickness of the child's arm collided head-on with the slashing saber with a sharpness of eleven o'clock. And it's still so fast.

The tip of the scorpion tail was cut in two without any accident.

However, the soldier who was scared to wet his crotch deserved to be unlucky, because even if Xia Jian helped him block the blow, the tip of the scorpion tail that fell off would still fly straight towards him.

And he's on the run again...

If it was in his calm situation, he could naturally escape, and in his current state of mind, this was obviously just a delusion.

In the end, he still could not escape the fate of being stabbed to death by a scorpion's tail.


But just as unlucky as this soldier is the sneak attack.

Clinging to the wall in a daze, looking at his half-broken tail in front of him, with his simple brain, he obviously hasn't recovered from the question of why his tail was broken.

You know, in its memory, its own tail is invincible!

How can you say it's broken?

For this reason, even the severe pain from the tail was ignored!


At this time, Hua Fang finally discovered the abnormality above his head.

Looking at the creature like a gecko that was close at hand, she was dumbfounded at once, and she looked up at the creature above her head in a daze, and she still didn't turn around in her mind.

Is this the raider?

Is this the king of bat-winged beasts?

But at this time...

A few drops of black blood poured out from the cut of the tail and fell straight down along the tail.

It was dripping on Huafang's face, and even a little bit, just in Huafang's eyes.


On the fair skin and in the eyes, a pungent white smoke suddenly appeared.

What followed was heart-wrenching pain.


The pain of blindness instantly made Hua Fang go mad, and she screamed piercingly.


Hua Fang's name, Xia Jian knew it was going to be bad.

Sure enough, the attacker's gaze turned sharply below.

At this time, it finally found that it was under itself, and there were still two prey hidden.

Moreover, these two prey seem to have cut off their beloved tails!

In the next second, the dark pupils of the sneak attack suddenly radiated violent blood light...


With a roar, all four limbs exerted force at the same time, and slammed towards Hua Fang.

But the problem is, Xia Jian is by Huafang's side, and there is even a hand pressing on Huafang.

If the sneak attacked Huafang, wouldn't it be the same as attacking Xia Jian?

And when the sneak attacked Huafang, he naturally found Xia Jian next to Huafang. Along with it, he also noticed the saber-cutting saber that Xia Jianzheng was holding in his hand.

In an instant, the pupil of the sneak attacker suddenly shrank to the size of a needle glow.

The palms that originally waved towards Hua Fang. Turning abruptly in mid-air, one of them swept towards Xia Jian.


Before deciding to attack, Xia Jian was ready to be discovered.

At the critical moment, he saw Xia Jian holding a knife in both hands, sweeping away thousands of troops with one move, swept his arms towards the attacker, and swept out with all his strength.

Since your defense is amazing. Even if it hits you, let's not say whether it can break the defense, even if it breaks the defense. Neither is necessarily fatal.

That's not as good as...

Cut off your limbs first! !

Xia Jian's idea is so simple!

Moreover, his ideas are quite conservative, and he has fully considered the strength gap between himself and this sneak attacker.

But he still underestimated the strength of the sneak attack.


Black blood splattered, and half of his arm was thrown far away.

Although Xia Jian successfully removed one of the attacker's arms, he himself trembled. A huge force passed down the blade. The jaws of both hands cracked violently, and the saber in his hand almost flew out of his hand.

Xia Jian couldn't help but secretly rejoice...

Fortunately, the attacker only swept his arm with one arm. If two hands swept toward him, he might be finished today.


But Hua Fang was not as lucky as Xia Jian.

She was seriously injured. If Xia Jian hadn't flipped through the "Healing Technique", she would have gone to see Lord Yama long ago. Although she is not dead yet, she is only hanging for a few breaths. Even the activities are more difficult, how can they stop this round of attacks from the sneak attackers.

It can only symbolize xìng's arms in front of him. Then he watched helplessly as the sharp claws of the sneak attacker in his pupils rapidly enlarged.


The next second, Hua Fang's arms suddenly came out with a series of shuddering crackling sounds.

The arms that were in front of him twisted in a weird way and hit his chest softly.

Immediately, her whole body, as if she suddenly lost her weight, flew upside down from the ground...

Then he slammed into Xia Jian's arms heavily. Even Xia Jian was also unlucky. Unprepared, he was knocked off the ground by a huge force and fell into the corridor.


Suffering heavy damage again, the sneak attacker raised his head and roared angrily, slammed his feet on the ground, and was about to save again.


"Bah... ah..."

There was a sudden burst of gunshots in the corridor...

Xie Cong and others who finally found their target, how could they miss a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He roared desperately and pulled the trigger desperately, as if he wanted to vent all the depression, fear, and all negative emotions that had been held for ten minutes on this sneak attack.

for a while...

In the dark corridor, dark red bullet trails flashed constantly.

The torrent composed of steel, like a storm, madly swept towards the attackers.


Seeing this scene, Xia Jian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he is not sure how many sneak attackers there are, at least in his perception, except for this sneaker who looks like a bat-winged beast, but is very different from the bat-winged beast, he did not find it. other creatures.

In other words, you are safe for the time being.

But what happened next made Xia Jian stunned again.

In the face of the dense rain of bullets, the sneak attacker did not dodge or evade...

"Clang clang clang..."

Every time a bullet hits it, it just shakes its body a little, splashing sparks, and then the bullet bounces off again and burrows into the surrounding walls.

And it forcibly withstood the huge impact of the bullet, constantly approaching Xia Jian.

"I fuck..."

Xia Jian's scalp was numb as he looked at the sneak and felt like he was being stared at by a beast, and he felt breathless for a while.

But Xia Jian was not frightened...

"I'm really afraid that you won't succeed..."

Facing the approach of the raider, he not only did not retreat, but instead aroused the anger lurking in his heart. After throwing a "healing technique" for himself, he actually stood up to face the attacker with a saber in hand.


At this moment, there was another huge roar...


There is one more tonight! (To be continued. Mobile users please go to an. to read.)

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