Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 305: : Enemy Road is Narrow


At this moment, there was another roar in the passage. [Wudong Qiankun]

Then, Xia Jian saw a bullet as thick as a calf, with a dazzling tail flame, shè straight at the attacker.

Xia Jian instinctively glanced behind him...

But he saw that it turned out to be Huo Jie's shoulder. I don't know when, a bazooka had been added. It was obvious what it was targeting the attacker.


The attackers also seemed to feel threatened.

With a roar, trying to get out of the way...

But it had no effect on it at first, it was just a scratchy bullet, but at this time, it seriously hindered its activities.

Just turned around...

Having lost its center of gravity, it was immediately swept up and down by the huge kinetic energy contained in those bullets. ..

It obviously also discovered this situation, and for the first time, there was a hint of fear in the howling.

But at this time, even if it wants to make changes, it is too late...


In an instant, the fire flashed violently, and the violent explosion sounded deafening, and the entire corridor was instantly enveloped in a white smoke of gunpowder.


Faintly, there seemed to be a shrill scream mixed with the sound of the explosion, and it quickly disappeared into the woods outside.


Only then did the bean-like gunfire finally stop for a while.

Everyone's attention is focused on the center of the explosion...

"It's time to die!"

Xie Cong probed forward a little, it seemed like this. can see more clearly.

"Don't be too happy too soon..."

It was Xia Jian who spoke out this time, and his tone was very certain...

Xia Jian is naturally sure, because he has not received any prompts to gain experience at all.

"It's you?"

Looking at Xia Jian who is close at hand. Xie Cong subconsciously aimed the gun at him, and it was only at this time that he recognized Xia Jianlai.


But what Xia Jian disliked the most in his life was being pointed at by people.

Seeing Xie Cong's action, he swung the saber in his hand and swept straight towards Xie Cong.

This is beyond everyone's expectations...

Obviously not even Xie Cong thought of it. Xia Jianhui made a sudden move.


Before he could pull the trigger, there was a crisp sound in his hand, the rifle in his hand. It was actually given by Xia Jian to a knife or two.


This time Xia Jian can be said to have stabbed a hornet's nest. Several soldiers who had just put down their guns after the catastrophe were waiting to point their guns at Xia Jian.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense...

Seeing and just stopped for a while. There's going to be another fire.

"Brother Cong! Brother Jie! I brought him here..."

in the corner. Suddenly, Hua Fang's weak voice came out. I didn't expect that this girl was attacked by the sneak attacker, but she stood up abruptly and did not hang up immediately.

However, at this time, her arms were obviously broken and twisted in a weird arc in front of her chest. A white forearm bone even came out of the clothes, with a hint of red. shocking.

"Hua Fang..."

"Captain Hua..."

Seeing Hua Fang's tragic situation, Xie Cong naturally couldn't care less about looking for Xia Jian's trouble. Together with several soldiers, he hurried over to help Hua Fang deal with the injury.

Xia Jian can naturally help Hua Fang deal with the injury...

But now that he and Huo Jie and Xie Cong are with him, the enemy and me are unknown, and naturally he will not waste his spiritual power on this strange girl for no reason.

In fact, when Hua Fang was regarded as Xiao Ling, Xia Jiancai performed several "Healing Techniques" on Hua Fang. Ever since he found out that he had mistaken the person, the relationship between him and Hua Fang has become purely using and being used. The relationship between Xia Jian and Xia Jian naturally won't be wasted on her.

At this moment, Huo Jie stepped forward, squinted and looked up and down Xia Jian, "Are you Xia Jian?"

"That's right!"

"I heard you always target us? Why?"

Obviously, Huo Jie and Xie Cong knew very little about Xia Jian. After all, it was the end of the world, and communication basically depended on roaring. Now Xie Cong's understanding of Xia Jian was limited to him killing Lao Wang and his party and occupying the the underground base.

"Hehe!! Do you think I'm willing to target you? Where's Xiao Ling?"|

"Xiao Ling?"

Xia Jian's answer obviously exceeded Ho Jie's expectations.

He stared at Xia Jian for a while, before saying, "Do you know my fiancee?"

"Your fiancee?"

Xia Jian had a tendency to crash on the spot, "Is Xiao Ling your fiancee?"

"Otherwise what do you think?"

Huo Jie stared at Xia Jian with interest, and his tone was extremely natural.

Overall, at least so far, Huo Jie feels pretty good to Xia Jian. Although there is always a sense of dominance between the lines, it is because he has such strength.

Hearing what he said, Xia Jian believed most of them on the spot.

After a long time in the relationship, it turns out that I have been busy, and I am going to join in the fun of other people's young couples.


Knowing the truth, Xia Jian became a little embarrassed on the spot, and he briefly told Huo Jie about saving Xiao Ling's life and protecting him for a period of time.

But he didn't pay attention. During the process of his explanation, Huo Jie's expression when he looked at him suddenly became very strange, giving people the feeling that there was a bit of surprise, but also a bit of hideousness.

"Where is Xiao Ling now? Can you take me to see her?"


Huo Jie had no objection to Xia Jian's request.

After Xie Cong and others treated Hua Fang's wounds and determined that the neighborhood was temporarily safe, the group led Xia Jian to the entrance of an underground passage. Following the stairs, the group quickly descended to the negative first floor.

Along the way, Xia Jian looked around curiously...

I didn't expect it to be under this small building. There is no heaven and earth.

He used his spiritual power to investigate a little bit just now, and found that this place is different from the two floors on the ground, the underground part of the building. It was all made of concrete, with an average thickness of about twenty centimeters.

What kind of ordinary house is this?

I am afraid that even if it is used to make a bunker, it is more than enough.

Huo Jie seemed to see Xia Jian's doubts, "This used to be a secret stronghold of an arms smuggling gang..."

After listening to his explanation, Xia Jian couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Arms smuggling?

I didn't expect such a thing to happen. It seems that even in peaceful times, it is not very peaceful!

Go deeper...

Bloodstains began to appear in the corridor, along with some torn corpses.

Judging from the clothes, they should all belong to Ho Jie and the others. There were no less than twenty people.

Just taking a look at it, Xia Jian had a general understanding of the brutality at that time, and at the same time understood. Why did Huo Jie and Xie Cong decide to break out with someone.

With the defensive power of the sneak attack, if it is moving at a high speed, ordinary firearms really don't have much effect on it.

see this scene. Xia Jian couldn't help but think of the sneak attack again: "Right. Do you know what the ghost was just now?"

"Bat-winged beast!"

Hodge's answer was simple and clear.

"Bat-winged beast?"

But Xia Jian obviously couldn't accept it.

"The advanced bat-winged beast probably has the strength of a king..."

"Fuck! King class!!"

Xia Jian has been unable to complain...

I didn't expect that today I actually overturned a king-level demon, "What about you? What level are you now?"

In addition to his emotions, Xia Jian did not forget to inquire about the enemy's situation...

In fact, Xia Jian just asked casually, he didn't expect Huo Jie to answer him.

Unexpectedly, Huo Jie just glanced at himself lightly, "General!!"

After finishing, he added, "General level peak"

"The peak of the general level!"

Now Xia Jian really can't accept it. Open the plug-in yourself, with the help of the system. This has barely reached the level of the middle level of the general level. I didn't think that this great man in front of him, relying on his own strength, is now at the peak of the general level.

Doesn't that mean that after a while, he might be a king!

As for Huo Jie and Xie Cong, even with such strength, Xia Jian could understand why they were so embarrassed when facing the king-level bat-winged beast.

In that case……

What can they rely on if they don't rely on firearms?

They are not themselves, they have a saber! Could it be that they still expected them to fight a king-level bat-winged beast with their bare hands?

Isn't that looking for death!

But Xia Jian would not sympathize with them!


After walking a short distance inside, at the end of the corridor, an iron door appeared.

Xia Jian used to use his spiritual power to sense it...

The result was surprised to find that this pure metal iron gate was nearly twenty centimeters thick.

And what surprised him even more was behind...

Xia Jian was shocked to find that even the walls of the room behind the iron door were all metal, and the thickness was no less than ten centimeters.

See this posture...

Xia Jian knew why even someone like Huo Jie who had seen the world would choose this place as a meeting point.

Just relying on defense, I am afraid that even if an atomic bomb is dropped, it may not be able to blow up this room.

But soon Xia Jian didn't have the heart to think about these messy things.

Leaving the only two standing, Huo Jie opened the iron door, and a stretcher appeared in front of Xia Jian's eyes.

Who else is not Xiao Ling lying on the stretcher...

After just a little check, Xia Jian dispelled the last trace of doubt in his heart. It seemed that Xiao Ling and Huo Jie were really a couple.

It can be seen that Xiao Ling received good care during this time.

Not only the swelling on the face and the injuries on the body have been healed, but it seems to have gained a little weight. If it is not a close relative, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to achieve this level in the harsh environment of the last days when there is a shortage of medicines. of.

At least he asked himself, if it were him, he would never be able to do it...

At this time, Huo Jie also walked in front of Xiao Ling, and brushed her cheeks with both hands gently, without a trace of contrived expression, "Since I brought her back, she has always been like this..."

Speaking of this, Huo Jie suddenly thought of something, "Right! Before you said that, Xiaoling was always with you, so do you know how she became like this?"

"Uh! This..."

Xia Jian didn't know how to explain this matter. Now that the sisters Chen Xi and Chen Yan had taken refuge in him, he couldn't say that they belonged to him, so he should hypnotize Xiao Ling.

"At that time, Xiao Ling overused her abilities, was injured again, and was infected. In order to control her injuries, so..."

Xia Jian started to make a fool of himself. It can be said that he didn't even blink his eyes. If it was true or false, Huo Jie was not looking for any loopholes.

But Ho Jie was still a little skeptical, "Is it just hypnosis?"


Xia Jian nodded naturally, and was secretly grateful. Fortunately, before coming this time, Chen Xi had already told Xia Jian how to release the hypnosis, "I can release her from the hypnosis now..."


This time, even if he was as calm as Huo Jie, he couldn't help but get excited.

Xie Cong also hurriedly gathered around...

Only in the inconspicuous corner, the extremely weak Hua Fang, inexplicably flashed a trace of pain and struggle in the depths of his eyes.

Seeing everyone react like this...

Xia Jian walked up to Xiao Ling's head with interest, and woke Xiao Ling earlier, so as to understand this grievance earlier, Shi Hu and others are still waiting for him!

But after thinking about it, he still reminded: "I was also taught by others. This is the first time. The process may take some time..."


Huo Jie nodded again and again, "Don't worry, no one will disturb you!"

But Huo Jie has just patted his chest to promise...


There was another scream in the corridor.

Huo Jie and Xie Cong's faces suddenly turned blue.

Needless to say……

The one who screamed was definitely one of the two warriors they had just sent out to collect the corpse.

Huo Jie and Xie Cong looked at each other.

It seemed that they were exchanging opinions, and then nodded in unison, as if deciding something.

"Don't worry, hurry up..."

Leaving these words to Xia Jian, Huo Jie and Xie Cong stood up with a stunned face. They walked directly to the iron gate, controlled the switch, and locked the entire iron gate.

As for the only remaining soldier outside, they had obviously given up.


If the king-level bat-winged beast came back, even if they wanted to save it, they would be powerless.



In less than a few seconds, just as the door was about to close, another shrill scream came through the crack of the door.

The last fighter also died.

And the death of this soldier also officially announced that this retreat organized by Huo Jie was a complete and complete The entire Lianhu base, with a population of nearly 5,000, except for the three leaders, unexpectedly In one night, he died cleanly.

But Xia Jian is obviously not the kind of person who cares about other people's feelings.

Since Huo Jie left him alone, he was also very happy, so he concentrated on the spirit and started the work of awakening Xiao Ling according to the method taught by Chen Xi.


Just as the door was closed, there was a loud bang.



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