Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 9: : The plan cannot keep up with the changes

June 1, 2016...

Traditional Children's Day. [Wudong Qiankun]

For all the survivors who survived the Great Destruction Day in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, this day can be said to be a day worth remembering for a lifetime!

The saddest thing is death!


When the morning comes, thousands of red rays of light penetrate the thick clouds and sprinkle to every corner of the city...

The dark chaser, who had been noisy all night, finally retreated to the dark corner unwillingly, and quietly waited for another night to come!

Today has been a rare good day for nearly a week!


The snow-capped city, under the blood-red sunlight, exudes a breathtaking blood-red halo, dazzling!


In every corner of the city, the crunch of the soles stepping on the snow can be heard from time to time...

From time to time, you can see the figure dormant all night, leaning out from all corners of the city".

hands straight...

Big mouthfuls and greedy breaths of the cold air...

Many people even showed their long-lost smiles!

Sunshine foretells hope!

The sun indicates that the inertia of today's dark chasers will be high, indicating that today will be safer...

Since it is a rare good weather, maybe today's harvest will be very good!

Countless figures rushed out of the hiding place one after another.

They must seize every minute, every second, and make good use of this rare good day...


'Boom rumble...'

But at this time, over the city. Suddenly, there was a series of roaring sounds...

For people living in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, this kind of voice is very familiar to them.


Time passes. Now in front of this familiar they must add the word 'once'!

That's right!

was once...

It's been so long that most people are about to forget it!


A young man finally remembered this once very familiar voice!

'It's an airplane...'

The doubts on his face were quickly replaced by ecstasy, and the young man let out a mad cry, dropped the tools in his hand, and went as fast as he could. Run to the top in one breath...

When he finally rushed to the top of the building, his palms supported the paint cover, and he was panting and trying to rest. But I was surprised to find that on the roofs of many nearby buildings, there were all survivors like myself!

Seeing this scene in front of him, the young man was shocked...

It was the first time he knew. It was in this ruined city. There are so many survivors!

What's more exaggerated is that there is a very beautiful girl in the building next door!

tèé is a girl's eyes, bright like the stars in the sky!

It's funny that he never knew...

Once upon a time, young people thought that the whole world was left alone!


The young man greeted the girl very Burmese.


The pretty girl also smiled kindly.

It's like going back to the day before the Great Destruction...

'Boom rumble...'

As time passed, the roar got closer.

The young man had to give up the idea of ​​continuing to understand with that beautiful girl, and cast his eyes to the sky...

The sound is getting louder...

finally. When a ray of morning light cuts through the clouds. The moment it shone on this young man, a helicopter squadron finally appeared in the distant sky.

That's right!

Truly a helicopter squadron!

There are five helicopters, lined up, and under the **** of the morning light, they are flying towards them...

Like an angel God sent to save them...



'We are here……'

The city is boiling in an instant!

Countless people raised their hands, danced and cheered...

After a long, five-month wait, they finally waited for the dawn of hope...

The young man didn't even know when that beautiful girl crawled over from the next door and hugged herself!

He doesn't want to know either...

He yelled and danced, venting to his heart's content, hoping that his efforts could attract the attention of those helicopters...

The efforts of young people are not in vain!

When those helicopters got closer and closer, a helicopter really broke away from the flight formation and flew in their direction...

'Ha ha……'


'They are here...'

'We are saved...'

Two people who were originally strangers kissed each other heartily, and then frantically moved towards the helicopter flying towards them! They waved their hands vigorously...

It seems that if this is not the case, it is impossible to express the excitement in my heart!


After a long wait...

The young man finally waited until the helicopter flew over his head...

At this time, the young man found that his throat was hoarse, and his arms were a little numb due to excessive force...

But he doesn't care!

He raised his head vigorously, wanting to see with his own eyes the rope ladder to the same hope, thrown from the helicopter hovering above his head!


With sharp eyes, he finally saw a soldier in military uniform leaning out of the helicopter...

'Lovely People's Soldier...'

At this moment, young people are willing to send their most sincere blessings to these lovely and respectable warriors!

next moment……

The young man saw the soldier and dropped something from the helicopter!

'Rope ladder...'

The young man who thought it was a rope ladder instinctively stretched out his hands and wanted to pick it up...


next second...

A gust of wind blows...

The 'rope ladder' in the young man's eyes suddenly turned into pieces like a bubble. blown away by the wind...

Young man, stretch out your hands and stand there foolishly!

Keeping the same action as him. And the pretty girl who just kissed him!

And the helicopter, hovering above their heads for a few seconds, had already flown far away, leaving only a vague dot...


The helicopter is still left, the piece of paper dancing in the wind...

'Right! Pieces of paper...'

Like someone who is about to drown, suddenly grabbing the last straw.

The young man ran to a falling piece of paper...

However. When he saw the line of writing on the piece of paper...

All the frenzy in the eyes that have not subsided, instantly turned into a dead ash sixty-eight hours later, the whole city will be confronted. Carry out a devastating bombing, please all personnel to evacuate the city within the specified time!


'Sixty-eight hours later. will be across the city. Carry out a devastating bombing, please all personnel, within the specified time, evacuate the city!'

This news, as if it has grown wings, spread to every corner of Shenzhen and Hong Kong in the shortest possible time!

Hope it goes with the wind...

All that remains is death and despair!

The atmosphere of grief was like a plague. quickly spread...

A gust of cold wind blows!

The young man who kept a movement on the roof suddenly shuddered. Finally woke up from the sluggishness!

The one who woke up at the same time as him was that beautiful girl!

But at this time, the girl's eyes were no longer bright, replaced by emptiness and despair!


The young man was about to speak, but found that his throat had already become hoarse and uncomfortable due to the overuse just now!

He coughed a few times, "What are you going to do?"

'do not know……'

The girl shook her head, her face dazed...

Evacuate the city!

Put it lightly!

If it was really that easy to evacuate the city, how could so many people be trapped in the city!

Before reaching a certain level of strength, wanting to evacuate the city is simply wishful thinking!

It is a road of no return!


The young man seemed a little hesitant, and some didn't know if he should say, 'Let's go together?'

However, at this moment, the girl unexpectedly smiled, "Okay!"

However, the girl's eyes are no longer as bright as when young people first met!


Twenty minutes later...

The young man and the girl appeared downstairs at the same time, merging into the long, endless dragon on the street downstairs!

In the entire Shenzhen-Hong Kong City, such long dragons can be seen everywhere, as if they suddenly appeared out of nowhere overnight...


at the same time……

In a shallow water port less than ten miles from Shenzhen and Hong Kong, the university town.

Thousands of survivors, densely crowded at the harbour terminal!

Crying and shouting, pushing and shoving each other...

The scene is very chaotic...

It has gotten out of control a few times!

Many people even jumped deep into the sea and swam to the depths of the sea! It seems that there is hope for life in the depths of the sea.

And around the port, more survivors are gathering from all directions...

In the depths of the sea, there is indeed hope for life!

Two shallow river transport ships of about ten tons and a luxury yacht are parked in the center of the port at this time!

On the periphery of the three large ships, there are also five speedboats that are constantly patrolling to prevent the survivors who fall into the water, and the survivors who want to approach with homemade wooden paddles.

Survivors keep being thrown into the sea!

Soon to be submerged!

But even so, it still can't stop more survivors from jumping into the sea one after another...

The same ship is actually in the port, there are more than ten ships, but no one pays attention to those ships!


Just because these three ships docked in the port only appeared this morning!

There are many people who watched them drive into the port from the outside with their own eyes!

What does this mean?

Explain that the three ships are good!

can start!

Not like those scrap metal and water coffins parked in the harbor!


These three ships are naturally Xia Jian and his party...

After a night of sailing, they finally arrived at the shallow harbor closest to the underground base this morning!

I wanted to park the luxury yacht in the harbour, and then let two transport ships sail along the shallow river into the inland, and go directly to pick up the black widow and her party who are still in the underground base...

But these sudden survivors completely disrupted Xia Jian's plan!

Don't talk about sailing into the inland river at this time!

As long as the three large ships are within 100 meters of the shore, Xia Jian has no doubt that these crazy survivors will definitely overturn these three ships!

Not to mention sailing into an inland river!

That's definitely a no-return road!

'Did you find out what happened?'

Looking at the dense crowd on the port dock, as many as ants, Xia Jian has one head and two big!

They've been on their way all night...

Naturally, I don't know what happened in Shenzhen and Hong Kong...

I'm still wondering why these people are so crazy, they don't even want their lives in order to get on the boat!

What makes Xia Jian even more strange is that among these people, there are many powerful evolutionaries...

However, Xia Jian's roar failed to get him the news he wanted!

think about it...

Since he doesn't know!

How could Shi Hu and the others who were with him know about it!

'I don't know, you won't go and ask someone to ask? I didn't see you being so stupid...'

Xia Jian's hysterical voice could be faintly heard from the pier several miles away...

As a result, a lot of people jumped into the sea on the pier!


Ten minutes later, Shihu came back disgraced!

It also brought a mutant of water attributes!

Many survivors who wanted to get close to the three big ships just heard Xia Jian's roar!

Realizing that this was an opportunity to get on the boat, the survivors who were avoiding the speedboats suddenly became enthusiastic and wanted to 'cast themselves in the net'!

Many exaggerated ones even patted their chests and shouted: 'Come and catch me! Come and catch me!'

No wonder these people are so crazy...

The strength of the people on these three ships is too perverted!

Everyone didn't know it at first!

Seeing that there is a boat here, as long as you consider yourself a little capable, you will jump into the sea without thinking about it!

I always think that there are more people and more power! If you refuse to let us on board, we will use force to seize the ship!


When everyone got close, it was discovered that there are not many such things!

There are five patrol speedboats, and there are two evolutionaries on each speedboat!

Even the patrolling younger brother is an evolutionary, so what kind of terrifying perverts should be on the big ship?!

Also armed to seize the ship!

Pray honestly!

What to pray for?

Take your own **** luck and be spotted by the boss on the boat!

Now is the chance to see it!

How could these wolves like tigers let go!

That enthusiasm almost drowned Shi Hu...

In the end, this mutant of the water system came out on top and became the lucky one...


Meet Xia Jian...

Seeing the people around, they all have a look of affection on their faces, and the look of bowing his head immediately knows that Xia Jian is the boss!

He didn't say stepped forward respectfully and decisively handed a small piece of paper!

It's such an easy job...

Xia Jian took the small piece of paper that was soaked in the sea and had some blurred writing, and carefully identified it for a while. "Sixty-eight hours later, the whole city will be bombed destructively. All personnel are requested to evacuate the city within the specified time." Area!'

After he finished reading, Xia Jian's face turned ashen.

That anger came up all of a sudden, and he immediately yelled: "Fuck, this bastard, when you become a bitch, you still have to set up an archway, isn't it because I can't get through it?"


Ha ha!

Finally finished before the clock turns! (To be continued. Mobile users, please read.)

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