Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 23: : voyeur

There are three or four thousand dark chasers on the entire luxury cruise ship!

There are also an unknown number of blood clans...

This is also the most conservative figure that Xia Jian came up with after circling the cruise ship three times and tōngguòjīngshén's perception and exploration.

Bìjìng On this cruise ship, Xia Jian's energy was suppressed, and he could only detect a radius of ten meters.


rúguǒ said that before the number of zhīdào, everyone still has extravagant hopes, if they want to capture this ship!

Now basically no one has such an unrealistic fantasy!

nothing else...

As long as Xie Cong and Xia Jian are delayed www." "The novel chapters are updated the fastest.  Bad┯ fortunately Huang Fei  宄 did not have  褰  巳 Hai  堑 but  頹 industry wood way  allowed and pregnant: 鸲 ブ  frame?br/>

This kind of thing is no joke!

Instead, kěnéng happens at any time!

As far as bìjìng is known, there are three blood clans on this ship. Once they are dispatched together, Xia Jian and Xie Cong cannot hold them at the same time.

And this is still at sea, there is no room for buffering...

So even Xie Cong started to back off!

But there is no way out...

Because of the limited space, this gave Xia Jian another opportunity to operate!

But the premise is to open the cruise ship first...


"Okay! Bring some people to clear the control room, I'll go to the computer room first, Mu Zhongyun, remember to keep in touch with me at any time..."

Ignoring Xie Cong and Mu Zhongyun's surprise and blocking, Xia Jian made a simple arrangement. Go straight to the stern direction.

In an inconspicuous corridor, he dodged and disappeared into the corner in an instant.

at the same time……

It was Xie Cong who was directing the storm and others. Shíhòu, who climbed the cruise ship along the ropes, noticed that a human-shaped black figure suddenly detached from the bottom of the yacht.

Like a fish, it silently dived to the tail of the cruise ship, taking advantage of no one to notice, from an inconspicuous gate. Lightning bolted into the cabin.

ten minutes later……

This black figure, yǐjīng appeared in the cabin corridor.



From a normal point of view, no matter who. It is really not very easy to successfully pass through more than ten layers of cabins and safely reach the crew room at the bottom of the cabin in a short time.

But Xia Jian is the only exception!

Because he doesn't need to go down by himself...

As now...


With a crisp sound. The black figure was draped in the wet coat outside. fell heavily to the ground.

Under the black coat...

It was a pale, eerie white skeleton that made people shudder when they saw it.

More terrifying to come...

In the next second, the skeleton seemed to be alive, using the pair of evil white ghosts that were beating in its eye sockets to look around.

at the same time……

In this short corridor, there are five dark chasers scattered sporadically.

The appearance of this white skeleton shelf immediately aroused their curiosity.

They instinctively gathered around...


A white mist gushed out from his nostrils. Curiosity sniffed the white skeleton.

But a skeleton rack can taste shíme.

Just for a while, these dark chasers gathered around. Immediately dispersed again.


Seeing these dark chasers disperse, the upper and lower jaws of the skeleton suddenly opened and closed, as if mocking these dark chasers.

The crisp sound of bones hitting, echoed in the gloomy corridor, making people creepy...

Immediately after...

The skeleton went straight into a guest room, and when he came out five minutes later, he put on a straight suit again, wrapping the extremely conspicuous white skeleton under the black suit.

Then go straight to the stairwell...


This skeleton is none other than...

It's Xia Jian!

Not right either!

To be precise, it was the skeleton that Xia Jian summoned from the corpse and was possessed by him.

Because the skill of "Summon Skull" is really shocking.

Coupled with the skeleton, it is the undead in the eyes of ordinary people, and unnaturally it will remind people of evil and darkness. In order not to cause trouble, but also to leave more cards for zìjǐ, Xia Jian has been méiyǒu let zìjǐ summon The skeleton that came out appeared in front of humans.

Speaking of...

This skeleton was the one that Xia Jian summoned at the small inland pier the night before.

In the "Legend" game, the skeleton disappears only when the character goes offline or dies.

But in reality, Xia Jian would not go offline, so he was a little reluctant to disband it. What bìjìng said, it took a thousand jīngshén strength to summon him. After thinking about it again and again, he just let it stick to the yacht. below.

Unexpectedly, under the circumstances of yin and yang, and now it is used again...

The current strength of this skeleton is not that great.

But it's really a good hand for exploring the way and doing work.

Now Xia Jian is more and more aware of the benefits of the skill "Summon Skeleton".

tèbié is in this perilous situation...


Xia Jian's infiltration went smoothly.

However, I have to say that this luxury cruise ship is really too big for his female horse!

And the cabin below the deck, tèbié is the cabin part of the staff's work, and it is too complicated...

In the case of the méiyǒu drawings, it was common for Xia Jian to run the wrong way and enter the wrong room.

Luckily those dark chasers weren't interested in skeleton skeletons.

Let him toss in it to his heart's content...

This situation continued for about ten minutes, and Xia Jian finally came to the bottom of the cabin.

Compared to the part above...

The environment here is quite poor, there is a trace of light.

There is a musty smell in the air...

He walked a short distance further, and waited until he was about to reach the computer room. In the corridor, Xia Jian found many dark chasers.

These dark chasers were lying in the hallway.

Not moving, at first glance. Just hǎoxiàng is like falling asleep.

This is a very strange phenomenon...

Because under normal circumstances, even if the dark chasers are dormant, they will maintain a standing posture at any time, so that once the prey appears, they can ensure that they will attack first.

Occasionally meet one or two dark chasers sleeping on the ground, no qíguài!

But like here, as far as the eye can see, all are lying on the ground. But it is unique.

But now shíjiān is in a hurry...

Xia Jian didn't bother much about this question.

Under the guidance of Mu Zhongyun, the engine unit was quickly found...

Of these engine groups, one of them is actually running. But the power is adjusted to the minimum.

Maybe this can also explain, because shíme can keep running four months after the Great Destruction Day!

If I can't find the reason, I can only explain it like this for the time being...

Next. Xia Jian was under the remote command of Mu Zhongyun. Quickly pulled down a series of hand valves, and pressed a few buttons.

Just listening to "Boom...", the entire engine unit trembled violently.


Then, in a series of roars, there were a few flashes in the cabin, and soon, it was pitch black, with only a few red warning lights in the cabin. became bright as day.

Xia Jian quickly cut the jīngshén force back into the body of zìjǐ...

"Old Mu. How about first?"

"Master, yǐjīng is good, the engine is running normally. Next, you just need to follow the steps just now and start all the remaining engine groups. At most, we can reach the super tanker in half an hour..."


Xia Jian replied lightly.

Afterwards, he turned the jīngshén force back to the skeleton again.

But at this moment...

"Shíme people?"

Xia Jian suddenly let out a low drink.

Of course, after a while, Xia Jian forgot his current identity, and the low drink came out of his throat, and it became that kind of creepy "click" sound.

It turned out that at the moment when Xia Jian jīngshén reset, in his jīngshén perception, there seemed to be someone behind Zìjǐ.

But when he turned around suddenly...

There was nothing behind zìjǐ, let alone people, not even the shadow of the dark chaser.

Xia Jian once again inspected the party.

But still méiyǒu found the shadow of anyone.

"Could it be that I was wrong?"

Xia Jian shook his head and immediately started to get busy.

However, this time he was busy and kept an eye on the environment of zhōuwéi.


Skull bìjìng is not a zìjǐ body, although the night vision has been enhanced to a certain extent, but the hearing and smell are obviously sharp.

In the whole guòg, although the gǎnjiào is a little out of order, it has never been to the source.

And that faint sense of crisis has always been lingering in Xia Jian's heart, just hǎoxiàng has a pair of eyes, and has been secretly observing zìjǐ in the dark.

"The female horse, it's finally done..."

After all the engine units were started, Xia Jian cursed a few words secretly, and refused to stay in this weird dìfāng for a moment, and quickly pulled the jīngshén force of zìjǐ out of the skeleton's body.

As for the skeleton, Xia Jian temporarily left it near the engine block just in case.

bìjìng Even Mu Zhongyun can't guarantee that he will need to come down again later...

And this thing, until the right bones are found, is a disposable item. Even if it is destroyed, Xia Jian will not feel pain.


A minute later, Xia Jian came to the door of the control room on the top floor.

After so long of busywork, the sun is gradually falling to the west at this time...

It will be dark in half an hour at most.

At this time, the control room, yǐjīng was emptied out...

Seven or eight corpses of the dark chasers were randomly discarded on the deck outside the door. After being exposed to the sun, they gradually exuded a pungent stench.

The five people headed by Mu Zhongyun are busy in the control room.

And Xie Cong stood in front of the observation deck, using a telescope to confirm the route...

As for the others, in order to ensure safety, Xia Jian and méiyǒu let them on board, but continued to stay on the speedboat and yacht.

The gǎnjiào that this ship gave to Xia Jian is really weird...

In this way, even if shíme happened, he and Xie Cong could react in the fastest shíjiān and quickly evacuate from the ship.

"How's it going?"

Xia Jian came behind Xie Cong...

His appearance shocked Mu Zhongyun and Xie Cong.

"Weren't you still down there just now?"

The two looked at Xia Jian strangely.

The speed of Xia Jian's up and down is really too fast! A minute ago, I used the walkie-talkie to contact them, and after a while, I ran to the control room on the top floor.

"It's morning..."

However, Xia Jian was not in the mood to care whether they were surprised or not. He replied lukewarmly and asked again, "How is the situation now? Can you start it?"

"no problem……"

This time it was Mu Zhongyun who answered, "It will be fine soon..."

As his voice fell, he forcefully pulled a hand valve down.


Immediately, the entire hull of the luxury cruise ship trembled violently, and then it really started to move.

"Ha ha……"

"Move, move..."

Everyone in the control room suddenly burst into cheers.

Not only the control room...

On the yachts, speedboats and lifeboats below, Monkey, Cui Kai and others who were always watching the movement of the cruise ship also discovered the situation of the cruise ship at the first shíjiān.

Suddenly there was a cheer from afar!

That guy Cui Kai even kept shouting that he wanted to come up and experience it, and it was fun.

In fact, I just wanted to come over for a breath...

That kind of swaying gǎnjiào crowded together on a small boat is really uncomfortable.

But Xia Jian kicked it back directly.

Not only that, after confirming that only two or three people were needed to operate the ship, Xia Jian also drove the others off the ship again.

Only Zìjǐ, Mu Zhongyun and Xie Cong were left.

Not safe on this luxury cruise ship...

And even at this time, Xia Jian is using the spirit to detect the surrounding shíhòu, the kind of gǎnjiào that is peeped in the dark, still exists, but when the méiyǒu is at the bottom of the cabin, the nàme is strong, and only when the jīngshén force of zìjǐ is released When you go out, you can faintly feel it.

This made him have to be more vigilant.

Good luck along the way...

With full power on, the speed of the entire luxury cruise ship is about twenty-two knots.

Although not as fast as speedboats and yachts, it is not too slow.

It only took about thirty minutes, and the huge outline of the super tanker was looming on the sea level.

But it's getting a bit late at the same time...

Those who were in charge of repairs on the seem to have repaired part of the engine block.

At this time, a lot of striking lights were lit up on the huge super tanker, which was exceptionally bright on the dim sea level.

As for luxury cruise ships, naturally they dare not fall behind...

As the sky gradually dimmed, even if Xia Jian, Xie Cong, and Mu Zhongyun who stayed on the boat were controlled by méiyǒu, the lights outside the boat also lit up spontaneously.

Under the night sky, from a distance, the entire luxury cruise ship is brightly lit and dazzling.

Decorate the whole ship like a fairyland on earth...

at the same time……

Those dark chasers who had been bored in the cabin for a whole day also emerged one after another from the dark corners where they were hiding, and started their wandering aimlessly on the deck...

…………………………………………………… (To be continued. Mobile users please read.)

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