Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 24: :layout

The night looks like ink...

The breeze blows the sea, bringing the slightest coolness...

Xia Jian was alone, standing proudly on the highest point of the supertanker, looking at the luxury cruise ship not far away, decorated with gorgeous lights like a fairyland on earth, and he couldn't help but climb a faint haze!

Xia Jian can't remember who said that the seascape at night is the most beautiful!

But now that I'm in it, I find that it's just nonsense...

As far as the field of vision can be seen, it is as dark as ink, and the black sky is shrouded on the sea level, as if it will fall down at any time...



Uneasy thoughts have been lingering in my heart!

Like a harbinger of an impending storm!

Xia Jian didn't feel any good at all! There was just endless darkness, and that lingering repression...  


'The big boss, just received the signal, they are coming soon...'

The voice of Mu Zhongyun came from below...

Since the two sea giants merged, Xia Jian pulled everyone off that ship!

And without his order, anyone is strictly forbidden to approach it within 100 meters!

No wonder Xia Jian is timid!

But he had to be so cautious!

Only by being careful can you sail the ship for ten thousand years. It is with this caution that Xia Jian can successfully live to this day!

And no matter what the tricks are in this luxury cruise ship, Xia Jian believes that as long as he completes all the preparations, he will never be able to make a big splash!


All is ready except for the opportunity!

'Ok. [Wudong Qiankun] Let everyone start preparing!'

'Received, big boss!'

Mu Zhongyun took the lead and...

Xia Jian raised the telescope in his hand and looked into the endless distance!

On the endless black sea level. Eight searchlights the size of sesame seeds, lined up, are in the field of vision, gradually zooming in!

That's right! It's Peng Wei and the others!

Eight transport ships, sailing very slowly, and always using searchlights to check the situation on the sea...

No wonder they weren't so careful!

At this time, it is a veritable cemetery to point people near the sea!

Countless ships turned into coffins on the water. Drifting around with the wind.

like a death trap...

No one knows, the next moment. Where will they appear!


Xia Jian heavily exhaled the stagnant air in his chest!

Once again, I looked at the resplendent luxury cruise ship that was docked 100 meters away...

very different from daytime...

It seemed that he could smell the faint scent of prey in the air, which was now on the empty deck. It has been completely occupied by the densely packed dark chasers.

Keep moving towards the supertanker. And several patrolling speedboats roaring, roaring!

If it weren't for the seawater barrier, I'm afraid these dark chasers would have jumped out long ago!


A cold smile suddenly appeared on Xia Jian's face!

What a great experience!

The harvest time is finally here!

Whether you can take these two sea giants as your own, success or failure depends on this...


'Hurry up! Hurry up! Get me moving...'

'What are you doing! Haven't gotten enough sleep yet? Get me up...'

From the deck in the distance, Mu Zhongyun and Cui Kai's shouts were heard!

The team members who had been resting on the deck before were kicked off the ground one by one!

The originally empty deck immediately became busy!

But after all, there were only less than a hundred people! The number of people was not many, and they were evenly spread out on the deck of this giant at sea. Immediately they turned into two or three kittens, and they were inconspicuous at all...

soon. The dark barrels were taken out of the cabin by everyone, and then placed on the deck in an orderly manner according to the pre-planned locations...

Maybe it's God's blessing!

After getting on the supertanker, the few evolutionaries who stayed behind were full of excitement, and ran to tell Xia Jian that the cargo carried by this supertanker was not crude oil, but high-quality high-quality goods that were in urgent need. Standard fuel!

I don't know the exact amount though!

But it is conservatively estimated that if you save a little, it will not be a problem for the last ten years!

What a surprise!

The more stuff you have, the more you can waste a little bit of it!

No! Use it right away!


Speaking of which, Xia Jian's plan is actually very simple...

Due to the limited space and complex structure on luxury yachts, there are too many places for the dark chasers to hide, which is not conducive to clearing.

But the situation with this supertanker is just the opposite...

The entire supertanker is equivalent to a super platform, and the deck is flat enough to be used as a basketball court.

In the daytime, because these dark chasers refused to come out, it was not a big deal.

But now it's night...

Even without the bait, they'll come out swinging!

As long as you find a way to lead them from the luxury cruise ship to the deck of this supertanker, in such a closed, flat, and without any bunkers, then these dark chasers will be slaughtered by themselves.

However, the premise of this is that the two ships must converge.


Now the biggest problem is solved.

Just wait for the bait you prepared to arrive!


An hour later, the eight transport ships loaded with cargo finally sailed slowly to the side of the two sea giants...

I have to say, these sand carriers are really slow!

With the approach of these transport ships, the dark chasers on the luxury cruise ship are more restless, which will become more manic and restless!

Even though he was separated by hundreds of meters, Xia Jian could faintly feel the restlessness in the air!


At this moment, a wave suddenly splashed on the sea!

It turned out to be a monkey eager to chase the dark, and finally could not resist the temptation. Jump off a luxury cruise ship!

As for the fate of this dark chaser...

Of course not so good!

They who can't swim, once they fall into the sea, immediately become lambs to be slaughtered!

See there are cheap to pick up. Immediately, a speedboat swaying nearby drove past, and a harpoon was stabbed in the head. The dark chaser, who was still fluttering in the sea just now, immediately turned into a corpse!

If it were a human being, with the lessons learned from this dark chaser, the remaining people would definitely not continue to jump down!


Dark chasers are not human! They will not learn lessons and sum up experience!

All they know is that the boat below has two prey!

They just know. Jump down from here, and you will most likely be able to eat a full meal!


On that speedboat, the man who had just stabbed to death a dark chaser. Hooking on the corpse of the dark chaser, he was about to pull out his knife, rip it open, and dig out its blood crystal (well! Influenced by Xia Jian, this business. Now in this small force that is initially taking shape. Blood crystal That becomes absolute hard currency! There is absolutely no reason to waste it!).


Suddenly, there was another scream from above...

This guy and his fellow shipmates jumped, and instinctively wanted to control the ship to retreat a certain distance...


Unexpectedly, dozens of dark chasers kept falling from the top like dumplings!

splashing big waves...

Seeing this, this guy was instantly happy!

This dark chaser is so stupid! Even though he can't swim, he keeps jumping down!

You're welcome now, harpoon in hand. Like a poisonous dragon coming out of its hole, it strikes again and again. One fork, one fork!

In less than a minute, a dozen blood crystals were harvested!

If it is not necessary to control the speedboat from time to time to prevent the speedboat from being smashed by these stupid bubbling dark chasers, it is estimated that the buddies who control the speedboat at the stern will rush up to help!

The act of these two buddies buried their fortune was soon discovered by other buddies driving the speedboat!

When I saw that there was such a good thing, I immediately controlled the speedboat to get closer to the cruise ship...

I didn't think it worked!

This time it's amazing!

Even Xie Cong couldn't sit still when he saw that there was such a good thing about pie in the sky!

He even rowed a lifeboat and went there to pick up the leaks alone!

Fortunately, Xia Jian saw that the situation was not right! This situation was stopped in time...

Otherwise, don't do anything, just throw the harpoon at the drowning dog!


After this episode, eight transport ships have approached!

At first, a charming woman jumped on the supertanker...

Immediately following, there were three flexible little devil heads like monkeys, who also followed behind the woman and climbed up!

Seeing this scene, Xia Jian couldn't help frowning!

Immediately greeted...

'How did you come?'

'Come and see, there's nothing to do at night anyway...'

‘What about them?’

Xia Jianmian looks a little unhappy...

However, when he saw the three little guys running towards him, he quickly disappeared the coldness on his face!

It's Black Widow!

The three little ghosts are Xiaohua, Xiaoqiang and Dazhi!

Not only them, but even Peng Xiaoxiao, sisters Chen Yan and Chen Xi, were dragged over by the Black Widow!

Seeing Xia Jian's sullen face and Black Widow's face full of grievances, I saw You Lian, 'I know what you are worried about, but is it safe on the pier? Maybe the bombing will be ahead of schedule!'

After speaking, Black Widow did not forget to whisper: 'Besides, I can't control these three little devils!'

Xia Jian directly ignored the pitiful appearance of this woman...

Does he still know this woman!

It is estimated that after listening to the situation my heart is itching, I want to come and see it is true...

As for the others, it is estimated that she used them as shields!

But thinking about it, every time I come out, I keep her at the base camp, which is really hard enough, plus what she said is not unreasonable, so she said: 'Remember to tell me in advance next time!'

Hearing this, Black Widow was instantly overjoyed...

‘Hey, definitely!’

How could there be that tearful, pitiful look on his face!

………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued..)

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