Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 43: :aircraft carrier

No matter how cold-blooded and decisive Xia Jian is!

But he is still a human being with some flesh after all.

Not only that, but half a year ago, he was just a college student living in an ivory tower.


In the face of these American soldiers who were captured by little devils, although I really want to adhere to the principle that the heart of the non-my race must be different, they will all be humanely destroyed." "The novel chapters are updated the fastest.

But seeing them in such a miserable state...

Xia Jian is still soft-hearted after all!

That's right...

When Xia Jian saw the dozens of corpses whose stomachs had been cut open, Xia Jian's heart softened!


Seemingly seeing Xia Jian's hesitation, this shíhòu Yasha took a deep breath, stood up boldly, carefully organized the language, and said, "Otherwise, I'll ask them to see if they are willing or not. join us?"

Shíhòu talking, Asha is taking a very big risk...

to zhīdào...

Before that, her identity was an American spy who entered the country.

Such an identity also makes it difficult for her to gain Xia Jian's trust...

Not only Xia Jian...

Asha can even clearly feel that in daily life, although everyone is very polite to her, and some people are still very envious and curious about her, there is always a slight estrangement, blocking her and everyone. During the time, she was unable to fully integrate into the whole team for a long time.

There are only two exceptions!

Xie Cong and Yuan Dahai!


Asha had to do it!

Whether it's for Zìjǐ's former compatriots, or for Xia Jian, the newly recognized boss of Zìjǐ!


Asha's voice just fell...

Xia Jian turned his head. Squinting his eyes slightly, he stared at Asha!

The fierce momentum burst out...

Overwhelming pressure on Asha!

Although only a few seconds...

But the gǎnjiào given to Yasha was as long as a shìjiè.

Facing Xia Jian's sharp eyes like eagles. Asha suddenly felt a sense of zìjǐ being seen through her whole body.

Fortunately, Xia Jian and méiyǒu stared at her for too long...

Asha, who was able to breathe, hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, and explained: "This destroyer bìjìng of the Mustine is a warship, rúguǒ and the others will join..."

Xia Jian and méiyǒu asked Yasha to finish speaking, and interrupted her directly...

In fact, Xia Jian just thought about it for a while, and then míngbái this question. So there is no need for Asha to explain any more.


Think about it today, although there are more than 1,000 people on board!

But how many méiyǒu can really sail...

Even the Weiyuan and Dingyuan ships just let everyone explore. while learning.

Now, let alone a warship...

We can't really let Xie Cong and Yasha drive the shíme Mustin destroyer!

Xia Jian is not someone who likes to hesitate...

Patting Asha on the shoulder, she said decisively, "Go!"

After all...

Xia Jian took the lead out of the cabin...

Feng Feng, Shi Hu, Cui Kai and others, who had been waiting outside the restaurant, followed closely...

Only Xie Cong gave Yasha an encouraging look before leaving!


Xia Jian is a very decisive person!

certainly. There is a decision. It doesn't mean it's going alone!

It's just that when he decides on something, he doesn't look ahead and sway zuǒyòu.

It's like planning to take in this group of American soldiers now...

Because Xia Jian is very qīngchǔ...

In this shìjiè, there has never been a pie from the sky, and it is also a free lunch. If you want to get it, you must pay a certain price or take a certain risk!


Fortunately, this group of American soldiers are still acquainted!

In the face of freedom and survival. They chose to live without hesitation.

Perhaps to a certain extent, Xia Jian should thank those little devils. Because when Asha showed these foreign devils that as long as they were willing to serve Xia Jian, they could be spared the death of shíhòu. A total of ninety-six people in the United States made a big change, and without exception, they all chose to serve Xia Jian.

And for this reason, I am also grateful to Xia Jian and Yasha!

So much so that, ten minutes later, Yasha took this group of foreign devils to find Xia Jian's shíhòu...

These foreign devils tried their best to flatter Xia Jian!


Xia Jian's English is really bad!

I don't understand what these foreign devils are saying shíme...

"Ask them what happened to the shíme..."

In the end, Xia Jian couldn't bear the arrogance of these foreign devils anymore, so he waved his hand and asked Yasha to ask them what happened during this shíjiān...


In fact, things are not méiyǒu how complicated...

These foreign devils are a member of the Mustin destroyer!

The resident location of the destroyer Mustin is the Yokosuka Naval Base of the little devil.

And this base is the permanent residence of the U.S. Seventh Fleet...

On the day of the Great Destruction...

Since there will be a nuclear explosion in the future, these warships will naturally not stay in the military port and wait to die.

They all sailed out of the military port! Escaped!

In fact, this is also the choice of the navies of various countries...

Then disaster struck...

These navies have been floating on the ocean...

In this guòg, the U.S. Seventh Fleet, where the Mustine was located, accidentally encountered the little devil's navy.

Because they are acquaintances, the two sides naturally converged.

But the navy is the navy after all...

After drifting at sea for a while, the supplies were in short supply, and they had to go ashore to replenish supplies.

The location they chose was naturally the Yokosuka Naval Base they were most familiar with.

After paying a lot of casualties, the combined navy formed by the Seventh Fleet and the little devils finally succeeded in retaking the Yokosuka Naval Base from the dark chasers.

And after that, relying on the powerful fire support of the fleet. Repel several waves of dark chasers who came to attack the base.

If it's been a quiet half a year...


Just when everyone thought that shíhòu could live a stable life from now on, the real disaster struck.

this disaster. Not from land!

But from the sea that has been ignored by them...

Countless marine creatures are overwhelming the marine defense line of the military port.

After just one week, the Yokosuka Naval Base was breached by these marine creatures.

Only a small number of relatively fast warships broke through the numerous blockades of marine life, successfully rushed out, and merged together again...

But just when they think zìjǐyǐjīng is safe shíhòu...

What awaited them was the never-ending chase of sea creatures...

Until three days ago...

They finally couldn't hold on anymore. The entire fleet was completely surrounded by those marine creatures...


As for the group of little devils headed by the mustache. Because shíme will occupy this ship and set up, that is another story.


After half a year of cooperation, the entire fleet was completely mixed up.

I didn't think so...

Those little devils came here with some ulterior motives from the day they came to join the Seventh Fleet...

Actually. These foreign devils. yǐjīng has been under house arrest for over a week by those little devils.


Listening to the former first mate of the USS Mustin destroyer, a white captain from the United States, he finished the history of their blood and tears with a snot and a tear.

Xia Jian couldn't help but sigh...

This American foreign devil's brain is simple, and it's really easy to deceive!

To believe those little devils and let them get on the boat...

Deserving to be treated as human meat char siu!

but. After sighing, Xia Jian suddenly thought of a question...

That's marine life!

To zhīdào. It's been almost half a month since zìjǐ came this way, but I haven't seen half a living fish, let alone shíme's aggressive marine creatures.

Listen to what these little devils mean...

There are not only marine creatures in this sea, but these marine creatures are also very powerful, so powerful that even the Seventh Fleet can only hold their heads and run away!

This is a bit qíguài...

Thinking of this, Xia Jian couldn't help but say: "Asha, ask them, what marine creatures were attacking their fleet at that time?"


Asha nodded, and then chatted with the white first mate.

Then he turned around and replied to Xia Jian: "Boss! He said that there were shíme at that time, huge squid, sharks, and some mutant creatures that I had never seen before, and he also said that at that time, the number of those marine creatures , very, very many, the strength is very terrifying, some can't even be blasted to death by cannons, what is even more terrifying is that wherever they flee, those marine creatures will chase them, and they will not be able to escape..."

"Is that so?"

Xia Jian couldn't help but think again!

At the same time, all the people present were silent...

This thing is so weird...

According to the meaning of the first mate, that is, these marine creatures are very powerful and are almost everywhere.

But it's not because zìjǐ was lucky, those marine creatures still found zìjǐ and didn't bother to trouble zìjǐ, or some other reason.

Zìjǐ's fleet has been safe and sound since it went to sea.

Although to a certain extent, this is a good thing...

But not zhīdào is shíme...

Xia Jian always felt that the reason why rúguǒ did not get qīngchǔ was that it was difficult to sleep and eat.


In fact, Xia Jian is not the only one!

This matter has always been a sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of everyone in the fleet.

One day méiyǒu found the source...

There would be no real security for the fleet.

You can't really let go of your heart...


Cui Kai was less timid and stood up on the spot, "How about we just dock?"

Humans are always timid in the face of unknown dangers!

Cui Kai's proposal has won the approval of a large number of people...

Compared to the sea, although it seems to be safe, it is a day of fear every day. Although it is also dangerous on land, and there are demons and vampires to face, they are always visible enemies.

With the strength of the current fleet. As long as you don't provoke the existence of perverts with the strength above the king level, everyone is really not so afraid of these dirty things!

Can you really go back to land like this?

Xia Jian's mind quickly turned...

His eyes are constantly scanning back and forth in the crowd...

Just when Xia Jian was having a hard time deciding...

There were rapid footsteps outside again.

Immediately, I saw Liu Li hurried in...


Liu Li obviously expected that there would be so many people in this cabin, and there were so many strangers in Tèbié. Seeing that everyone was looking at Zìjǐ, she couldn't help swallowing the words that were just on their lips.

Xia Jian understands...

waved. Let Asha take all these American soldiers down.

When the group of American soldiers left, Liu Licai spoke again with a strange expression: "Boss, that distress signal. It's just ahead, and it's about five nautical miles away from us..."

Hearing this news, Xia Jian's brows could not help wrinkling, "What's the matter? Didn't you say that you can only arrive in the afternoon?"

The reason why Xia Jian asked...

that is because. According to yesterday's launch. At the current speed of their fleet, they would not be able to feel the location of the distress signal until shíhòu in the afternoon.

But now, before noon, shíjiān was five nautical miles away.

to zhīdào...

Since the discovery of the Mustin destroyer, the Weiyuan and Dingyuan have been standing still and have been moving!

"That signal didn't move yesterday. But today hǎoxiàngtūrán started to move..."

Liu Li's answer explained Xia Jian's doubts!

It's just that Liu Li doesn't seem to be quite sure...

"Five nautical miles?"

Xia Jian pondered for a while, as if he suddenly thought of shíme. Asked: "Can you see it now?"

Liu Li nodded: "Yes..."

Then he added: "However, due to the low visibility, only the tōngguò telescope can see..."

Xia Jian said again: "Is it the shíme ship?"

Unexpectedly, after hearing this question, a very complicated expression flashed on Liu Li's face, and it took a long time for her to say, "Boss, you should go and have a look!"

Hearing this, Xia Jian stood up from his chair, "Come on, let's go out and see..."

The group immediately followed Xia Jian and came to the deck...


As Liu Li said...

At this time, the sky was cloudy and the light was very dim...

Plus not zhīdàoshímeshíhòu, the wind is blowing...

Although the wind was not strong, some waves and water droplets rolled up to a certain extent, hindering some visibility.

Following the direction Liu Li pointed, Xia Jian raised the telescope in his hand...


As for the ship that sent the distress signal, Xia Jian thought it was nothing more than some small ships such as merchant ships, oil tankers, or fishing boats...

Since bìjìng sailed this half of the sea, there have been the most ships of this type on the sea!


Xia Jian never imagined that the two ships that appeared in the telescope's field of vision would be two Biweiyuan and Dingyuan, not much smaller, huge behemoths...

But this time, not supertankers!

Not a luxury cruise either...

Until this time, Xia Jiancai míngbái, for shíme, when Liu Li came in to report, the expression on his face would be nàme weird!

Because what appeared in the camera was clearly two aircraft carriers!

Two real aircraft carriers!

And according to Xia Jian's observation, the two aircraft carriers are still sailing!

In the waters of the East China Sea, zìjǐ actually bumped into two aircraft carriers that were still sailing?

Who will believe this?

But the fact is right in front of you...

Xia Jianyi was a little stunned...

His abnormality immediately attracted the attention of those who were interested!

Like Xie Cong...

He was waiting for the result, but when he saw Xia Jian, he was stunned, and couldn't help but be more curious...


He reached out and fanned in front of Xia Jian's telescope. After seeing Xia Jian's reaction, he grabbed the telescope and brought it in front of Zìjǐ...

But next second...

Xie Cong zìjǐ was also stunned!

However, compared to Xia Jian's Xiaobai, Xie Cong is far more knowledgeable in armaments.

"That... hǎoxiàng is Little Devil's Izumo quasi-aircraft carrier?"

Just after a little thought, Xie Cong recognized one of the two aircraft carriers. No way, this aircraft carrier is too familiar!


"Little devil's Izumo quasi-aircraft carrier?"

"What about the other one?"

Actually, this question is a bit redundant now...

Because right here, below the deck, there was a sudden noise...

Looking at the sound, it was none other than the group of foreign devils who had just been rescued.

At this moment, they are constantly jumping and jumping and cheering shíme...


Xia Jian pushed Xie Cong, "Are they shouting shíme?"


Xie Cong had apparently wandered off into the sky just now, but was pushed by Xia Jian, and jumped, and then said a little excitedly: "Listen to what these foreign devils mean, the other hǎoxiàng is the main aircraft carrier of the US Seventh Fleet, called shíme George Washington the aircraft carrier..."


Xia Jian was a little confused...

"Didn't they just say that these two aircraft carriers were left in the shíme Yokosuka Naval Base by those marine creatures? Why did tūrán come here?"

Xie Cong rolled his eyes: "You ask me, who should I ask?"


Xia Jian was at a loss for words...


But no matter how incredible this thing is, how incredible...

Waiting for Asha, shíhòu, who trotted over and reported the situation to Xia Jian, confirmed the fact: "Boss! The two aircraft carriers in front are the Izumo and George Washington!"

Xia Jian held the last glimmer of hope and asked, "Those foreign devils, do you know why they are here?"


Xia Jian is destined to be disappointed...

I saw Yasha shaking her head: "They didn't do it either. They broke through by relying on the speed and flexibility of the destroyer. As for the two aircraft carriers..."

Asha hesitated for a while...

Finally summed up a sentence: "Maybe it's **** luck!"


Xia Jian was completely speechless: "Going **** luck?"

"Hello? What do we do now? Make an early decision..."

Xie Cong reminded Xia Jian in pángbiān...

According to the speed of the movement of the two aircraft at most two hours, they will reach the sea area where Weiyuan and Dingyuan are located.

Whether to withdraw or stay, you have to make an early decision!


Due to the failure of all the engine units, the current Dingyuan and Weiyuan are as slow as turtles.

……………………………………………………(To be continued…)

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