Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 44: : ghost ship


George? Washington!

Two aircraft carriers that were originally occupied by marine life and fell at the Yokosuka Naval Base of Little Devil, suddenly appeared in the East China Sea waters hundreds of nautical miles away after a few days!

And still sailing...

Did it really become a ghost ship?

Or the crew above, not dead at all?

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that these two aircraft carriers were occupied by others!

Now Xia Jian's mind is completely filled with 100,000 questions, but now there is no time for him to slowly figure out these things." "". [Wudong Qiankun]

He must make a decision now!

"Let's get out of the way..."

This is Xia Jian's decision...

I can't afford it, can't hide it!

In the face of mysterious and unknown things, human beings always have a natural awe.

What's more, this is on the sea, and if you are not careful, the ship will be destroyed and the entire army will be wiped out.

Xia Jian had to be cautious...

fine! Fortunately, the two aircraft carriers were just sailing quietly, and there were no helicopters, fighter jets and the like taking off from their decks, and there was no sign of biological activity on the deck from the observation through the telescope.

If you have a destroyer on your side, even if there is an accident, you can't beat it. Relying on the speed of the destroyer Mustin, the problem of escape should not be a big problem!

Of course, most of the above are suggestions given by Xie Cong!

As far as Xia Jian, a military novice, has limited knowledge, he does not know the specific difference between an aircraft carrier and a destroyer. The only thing he knew was that the aircraft carrier was awesome, but in fact, he didn't know. In many cases, if there are no other frigates, the aircraft carrier is actually a living target!



Then something even weirder happened!

Just when Xia Jian was commanding the Weiyuan, Dingyuan, and Mustin, they were busy turning and preparing to dodge people.

The two aircraft carriers stopped without warning...

Just about three nautical miles away from Xia Jian and the others, he stopped and remained motionless.

Xia Jian, Xie Cong, Yasha and others, who had been closely following the movements of the two aircraft carriers, discovered this situation immediately.

In the cabin where countermeasures are being discussed. Immediately quiet down.

What does the other party mean?


Or want to get in touch?

After thinking about it again and again, Xie Cong suggested: "How about we try to contact each other?"

Xia Jian thought for a while. Agree with Xie Cong's proposal.

"Liu Li, see if you can get in touch with the other party!"


Immediately, under everyone's close attention, Liu Li was busy on the radio station.

A bunch of radio waves. The custom remote number came out...


Except for the distress signal that kept ringing. For the well-positioned contact, there is still no response!

Things are getting weirder...


Cold winds, surging waves...

Beneath the rolling dark clouds, five giants at sea, facing each other across the sea, quietly floated on the endless pale red waves.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment!

A faint, depressing, eerie atmosphere. From nothing, slowly brewing...

Even these American soldiers who started to cheer. Affected by this atmosphere, the noise stopped.

It's quiet all around...

Going out, the sound of wind and waves, and no other sound can be heard.


But time is not really a fixed frame...

She's still pulsing forward in her own way...

The originally dim sky also became a little brighter with the advent of noon, but this did not relieve the haze that had been lingering in Xia Jian's heart!

Raise the telescope in your hand again...

The two decks in the distance were the same as before, except for various helicopters, fighter jets, and bombers that were unknown and indistinguishable, no living creatures were found.

There is no trace of any human activity.

Are these really two ghost ships?

But what about that distress signal?

Now after careful analysis by Liu Li, it has been learned that the distress signal comes from the Izumo of the two aircraft carriers!


Xia Jian said the name lightly once!

Xia Jian was impressed by the name of this ship...

I am afraid that as long as the descendants of Yan and Huang have paid a little attention to modern history, there is no one who does not know the sinful name that is full of blood and tears of the descendants of Yan and Huang!

Mind blowing!

At this moment, Xia Jian's line of sight seemed to penetrate history!

I saw that era of artillery fire...

Xia Jian made a decision in an instant...

"Black Widow..."


Hearing Xia Jian calling her, Black Widow stood up immediately.

"Go and prepare a speedboat, let's go and see..."


Without any doubt or hesitation, Black Widow has already walked out of the cabin!


"You can't go..."

"Let me go..."

Hearing that Xia Jian went to the Izumo and George Washington to check the situation in person, Cui Kai, Shi Hu, and Mo Shaojun stood up one after another, trying to dissuade Xia Jian.

Unfortunately, before they could finish speaking, Xia Jian had already waved his hand and stopped them.

cold as ice...

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately shut their mouths!

Ten minutes later, a speedboat left the Dingyuan and slowly sailed towards the two aircraft carriers...


Xia Jian can't remember when he saw a documentary called "Conquering the Ocean".

Conquer the ocean!


Xia Jian sneered in his heart!

Those were just arrogant words from a group of people who had never really experienced the wrath of the sea, to this day. Humans have not even conquered the land, but it is not arrogant to say that they will conquer the ocean. What is it?

Facing the icy sea breeze, the speedboat broke through the wind and waves and moved forward quickly...

The waves continued to splash up, slapping the cheeks, as if cut by a knife, and it hurt abruptly.

But at this time, Xia Jian didn't have the heart to worry about these...

aircraft carrier……

The ultimate weapon for humans to roam the ocean.

Years of dream. Xia Jiandu could not see it, but this time I finally saw the real thing with my own eyes!

The shock in my heart is self-evident...

the closer you get. Looking at the steel behemoth in front of him, the more Xia Jian could feel the huge sense of oppression emanating from this ultimate human weapon.

Black Widow is apparently also seeing an aircraft carrier for the first time...

But not bad!

She didn't forget her responsibilities: "Boss, which ship are we going to?"


Xia Jian blurted out...

It's Izumo! Since the distress signal came from the Izumo. Naturally, I have to go to the Izumo to find out.

Ghost ship?

hey-hey! I have even met the guardian of the demons. How can you be intimidated by a ghost ship!


Izumo quasi-aircraft carrier! Also known as: Izumo Helicopter Destroyer.

The entire quasi-aircraft carrier is about 248 in length and 38 meters in width...

Displacement of 19,500 tons!

Up to fourteen helicopters can be carried.

Launched in 2013...


The entire quasi-aircraft carrier is silver-gray.

Huge deck, about the size of half a football field...

Just like the ships that Xia Jian met before, there were many sticky and transparent yètǐ on the deck of the Izumo, and the whole ship exuded this kind of disgusting fishy smell.

Didn't see any corpses...

There was no trace of blood, or any sign of the dark chaser's activity.

on the entire deck. a dead silence...

Except for the sound of wind and waves. Not even the sound of the engine was heard.


There are also eight silver-white helicopters of unknown model on the deck...

It's just that among the eight helicopters, three of them were obviously damaged, leaving only half of the wrecked fuselage, which fell on the deck crookedly...

The other five are hard to judge...

They were lined up and parked at the stern of the boat. There were also many sticky transparent yètǐ left on the outer shell of the helicopter. Under the light, they were sparkling and sparkling.


Seeing this scene on the deck, Xia Jian was even more puzzled!

At this time, Black Widow, who was behind Xia Jian, pressed the walkie-talkie...

"Liu Li! Call Liu Li..."

"Liu Li received..."

But after a while, Liu Li's familiar voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Can you tell where the signal came from?"

"Wait a moment……"

After speaking, the surroundings became quiet again...

It seems that Liu Li is determining the location of the distress signal.


"Black Widow..."

About five minutes later, the walkie-talkie rang again...


"The distress signal should have come from... it came from... the aviation control tower, you go in and look for..."


After finishing the call, Black Widow turned her attention to Xia Jian.

Xia Jian nodded...

The two walked in the direction of the aviation control tower cautiously, one after the other.

Although there is no danger for the time being, Xia Jian and Black Widow will not relax their vigilance because of this.

From the Great Destruction to the present...

Those who can survive have figured out a truth, that is, the real crisis often occurs when you relax!

Because the deck is full of slippery, sticky yètǐ.

People walk on it, it's very slippery!

In order to prevent a fall, in just over 100 meters, it took Xia Jian and Black Widow a few minutes to walk outside the air control tower...

Not far away is an iron gate that is as high as one person and less than one meter wide.

Xia Jian stretched out his hand to block the black widow who wanted to open the door...

Spiritual perception spreads out in an instant...

In an instant, everything within a radius of fifty meters clearly appeared in his mind.

There is no danger...

There is no living thing!

Should be safe!

But Xia Jian's brows tightened even more!

You know, this has never happened before...

There are no survivors. I also said that in the past, but there is no dark chaser. How to explain this kind of thing?


Maybe because it hasn't been opened for too long. When the iron door opened, there was a harsh noise.

At the junction, a large amount of mucus was pulled into crystal clear silk threads...

Very disgusting!

Moreover, the inside of the cabin is not much better than the outside. The walls, chairs, and consoles are full of sticky, nasty things that exude a disgusting fishy smell.

"The female horse's..."

into the cabin. Xia Jian wanted to let go of the handle of the iron door, but he didn't expect that his palm would be stuck by such a disgusting thing, so he couldn't help but threw it irritably...

"looking around……"


Next. The two quickly entered the cabin!

Roughly glanced around the entire aviation control tower...

same as outside...

Here, no corpses, no bloodstains, and dark chasers were found. There's just that pesky slime that's everywhere.

However, it can still be seen vaguely. There must have been a battle here.

Because on the glass windows on the control tower, a lot of bullet holes can be faintly found...

The glass on several windows was completely shattered.

On the console, many instruments were also hit by bullets.

In an inner corner, you can even see a trace of an explosion. In the center is a piece of charred black. There are also many fragments of bullet casings left after the explosion of the grenade.


Black Widow frowned. Looking at Xia Jian inquiringly.

It seems that she also found something unusual...

That's right...

Judging from the scene at this air control tower, there is no chance of any survivors here.

The distress signal?

Don't know why. The sense of crisis in Xia Jian's heart is getting stronger and stronger!

It seems that something bad is approaching!

But Xia Jian abruptly suppressed the ng who wanted to leave here immediately...

next second...

Spiritual perception, spread out again...

Don't miss any suspicious place!


Xia Jian Meng opened his eyes!

Under the suspicious eyes of Black Widow, she strode to another corner of the aviation control tower.

Here is a very empty corner.

At least on the surface...

However, as Xia Jian pressed his hands on the floor, he suddenly exerted strength and pressed down...


With a crisp sound, a narrow passage that could only accommodate one person suddenly appeared in front of Xia Jian.

There was a secret passage on the aircraft carrier? !

Say it and no one will believe it!

However, Xia Jian was not interested at this time to find out why this secret passage appeared here.

Glancing at Black Widow...

Xia Jian took out a spare torch and jumped into the secret passage!


The whole secret passage is very narrow...

Crawling in it alone is very difficult.

The entire secret passage is very long, twisting and twisting like a big labyrinth.

Fortunately, compared with the outside, there is no disgusting and disgusting mucus in the secret passage...

And in the secret passage, you can see some residual bloodstains.

This will prevent Xia Jian from getting lost in this huge maze...

Climbing all the way, actually passed through many cabins, through the gaps in the secret passage, you can clearly observe every move in the cabin.


At this time, the cabins, without exception, were dark, empty, and without a trace of life.


If so, he has been crawling in the secret passage for more than ten minutes.

At an intersection of the secret passage, Xia Jian finally discovered the first corpse he had encountered since he got on the aircraft carrier.

human corpse.

Judging from the clothing, the corpse should be a little devil's navy.

He shrunk in this secret passage and blocked the entire secret passage tightly. He seemed to have suffered serious injuries. It should be because of excessive blood loss that he died!

Xia Jian looked around...

I found that there is a secret passage exit not far away...

Immediately, he kicked open the iron gate of the exit, dragged the corpse, and crawled out of the secret passage.

Black Widow followed suit...


This cabin is also dark!

Xia Jian used the light to carefully search for the only body he could find, up and down.

Until the wound is in the chest...

It's a gunshot wound!

Bullets were fired from the chest and out from the back.

I think that before dying, this little devil suffered a lot.


Before this little devil died, he was still holding a dark box.

Xia Jian picked up the box and looked at it...

There is a red light that is blinking.

Xia Jian estimated that if there was no accident, this thing should be the thing that has been sending out a distress signal!

The one who sent the distress signal turned out to be a dead man!

Xia Jian was speechless!

Are you going to run for nothing this time?

Who the **** are these two aircraft carriers in the stance?

Just when Xia Jian was depressed...


The black widow of páān seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly exclaimed.

Xia Jian shuddered, and hurriedly rushed in the direction of the Black Widow light...

"What's wrong?"


Black Widow didn't say anything directly, just let Xia Jian see where his flashlight was shining.

Follow the lights of Black Widow to look over...

Xia Jian suddenly froze...


This is a dark cabin with a lot of space, more than half the size of a basketball court.

It is full of various instruments...

Dense meters, buttons and switch gates are everywhere.

After living on the Dingyuan and Weiyuan for half a month, Xia Jian's knowledge of the ship is no longer as simple as at the beginning!

Although the layout of the warship is different from the Dingyuan and Weiyuan.

Various instruments and instruments are also different!

But looking at these familiar instruments and equipment, Xia Jian recognized it right away. Before he knew it, he and Black Widow had arrived in the cabin where the engine group of the aircraft carrier was located!


Looking at the computer room in front of me, it was dark and without a trace of light.

Touching these icy instruments and machinery in front of me...

Everything in front of him clearly told Xia Jian a fact, that is, these engine units and equipment had clearly not been started for a long time!

But his female horse...

Wasn't the Izumo still sailing just an hour ago?

Xia Jian felt that his brain was not enough!

Is it really hell?

still is……


Suddenly sounded two electronic sounds in the dead room.

This sudden voice suddenly caused Xia Jian and Black Widow to fight a cold war...

It's a walkie-talkie...

Immediately, from the walkie-talkie, Liu Li's hurried voice with a few hints of panic came: "Boss! Boss! It's not good! It's not good..."


Thank you Lao Gao for your reward and Wakazuki's monthly pass! !

The impermanent first elder!

Excited! ! (To be continued...)

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