Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 54: : sleeping

Xiaoqiang and Dazhi, who were just infected, were very weak at this time.

The strength is between the fifth and sixth level enhancers...

Such strength, in front of today's Xia Jian, is simply a joke!

As long as Xia Jian thinks...

Just waiting for them to be completely wiped out...

But Xia Jian did not kill Xiaoqiang and Dazhi after all!

Just keep them under control...


In the end times...

Separation of life and death is a common thing!

Almost everyone who has survived until now, has encountered similar incidents!

Xia Jian originally thought he was underestimated...

But when this kind of thing really happens to me...

Xia Jiancai discovered...

It turns out that he is not much stronger than others!

The scenes of encountering the two little ghosts kept flashing in my mind...

From the very beginning, the two little ghosts used themselves as food, and then they were rescued by yin and yang, and then the two brothers and sisters of Xiaozhu died...

Think of Xiaozhu! This kind girl, Xia Jian couldn't help but feel another pain in his heart!

Unexpectedly, he still failed to fulfill the promise he made to her in the end!

The original five children!

Now there is only one little flower who is still alive and dead!


With a bit of heaviness, Xia Jian returned to the deck...

When you step out of the cabin...

"Jie Jie..."

In the darkness in the distance, a sharp and high-pitched roar suddenly came out.

With this long howl...

The originally calm sea suddenly became turbulent...

"Zi la la..."

A chain of electric snakes suddenly flashed out of the thick cloud. The dazzling electric light reflected the entire sea surface.


As if feeling something, Xia Jian's eyes narrowed. Look in the direction where the whistle sounded.

As shown on the map...

If there is no accident, the place where the whistle sounded should be Pearl City.

But Mingzhu City is more than ten miles away!

But even though they were so far apart, Xia Jian could still clearly feel a gloomy, violent, extremely powerful aura, this aura. Even stronger than the king-level bat-winged beast!

at the same time……

Above the water coffins that were quietly floating on the sea, exuding a gloomy atmosphere, there was a sudden roar one after another. It seemed to echo the scream in the distance.

For a time, the entire sea was boiling...

"Could it be that Pearl City has also evolved a king-level creature?"

For some reason, Xia Jian suddenly had such a thought...

It seems to have noticed Xia Jian's abnormality! Xie Cong glanced at Xia Jian suspiciously and asked, "What's wrong..."


Xia Jian dispelled the thoughts in his mind. Go straight to the little flower!

No matter how powerful mutant creatures Pearl City has. It has nothing to do with me now.

The most important thing now is to stabilize Xiaohua's injury first!

As for Xiaoqiang and Dazhi...

Looking at Xiaoqiang and Dazhi who were firmly controlled by Feng Feng and Shi Hu behind him, a trace of sadness flashed in Xia Jian's eyes.

"Take them down and lock them up..."



It's not that Xia Jian couldn't bear to kill them.


Xia Jian felt that perhaps, Xiaohua should have one last look at them...

Until the storm and Shihu go away...

Xia Jian skillfully took out a large stack of leather from his arms!

In this more than a week, because I need to exercise my mental perception and ability to control things. Xia Jian used his thoughts a lot to make magic talismans.

And among the magic talismans made by Xia Jian, "Healing Technique" is the most.

At that time, Xia Jian made such a choice. There is no intention to prevent this from happening...

I didn't think so...

The initial preparations turned out to be useful one day!


However, Xia Jian did not have any intention of being complacent about his foresight!

Compared to this, Xia Jian actually hoped that he would never use these "Healing Technique" charms.

Next, Xia Jian used a dozen "Healing Technique" charms on Xiaohua in a row...

However, although the activation of the talisman only requires very little mental power.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat...

Tonight is an eventful night!

Xia Jian didn't dare to consume too much of his mental power.

But when he felt a little tired, he stopped and said to Liu Li, who was waiting by the side, "Go and call Chen Xi over!"

In the entire fleet!

Apart from Xia Jian himself, the one with the highest mental strength is Chen Xi!

Xia Jian wanted Chen Xi to replace his job...


When Chen Xi arrived, Xia Jian showed her how to use the "Healing Technique" amulet.

Just wanted to take a break to restore my mental strength...

Suddenly there was a commotion from the stern...

On the deck, many people pointed at the sea...

Look in the direction these people are pointing.

In the endless darkness, a light loomed.

With just a glance, Xia Jian recognized it. This was the light of the headlights on the speedboat.


After only a few minutes, the familiar roar of the speedboat's engine was faintly heard on the sea.

"Could it be the Black Widow back..."

When Xia Jiangang had this idea, Liu Li had already said it first.

After thinking about it, Xia Jian cautiously said: "Send a few people over to take a look..."


Liu Li takes orders...

As the saying goes, if you are bitten by a snake for ten years, you are afraid of the rope!

After what happened tonight, Xia Jian didn't dare to be careless anymore.

Be careful!

It's better to keep an eye on everything!


But Xia Jian's caution this time is obviously superfluous...

"It's eldest sister..."

As the speedboat approached, I went to meet the two speedboats. Soon came the cry of the storm.

It's just that there seems to be a hint of urgency in his voice!

Xia Jian's heart trembled...

Could it be that something happened to Black Widow?

I didn't think he was really talking about it...

When the three speedboats took over, the Black Widow was indeed carried out of the cabin by the storm.

see this scene. Xia Jian couldn't care about anything else, and hurried over...

"What's the matter? What happened to Black Widow?"

Not only Xia Jian...

The core veteran-level figures in Xia Jian's hands basically rushed over to this meeting.

You must know that Black Widow is a general-level powerhouse now...

The strength is faintly surpassing Xie Cong, becoming Xia Jian's subordinate, becoming the number one master under Xia Jian.

On weekdays, managing things like that. She is also responsible for most of it.

Her safety really touched the hearts of many people!


"Boss...I'm fine..."

Hearing Xia Jian's concerned voice, Black Widow quickly replied.

Only the voice is a little weak...

At this time, Xia Jian has also rushed to the front of the storm...

See Black Widow at this time. He was soaked all over, as if he had just been picked up from the water.

There are no wounds...

It's just that the spirit seems to be very bad!


Xia Jian hurriedly performed a "healing technique" for Black Widow.

Moisturized by the soft milky white halo, Black Widow's sluggish appearance finally seemed to be a little bit more energetic.

after that. It is even more to break free from the arms of the storm. stand up...

"what is going on?"

Xia Jian asked the most concerned question in his heart...

"It's Jack..."

Black Widow didn't talk nonsense, and directly said the main point...

It's just that when she said it was Jack, there was a hint of fear in her eyes...

That's right!

Just fear!

Could it be that Jack's strength has reached a level that can make a general-level powerhouse like Black Widow fear?


Things have to start from the beginning...

turn out to be……

After Black Widow chases out.

Among the three speedboats, one was separated at that time and came to intercept her!

The strength of the three people on this speedboat, according to Black Widow's feeling. At least they have reached the late soldier level, or even the peak.

And equipped with a lot of powerful firepower.

So much so that Black Widow took a lot of work to solve them...

And the other two speedboats. I also took advantage of this time to escape all the way...

But that's not the most important thing...

When Black Widow finally got rid of the first speedboat, the second speedboat came up again at this time.


It seemed that the other party had long expected that she would go after her.

The three people on the second speedboat are not only peak-level soldier-level powerhouses, but even have the ability to restrain her.

One of them is a long-range fire attack!

One is the wind system mutant!

The last, and even the rarest, electrical mutant.

Facing the obstruction of these three mutants...

Black Widow has suffered enough!

Can't even get past them! Once Black Widow flew up, it revealed that she wanted to leave.

That electric mutant would summon a bolt of lightning out of thin air and knock her down from the sky...

Fortunately, although these three mutants are powerful...

But the abilities they cast seem to consume mental power very much.

Plus from the beginning, Black Widow didn't want to fight them...

They haven't been able to catch up to Black Widow either!

In the end, the black widow was forced to use up their mental power.

Without their spiritual power, they can't use their abilities, facing the black widow who can fly, and one of them is still on the boat...

The results are predictable...

Naturally, the attack and defense were reversed, and they were all sent to the sea by the black widow to feed the sharks.

But after being tossed about by them, another ten minutes passed...

When Black Widow, following the sound, found the last speedboat, the speedboat was already close to the coast!

Across the distance, Black Widow felt that the two people on the speedboat looked familiar!

Take a closer look...

It was Jack and his wife.

At that time, Black Widow wanted to go up and ask...

But I didn't think about it, I didn't wait for her to get close. Black Widow suddenly felt a "boom..." in her mind, as if something suddenly exploded in her mind.

That feeling. It's like a week ago, when he was hit by the mental shock on the Dingyuan ship, it was the same time!


This time, Black Widow was directly hit by this mental shock.

At that time, he was seriously injured and vomited blood, and passed out in a coma...

Fortunately, when he finally fell into the sea, he was stimulated by the icy sea water, and Yunyou woke up a little.


Can you come back alive tonight? It's all a big question!


"Mental shock?"

After listening to Black Widow's narration, Xia Jian couldn't help but ponder...

From what Black Widow said...

Jack and his wife, there must be one of them. It is a mutant of the spiritual system.

And not weak...

Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a big impact on a general-level powerhouse!

Could they be the spiritual master who has been hiding in the dark?

Xia Jian thinks this possibility is very high...

To know……

The mutants of the spiritual system are not the cabbage on the street.

That is among all mutants. the rarest of existence. To this day, Xia Jian has only seen Chen Xi, a pure spiritual mutant.

However, the question now is...

Why do they keep hiding their strength?

And it is still secretly accumulating strength!

Xia Jian asked himself...

From beginning to end, he never revealed any hostility to them!

on the contrary……

Because Jack was the former captain of Dingyuan, Xia Jian treated him like a guest everywhere!

Why exactly?


But now this reason is no longer important to Xia Jian...

With Xiaoqiang and Dazhi being infected...

Jack couple. Now in Xia Jian's heart, he has become the mortal enemy in the first order.

For the enemy...

Xia Jian will not have any kindness!

For whatever reason they have!

"Go and rest..."

After casting a "healing technique" on Black Widow again. Xia Jian let the storm help her down to rest.


After some negotiation!

The originally assembled crowd was also ordered to disperse.

All were forced to return to their rooms.

And martial law was issued!

What happened tonight can be said to have taught Xia Jian a lesson!

Let him understand that there are still big loopholes in his management of the fleet before.


After an hour...


Xia Jian's former room, the presidential suite!

After the crowd outside was settled, everyone gathered here again.

A group of people gathered around the sofa...

Lying on the sofa is Xiao Hua who is still unconscious...


Compared to an hour ago, the blood color on the little girl's face at this time is much better!

After an hour of uninterrupted use of "Healing Technique" by Chen Xi.

All the injuries on the little girl's body have basically been completely healed.

But the little girl still didn't wake up...

Just calm, lying there with a long breath, as if asleep.

Xia Jian squatted beside Xiao Hua, eyes closed...

A trace of invisible mental fluctuations slowly emanated from his body, constantly probing towards the sleeping flower...

a long time……

Xia Jian slowly opened his eyes, a trace of exhaustion flashed across his face...

"How about it?"

"When will Xiaohua wake up?"

Liu Li, Yasha and the others hurriedly gathered around...

Hearing the sound, Xia Jian shook his head helplessly...

In fact, the injury on the little girl's body has long been cured by Chen Xi!

But there is no sign of waking up...

Chen Xi, who is a mutant of the mental system, after some inspection, found that Xiaohua seemed to have entered a state similar to hypnosis.

The situation was similar to when Chen Xi hypnotized Xiao Ling!

The only difference is...

Xiao Ling was forcibly hypnotized by Chen Xi when she was seriously injured!

And this little girl...

It seems that the brain is in self-protection and hypnotized itself!

According to Chen Xi's estimate...

It should be that Xiaohua saw something terrifying, or she saw the death of Xiaoqiang and Dazhi with her own eyes, which led to this situation!

Chen Xi has tried several times to wake her up!

Unfortunately it didn't work!

Thinking that Xia Jian's mental power is stronger than himself, Chen Xi asked Xia Jian to try it too!

But looking at Xia Jian's appearance...

Needless to say! also failed!

"Is there any way to wake her up?"

Xia Jian looked at Chen Xi again...

In the aspect of mental power, Xia Jian still has self-knowledge.

Although his spiritual power is indeed stronger than Chen Xi...

But if you compare the research and understanding of spiritual power, Chen Xi is enough to throw himself ten streets away.

After all, because Xia Jian has too many skills, most of his energy is devoted to the experience of how to improve his level and skills...

And Chen Xi...

No system help!

If she wants to make progress, she must study and explore by herself.


This time, Xia Jian's hopes have failed!

The answer to him was that Chen Xi shook his head slightly in a low mood...


Xia Jian couldn't help but sigh...

Originally, he wanted to wait for the little girl to wake up and ask carefully what happened at that time.

Why is she being hunted down by Jack and others!

But now it looks...

This question can only be solved later...

"Go back and rest..."

Thinking of this, Xia Jian looked a little frustrated, waved his hand, and told everyone to go back to rest!

After all, with so much happening tonight, everyone is very tired...

There may be more to do tomorrow!

But before leaving...

Liu Li seemed to remember something and asked, "Boss, what will you do tomorrow? Are you going to support it according to the original plan?"

Listening to Liu Li's question, everyone couldn't help but stop...

To know……

Before something happened tonight, the fleet was ready to support that base.

They have even contacted Lieutenant General Hu Minghai of the other party...

Otherwise, they wouldn't be driving the ducks to the shelves overnight, so that everyone would be familiar with how to fly a plane.

Xia Jian hesitated for a while, but instead of answering directly, he asked Xie Cong: "By the way, Xie Cong, in which direction is the secret military port you said? How far is it from here?"

"Not far, what's wrong?"

"Wait a minute, please contact the old man and say that something happened to us, and the support thing needs to be dragged back. Let's talk about it when we arrive at the military port..."

Xia Jian couldn't have been careless...

After what happened tonight, he had to consider a situation...

That is……

If that master hidden in the is really Jack and his wife! Will those marine creatures still hide from their fleet!

This is a very serious issue that Xia Jian must consider!

Xia Jian has even secretly made a decision in his heart...

Whether it is or not...

The first thing to do tomorrow is not to support that base! Instead, find a place to dock first, and transfer the important supplies on board first.

As for after...

Xia Jian also planned to let Black Widow drive the Dingyuan to go out for a walk.

This issue is related to the life and death of the entire fleet, and it is much more important than supporting others, so I have to be careful...

……………………………………………………(To be continued..)

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