Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 65: : 2 choices

Facing Xu Leini's violence, Cui Kai quickly apologized!

And repeatedly promised that he would never do it again in the future, and Xu Leini let him go...

"Please! General..."

Hu Minghai's mood at this time is a bit like overturning the five-flavor bottle!

Can't tell what it tastes like!

This mutant named Xu Leini looked at him with his eyes and tone, which made Hu Minghai very uncomfortable!

That's right!

Just uncomfortable!

Hu Minghai knew the reason. Although this woman was very polite to herself, her words and actions did not show the kind of reverence that she treated big people!

It was as if she was facing an ordinary old man!

It's still this woman!

The young man who just appeared is even more unbearable!

The eyes are very playful...

However, Hu Minghaiye is also aware of his current situation. Maybe they really have the capital to despise him!

For some reason, Hu Minghai suddenly wanted to see the boss they mentioned earlier!


The way forward……

Soon Hu Minghai entered the central area of ​​the entire military port.

Not far away, dozens of bonfires were blazing into the sky.

You can faintly see some figures busy on the pier...

Wait a little closer, when you go around a bend...

Hu Minghai's eyes lit up, and several giants at sea suddenly appeared in Hu Minghai's field of vision.

The most conspicuous is a luxury cruise ship.

It's parked right near the dock, the whole ship. The lights are bright, and the area near the hull is as bright as day.

Next to this luxury cruise ship. It is a destroyer.

A little further in the darkness, there is a super tanker and an aircraft carrier, looming on the sea of ​​the port.


Hu Minghai was a little puzzled.

Didn't the intelligence a few days ago say that the other party should be a large fleet?

How about an aircraft carrier and a destroyer.

And it seems that these two warships. It doesn't seem to be a domestic model.

Go a little further...

Hu Minghai suddenly saw a few foreign devils!

Seeing their very familiar naval uniforms, Hu Minghai couldn't help but be even more confused, "Is it an aircraft carrier and a destroyer. Is it really the Seventh Fleet?"

waited here...

Hu Minghai finally knew what these people were busy with!

They seem to be taking all kinds of supplies down from the luxury cruise ship.


In some less serious damage, they have cleared out a small area, all kinds of corpses and garbage. Burned by them. Then one simple tent was erected.

"What are they doing?"

"Are they going to establish a stronghold here?"

"But if it is to establish a stronghold..."

Hu Minghai determined the surroundings again, except for some simple outposts, in the entire camp, Hu Minghai did not find any fortifications...

"Excuse me, are you setting up a camp here? Why didn't I see your patrolling personnel? I didn't see you building fortifications? Aren't you afraid..."

Driven by curiosity, Hu Minghai finally asked his doubts.

That's right...

Look at the whole camp, the fire is bright. The whole has become a busy construction site.

But I didn't see any fortifications and patrolling personnel...

This thing was weird...

Are they not afraid of mutant creatures and dark chasers?



As soon as Hu Minghai finished speaking, there was a burst of ridicule from the side.

It was the young man who led the team to greet you just now...

It's Cui Kai...

Facing Hu Minghai's doubts. It was as if he had heard a good joke.

At this time, Xu Leini chuckled and shook her head...

But there is no intention to answer Hu Minghai's question!

This leaves Hu Minghai at a loss!

Is there something wrong with this problem?

Having learned the lesson of this time, Hu Minghai has learned to be smart this time. He just observed carefully along the way and never asked again.

He understands...

These people simply don't answer their own questions.



Xu Leini and his party came to a building that still maintained its general structure.

Hu Minghai knows this place!

It was an abandoned warehouse in the former military port.

Unexpectedly, this abandoned warehouse has now become the most well-preserved building in the entire military port!

There was a faint light coming out of the warehouse window...

"Okay! It's here! Come in!

When they were brought here, Cui Kai and his team stopped and pushed open the door of the warehouse.

Xu Leini took Hu Minghai directly into the warehouse...



Before entering here, Hu Minghai had already thought about many ways and scenarios to meet the boss and himself!

But when Hu Minghai really entered this warehouse.

He had to admit that he was still taken aback...

The first thing that catches the eye is the five-headed mutant creatures with huge bodies and different colors, similar to wolves.

Not only that……

Inside, there are more than ten mutated Tibetan mastiffs that are even larger than these mutated giant wolves.

Every mutant creature exudes this powerful and terrifying aura.

Rao is that Hu Minghai is used to seeing strong winds and waves.

At this time, I can't help but feel like I'm going to be out of breath...

At the very beginning...

Hu Minghai almost had the urge to escape from here!

Fortunately, he finally suppressed this impulse.

Otherwise, this face can really lose a lot of hair!

Well at this time...

"What are you doing! What are you doing! Don't you know that the general is our VIP?"

In the midst of this huge group of mutant creatures, a cold voice suddenly came out.

The voice just fell...

Hu Minghai suddenly felt just now. Like a mountain, the terrifying aura pressing on him dissipated and became invisible.


Hu Minghai heaved a sigh of relief.

I secretly thought: Are you really going to give me a slap in the face?

At the same time, I can't help but have some doubts...

Could it be that these people contacted these mutant creatures to attack the base?

Unlikely, right?


Just when Hu Minghai was cranky. A young man with a grim face stepped out of the pack.


Hu Minghai also hurried up to meet him, and took the opportunity to look at the young man.

He looks like he is in his early twenties, with a smile on his face, and his appearance is very ordinary. Before the Great Destruction, he was definitely the kind that was thrown into the crowd and could never be found again.


from him. The terrifying murderous aura that exuded even Hu Minghai was startled.

In a trance...

Hu Minghai even thought he was facing a ferocious predator.

Its momentum...

Even compared to this ferocious beast around him. Not even weaker.

The moment he saw this young man, Hu Minghai froze in his heart...

There is no doubt that this young man is the boss of their mouths!


Seeing the young man come out, Hu Minghai found the woman who brought him here. Immediately greeted. Respectfully: 'Boss!'


The one who can be called the boss by the black widow and can sit with the Tibetan mastiffs and the wolf kings is naturally not someone else...

It's Xia Jian!

Xia Jianchao nodded to Xu Leini...

His gaze immediately turned to Hu Minghai: 'Are you Lieutenant General Hu Minghai?'

Although it uses honorifics! But there is no surprise in Xia Jian's tone!

This is not surprising! Who let Liu Guowei of the Southeast Base give Xia Jian's impression is too bad!

Hu Minghai nodded: 'Well! You are...'

Hu Minghai also wanted to ask Xia Jian's name!

Very ordinary tone, in his capacity, there are only a handful of people in this world who can make him use honorifics!

To him, this young man who came out of some mud pit is definitely not among them!

Even if he admits that Xia Jian is indeed strong enough!


Ever since he vaguely knew that his parents were a bit difficult, Xia Jian has been treating these people in the government. very sensitive!

Naturally, he won't reveal his name easily!

Not only will it not be revealed, Xia Jian even told the whole team. A lockdown has been issued!

Although Xia Jian also understands that doing so has very limited effect...

‘It’s good! Just call me Xiaoxia, come and sit down!’

Xia Jian pointed behind him...

Only then did Hu Minghai realize that there was a fire in the herd!

The thigh of an unknown creature is being roasted on the fire! A middle-aged man is standing by the bonfire, turning his thigh vigorously!

It is definitely not someone else who can appear here at this time!

It is the official chef of the Tibetan mastiff leader and the translator of Xia Jian, Mo Shaojun!


'Xiao Xia, right? I don't know what to do with the old man?'

Hu Minghai sat down without any nonsense and cut to the subject directly!

No wonder he was so eager...

You know, at this time, the entire base 015 is still surrounded by mutant creatures!

Who knows what will happen if it drags on for too long!

'Ha ha……'

Xia Jian smiled. Naturally, he saw Hu Minghai's worry and comforted him: "General, don't worry, there will be nothing at the base for the time being!"

After a pause, he added: 'At least until we talk about the results here, there will be nothing wrong in the base!'

At this time, Mo Shaojun handed a piece of well-cooked barbecue to Xia Jian!

Xia Jian took it, handed it to Hu Minghai, and said with a smile: 'The general has been fighting for so long, and he has traveled so long, and he is hungry when he wants to come. Come, eat a piece to fill your stomach first!'

Hu Minghai waved his hand and refused, 'Thank you, speaking of which, I haven't thanked Xiao Xia yet! Thanks to you today, otherwise I would not have survived tonight, old man! But please be considerate of Xiao Xia! If I don't resolve this matter sooner, I am restless what!'

'Okay! Let's get down to business first...'

After all, Xia Jian threw the barbecue in his hand and lay beside him. He opened his mouth a long time ago, in the mouth of Xiaoxing who was waiting...

Sitting up straight, he said seriously: 'But before that. I want to make sure of one thing first...'

'Please speak!'

'Can the decision made by the general represent the entire base...'


Hu Minghai opened his mouth to answer.

But he didn't want to be interrupted by Xia Jian's wave, and said with a serious expression: 'This is very important! The general has to think about it clearly. When the general promises something, if anyone in your base fails to do it, then the matter can be...'

Hu Minghai could not help but be caught in a dilemma...

He knows his own business...

Not to mention those colleagues who have already retreated underground!

Among the more than three million people you have now, how many people will really listen to them?

Maybe really listen to yourself. Only his subordinates!

Thinking for a while...

Seeing Xia Jian's serious face, Hu Minghai decided to tell the truth: 'This... I'm actually just recommended by everyone, and I can't make up my mind. But you can convey your opinions to everyone...'


Before Hu Minghai finished speaking, a low voice suddenly came from the side!

Looking at the sound, Hu Minghai found the sound. It seems to be the giant wolf with golden hair!

This giant wolf. It is lying lazily among the four giant four-colored wolves that are bigger than it! I had been squinting before, and I thought it was asleep!

'The Wolf Emperor said that your old man is very honest and is willing to give you a chance...'

At this time, Mo Shaojun, who had been caring for the barbecue, suddenly spoke!

Hu Minghai was taken aback: 'Wolf King? I'm very honest? Give me a chance?'

Hu Minghai couldn't keep up with Mo Shaojun's thinking...

I don't even understand what Mo Shaojun is talking about...

'Ha ha……'

Xia Jian smiled: 'Okay, since the Wolf Emperor is willing to talk, then we can get to the point...'

'General, allow me to introduce you first, this is in this whole forest. The king of all wolves...'

Xia Jian pointed to the sleeping wolf emperor: 'Of course, the wolf emperor is also one of the initiators of this siege of your base. At the same time, he is also the representative of this negotiation with you. The person who can really decide the fate of your base... uh... it's a wolf...'

Hu Minghai was shocked...

Xia Jian pointed to the Tibetan mastiff leader again: 'This is my ally, the leader of the Tibetan mastiff tribe...'

Saying this, Xia Jian smiled: 'General, if you can get through this time, you must thank the Tibetan mastiff leader. If it wasn't for him to stop him and be willing to be the middleman, your base would have been destroyed by mutant creatures long ago. It's flat!'

Hu Minghai was completely confused at this time!

Why did the representatives and the middleman come?

At this time, Xia Jian pointed to himself and Mo Shaojun again: 'As for us! It's your translator!'


Hu Minghai said in shock: 'You mean you can communicate with these mutant creatures?'

'Cut! Isn't this nonsense?'

Mo Shaojun, who was in a bad mood with the meat roasting all the time, threw Hu Minghai a hygienic eye!

This old man is really rare and strange!

Are the evolutionists in Base 015 really so weak? There isn't even a mutant who can communicate with animals?

Hu Minghai blushed...

I didn't expect to be despised by these little guys when I was getting old!

Xia Jian said again at this time: 'General, do you know why the Wolf King is attacking your base this time?'

Hu Minghai subconsciously replied: 'Why?'

Xia Jiandao: 'Because you have crossed the border!'


Hu Minghai was dumbfounded on the spot: 'Having crossed the border?'

Xia Jian explained: 'I want to come to the general to know that today's mutant creatures, especially those powerful mutant creatures, are wise?'

Hu Minghai nodded: 'Yeah! I've heard of this!'

'Well! Wisdom naturally has emotions. In fact, most mutant creatures are not hostile to human beings. If you stay in the base honestly, they will not attack you at all, but...'

Hu Minghai was not stupid, and he quickly heard what Xia Jian was trying to convey: 'You mean, we shouldn't hunt and kill indiscriminately in the forest at will?'


Xia Jian nodded...

Hu Minghai smiled bitterly: 'But we are forced to! If we don't go out to hunt, we will starve to death!!'

Xia Jian also smiled bitterly: 'But you not only hunt and kill indiscriminately, but you also always target the cubs of those predators, causing public outrage!'

Hu Minghai is that depressed!

Unexpectedly, the reason why these mutant creatures attacked the base was for such a thing!

Are these mutant creatures still animals?

Wouldn't it be another intelligent race!

But okay...

Since this Xiao Xia called himself here, it was obvious that he had negotiated terms with these mutant creatures.

Hu Minghai immediately asked, "Is there any way to remedy it now?"

"Of course there is..."

Xia Jian nodded...

Isn't that the purpose of calling this old man here!

But in a flash, Xia Jian made a look of embarrassment again...

Hu Minghai observed his words and asked, "Xiao Xia, what are the conditions, you can say anything!"


Xia Jian sighed and said, "It's actually very simple, that is, the survivors in your base will never be allowed to go to the forest to catch prey at will!!"

Speaking of this, Xia Jian emphasized: "It is not allowed to go out of the base to hunt any prey!"

"Now the entire forest has been divided up by these powerful ethnic groups, or some powerful predators. Every place has its own land. When you go to hunt, it is a challenge to them!"

"As long as you agree, they can forgive you one more time..."


"If someone commits another crime at the base next time..."

Hu Minghai's face suddenly became ugly!


Xia Jian shook his head and continued: "Now you have two choices..."

"One is to stay and agree to their terms..."

"The other is to move out of here..."

"And, I personally suggest that you choose the second condition..."


Choose the second condition! Move the entire base out of this forest!

Sounds like a waste of time!

But in reality Hu Minghai knew that if things were really like what Xia Jian said, then his suggestion was really the best choice.

Born to be a human! Hu Minghai naturally understands what human nature is!

If you agree with the first rule!

It's good for few people...

But now the number of people in the entire base is in the millions! Even God cannot control the minds of all people.

not to mention……

Even if you agree to it! Whether those who have already evacuated to the ground will agree is still a question!

Hu Minghai was caught in a dilemma for a while!

Xia Jian said with understanding: "General! Don't be busy choosing, you should go back and discuss it with everyone!"

…………………………………………(To be continued..)

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