Chapter 133 The Reverence Brought by Status

“Are you the maids you just brought back?” What is your name? ”

A simple sentence made Liu Mingyue instantly fall into the ice cave, now don’t say hot, she is cold and will fall slag!

The maids next to them were not much better, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a bite.

Liu Mingyue was afraid to die in her heart, and she did not doubt the words of the maids, after all, Mu Yueqing was too fierce to do it, giving Liu Mingyue a feeling of killing people like drinking water.

Thinking of being fed zombies soon, Liu Mingyue was scared to cry.

“I…. My name is Liu Mingyue. ”

Li Yun’s heart moved, the husband before the end of the month was surnamed Liu, plus there was a month in the name, Li Yun could basically confirm it.

As for Liu Mingyue’s laziness, let Bai Fumei wash the car, isn’t it difficult for people? Bai Fumei has done this kind of work?

In fact, whether it is Bai Fumei or not, even if it is these maids, as long as it is not too excessive, Li Yun will turn a blind eye, and sooner or later the high-pressure policy will have problems.

“Turn your head and look at me, didn’t anyone teach you the rules?”

Liu Mingyue was startled, and quickly turned around, learning the words taught to her by the maids and responding: “I’m sorry, my lord. ”

Looking at Liu Mingyue in front of him, Li Yun was more certain in his heart, the girl in front of him was almost carved out of a mold with the Yueyi people, especially the quiet and weak temperament, and there was some gap between the figure and the mature woman of the Yueyi people, after all, it was still a green fruit.

“What’s your mother’s name?”

Liu Mingyue froze slightly, full of question marks, not understanding how to suddenly start checking the household registration.

“I…. My mother’s name is Yueyiren, my lord, do you know? ”

Looking at Li Yun with hopeful eyes, Liu Mingyue had no other meaning, if the high-level in front of her knew her mother, maybe the trust relationship, looking at her mother’s past face, would not let them suffer this kind of suffering.

Without Li Yun answering, the maids who washed the car next to them let out a cry of surprise and looked at Liu Mingyue with strange eyes and thick envy in their eyes.

The name of the Yueyi people, these maids can be said to be one of the three adults in charge of them, nothing else, the whole hospital in addition to Lin Fan, the real lords and masters, and then down to Li Yun, Yueyi people and these high-level people!

Even the female warriors, even the ‘first-generation’ Li Fengjiao, Zhu Fangfang, and Xu Yan, they are much lower in status, after all, they are people who live in the core layer, even if they are waiting to dress and wash, their status is also expensive.

No matter what, the three officials in front of the prime minister’s door and the eunuchs around the emperor had to be carefully accompanied, and Li Yun’s identity was like this.

Liu Mingyue was not deaf, naturally heard the exclamations coming from around, and looked at the past with a blank look, she saw the envious eyes in the eyes of those maids, and for a while she was even more dazed.

Wu Mengfei and these white rich and beautiful people who came out were a little confused, why did the attitude of these maids change so much?

Li Yun glanced at these maids, and naturally knew why these maids exclaimed, and snorted coldly: “None of them have jobs, right?” ”

The maids were startled and quickly lowered their heads to continue working.

Looking back, Li Yun looked at Liu Mingyue with the color of hope in front of him, and he had the heart to say something, but gave up.

“I know your mother, let’s work hard.”

Li Yun turned and left, leaving Liu Mingyue alone with a misty head.

Liu Mingyue was washing cars all afternoon, but the doubts in her heart could not be dispelled, after all, those maids looked at them with envy from time to time, how could Liu Mingyue not be confused?

Knowing the stakes, except for Li Yun who occasionally came over and announced that he could rest for a while, Liu Mingyue, even if he was hot and tired, did not dare to rest again, and did not put down the water gun until the evening, ending the day’s work.

In just half a day, Liu Mingyue was like a frosted eggplant, not a frost, not a faint, but tired for an afternoon, the whole person will collapse.

At dinner in the evening, Liu Mingyue could not contain the doubts in her heart, and discussed with Wu Mengfei, who was also tired, why the eyes of those maids were so strange.

Wu Mengfei ate the dishes in the bowl, and changed to usual, such a simple meal, there was not even meat, she absolutely did not look at it, but now she ate very fragrantly, one afternoon she was tired and hungry, and she really couldn’t bear it without eating.

“In my opinion, your mother is probably here, and her status may not be low, otherwise those maids would not look at you with that envious look, this is my speculation, and I don’t know more.”

Listening to Wu Mengfei’s words, Liu Mingyue was even more confused, and before she could ask for the exit, a Bai Fumei at the same table asked: “If Yueyue’s mother is not in a low position here, why do we still have to do such a hard job?” Even if it has nothing to do with us, the month should be exempt, right? ”

Liu Mingyue also had this question in her heart, if according to what Wu Mengfei said, her mother had a not low status here, she should not do this kind of hard work, and her identity was still a maid for the time being.

After swallowing the food in the cup, Wu Mengfei shook her head, “I don’t know about this, look at those maids, what a good object of inquiry, don’t you know if you ask?” ”

Liu Mingyue hesitated, got up from her seat, and walked over to the maids who washed the car together in the afternoon.

Seeing Liu Mingyue coming, the maid at this table hurriedly gave way to her position, and the awe on her face and eyes made Liu Mingyue confused.

“You sit, you sit.”

Looking at the seat in front of her, the doubts in Liu Mingyue’s heart were going to explode, if before the end of the world, these women were so afraid of her, she could understand, but now is the end of the world, everyone is in the same position, why are these maids so afraid of her? Why? Why?

Subconsciously, Liu Mingyue looked at these maids and asked, “Why are you so afraid of me, this phenomenon began in the afternoon, do you know my mother?” ”

And a maid glanced at each other, one of them wanted to say something, but was pulled by the maid next to him, and then shook his head, and the maid who wanted to speak suddenly took back the words of the side.

The maids are not stupid, Li Yunming knows Liu Mingyue’s identity, but he did not do anything, nor did he tell her the truth, this must be for a reason, they are in this multi-coveted, do not want to live? Dare to talk about high-level things? Chewing the root of the tongue, they don’t dare now.

The maids looked like this, Liu Mingyue was even more uncomfortable, and the curiosity in her heart was about to explode!

“Say, do you know anything?”

Liu Mingyue hurriedly asked, and several maids shook their heads, there was really no way, simply left the table.

Liu Mingyue, who found nothing, walked back in frustration, and after telling the process again, a group of sisters also looked at each other.

Put down the rice bowl and look at the eyes of the sisters, as the leader of a group of white rich and beautiful, Wu Mengfei still has two brushes.

“According to the description of the moon and the moon, I can probably speculate about two points, the first point, that is, the mother of the moon and the moon is indeed here, and the status is not low, the second point, that is, maybe the mother identity of the moon and the moon is more sensitive, maybe there is something difficult to say, so I did not come to pick up the moon, this may be a kind of protection, of course, it may also be that I have done something sorry for the moon and the moon, and dare not face the moon and the moon.”

Although Wu Mengfei’s speculation is not entirely correct, it is also a large part of the truth.

Just as everyone was thinking, a large group of people poured in from outside the canteen, and in an instant the canteen became noisy.

Looking at the group of women who poured in, Wu Mengfei watched curiously, pulled the maid next to her, and asked, “Who are these people?” ”

The woman looked at Wu Mengfei and saw Wu Mengfei’s beautiful appearance, and subconsciously said with some caution: “Those people should be the survivors brought back today, but they will soon be the same as our identity, unless they choose to be female warriors and go out to kill zombies, but this depends on the masters and mothers who can’t come at night.” ”

“When the housewives come in the evening, it means that they have a choice, but coming here means that they have to wait.”

Hearing that there was still an opportunity to choose to be a female warrior, Wu Mengfei’s eyes lit up, pointing to those female warriors holding Tang Dao and asking, “Female warriors are the ones they refer to, right?” Is it not to choose to be a female warrior, so that you do not have to be a maid? ”

The woman nodded, looked at Wu Mengfei enviously, and said, “Yes, the task of the female warrior is to kill zombies, I heard that those weapons are given by the Almighty Lord, the Tang Dao has the power of the Lord, killing the zombie will activate the power of the Lord and strengthen the user’s body!” ”

“See those female warriors?” Now all of them are female supermen, those ‘first-generation’ female warriors, but also can fly the cornice to the wall, split the sword qi, very powerful, and the female warrior status is a little higher, there is a great chance to contact the Lord, if you can be favored by the Lord, it is equivalent to flying up the branches to become a phoenix! ”

Wu Mengfei’s heart stirred as she listened, and the cornice walked the wall? Knife gas? Tang Dao? Strength? Aggrandizement? Now she understood, no wonder those women were so powerful, even Wang Xiaoming’s strong skills were killed by a face, if there was an external force to strengthen, it would be understandable.

As for flying up the branches to become a phoenix? Wu Mengfei scanned the canteen and found that it was all women, and asked curiously: “Is the Lord a man or a woman?” I found that we didn’t seem to see a man here, so shouldn’t that Lord be a woman too? ”

The maid shook her head and waved her hand: “No, no, no, the Lord is a man, the only man, our rule of power is that we don’t need a man, as long as a woman, the Lord can do everything, so there is no need for a man to hinder the eyes.” ”

Wu Mengfei immediately understood, no wonder those maids in the afternoon were so bold, wore less, and threw water on their bodies, it turned out that there were no men in the whole hospital, the only man was still the leader of the entire force, all women were possessions, and naturally did not care about being watched.

“Do you know me?”

The woman shook her head and hesitated, “I don’t know, you should be new today, right?” I work over there in the orchard, what about you? ”

Wu Mengfei’s heart moved, and he glanced at Liu Mingyue, who was in a daze, and counted his heart.

“My name is Wu Mengfei, and I heard that there is a high-level person named Yueyi in our forces, do you know?” She’s my relative, can you tell me where she is? When the time comes, it will be indispensable to your benefit. ”

The woman was stunned for a moment and looked at Wu Mengfei’s eyes with envy.

“I know that Lord Yueyi people live in the supermarket, which is second only to the lord and the lord mother, and you will be blessed in the future, I heard that now Lord Yueyi people have replaced Zhao Yanyan’s master mother and their work of dressing and washing, maybe one day you will be able to take the position, then you can remember to promote me.”

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