Chapter 134 Lin Fan’s doubts, can the army come in the end?

What the woman said behind her, Wu Mengfei did not listen, her whole person was a little confused, she now understood.

She understood why the Yueyi people did not come to Liu Mingyue, and also understood why Li Yun, the adult, did not choose to help Liu Mingyue, which was similar to the situation she guessed.

The noise in the cafeteria soon subsided, and under the threat of several female warriors, the cafeteria soon fell silent.

At the dinner table, Wu Mengfei looked at the depressed Liu Mingyue, and she didn’t know whether to say something.

Say what? Is your mom getting you a stepfather? Isn’t that nice?

Gazed at by Wu Mengfei’s strange gaze, Liu Mingyue was uncomfortable, “Sister Feifei, why do you look at me like this?” If you have anything to say, there seems to be nothing between us sisters that can’t be said, right? ”

Wu Mengfei struggled in her heart, and finally chose to tell the truth, after listening, Liu Mingyue and her imaginary expression was not the same, looking at Liu Mingyue’s face with a calm and even doubtful look Wu Mengfei was stupid.

“Moon Moon, aren’t you angry?”

“No, I’m not angry at all.” Liu Mingyue shrugged his shoulders and wrote with a face that didn’t matter, “What’s this?” My dad separated from my mom ten years ago, my dad can play outside, won’t my mom be allowed to find a way to rely on? Before the end of the day, I told my mother that I could play by myself, but my mother was too conservative, and my mother would never come to see me because of this. ”

A group of sisters at the dinner table have a blast of mentality, and your consciousness is really high.

Now it was Wu Mengfei’s turn to be dumbfounded, if she said so, Liu Mingyue’s mother could not not come to see her, what the hell is wrong?.

“Sister Fifi, you said my mother was in the supermarket, right?”

Looking at Liu Mingyue in surprise, Wu Mengfei felt a sudden surprise in her heart and said nervously: “What do you want to do?” The supermarket is a forbidden place, you don’t want to die, don’t mess around, tomorrow, tomorrow I secretly go to find your aunt, do you have a picture of your aunt on your phone? ”

Liu Mingyue quickly took out her mobile phone and turned out a photo of her and Yue Yiren.

Wu Mengfei took a look at it and was surprised: “You look so similar to your mother?” In addition to the difference in temperament, I almost thought it was twins. ”

Liu Mingyue raised her hand and slapped Wu Mengfei’s hand, and said angrily, “Don’t talk nonsense, there is still a difference between me and my mother.” ”

Watching Liu Mingyue come out of the downturn, Wu Mengfei stopped joking and dragged Liu Mingyue and a group of sisters back to the assigned dormitory to prepare for rest.

On the second floor of the supermarket, Zhao Wanqing They have all returned, today a day, there are a lot of new gains, more or less brought back some women, adding up to more than two hundred people.

As the chief manager of the hospital, Lin Youyou thought about it and clapped: “Recently, there is a shortage of manpower, so don’t think about it for the time being, let them suffer a little, and then distribute it uniformly after waiting for more people.” ”

The Yueyi people listening next to the sofa are bitter in their hearts, one more day, her daughter will suffer a day of sin, in fact, it will be better to go out to kill zombies, Liu Mingyue has been active since childhood, the courage is also big, the talent in fencing is good, the Yueyi people have a ninety percent certainty, her daughter will choose to be a female warrior.

The result is such a coincidence, this time there is a shortage of people, so do not think about it, this is uncomfortable.

This afternoon she had been watching, Liu Mingyue’s tired look in her eyes, almost in pain and ran out, if she could not pass that hurdle, she would have gone out a long time ago.

With her current position, it is still no problem to arrange idle work for Liu Mingyue, which is the right given by Lin Youyou, the general manager.

Couch, Lin Fan did not want to play the game, today the city wall of the east and west districts was built, and the north district wall was half completed.

The follow-up is the city gate tower, the wall stacking these more troublesome and delicate work, which may be more time-consuming, it is estimated that in recent days, to get things about the city wall.

At 11 o’clock in the evening, Su Xiaoluo ran back to his room, and Lin Fan took Lin Youyou to rest, and after a few days of research, he heard that there had been progress in the system, which was good news.

Just when Lin Fan was resting, the area in the north was about to approach the magic capital, several dazzling flames exploded in the sky, and the flames shattered an unknown number of corpses with air waves, and it seemed to rain blood in the sky, and the piercing sound of ‘Gaga’ resounded in mid-air, and it took a long time to calm down.

The Imperial Capital Security Bureau, watching several otters on the screen completely disappear, Zhao Zhi’an angrily slapped the table, and the soldiers next to him were frightened, and they didn’t know whether to report the situation for a while, but it seemed that it was not needed.

“Two days, 12 transport aircraft, 8 fighters, counting this batch has lost 15 transport aircraft, 10 fighters! These damn crows! Lao Tzu really wanted to take the nuclear bomb and blow it all up! ”

Zhao Zhi’an was breathing heavily, and the anger in his words could not be expressed, since the president had entrusted this task to him and strictly ordered that the thunder god must be found, the losses of the military department to now were very large!

But the problem of the nuclear bomb he now also thinks, that thing he will never dare to move, otherwise it will be countless condemnation, the nuclear bomb is a deadly thing, enough to shake the nerves of the whole world, once the nuclear bomb is used, the situation will escalate, at that time he can only commit suicide and apologize.

Looking at the angry Zhao Zhi’an, the soldier next to him subconsciously said: “Director, since there are crows blocking the way in that direction, why don’t you go in another direction?” ”

Zhao Zhian shook his head and laughed at himself: “Do you think I don’t know?” Where to go by detour? Jinling? Will the Jinling Military Region let you pass? Or a few military regions around it? One hundred percent will be withheld, forget it, I’ll go to Mr. President and see his opinion. ”

In the presidential office, it didn’t take long for Zhao Zhian to come out, the expression on his face was much more relaxed, and it seemed that he had got the desired result.

For the imperial capital, the plan for the magic capital was abandoned, the loss and the gain were not proportional to each other, and in two days, everything was already too late, and it was not worth paying more unless there was a clear goal.

The emperor made a second plan for the demon capital and declared bankruptcy.

In the Yangpu District of the magic capital, in the streets under the middle of the night, a somewhat bloated figure shuttled through the boundless sea of corpses, she seemed to be never tired, it seemed to use a pair of stomps to walk all over the world, for two long days, she tirelessly walked through tens of thousands of kilometers of road, she had no end, or had not yet reached the end.

The woman’s lower abdomen bulged, like a pregnant woman in July or August, under the clothes that were propped up, and even could see what seemed to be moving.

The zombies that come and go subconsciously avoid when they are far away from women, as if no rational zombies also understand what is called five talks and four beauty.

In the night, the woman’s bloated figure walked farther and farther, and the path she walked seemed to have some kind of law and purpose, all the way to the north-east.

For the next two days, Lin Fan was tinkering with the problem of the city wall, and it took two days for him to finally get the four walls intact, including the gate tower, the female wall, the battlement gate, and the corner tower, which really wasted a lot of Lin Fan’s effort.

And these two days were also very calm, there was no moth thing, but the survivors, every day more or less able to bring back two or three hundred people, but as the scope expanded, Zhao Wanqing’s distance to push outward was getting slower and slower.

What made Lin Fan more strange was that why this special military region had not moved a little? No, he said so badly, how come he didn’t move at all?

Even if you are far away, at least fly over and be a little straight, and why don’t you come and deter the fighters? So that he can move his muscles and bones.

Lin Fan thought of many possibilities, but he didn’t expect it, it had been two days, and the military region was stunned and ignored him, which was outrageous!

In fact, it is not that the military region does not want to pay attention to him, but the military region also has difficulties in the military region!

The Demon Warlord Liu Family, the cannon fire sounded in unison, and on the front line position, Liu Yuanbin was impressively in line, and next to him was Liu Jingyu with a black face and a constipated expression.

As the commander-in-chief of the First Army, he should have led the army to the Demon Capital today to clear the zombies, but the door did not go out!

A whole three divisions, the armored division, the mechanized infantry division, and the light mechanized infantry division were all blocked in the military district!

Do you still want to clear the zombies in the Demon City, this is not even out of the door, take the head to clear the zombies of the Demon City?

The sound of gunfire was loud in the sky, and Liu Yuanbin held a telescope in his hand to look at the rushing tide of corpses on the front position, and asked: “What is going on?” ”

Liu Jingyu felt unspeakable resignation in his heart, and in the face of Liu Yuanbin’s questioning, he said with a hard scalp: “Report to the commander-in-chief, it should be that the movement caused by our cleaning up of nearby zombies in the past few days is too large, and all the zombies in nearby towns have been attracted.” “、

Is there anything wrong with cleaning up the zombies near the military district? Surely it is true, but who knows, luck is so back, attracting hundreds of thousands of zombies from more than ten nearby towns?

As a result, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were all blocked at the gate of the military region and could not get out one step!

Liu Yuanbin did not expect such a thing to happen, put down the telescope in his hand, glanced at Liu Jingyu lightly, and said: “Set off as soon as possible, use heavy firepower to solve these zombies as quickly as possible.” ”


After reaching the established target point, the rocket launcher behind the rocket launcher was elevated high, and the holes in more than a dozen black hole holes had inexplicable deterrence.

Reaching the established angle, as the controller pressed the launch button, in the terrifying roar, one rocket cannon after another instantly fired out, dazzling fire and a large amount of gun smoke filled the air, more than a dozen rocket artillery launchers fired at the same time, hundreds of rocket launchers pulled a long tail flame in the sea of corpses to explode.

The terrifying flames engulfed everything within a radius of hundreds of meters, and the terrifying heat vaporized the corpses of the zombies, and the air waves exploded, and the zombies were thrown out like rag dolls and disintegrated in the air.

The support of rocket artillery and the crazy washing of large-caliber howitzers at this moment, the terrible lethality of thermal weapons was fully displayed, hundreds of thousands of wounds were quickly suppressed in the explosion, coupled with the fire of an entire infantry regiment on the position, hundreds of thousands of corpses were completely flattened in less than two hours.

Seeing all this through the telescope, Liu Jingyu was relieved and immediately ordered the First Army to march towards the Demon City!

Army! It’s finally out!

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