Chapter 135 Society is not fair from the start

“Good… So tired, my hands are going numb! ”

Holding an iron pickaxe in his hand, Liu Mingyue wore a straw hat on his head, like a village girl.

Under the straw hat, Liu Mingyue’s forehead was covered with fine sweat, tired and hot, and her small face was white.

Two days, these two days she is either washing cars or working in the fields, or is just carrying some steel, it is said that these steels are decomposed from the waste cars, useful later, anyway, Liu Mingyue is listening to the clouds in the fog.

In order not to be tanned, Liu Mingyue wore a straw hat to shade the sun, and the body was wrapped tightly and solidly, although the shade would not be tanned, but the hot dead man was real!

Wu Mengfei, who was carrying a bucket of water and was watering, wiped the sweat on his head, looked at Liu Mingyue’s appearance, and took a small breath: “Yueyue, you come to water, I change with you, you rest.” ”

Wu Mengfei’s dress and Liu Mingyue’s same, are covered up tightly, these two days Wu Mengfei thought about going to find Yue Yiren’s aunt, but without exception have failed, during the work, can not leave their own area, but then the consequences are very serious.

Can’t leave the work area, which means that you can only wait for the aunt of Yueyi people to come over, this wait is two days, these two days Wu Mengfei, a group of Bai Fumei who usually do not touch the spring water of the sun with ten fingers, can do all the hard work.

What is even more unfortunate is to listen to the maids say that recently because of the lack of labor, the top level has not considered recruiting new female soldiers for the time being, which means that they do not even have the opportunity to choose!.

Wu Mengfei is going to scold the mother, which is also too unlucky!

If they could choose, she and a group of little sisters would definitely choose to be female warriors, if nothing else, they were bold enough, holding simple weapons and daring to fight zombies, not to mention the sharp weapons of Tang Dao.

Having a noble background means that she can have more time to learn more things, like she and Liu Mingyue studied fencing, while the other little sisters are some of them taekwondo, some of them are karate, and some of them have learned martial arts with retired special forces.

For example, Wang Xiaoming and Liu Zihao, they are military martial arts learned from the bodyguards at home, although a face is seconds by the female soldiers, but this does not mean that they are really dishes.

With weapons in hand, two or three zombies are still not in sight, even if there are no weapons, zombies are not opponents.

The dream is very good, but the times are not lucky, usually used to play the piano and other instruments of the small hands, now can only carry a bucket of water, how sad is this?

Liu Mingyue was tired enough, handed the hoe in his hand to Wu Mengfei, and he picked up the bucket, compared to the hoe, the watering work will be easier, the two sisters have been rotated several times.

Otherwise, it is estimated that the two really can’t survive.

“Sister Fifi, do you think my mother knows that I am suffering?” If you knew, why didn’t you come to see me? Is it because you can’t wipe away your face? I wouldn’t mind. Carrying the bucket, Liu Mingyue kept complaining.

“Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, not to mention that this is the end of the world, I don’t want any chicken dog to ascend to heaven, at least pull us out of the maid’s side, ah, I am not unable to support myself, give me a tang knife, I can also kill zombies, sooner or later rely on my own efforts to ascend to the throne.” 」

Wu Mengfei put down the hoe, wiped the fine sweat on Caicai’s head, the expression on her face was also very incomprehensible, she was still a little confused about what the situation was, what did this Liu Mingyue’s mother mean?

Don’t you want your daughter? Will having a daughter affect your position over there? However, these Wu Mengfei also thought about it, did not tell Liu Mingyue, she was afraid that Liu Mingyue could not accept it.

On the second floor of the supermarket, Yueyi people are walking back and forth anxiously, this blink of an eye is two days, watching Liu Mingyue suffer every day, she is going to die of pain when she is, but Lin Youyou does not let go, she can’t go over that hurdle, she can only watch Liu Mingyue suffer.

Li Yun took a sip of water, looked at Yue Yiren’s look, and at the same time did not know what to say while laughing.

This kind of thing, the Yueyi people themselves figured it out, otherwise she said that it was useless to say more, everyone’s personality is different, she can calmly face her daughter in such a capacity, but the character of the Yueyi people determines that she can’t do it!

Although Li Yun didn’t know if her daughter was still alive now, even if she had the heart to save her, she felt powerless.

She herself had no ability, and the only person she could rely on was Lin Fan, but what did she ask Lin Fan for? Slaves asking the Lord to do something? Isn’t that a joke?

Li Yun could only pray in her heart that her daughter was okay, and at the same time, she hoped that Zhao Wanqing and these housewives would clean up faster.

“I said Yiren, you stop meeting, you turn a few more times, I will faint!” Zhang Qiuyue pinched his eyebrows with a headache, and the expression on his face was very helpless.

The speaker had no intention, the listener was intentional, Li Yun moved in his heart, looked at the big sun outside, and then looked at the depressed Yueyi people, intentionally or unintentionally: “Speaking of which, now the weather is so hot, I don’t know if those women in the field will suffer from heat stroke, after all, some women have not suffered hardships, they are weak, in case something happens…”

Yue Yiren was not calm after listening to the moment, Liu Mingyue’s daughter she had held in the palm of her hand since she was a child, she had never suffered this kind of suffering, thinking about seeing Liu Mingyue’s miserable white face in the past two days, and the crumbling slender figure, Yue Yiren could not stop in an instant!

“Sister Yun, I…. I have something to go out and see! ”

Yueyi people panicked, maternal love at this moment to overcome the hesitation of the unknown, can not care about the other, Yueyi people changed their shoes and left the supermarket directly, straight to the courtyard.

Watching Yue Yiren slip away with a cigarette, Zhang Qiuyue was a little stunned, this is a good end, how is it the same as burning the ass?

Li Yun smiled darkly in his heart, put down the water cup, patted Zhang Qiuyue’s shoulder, and said softly: “You are waiting at home at any time, I will go to see a good play.” ”

Zhang Qiuyue was not stupid, in connection with the words that Li Yun had just said and the movements of the Yueyi people, he laughed out loud.

“Sister Yun, you are also too bad, so you are soft and bullying, plus you are panicked, otherwise you will definitely not be so simple to plan.”

Li Yun, who had already walked to the door to change his shoes, glanced at her, and his slender fingers hooked the flesh-colored silk veil on the hook, and the crystal clear luster even Zhang Qiuyue, a woman, couldn’t help but jump in her heart.

“Are you still worried about yourself, the Yiren have a daughter, you don’t?” In case you are brought back by the masters one day, you should think about how to face it. ”

Zhang Qiuyue’s face was stunned, what Li Yun said was indeed reasonable, but Zhang Qiuyue quickly eased up, and the graceful figure lazily leaned back on the sofa and smiled lightly: “What is that?” Da Fang Fang told her that if she could understand, she would understand, and if she didn’t understand the same as the daughter of the Yi people, let her do a few days of hard work, and understand everything. ”

“After all, this is the end of the world, the society of people without order cannibalism, not to mention the present, before the end of the world, isn’t it the same?” It’s just not as direct as it seems. ”

Looking at Zhang Qiuyue in surprise, Li Yun did not expect that this good sister’s ideological consciousness was so high, or that she thought so clearly, in this regard, Zhang Qiuyue was similar to her, but it was clearer than the Yueyi people.

If the Yueyi people could see it so clearly, it wouldn’t be like the ants on the hot pot for three days.

“Okay, as far as you can say, tomorrow you will be changed to wear a library for the Lord, but I can’t come every day, and if you don’t wear it well, how will the Lord punish you?”

Laughing and scolding, Li Yun pushed open the door and walked out, on the sofa, Zhang Qiuyue’s pretty face was slightly fine, somewhat uncomfortable, quietly touched the mobile phone, planning to find some information on the Internet to learn.

To say that during this time, the maids still have some effect in reclaiming the farmland, and a large part of the courtyard has been green, and seedlings have emerged from the land, watering diligently every day, and the growth is very good.

Coming out of the supermarket, Yueyi people had an anxious look on their faces, casually stopped a maid, asked Liu Mingyue where they were, and rushed over anxiously.

More than ten meters apart, looking at the familiar back, even if she didn’t see the right face, Yueyi people recognized that it was her daughter.

Seeing that Liu Mingyue was crushed by the heavy bucket and could not stand up straight, the Yueyi people could not bear it and ran over in a hurry.

“Moon Moon….”

Liu Mingyue, who was struggling to carry a bucket of water to water, was suddenly stunned, and the familiar voice coming from behind her did not know how many times she had listened to it for more than ten years.

Wu Mengfei, who was holding a hoe, raised her head and saw at a glance the Yueyi people who were parked a few meters away, and that face was indeed the same as Liu Mingyue, almost carved out of a mold, although not as exaggerated as the twins, but the degree of similarity, at least eight points.

“Moon and moon, your mother, your mother is coming.”

Wu Mengfei whispered a reminder that at this time, Liu Mingyue came back from the dazedness.

Two days and more than three days, finally the Yueyi people came, I don’t know if it was these two days of hardship and eating, or fantasizing that the Yueyi people came to find her too many times, for a while Liu Mingyue did not know how to turn around.

The maids in the farmland all stopped their movements and looked at Liu Mingyue in a daze with envy, they had long thought that there would be this day, and they also knew that sooner or later Liu Mingyue’s white and rich beauties would be taken away, and now when they saw the Yueyi people rushing over, they didn’t have much envy in their hearts.

They also want someone to take them away and not have to do this kind of tiring work, but these can only be thought of as if there was no fairness in this world from the beginning, even if it is the end of the world, and the class system will always exist.

Liu Mingyue turned around and looked at the Yueyi people standing a few meters away, a few days of fatigue and bitterness in his heart broke out at this moment, with crying and unspeakable grievances, he dropped the bucket and pounced on the Yueyi people.

“Mom… How did you get here! ”

Looking at Liu Mingyue’s miserable little face and sweaty head, and then hearing the baby daughter’s crying and aggrieved words, Yueyi’s eyes were hot, and the tears fell on the spot.

Holding Liu Mingyue, who pounced on her, Yueyi people hurriedly comforted the baby daughter who kept whimpering in her arms, “Yue Yue, it is not good for mother, mother is late, mother should have come early, but some obstacles can’t go, let you suffer.” ”

“Mother will take you away, those are your sisters over there, right?” Mom will take you away. ”

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