Chapter 136 This chain is really beautiful, playing so big?

Hearing Yueyiren’s words, Liu Mingyue quickly raised her head, looked at Yueyiren with expectation on her face and asked, “Mother, can you really take us all away?” I heard the maids say that the rules here are very strict, and if it will cause trouble for Mom, we can stay here. ”

Although she wanted to leave here, Liu Mingyue was not a stupid child, and she was more worried about her mother being punished than this.

In the past two days, she had learned a lot of rules, which the maids had told her, including all kinds of punishments, and she did not want her mother to be punished for this.

Several Bai Fumei who stood with Wu Mengfei were also silent, although they all wanted to get out of here, but they also did not want to suffer even Liu Mingyue’s mother because of their own selfishness.

They are all well educated, discerning right from wrong in their hearts, and more aware of what is called stakes, Yueyi people are undoubtedly a big tree for them, as long as the Yueyi people do not fall, with their relationship with Liu Mingyue, they can be assigned some jobs that are not very hard.

This right, they know, the Yueyi people have.

On the contrary, if the Yueyi people were punished for this incident and accidentally fell, then their fate would not be much better.

To be able to hear Liu Mingyue say this, Yueyi people are very happy, the daughter is finally grown up, know to think for others, but since she dares to say, it means that she can do this, these rights are Lin Youyou, the main mother’s mouth, permission, given to them!

In Lin Youyou’s words, even if they are just maids waiting for their living quarters, when they walk out of the supermarket, their status is higher than everyone else’s.

Wiping the droplets on Liu Mingyue’s face that did not know whether it was tears or sweat, Yueyi smiled slightly, unspeakably gentle.

“Rest assured, this right was given by the Lord’s Mother, and it is still okay to take you away.” Speaking of this, Yueyi people looked at Wu Mengfei and the others, beckoned and said, “Your name is Fei Fei, you all come here, thanks to your help during this time, otherwise Yue Yue may not be sure if she can see my mother.” ”

Wu Mengfei and the others looked at each other, and finally put down the tools in their hands and walked out of the farmland.

Standing next to him in a restrained manner, looking at the bright clothes on the Yueyi people, and then looking at the clothes with dirt and sweat on their bodies, they did not dare to get too close.

This is the first time since she was born, Wu Mengfei felt the gap in status and inferiority, before the end of the day, she was a billionaire Bai Fumei, but now she is a low-status maid, if it is not a good sister with Liu Mingyue, she is not even qualified to stand up.

“Auntie, your words are serious, Yue Yue is smart and capable, we are all helping each other, no one takes care of anyone.”

Liu Mingyue didn’t think about it so much, listening to the familiar name of Yueyi people, even the name could be called correctly, and his heart became more and more confused.

“Mom, did you really know we were here?”

Yue Yiren heard the words and nodded silently, Liu Mingyue immediately understood, but did not ask, she knew that the Yiyue people loved her, if there was no reason, she would have come to her a long time ago.

With a sweep of his eyes, Liu Mingyue seemed to have discovered some new world, “Mom, your circle is a bit good-looking, this chain is also good, forehead???” ”

With a casual grab, the long silver chain was pulled out of the collar by Liu Mingyue, and Liu Mingyue suddenly froze, and his eyes looked a little dazed.

What kind of fashion is this, isn’t this ???

Yue Yiren also did not expect that Liu Mingyue casually put the key things on the table, and did not know what to say for a while, and Wu Mengfei and the others next to them were also stunned, and obviously recognized what this thing was, especially Wu Mengfei.

In a flash of inspiration, Wu Mengfei remembered, it seems that Li Yun who saw it that day, there is also this on her neck, she did not think about it before, now looking at the expression of Yue Yiren, she understands everything.

Sometimes, things tend not to develop according to the established route, as in the present.

Pulling the silver chain in his hand, Yueyi Ren, who was thinking about how to explain it, subconsciously moved his neck twice, and he was awake at that time.

“Mom, are you playing that big?” Not to mention, it feels good to drag twice, I thought only our young generation would play like this, I didn’t expect that Mom you are so trendy. Liu Mingyue smiled and giggled, still playing with the silver chain in his hand, and the Yueyi people who watched were dazed.

Not far away, he felt that things were not good, Li Yun, who had just approached, almost stepped on the air and fell on his heels, and after standing firmly, the expression was not to mention how strange it was.

Ren Liyun thought about many situations, and he never expected that Liu Mingyue would actually say this?

Wu Mengfei’s face is all suffocated, what is the young generation will play? She has never played this, nor has she thought about it, usually looking at your innocent and flawless big eyes, she did not expect that you are such a willow bright moon, and sure enough, the natural cuts are black.

“Moon Moon You…. Don’t you mind? What I said was…” The Yueyi people didn’t know what to say anymore.

With both hands around Yueyiren, Liu Mingyue gently patted her back and comforted: “Mom, no matter why you brought this, Yueyue can understand, now is no better than before, Mom, will you feel unhappy with this now?” ”

Yue Yiren shook her head, if it wasn’t for Liu Mingyue’s reasons, she would have accepted the setting of the noble lady dog a long time ago, as long as she could make Lin Fan happy, so what?

Liu Mingyue was relieved in her heart, raised her head and said, “Since my mother is willing, why do you want to do so much?” Now is the end of the world, mom can be happy, mom you should think more about yourself. ”

Yueyi people did not expect this result, is it really that she and young people have such a big generation gap?

“Mom, I ask you something.”

“Huh? What’s up? Looking at Liu Mingyue’s expression, Yueyi people suddenly had a not-so-good premonition.

“Mom, I heard that the Lord is very handsome, I don’t mean anything else, I just want to ask, how about that?” Is Mom satisfied? Liu Mingyue was curious, she had heard that the master mother had a lot, in her cognition, men and women were not in the same structure, and she was a little afraid that the Yueyi people who had been widowed for ten years would continue to live like that.

Yue Yi’s face fluttered, and he slapped Liu Mingyue angrily.

“Deadpool, you really deserve to be beaten.”

Li Yun walked over, looked at the mother and daughter who were in trouble together, turned his eyes to the side of the farmland, and said in a dignified tone: “The rest time is not short, the good drama is almost over, it is time to work.” ”

The maids woke up in shock and hurriedly lowered their heads to work hard.

Wu Mengfei and the others saw Li Yun coming over and hurriedly bowed their heads in salute.

Li Yun waved his hand, looked at the mother and daughter who had stopped fighting, and smiled: “You don’t need so many gifts, you are all friends of Yue Yue, just call me aunt in the future.” ”

Wu Mengfei and others were overjoyed, and Li Yun’s words undoubtedly gave them another backer.

“Thank you Aunt Lee.”

Listening to the names of Wu Mengfei and the others, Li Yun nodded, turned his head to look at Liu Mingyue, saw her with a curious look, raised his hand and pinched her small face, and smiled lightly: “Little girl, you think too much, your mother and I are not qualified enough, the Lord has not touched us, our job is to wash and cook and serve the Lord to dress and wash.” ”

“As for the ability issue, even if you add these little girls, it is estimated that they are not enough to fight the Lord, is there any problem?”

“Sister Yun, what do you say?” Teach bad kids. Yueyi people pulled Li Yun with their faces, and for her conservative people, when she said this outside, her face was still a little hanging.

Liu Mingyue was different, full of curiosity, but Li Yun also stopped, and after taking Liu Mingyue and the others to the dormitory to get clothes, he walked towards the female warrior’s dormitory.

On the way, Li Yun told Liu Mingyue about the encounters after the end of the day, and Yue Yiren did not open his mouth with his head bowed, after listening to Li Yun’s story, Liu Mingyue also understood what the collar was, and painfully hugged Yue Yiren.

After settling Wu Mengfei and the others well, Li Yun and Yue Yiren sat for a while and left, although they had the right to take Liu Mingyue out, but they still had to report to Lin Youyou, by the way, Tang Dao, the female warrior’s road, is undoubtedly the most outlet at the moment, in addition, it is to enter the core circle.

At this point, neither of them was qualified, not to mention Liu Mingyue, the female warrior Wang Ziwen, Liu Yu’er and others had been looking at the tiger, as well as the recently emerging Jasmine, Zhou Xiuyan, and the fierce Ye Ruolan who dared to touch the porcelain Lin Fan, the competitiveness was great.

Thinking about it, it is better to arrange to the female warrior first, and then climb up step by step, so that it is easier to be noticed and the future is more promising!

Back on the second floor, Li Yun and Yue Yiren were both jumping in their hearts, on the living room sofa, Lin Youyou did not know when to return, at this time he was leaning on the sofa and pondering something, Zhang Qiuyue was standing next to him and carefully waiting.

The sound of the two people coming in was not small, Lin Youyou turned back, and his plain eyes glanced at the two and said indifferently: “Coming back?” Things are done? Those little girls are really good. ”

When Li Yun and Yue Yiren heard this, they were shocked in their hearts, and they quickly knelt on the ground, and Yue Yiren took the lead in admitting their mistakes: “Master Mother, I have made my own opinion, please ask the Master Mother to punish!” This matter has nothing to do with Sister Yun! ”

Yueyi people are worried in their hearts, this right Lin Youyou has indeed given, but you and the high-level reasoning? Do you know what a companion is like a companion tiger? Regardless of whether you do it right or not, it is certainly right to admit your mistake and admit punishment first.

The last thing the top likes is to listen to your explanations and sophistry, in short, are you teaching me to do things?

With a wave of his hand, Yue Yi and Li Yun, who were kneeling on the ground, stood up uncontrollably, and Lin Youyou glanced at the two of them faintly and said, “Do I look like such a forgetful person?” Or do I look like someone who doesn’t talk like that? ”

“Since the right has been given to you, you will not be punished for this kind of thing, and those girls are really good, do you think I can’t see your state these days?” So I haven’t thought about the allocation in a few days, but you can hold your breath. ”

Yue Yiren now understands everything, where is the high-level feel that the labor force is small, this is typical to tease her, fortunately today she can’t help it, otherwise she does not know how long Liu Mingyue’s daughter will suffer.

Li Yun was also playing drums in her heart, and at the same time there was unspeakable awe in her heart, it turned out that everything they did was under Lin Youyou’s eyes, and there was nothing to hide.

“Since you are bent on punishing and deceiving and concealing this crime, I will treat you well.”

Li Yun and Yue Yiren’s hearts sank at the same time, and their hearts were a little bitter.

Looking at the time, Lin Youyou had a smile in her eyes, where she couldn’t see the bitterness in Li Yun and Yue Yiren’s eyes.

“The Lord is coming back soon, the Lord is quite tired these days, and after a while you will wash the Lord and relieve your fatigue, and if you can’t do well, you will fight where you come and go back.”

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