Chapter 138 Why is this more than just a row of noodles? It’s just too much of a noodle!



“Lord, you…. Are you actually concerned about this? ”

A group of women laughed out loud, Lin Fan was helpless, is there anything wrong with this? Lv9 doesn’t even have a dot sign, can this work? So, why laugh?

Looking at Lin Fan’s doubtful look, Lin Youyou patted his heart and breathed a sigh of relief: “As the top Lv9 of our power, of course there is a card face on the Lord, your appearance will appear in all corners of the power in the form of photos, biographies, statues, etc., and your appearance will be engraved in the heart of every woman like a brand.” ”

“We will also arrange special people to write your biography, such as what you have done, what miracles you have shown, when you met us, and given divine powers, which will be written in the biography in every detail, so how can you say that there is no card?”

“Your card face does not need to be displayed with some badges, your appearance will be engraved in every woman’s mind like a heritage and a brand!”

Listening to Lin Youyou’s narration, Lin Mortal is confused, good fellow, you play big enough, Lv9 is a god, you really have to create a god out of it?.

There are statues and pictures of him everywhere, which is really outrageous, and the biography is even more outrageous, and the card face is really big enough.

“How’s it going? Is the Lord satisfied with such an arrangement? ”

Looking at Lin Youyou, who was smiling and smiling, with boundless love in his eyes, Lin Fan had nothing to say.

“Satisfied, what else is not satisfied, no longer satisfied you will all go to heaven, all right, you go on.”

Lin Youyu lowered his head and turned to the second page, “Next is the promotion rule, which is reviewed by the top two ranks of the upper ranks, such as the maid of Lv1 who wants to become a female warrior, or applies for other classes to advance to Lv2, you need at least Lv3 squad leader or other Lv3 level auditors to evaluate whether it is qualified enough.” ”

“The auditor is selected by the arbitration team, the lowest rank Lv3 is the highest level Lv6, the commander of Lv6 and the captain of Lv7, and the arbitration team or you are directly appointed and dismissed.

Looking at Lin Youyou’s inquiring eyes, Lin Fan waved his hand and signaled her to continue.

“Then there is the task system and the monetary system, from the promulgation of this policy, the implementation of the monetary system, every month as long as the maids complete the designated tasks on time, they can get 4,000 yuan of wages, want to get extra, can work part-time, at the same time, charge security fees, that is, their residence qualification fees, water and electricity and personal security a total of 1,000,00.”

“This me and Wanqing have calculated, after deducting these and eating, the maids can save at least a thousand or so a month, want to live better than others, either work harder, or choose to promote, so that they can buy high-end cosmetics and eat better food.”

“In addition to the maid, the female warriors of Lv2 have a basic minimum salary of 2000, at the same time, the more zombies killed, the higher the reward, the reward for killing a zombie is 10 yuan, as long as the efforts are made, the salary of the female warriors is not low, and this rule applies to the captain of the Lv5.”

“From the commander of Lv6 to the commander of Lv7, according to the degree of cleanup and the number of zombies killed, three to five percent are converted into corresponding monetary rewards, and there is no guaranteed salary.”

“Outside the female warrior system, the salary assessment is adjudicated by the auditing body.”

After saying this, Lin Youyou looked at Lin Fan and asked, “Lord, do you think this arrangement is okay?” ”

Lin Fan waved his hand and signaled, “Continue.” ”

Lin Fan still has a number in his heart, these are the things that Lin Youyou has worked hard to make for a few days, he knows a fart? In fact, he listened to it for half a day, and he was still a little fortunate in his heart, thanks to Lin Youyou’s ability, this should let him come by himself, finish the calf, he would rather not get the power, and don’t bother with this brain.

Turning to the third page, Lin Youyou was relieved, this is the last content, fortunately her efforts in the past few days have not been in vain, Lin Fan has not denied her efforts, otherwise the ability has not improved, the corresponding success has not, she is estimated to cry.

“The next step is to make good use of the talents, and in the next period of time, a part of the women with real talents and talents from all walks of life will be selected from the maids, and then the ecological circle of the inner city will be restored, so that the entire inner city will be revitalized, and the entertainment city, hotels, and clothing stores can also be reopened.”

“These fixed assets can be handed over to these women to take care of, the final ownership is still in our hands, depending on the income, give them the corresponding wages, but also can sell the fixed assets in our hands, such as housing, if the women save enough money, you can buy a house in the inner city, I believe that there are many women who live in enough dormitories.”

“Housing is just one of them, cars are also in it, and even after our ecological circle is perfected, we can build our own vehicles and form an industrial chain.”

“As long as you get through the initial difficult period, the inner city should soon develop, and the next problem is money, Lord, are you ready over there?”

Speaking of this, Lin Youyou looked at Lin Fan, after all, a few days ago, Lin Fan took over the problem of currency in a big package, if Lin Fan said that he forgot or couldn’t do it now, at least half of all that Lin Youyou prepared would be stranded.

Money is the most indispensable thing for the development of a force, no money can not develop, but there is no motivation, sooner or later someone will be lazy, money is the driving force of people’s labor!

If you want to get more money and want to live better, you have to work hard!

Mentioning the issue of currency, Lin Fan did not give Lin Youyou a headache, and when he said that he was in the line, Lin Fan immediately mentioned the spirit.

“I’ve solved the currency problem, you say, how to do it.”

Lin Youyou breathed a sigh of relief and turned her head to look at Zhao Wanqing, this aspect was not prepared by her, she was not very clear.

Zhao Wanqing cleared her throat and opened the folder in her hand.

“In terms of currency, according to the number of people in our current power, we will tentatively set ten million banknotes, and the currency will be from low to high as one dime, fifty cents, one dollar, five dollars, ten dollars, twenty dollars, fifty dollars, and one hundred dollars, and the banknotes will be capped at one hundred yuan.”

“As for the proportions, the first five levels total 5 million tickets, and 20 yuan, 50 yuan and 100 yuan total 5 million tickets.”

Zhao Wanqing opened her mouth to scare Lin Fan a jump, come up to ten million pieces, not to mention that the printing machine needs 1000 points to buy, 10 points ten thousand blank notes, ten million pieces will cost 10,000 points, which adds up to 1.1w points is gone.

This is still at this stage, and when there are more people in the back, it is estimated that there will be prints, Lin Fanma, it seems that in a short period of time, the space can only be thought of.

Points, sooner or later, are to be spent, not panic at all.

“Yes, I will arrange this matter, as for the money printing personnel, you need to arrange it yourself, is there anything else to say?”

Lin Fan agreed to the pain, Zhao Wanqing their hanging hearts also let go, Lin Youyou thought for a moment, said: “The Lord still has a question, that is, about how to calculate the female warriors killing zombies, after all, the salary of female warriors also depends on the number of zombies killed, this also needs to trouble you, see if you can get a counter.” ”

“Our current conditions, it is very difficult to get that, if there is no counter, the salary of female soldiers will be changed, and the follow-up squad leaders will also need to be changed.”

Counter? Lin Fan thought about it, this problem is simple, just find the system.

“System, exchange me for a printing machine and 10 million blank notes, and that counter can you give me a solution?”

“The counter 10 points can be exchanged for one, which will show the amount of zombies killed by the female warriors, solar charging, durable, and the defense is equivalent to 10 centimeters thick steel plate.”

“Ding! After deducting 11,000 points, the printing machine and 10,010,000 banknotes have been deposited into your personal space. ”

The points were instantly less than ten thousand, Lin Fan had some bad feelings in his heart, now there are more than seven hundred female warriors, this is still two days has not increased, the number of maids in these days has soared, bringing back two or three hundred every day, today’s number is even more explosive, Li Siqi alone brought back two or three hundred, this has not asked Zhao Wanqing about them.

This is half a point, and at least five or six hundred female warriors, right? 10 points a counter, this has to be more than 10,000 points out, this is not counting Tang Dao, otherwise this is twenty thousand.

It’s hard to save more than 60,000 points, this blink of an eye will be less than half?

Lin Fan was numb.

This costs money like water! However, he believes that this point will definitely be earned back faster!

I can only comfort myself like this.

In fact, there is still a question, Lin Fan has not asked, these days to build the city wall, he will be annoyed to death, he has become a construction worker, is this reasonable? He is the leader of a great power, what is the matter with building walls every day?

He hadn’t asked the system if it could build walls, and if it could, he could save a lot of trouble.

“Lord, the system can help you build the city wall, at your current size, 100 points per kilometer, good price.”

Lin Fantou is a bit big, 100 points 1 km, is it very cheap? But calculate how many kilometers are now?

The four sides of the east, west, south and north add up to eighty kilometers, which is eight thousand points! What about later? Surely it will be longer in the future, right? Wouldn’t that cost more points? The main thing is to review the topic, the current scale, what is the current scale?

That is the Lv6 level of the city wall 100 points 1 kilometer, then the defense power is Lv7 level? Lin Fan didn’t dare to think about it, what more than 60,000 points are floating clouds, not enough to spend!

Sighing, Lin Fan felt that in the short term, he could only buy low-level powers, high-order abilities….

Let’s wait.

“System, redeem me for 778 counters.”

“Ding, deduct 7780 points, the counter has been sent to your personal space.”

Looking at the points, the original more than 60,000 points, in the blink of an eye, only 44580 remained, shrinking by nearly one-third!

But it doesn’t matter, take your time, the bread will be, the points will also have.

In the palm of your hand, a watch-like counter appears in your hand, in fact, this thing is really a watch, it also shows the time, and the most outrageous thing is that the coordinates are there.

In fact, this is not the most outrageous, the most outrageous thing for Lin Fan is such a small thing, it is actually solar powered, and then the defense power is equivalent to 10 cm of steel plate, this thing, the defense power can carry the cannon!

Are you telling me this stuff is strong and durable? Isn’t that a matter of durability? This thing can kill the user for many generations!

True! Handed!

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