Chapter 139 Zhao Yanyan’s astonishing discovery

“This is the counter, as for the printing machine for the time being, I will not take it out, and I will give it to you tomorrow when I use it, which is a hindrance to the province.”

Taking the counter handed by Lin Fan, Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing studied for half a day, how to look like a piece of electronic watch, but since Lin Fan said so, it must be no problem.

The problem is definitely no, good 10 points, how can there be a problem.

“Do you have anything else to say?” If nothing to say, I will…. Playing the game? “A handful of scooping up the mobile phone, Lin Fan compared a little, he is almost numb, this will go into the small twenty thousand points, he is afraid of the women to say something again, his forty thousand points are not enough to spend!

Looking at Lin Fan’s careful look, although Lin Youyou and his daughters did not know why, they always felt very interesting, usually Lin Fan did not have this expression, most of them were lazy, at first it would be cold, it looked scary.

“I’m all right here, but what about Wanqing’s side?”

Zhao Wanqing straightened the hair around her ears and said, “I really have some problems here.” ”

Lin Fan was stunned, do you still have? Lin Youyou was also stunned, looking at Zhao Wanqing doubtfully.

“In fact, it is not a big deal, Zhou Xiuyan, you should all know, before her dark incense bar was sandwiched by four breads, but now the three forces have been destroyed by us, only the northernmost Zhao family brothers are left, but when I take people over today, there are already people going to the building, I don’t know if they were scared away.”

“I just think it’s a bit bizarre, but it’s not a big deal.”

Lin Fan still thought about what to do, and as a result, it was just that, a small force, he couldn’t be interested at all.

“It doesn’t matter, let’s clean up slowly, if he has the ability, he will run out of the magic capital to show me, he can’t run out sooner or later and die on our hands, he can hide from the first one, can he still hide from the fifteenth?”

“Is there anything else?” Without me, I can play the ranking, and if I don’t bully those glorious kings for a day, I will not be able to feel good in my heart. ”

No way, who let Lin Fan’s technology go crazy before the end of the day? That is to say, the diamond boy is dangling every day, and now all aspects are slamming a horse, naturally wanting to clean up those glorious kings.

Lin Fan also sighed a little, and said one more sentence, and as soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Yanyan raised his hand, and then in Lin Fan’s pained eyes, he said, “Lord, I still have a problem.” ”

Now Lin Fan suddenly had a feeling of reuniting with the two thunder gods, ‘Come to the Brazilian girl’, and then as soon as Ultron raised his hand, thousands of little brothers came out, what mood was there for those people at that time, what mood he was in now.

How can I not control this Qi!

Of course, even if he didn’t say it, Zhao Yanyan would definitely open his mouth.

Put down the mobile phone, Lin Fan sat up straight, Zhao Yanyan is different from Zhao Wanqing, the professional is not right, they basically rarely participate in decision-making, since Zhao Yanyan opened her mouth, there must be something to say.

“You say.”

Zhao Yanyan’s palms spread out, Lin Fan looked over, only to see a blue liquid like a water ball appear above Zhao Yanyan’s palm, probably the size of a pigeon’s egg, but not oval, the blue liquid water ball emitted a strange breath.

“What is this?”

Feeling this strange breath, Lin Fan was confused, and Lin Youyou and several others also looked at Zhao Yanyan curiously, the meaning was self-evident.

Zhao Yanyan looked at the water ball in the palm of her hand with complicated eyes and recalled what happened today.

“This is also my unexpected discovery today, when cleaning up the zombies, a team member was accidentally scratched, there is zombie blood on it, that is, it contains zombie virus, as a captain, I naturally can’t watch her corpse.”

“Then I tried to use the power to heal her, whether it worked or not, I always had to try, but to my surprise, the plant system could actually absorb the zombie virus, and then this thing in my hand appeared, but it was not so big.”

“At that time, the amount of virus was less than the size of a grain of rice, and the zombie virus had spread a part, and when the virus was extracted, the part of the female warrior who was injured dried up, like dry bark, and it felt like all the nutrients in that area had been absorbed.”

“I didn’t expect the plant power to be able to crack the zombie virus, which I was very surprised, and then something even more unexpected happened to me, when I used the plant power to purify the virus, this happened.”

With that, Zhao Yanyan’s left hand spread out, and a green liquid sphere of the same size appeared, and at the same time, a thick stream of life vitality spread out.

“This is the crystallization after the purification of the virus, a strange energy that can strengthen the body and enhance the overall quality, when I channeled the purified energy on the left hand side into the place where the female warrior was injured, and then the female warrior’s injured place recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!”

“It’s like going back in time, going back in time to all the life force that has just been plundered!”

Lin Fan had an unbelievable look on his face, what did this mean? Can plant abilities crack zombie viruses? That’s outrageous, isn’t it? Since obtaining the plant system ability, Lin Fan had never studied it at all, and sure enough, only in the hands of the most suitable people could he exert true light and heat.

Of course, Lin Fan would not think of saving the world, he was not a savior, and what was more, what did he rely on?

The zombie virus can only be lifted by using plant-based powers, is it difficult for him to do nothing every day, just sit there to detoxify people? Neurosis now!

Not only Lin Fan’s face was incredible, but even Lin Youyou was shocked.

“Doesn’t that mean that the zombie virus will not be indissoluble in the future?” What about the zombies? Is it possible to restore it as it is? Lin Youyou looked at Zhao Yanyan in amazement, looked up and down, and quipped: “If nothing else, just by virtue of this ability, you are the First Saint Daughter of the End of the Day, well, our family old man sat down as the First Holy Daughter, you can!” ”

Zhao Yanyan’s eyes were charming, Bai Lin Youyou glanced at him, shook his head and solemnly said, “In fact, this is not the case, plant power can only deal with people who have not completely turned into zombies, and those zombies are the things in my hand.” ”

With that, Zhao Wanqing raised her left hand, and the green liquid ball was emitting a strong breath of life.

“See this? This is extracted from the body of the zombie, when extracted, the zombie completely turned into fly ash, the initial state, that is, the blue liquid ball on my right hand, which is full of zombie viruses, and after purification with plant powers, it becomes a liquid that is of great benefit to the human body! ”

Zhao Yanyan said so, it is a little frightening, after extracting the zombie virus, the zombies will become fly ash? Then purify it once and become a tonic that strengthens the body? How does this sound a little creepy?

“Lord, do you remember the records of human experiments found at that doctor?”

Lin Fan nodded, he remembered very clearly, after he came back, he also said it to all the women, but he didn’t know the purpose of Zhao Yanyan’s question.

“It’s strange to say, Lord, do you know? I studied botany, and everyone knows that plants need photosynthesis, but why do zombies need photosynthesis? Is the zombie virus really an evolution? With that, Zhao Yanyan raised her right hand, and the blue liquid ball suspended above the palm of her hand was so conspicuous.

“Guess what I found in this virus ball?”

“What?” Lin Fan didn’t hold back and asked a question.

Zhao Yanyan’s eyes were amazed, and she said: “A virionin similar to a plant, but unlike plants, this virin can destroy the body’s immunity, transform people into zombies at a very fast speed, and then become a large photosynthetic processor, storing light energy into life energy.” ”

“You see, I’m going to neutralize the virus with plant powers.”

With that, the pale green light in Zhao Yanyan’s hand poured into the blue liquid ball, and the eerie breath evaporated, after which the entire virus ball turned into a life element ball on the left hand side at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Amazing isn’t it? This is all the energy stored in a zombie’s body, this thing does not have any toxic side effects, and taking it directly can strengthen the physique! I don’t know exactly how much it can improve, but I think this thing can be used to reward female warriors who perform well, and even this thing can be compressed and condensed. ”

Lin Fan looked at Zhao Yanyan unexpectedly, he did not expect that today’s unexpected surprise was so big, if this thing can enhance the human body, the corpses of those zombies do not seem to need to be burned at all, and can be completely recycled.

Plant power can not save people who have become zombies, so there is no cruel problem here, and waste recycling is also a good thing.

However, Zhao Yanyan’s words also made Lin Fan have boundless doubts in his heart, how did this virus come about? Is this really for humans to evolve? What evolved into? Big light bulbs? Or energy storage? Lin Fan always felt that this matter was not so simple.

Even Lin Fan had some conspiracy theories in his head, could it be a virus that aliens threw on Earth? It’s to treat the earth as a huge energy body, and then Barabala or something.

If you think about it, it’s not impossible.

“System, do you know what’s going on with this zombie virus?”

“Lord, the system is not omniscient and omnipotent, whether there are aliens or not, the system does not know.”

Lin Fan was helpless, shake off the noisy thoughts in his head, Lin Fan did not have the mind to play the game, raised his hand to grasp the green liquid energy group, and carefully felt it, which does contain no low life energy, far beyond the life vitality in ordinary people’s bodies, and it is relatively pure.

Taking this thing can indeed increase personal strength, but for him, even for the women present, it is of no use at all.

However, ordinary people like Su Xiaoluo and Li Yun should have great effects when they eat it.

However, Lin Fan did not plan to try it on Su Xiaoluo, so many female warriors, why did they have to try it on Su Xiaoluo?

The backhand put away the energy group, Lin Fan planned to try it on the female warriors tomorrow, just as the class system was about to be officially implemented, this thing should be a reward for the female soldiers who performed well, I believe those female soldiers will like it.

“Yan Yan, you did a good job today, at least in the future, don’t worry about our people being infected by the zombie virus, it is also a reassuring pill.”

Lin Fan’s praise made Zhao Yanyan feel happy in her heart, she said so much, for what? Isn’t it to make Lin Fan praise her and pay more attention to her?

Although there was no idea of competing for favors, Zhao Yanyan still hoped to get more attention from Lin Fan, after all, women are pleasing to themselves, which is not in vain for her efforts.

PS: The picture is Zhao Yanyan

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