Chapter 220: You woman doesn’t talk about martial arts, how do you sneak up on you!

In a luxurious office on the 32nd floor of the Baiyuan Business Building, Wu Zhan and Wu Yan two brothers sat on the sofa, their faces unspeakably solemn.

The zombie cat is back and comes back to take revenge, and although the vigilance work has been done, the two brothers have ignored some problems! Some very important questions!

First of all, the number of zombie cats is no longer one, but dozens! And then there’s the deadliest problem!

Last night I made up my mind, today I want to tear off this disguise on my body and rule the survivors with my real identity, this is not wrong, but the mistake is that everyone except a few people standing guard on the first floor, everyone went to rest!

It is because of this major mistake that there is such a serious crisis today!

The result of the power outage is that everyone’s mobile phone is not much power, the most important thing is that the signal is broken, the surrounding base station has no power supply and loses all its functions, in addition, the environment of the walkie-talkie is also severely restricted.

In some open places, the walkie-talkie can talk for kilometers apart, but where is it? Baiyuan Business Building!

In terms of sound insulation, signals, etc., they are well done, separated by more than a dozen floors, and the radio walkie-talkie is simply a decoration!

Under various factors, it led to the zombie cat raging in the Baiyuan Business Building, if it was not discovered early, the situation was controlled, and I don’t know how many people would be infected!.

The office door of the Baiyuan Business Building was not made of iron, and those zombie cats scratched wildly, pulled out the big hole alive, scratched and bit everyone in the room, and these people all turned into zombies.

The two brothers’ worst fears happened, the Baiyuan Business Building is no longer safe, the zombie cats and zombies on the ground floor are raging, one bad news after another keeps coming up, and the expressions of the two brothers can be weird!

“Big brother, what do we do?” Those damn zombie cats are too flexible and too cunning, these ghost things are not the same as zombies, and there is simple wisdom and instinct, many brothers have been killed by these zombie cats! ”

Wu Yan’s eyes were full of killing intent and irritability, the severe form made him emotionally unstable, if the enemy was too strong, it would be counted, but the enemy was a group of cats, how could this make him endure?

The brothers Wu Yan said did not refer to those brothers in the mercenary squad, but to some of the people who were later received under his command, even if these people were not valued by the two brothers, but the death was more, which was also a big blow to their power.

Wu Zhan was in a very bad mood, being teased by a group of zombie cats, no one’s mood would be good.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Zhan got up from the sofa and said in a deep voice, “Call on our brothers and go and kill all those bastards for me!” ”

In Wu Zhan’s heart, only the members of the squad were the real core, and it didn’t matter how many other people died, but it was a shame to be bound by a group of zombie cats all the time!

Hearing Wu Zhan’s words, Wu Yan immediately stood up and pulled out a pistol, with a murderous look on his face.

The two brothers walked out of the room, and more than a dozen people outside the door had been waiting for a long time, and when they saw the two brothers come out, they shouted one after another: “Captain, vice captain.” ”

Wu Zhan nodded, pulled a pistol to load the bullet, and said in a cold voice: “Go ahead, kill all the zombies and zombie cats in the Baiyuan Business Building for me, leaving no one behind!” ”

At the sound of an order, more than a dozen people went out at the same time and quickly rushed downstairs, these people have been trained for a long time, their physical fitness is extremely strong, more than ten floors have been completed, and even few people are unstable.

After grabbing a man in a police uniform and asking about it, Wu Zhan got the information he wanted, and all the zombie cats were now below the 13th floor.

Getting this news, Wu Zhan led people straight to the 13th floor, just arrived at the 13th floor, before he could cross the staircase door, a black shadow pounced on the corridor, Wu Zhan’s pupils shrunk, instantly raised the muzzle of the gun, and his finger pulled the trigger. 、


A gunshot rang out, bullets burst out of the chamber, the head of the zombie cat flying in mid-air was exploded, and the body was directly taken out and crashed into the wall.

More than a dozen people behind Wu Zhan reacted a little slower, and only then did they aim their guns.

Dense footsteps came from the other side of the corridor, followed by the figure of a group of people.

“Big Brother…”

“Big Brother.”

More than a dozen people were still a little nervous, but they were relieved to see Wu Zhan and others.

Wu Zhan’s cold gaze swept over these people, and his voice said coldly: “You go and call the people above to come down, I clean up a floor, you will occupy one floor, and check whether the people in the room have turned into zombies.” ”

After speaking, Wu Zhan did not wait for a group of people to respond, and led Wu Yan and the others to walk quickly downstairs, more than a dozen people did not dare to disobey Wu Zhan’s orders at all, and quickly acted separately, several people went upstairs to inform, and several people followed Wu Zhan and his party.

With Wu Zhan down, the gunfire in the Hundred Yuan Business Building was incessant, Wu Zhan’s strength was strong, his combat experience was rich, his nerve reflex ability was extremely strong, and there were constantly zombie cats dying tragically at the hands of Wu Zhan and many mercenaries, at the same time, many people upstairs also began to clean up the zombies on the floor according to Wu Zhan’s instructions.

On the south side of the Baiyuan Business Building, zombie cats ran wildly in the street, and in front of these zombie cats, two figures kept running, and it was Hu Yuefei and Chu Hanyan who escaped.

Without stopping under his feet, Chu Hanyan only felt that the Hun cavity was about to explode, the fiery pain, and breathing were all a kind of pain.

Hu Yuefei’s situation was much better, as a killer, in all aspects of physical fitness, she had to surpass Chu Hanyan a lot, and the reason why she ran behind Chu Hanyan was to prevent Chu Hanyan from being chased by the zombie cat behind her.

The figure was stumbling, and Chu Hanyan, who was unable to breathe, almost fell to the ground, but even if she didn’t fall, she couldn’t run.

After running for most of the night, hiding in Tibet, she can persist until now, all by virtue of a desire to survive, but this force is not unlimited, she is a robot, and she can’t keep stopping.

“I… I can’t do it, I can’t run, I really can’t run, concubine, you leave me alone, you go by yourself. ”

Holding on to the wall with one hand, Chu Hanyan’s face was miserable, the expression on his face was quite painful, and anyone who breathed in Hunkou would be a fiery pain.

Concubine Hu Yue stopped, turned her head to look at the four zombie cats that were rushing at a rapid pace, and anxiously stepped forward, grabbed Chu Hanyan’s arm, and said, “Hold on a little longer.” ”

With a pale face, Chu Hanyan looked up at Concubine Hu and said with difficulty, “Concubine, you leave me alone, go on your own, I know that you can escape by yourself, didn’t you come to kidnap me before?” What do I do now? ”

At this time, Hu Yuefei had already thrown off the false mask on her face and revealed her true appearance.

Dark blond long hair, melon face with exquisite features, beautiful eyes, smooth forehead with an X-shaped scar, but this does not affect her charm at all, even with her obvious mixed race looks a little demonic face, full of wild charm, this is a woman as wild as a cheetah!

“If I wanted to leave you behind, there was no need to take you out at the beginning, how could I survive alone in the last days?” Hu Yuefei’s tone was not good, pulling Chu Hanyan’s arm and carrying her on her shoulder to leave.

“I can indeed survive myself, but that is too torturous, loneliness will make a person crazy, and if there is only one person, the spirit is always in a tense state, and no matter how powerful people are, they can’t survive for long.” 」

Carried forward by Concubine Hu Yue, Chu Hanyan gritted his teeth and pushed her away, leaning against the wall in her bewildered gaze.

“Don’t run, either we’ll kill these zombie cats here, or they’ll kill them, and if you run again, you’ll be dragged down, and now it’s dawn, it’s not that you can’t fight, don’t forget, we’ll be tired, but zombie cats won’t!”

Hu Yuefei looked at the four zombie cats chasing behind her, took a deep breath, and gave up continuing to escape, Chu Hanyan was right, where can he run? Zombie cats don’t get tired, but what about them? They are people! Living people, will be tired!

Instead of being dragged down alive, it is better to fight to the death and fight these zombie cats! With her strength, she doesn’t necessarily lose!

The bullet was loaded, and Hu Yuefei looked at the zombie cat running in front of her warily, as if sensing the danger, the four zombie cats stopped approaching and crouched down more than ten meters away.

Hu Yuefei glanced around and finally stopped at a baseball bat, and her luck was not bad.

After taking a few steps to hold the baseball bat in his hand, seeing Hu Yuefei’s action, several zombie cats slowly approached a few steps, but did not rush to pounce.

“This one is for you to defend yourself, you just need to drag a zombie cat and give me five minutes, no!” Three minutes, give me three minutes and I can help you! ”

Throwing the baseball bat to Chu Hanyan, Chu Hanyan raised his hand to catch it, nodded, looked at the zombie cat more than ten meters away, and nodded hard.

She didn’t know if she could hold out for five minutes, or even three minutes, the speed of the zombie cat was too fast!

“Remember! There is no absolute certainty, do not shoot casually, do not give the zombie cat a chance, you must be fast and accurate! Hu Yuefei looked at Chu Hanyan and instructed, before Chu Hanyan agreed, Hu Yuefei suddenly turned around, raised her arm, and quickly pulled the trigger between the electric light and stone fire.


At a distance of more than ten meters, the zombie cat had no time to react at all, the zombie cat’s head in the far left stationary state exploded, and the reaction speed of the zombie cat was no faster, and there was no bullet fast, especially Hu Yuefei’s premeditated sneak attack.


Another gunshot rang out, and a second bullet shot out, but unfortunately, the zombie cat had jumped away and did not complete the blow to kill.

Although the killing was not completed, but the bullet hit the zombie cat’s stomp, the zombie cat has been scrapped, but Rao is so, the threat is still not low, the zombie cat does not know what is pain, so although it is a little lame, the aggression is still not reduced, at most it is slower.

Two bullets, one death and one injury, for such a record, Hu Yuefei can only say general, her ideal result is that two zombie cats are killed, the third one she did not think at all, it is simply impossible, the reaction speed of zombie cats is too fast, eliminate three at once, that is unrealistic.

Looking at the three zombie cats walking around vigilantly in front of her, Hu Yuefei flashed a cold light in her eyes and whispered, “Those two intact to me, the lame you just need to drag and consume it, no problem, right?” ”

Chu Hanyan squeezed the baseball bat in his hand and said solemnly, “I try!” ”

“Just try it! Wait for me for three minutes! ”

PS: The picture is Hu Yuefei’s personal design, the other 216 chapters don’t ask, the audit feels vulgar, when can I ask the audit, this I can’t do

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