Chapter 221 Fierce Battle Zombie Cat, Long Three Minutes

Three minutes? Chu Hanyan took a deep breath, trying to survive these three minutes if he wanted to live, otherwise, there was only one way to die!

After dropping the last sentence, Hu Yuefei quickly stepped at her feet, and the figure rushed towards the zombie cat, provoked by Hu Yuefei’s initiative, and the three zombie cats shouted low, with a threatening meaning.

Just as zombies do not actively infect animals, zombie viruses seem to have a very low effect on animals, so that after the cat is infected, it still maintains simple wisdom and is very vigilant against Hu Yuefei, the enemy who killed her companions.

Princess Hu Yuefei simply ignored the threat of the zombie cat, she only had one thought now, that is, to kill the zombie cat in front of her, and as soon as possible.

As Hu Yuefei quickly approached, the three zombie cats felt the strong threat, no longer hesitated, and rushed towards Hu Yuefei, the enraged zombie cat had already thrown away that little bit of simple wisdom, even humans were irrational in the case of anger, not to mention the simple zombie cat.

Three zombie cats pounced on Hu Yuefei at the same time, the first two were very fast, the lame zombie cat was a little behind, before the zombie cat rushed to Hu Yuefei, a baseball bat fell with the sound of the whistling wind, the lame zombie cat screamed sharply, and the figure retreated, vigilantly looking at Chu Hanyan, who rushed over to block the way.


The sharp chirping sound carried a strong warning meaning, the zombie cat did not have the appearance of a pet at this time, and the zombification awakened their primitive hunting instincts, and they even lowered themselves like a cheetah and kept wandering around Chu Hanyan.

On the other hand, two intact zombie cats are fast, and felines have a characteristic, that is, the outbreak is fast, but the endurance is insufficient, the speed of cats is very fast, ordinary humans are difficult to keep up with the speed of cats, especially the dynamic vision of cats is more stable, often when you just raise your hand, the cat has already dodged!

The zombie cat infected with the zombie virus is simply a max in terms of endurance, small size, fast speed, and infectious terror, which makes the zombie cat almost become the nightmare of ordinary people.

A simple scratch is enough to kill!

The speed of the zombie cat is very fast, especially when it is running on the ground, it is even faster than almost the afterimage, spanning a distance of several meters or even half a second, Hu Yuefei only feels a flower in front of her eyes, and the two zombie cats pounce in front of her.

The pupils suddenly contracted, Hu Yuefei’s body leaned back, an iron plate bridge dodged the deadly attack of two zombie cats, and one hand slapped on the ground behind her, the figure rotated, and turned around in an instant.

The zombie cat was too flexible, and the moment it landed, it stopped the momentum of the forward rush, and the two zombie cats separated to the sides, stepping on the cat’s steps, and a low purring sound was emitted from the grass.

The two zombie cat soldiers were divided into two ways, which greatly divided Hu Yuefei’s attention, and she couldn’t pay attention to the zombie cats on both sides at the same time, which was unrealistic.

Mentally highly nervous, Hu Yuefei was calm and calm, she knew that these two zombie cats would attack at any time, if they were not calm and calm, don’t say to help Chu Hanyan, she herself would explain here.

The two zombie cats kept wandering around Hu Yuefei, the patience of the zombie cat was obviously not enough, after wandering around a few times, the zombie cat on the left couldn’t stand it, issued a low chirp, and the figure suddenly jumped towards Hu Yuefei, almost when the zombie cat on the left moved, the zombie cat on the right side also pounced.

However, this zombie cat pounced not on Hu Yuefei’s head, but on her position below the Hun Department.

Attacked on both sides, Hu Yuefei crouched down in place, the pistol in her hand was raised, and the trigger was pulled in an instant.


In the piercing sound of gunfire, a bullet broke through the chamber, the zombie cat that flew over had nowhere to borrow power in mid-air, a bullet flew from the chin in an instant, directly through the Tianling Gai, blood splashed, and when it landed, it had completely turned into a dead cat.


In the midst of the fierce and piercing sound, another zombie cat that had been hollowed out had already pounced on it and went straight to Hu Yuefei’s front door, its sharp claws had already probed out of the meat pad, and as long as it was caught, it would inevitably be infected with the zombie virus.

The pupils contracted to the extreme, Hu Yuefei lay back on the ground, the pistol was raised closely, facing the muzzle of the black hole hole, the zombie cat, although the wisdom was simple, but also clear, since last night, it was this black thing that spewed out flames, and then killed one companion after another.

For this dark thing, the zombie cat had a strong fear, at this time facing the muzzle of the gun, the zombie cat that flew over hissed, the head quickly shifted to the side, and the claws that were grabbed also subconsciously withdrew to block in front of the head.

With a twinkle in her eye, Princess Hu Yuefei’s left hand instantly grabbed out, grabbed the tail of the zombie cat between the two sides, and then threw it hard towards the ground.


The zombie cat was slammed the ground, making a muffled sound, and a blood splash splashed on the ground, afraid that the zombie cat would not die, Hu Yuefei threw it hard again, and smashed it towards the other side.


Blood splashed, looking at the blood hole on the head of the zombie cat, Hu Yuefei breathed a sigh of relief, if this is not dead, it is definitely a sperm.

Solving her own side, Hu Yuefei hurriedly looked at Chu Hanyan’s side, just high nervousness, she did not have time to pay attention to Chu Hanyan’s situation, and now that she looked at the past, her heart was also released.

Unlike Hu Yuefei’s side, Chu Hanyan is just an ordinary girl, at most she usually runs occasionally to exercise her body, in the face of the attack of zombie cats, she is no different from ordinary human women, and the most lame zombie cats are slowed down, which gives her more reaction time.

Even if it was injured, the zombie cat was still very aggressive, especially Chu Hanyan only held a baseball bat in his hand, not the short black fire-breathing thing it feared.

In the low chirping, the zombie cat launched an attack, and every time Chu Hanyan was thrillingly dodged, this was also fortunate that the zombie cat had already limped a toe, and the speed seemed to be much slower, otherwise, it was likely that she would have been scratched a long time ago.

But Rao is so, her situation is not optimistic, just three minutes, like three centuries so long, every second is a great torment for Chu Hanyan, the feeling of high concentration makes her very tired, this exhaustion comes from the body and spirit.

As she said, running too long, sooner or later will be exhausted, although the rest of a short minute or two, but for her, it does not even count as a breath of relief.

Chu Hanyan did not dare to attack hastily, Hu Yuefei was right, don’t rush to attack, that will make her open the door empty, full of flaws, a hit is easy to be attacked by zombie cats.

Remembering what Hu Yuefei had said, Chu Hanyan had been dodging, bending down and short, these simple actions could make her quickly turn around and face the zombie cat, not giving the zombie cat any opportunity.

Until the zombie cat became gradually irritable, the distance of the flight was getting farther and farther, the air could not be borrowed, looking at the zombie cat’s sharp claws and open fangs full of fangs, Chu Hanyan’s eyes were firm, she knew that this was an opportunity!

Seeing that the zombie cat was getting closer and closer, Chu Hanyan suddenly picked up the baseball bat and hit it hard, but she misestimated her strength and speed, or rather, she misestimated the exhaustion of her body, running from midnight to now, walking and stopping, almost exhausted all her physical strength, and the high-intensity concentration of the spirit made her not very good body worse.

One step slower….

The command was given in the mind, and then the arm reacted, and it was a step slower to swing out, but the result was still good.


A stick was thrown out, and the zombie cat was hit in the abdomen, and the powerful blow was never something that a small animal like a zombie cat could resist.



In the scream, the zombie cat’s spine was broken, and it was directly knocked out of the air, falling to the ground two meters away, struggling to get up at all.

But looking at the zombie cat lying on the ground, only the front half of the limb can move, Chu Hanyan did not have much joy, silently stepped forward, looking at the zombie cat on the ground, Chu Hanyan forcefully picked up the baseball bat and smashed it fiercely at the zombie cat!

Bang bang bang!

Crazy smashing, soon the zombie cat showed no signs of activity and was completely smashed into a meat cake, and what Hu Yuefei saw was the scene where Chu Hanyan knocked the zombie cat out.

Silently walking to Chu Hanyan’s side, Hu Yuefei knew the huge pressure she had just undergone, patted her shoulder comfortingly, and whispered, “It’s all right, it’s all over.” ”

As a killer, Hu Yuefei knew how much pressure Chu Hanyan had endured during this period, and at the beginning, she had also come this way, and the horror between life and death could not be expressed in words at all.

He stopped the movement of his hand, and the baseball bat in his hand fell off his hand and fell to the ground, clanging.


What Hu Yuefei did not expect was that Chu Hanyan pushed her away, and even when she was defenseless, he snatched the pistol in her hand and quickly retreated, and the muzzle of the gun was still pointed at her.

Hu Yuefei’s face was stunned, she did not expect that at this time, Chu Hanyan would actually do this, she was … Betrayed?

Hu Yuefei’s heart could not express the loss, although as a killer, her heart had been cold to a certain extent, and she did not expect that at this time, she would be betrayed by the gun, is this the humanity under the apocalypse?

She didn’t expect that she would have this day, but she was not as afraid as she thought, as a killer, she knew that there was no bullet in the gun, otherwise the last zombie cat, she would not have solved it with her hands.

Hu Yuefei’s face was unspeakably self-deprecating, facing the muzzle of the gun, she did not fear, took the initiative to take a step forward, the gun without bullets was not even as good as the burning stick, but what Hu Yuefei did not expect was that Chu Hanyan, who was holding a gun to her, turned his arm, and the muzzle of the gun was on her own head.

Hu Yuefei was stunned, she did not understand what kind of routine Chu Hanyan was, snatching her gun and pointing it at her own head? What does this mean?


Hu Yuefei subconsciously opened her mouth, but before she could ask a question, she saw Chu Hanyan, who had been keeping her head down, raise her head, and then she was stunned again.

On Chu Hanyan’s face, a scratch was so clear, blood beads rolled down from the inside of the wound, and even the blood could see some signs of discoloration and infection.

The wound was too close to the head, and in such a short period of effort, Chu Hanyan’s eyes and around the corners of his eyes already had some signs of zombification, the corners of his eyes were vicious blue blood vessels, and his pupils were faintly white.

Now that Princess Hu Yue understood, she understood why Chu Hanyan wanted to grab her gun, and why she pointed a gun at her head.

“I don’t want to be a zombie, it hurts too much in other ways, sorry to waste a bullet on you.”

Chu Hanyan’s face had fear, but also a desire and yearning for life, and no one wanted to die.

Slowly closing his eyes, Chu Hanyan pulled the trigger hard.

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