Chapter 222 The first love has just begun, it is lost in love, blue and thin


The gun chamber collapsed, but no bullets shot out, Chu Han smoke stirred the spirit of the spirit of a shiver, but the expected pain did not come, Chu Han smoke was confused.

After several consecutive pulls of the trigger, the ‘click’ sounded, and Chu Hanyan took the pistol to his eyes in a daze, looking at the pistol without bullets, and the whole person froze.

“How…. How come? ”

Looking at Hu Yuefei who came step by step, Chu Hanyan anxiously put out his hand, “Bullet, is it okay to give me a bullet?” ”

Looking at the helpless Chu Han Yan, Hu Yuefei couldn’t express the sadness in her heart, in such a short time, the degree of Chu Han Yan’s zodiac was more obvious, at most for another minute, it might be infected into a zombie.

Just scratch a tiny wound! Hu Yuefei wanted to scold angrily, but she didn’t know what to scold, at this time, she no longer had the sadness of being betrayed before.

Chu Hanyan is going to die, she is going to become a zombie, for more than a month after the end of the day, she has seen too many people infected into zombies, and now that she has escaped here, Chu Hanyan is also going to become a zombie in front of her eyes, how should this make her good?

Regrets? Maybe from the beginning, Chu Hanyan should not have been brought out, if Chu Hanyan was still in the Baiyuan Business Building, she would not have turned into a zombie, she could actually escape by herself, and even those zombie cats could not help her.

It’s just that she didn’t want to bear that kind of loneliness of a person, so she brought Chu Hanyan out, but she didn’t expect it, but it hurt her.

Looking at Chu Hanyan’s hand, Hu Yuefei shook her head in silence.

She ran out of bullets.

Looking at Hu Yuefei shaking her head, Chu Hanyan’s eyes were sluggish, and then he rushed to Hu Yuefei’s side like crazy, grabbed her hot pants, and touched her hand.

“There are, there are, there must be more, you can hide so many things here, there must be some!”

Hu Yuefei did not move, allowing Chu Hanyan to rummage for a while, even if she encountered some secret places in her, Hu Yuefei did not move.

No matter how much the hot pants are designed, how many things can be put in? Two magazines for one gun are already the limit, and after running for half a night, the bullets have already run out by now.

Hu Yuefei did not move, she understood Chu Hanyan’s current mood, even if she knew that Chu Hanyan was about to mutate into a zombie, she did not move, maybe this is the end of the world, there is no hope, only endless endless endless…. Despair.

It was not bad to be so desperate that Chu Hanyan was bitten to death by the corpse.

“This big day, isn’t it good for you to play like this?” According to me, even if you can’t help it, at least find a room, right? So many rooms around. ”

The sudden sound behind them instantly made Hu Yuefei and Chu Hanyan nervous, and subconsciously pulled Chu Hanyan behind them, and Hu Yuefei looked in the direction where the sound came from.

On the second floor tens of meters away, a man sat on the railing, the eyes of the boss looked at her side, Hu Yuefei lowered her head, looked at the hot pants that were pulled open by Chu Hanyan, her face turned pale, and she quickly pulled it up.

On the railing on the second floor, Lin Fan had been sitting here for a while, probably when Hu Yuefei and Concubine Hu were dealing with the zombie cat, Lin Fan rushed to this side.

More than two hours was enough time for Lin Fan to cross more than ten kilometers to the vicinity of the Baiyuan Business Building.

For the safe environment around the Baiyuan Business Building, Lin Fan still recognized, this does have the appearance of a safe gathering place, and looking at such a large range, the leader of the Baiyuan Business Building still has some ability.

Sneaking all the way to the Baiyuan Business Building, it turned out that he bumped into two women who were fighting with the zombie cat.

Lin Fan thought it was quite interesting, he had been watching all the time, zombie cat terror? For ordinary people, this is simply a nightmare, but Hu Yuefei’s performance is very bright, agile, fierce, and even very smart.

Taking advantage of the zombie cat’s instinct to avoid danger, killing the last zombie cat in one fell swoop requires a very careful thought, and the courage is also very large, if you just fail, the result is an extra wound on the body.

The performance of the two women is very good, stronger than many women, of which Hu Yuefei is the most, this demonic and wild woman, Lin Fan is very liked.

As for Chu Hanyan next to her, although this girl looked weak and did not have the bright eyes of Concubine Hu Yue, that kind of determination was not something that ordinary people could have.

Who can face death? Who can? Not everyone has the guts to pull the trigger with a gun pointed at their head.

In general, these two women are very good, and the weak Chu Hanyan is also very valuable for cultivation, which makes Lin Fan have a feeling that it is worth the trip.

Even if there is no gain from coming out this time, only these two women, Lin Fan will not feel disappointed!

If Li Yun’s daughter Chu Hanyan could be found, it would be even better, Lin Fan did not know that it was Chu Hanyan who dared to commit suicide.

Jumped down from the second floor, stood firmly on the ground, and did not even shake his shoulders, this height for Lin Fan, but jumped a step, only five or six meters, even if it is fifty or sixty meters for Lin Fan, it is nothing.

But in Hu Yuefei’s eyes, the pressure was great!

Five or six meters high, without any means of unloading, straight to the ground, not even half a little discomfort, this strength …. Hu Yuefei was very vigilant in her heart!

At a height of five or six meters, she can jump down without injury, but that needs to be unloaded, just like Lin Fan, she at least has to be numb, bad luck may also be bruised or something.

Seeing the vigilance in Hu Yuefei’s eyes, Lin Fan did not think anything of it.

Seeing Lin Fan getting closer and closer, Hu Yuefei really didn’t have any good way, she could only keep retreating.

“Don’t you come over…. I have a person who is about to change into a corpse, you better think clearly, if you want to use strong, you may put your own life into it, I suggest you change the goal. ”

Chu Hanyan couldn’t cry and laugh in his heart, what is she? Deterrent weapons?

At the same time as she felt helpless in her heart, Chu Hanyan felt that her head was getting dizzy and even wanted to vomit, she knew that she really couldn’t hold out for long.

Chu Hanyan’s abnormality, Lin Fan also felt it, not caring about the playful thoughts, the figure was on the line, disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it had already come to Chu Hanyan’s side.

Pulling over Chu Hanyan, despite her struggle, Lin Fan put his hand on her face, and the wood element energy slowly surged past.

“If you don’t want to be a zombie, be honest.”

Although Chu Hanyan’s brain was a little unconscious, he was still struggling instinctively, and he couldn’t help but hear Lin Fan’s words, and people were a little dizzy.

What do you mean? Is she still saved?

Chu Hanyan’s brain was not clear now, but Hu Yuefei’s mind was clear, watching Lin Fan suddenly disappear, there was a sudden appearance behind him, and he also moved his hands against Chu Hanyan, where could he bear it?

An elbow hit Lin Fan’s head, and a powerful blow aimed at the temple, if this blow hit, Hu Yuefei had 100% confidence to kill the man in front of him.

Then she was hanged.

A vine did not know when it was tied to her ankles, Hu Yuefei screamed, the whole person was suspended in mid-air, the dark blond hair fell straight to the ground, and the upside-down posture made the two big pigs that were already spectacular almost jump out of the collars to breathe fresh air.

“Put … Put me down, are you still not human? She’s going to turn into a zombie, and you have the ability to rush me!” Bastard, you have the ability to rush me! ”

They didn’t bother to take care of Hu Yuefei, Lin Fan mobilized the wood element energy to clean up the zombie virus in Chu Hanyan’s body, as long as it had not yet turned into a zombie, the wood element energy could save it back, if it was completely infected as a zombie, it would be really ruin.

Under Lin Fan’s treatment, the green tendons in the corners of Chu Hanyan’s eyes gradually faded, some of the dead gray pupils gradually returned to their normal human appearance, and even the unconscious mind began to become clear.

Hu Yuefei was not blind, and being hung upside down did not affect her eyesight, watching the corpse phenomenon on Chu Hanyan’s face gradually disappear, Hu Yuefei was stupid.

Is there even salvation from being infected by the zombie virus? This….

Remembering the words that just scolded, Hu Yuefei was a little embarrassed, which was embarrassing, people came to save people, she also thought….

No way, the first impression is too important, look up and see Lin Fan has been staring at her pulled hot pants, and the eyes are still staring so big, who will not be impressed by this for a good ah!

Looking up at the vines tied to her ankles, Hu Yuefei rolled over, grabbed the vines with both hands, and untied them in minutes, she was just an attempt, but she seemed to have gambled right.

Deftly falling to the ground, Hu Yuefei ran a few steps to the side of Chu Hanyan, staring at Lin Fan, and her eyes were full of incredulity.

The zombie virus was cleaned up almost, Chu Hanyan was now completely awake, leaning into Lin Fan’s arms, his face was covered by Lin Fan’s big hands, the feeling of safety and warmth made Chu Hanyan not want to move, his open eyes looked at Lin Fan above, and his eyes could not be moved.

Chu Hanyan’s almost idiotic performance made Hu Yuefei roll her eyes, this double standard is really excessive, she also saved Chu Hanyan several times along the way, how did Chu Hanyan not become like this? Is this a woman? Seeing a long handsome man with a good temperament can’t walk?


After cleaning up the zombie virus in Chu Hanyan’s body, Lin Fan withdrew his hand and looked at Chu Hanyan, whose eyes were almost straight, Lin Fan felt quite self-satisfied in his heart.

“The zombie virus in your body has been cleaned up, get up.”

“Huh? This… Is this clean-up? So fast? Chu Hanyan did not react, subconsciously opened his mouth, and after saying that, people reacted.

Hurriedly running out of Lin Fan’s arms, Chu Hanyan was eager to find a seam to drill into, this…. This is so humiliating!

Hu Yuefei also looked at Chu Hanyan wordlessly, why didn’t she stay enough?

Calmly get up, this kind of thing has encountered more, Lin Fan is almost used to it, this morning by a group of women bright and righteous to take advantage, didn’t he also carry it?

Sweeping his eyes over Hu Yuefei and the two of them, Lin Fan looked at the Baiyuan Business Building a kilometer away and asked, “Are you from the Baiyuan Business Building?” Or are you planning to go over there? ”

Concubine Hu Yue looked at Lin Fan and said, “We escaped from there, and as a result, we were attacked by zombie cats.” ”

“Escape?” Lin Fan frowned, and had a bad premonition in his heart, “Since you escaped from there, I have something I want to ask you, specifically to inquire about a person, Chu Hanyan, do you know?” ”

Concubine Hu Yue had just walked over to Chu Hanyan’s side, and when she heard Lin Fan’s words, she was stunned, and Chu Hanyan, the person concerned, was also confused.

Looking for her? Or the same name?

“That… Which is Chu Hanyan you asked? Chu Hanyan looked at Lin Fan and determined several times, she really did not know or see Lin Fan, and she was a little disappointed in her heart, she felt that it was most likely a duplicate name.

“Chu Han of Chu, Han next to the Japanese character, smoke and rain of smoke, how’s it going, do you know?”

Chu Hanyan: ????

This word is the same, it is very outrageous, right?

“Is her mother’s name Li Yun?” Her father’s name is Chu Tianxiong? ”

“I don’t know if her father’s name is Chu Tianxiong, I know her mother’s name is Li Yun, how do you know?”

Do you know?

Do you know?

Do you?

Hu Yuefei and Chu Hanyan looked at each other, this is not only acquaintance, isn’t this her?

“You… Who are you? And Chu Hanyan has any Guan Xiu? ”

Lin Fan always felt that these two people in front of him were a little strange, and he couldn’t say where they were for a while.

“I… My name is Lin Fan, if I insist on talking about relationships, I am a stepfather? Now Li Yun is my woman. ”


Chu Hanyan’s eyes were sluggish, and she seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak.

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