Chapter 232 Summoning Pigs with Summoning Powers? Thanks for thinking about it!

The problem that Zhao Wanqing said was serious and serious, and that it was not serious was actually very serious!

People who don’t eat meat will have no strength, usually do some clerical or don’t need to spend too much effort, don’t eat meat is okay, but female soldiers have to fight with zombies every day, can they not eat meat?

The food of the female warriors, Lin Fan has also seen, basically all vegetables are less meat and more, strenuous activities will consume a lot of calories, if you only eat rice and vegetables, it is not enough, you can not kill zombies outside for an hour or two, just retreat to find a place to eat, right?

That’s so funny!

Meat must be supplied, this is a must, fish this kind of thing, can eat, but can not be sure whether there is a zombie virus infection, maybe when you catch it, it has not been infected, and after you kill, the fish is just infected, what will happen after eating?

If it is not a case of being bitten, the speed of corpse change will become slower, especially the female warrior is very physical, the zombie virus will not fully erupt in a short period of time, if it breaks out in the city, it is better to say, if it is outside the city? The female warrior who had been raised so hard was probably too late to return to the city, and her body had already changed.

Poultry and livestock are still very necessary to raise some, which have not been found before, and now that the problem has come out, it needs to be solved.

Cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks and geese, these must be raised, cattle and sheep can produce milk, pigs can reproduce at a terrifying rate, chickens, ducks and geese can lay eggs, which can greatly enrich the recipes of the City of Judgment.

But the question is, where do these poultry and livestock go? Just like Zhao Wanqing said, the end of this is more than a month, soon two months, these things first of all said to be infected, no one cares, can they live? It is estimated that he was either infected or starved to death.

Poultry and livestock are indeed a problem, where is this stuff going?

“System, I saw that there are summoning abilities in the mall before, can this summoning abilities summon chickens, ducks, geese, cattle, sheep, pigs, and these things?”


After a minute of silence, Lin Fan also felt a little embarrassed, how to summon the special ability is also used for fighting, and he thought so strangely, using the summoning ability to summon the pig This thing without any combat effectiveness.

“Lord, if you redeem your summoning powers, you can summon combat units, and as for whether you can summon such domestic animals, the system is not clear, only the worst kind of talent, in the case of bad luck, you should be able to summon pigs, which are useless summoning creatures.”

Lin Fan: ………..

The system’s spit is full of resentment no matter how it looks, the hall summons special powers, even if it is not used for fighting, it is also used to summon pigs, which is indeed a bit buried.

“System, is there anything you can do?”

“Lord, for your situation, there are two solutions, the first is to exchange the creation of special abilities, after promotion to Lv7, you can initially create some low-level species, pigs are included in the domestic animals, the second method is to exchange points for livestock, cattle, sheep and pigs a 10 points, chickens, ducks and geese a 3 points.”

Chickens, ducks and geese can these things be exchanged? Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, but when he thought about it carefully, there seemed to be nothing wrong with it, that is, is this point a bit expensive?

“Lord, chickens, ducks and geese are such things, equivalent to you spending points, created by the system, different from dead things, it will be more expensive, but it is worth the money, and the poultry and livestock exchanged are excellent breeds, absolutely worth the money.”

Lin Fan thought about it, it seems that the system production is indeed all fine products, and he has not seen the pull span.

After having the bottom in his heart, Lin Fan’s flat face also relaxed, and the women who had been paying attention to Lin Fan on the sofa were relieved to see this situation, generally this situation, which means that Lin Fan already has a way.

Turning back to God, in the expectant eyes of Zhao Wanqing’s daughters, Lin Fan smiled: “I already have a solution to this problem, chickens, ducks, geese, cattle, sheep and pigs should be enough, or do you have anything else you want to eat?” Like rabbits? ”

Rabbit this small animal, the price and chicken, duck goose, are 3 points, anyway exchange what is not a change? It is better to enrich the species.

Hearing Lin Fan say this, Zhao Wanqing and several women looked at each other, and several women whispered a discussion, and finally Zhao Wanqing unified and said: “Just chickens, ducks, geese, cattle, sheep and pigs, rabbits can also come a little.” ”

“How much is needed?”

Zhao Wanqing’s head passed inside, and there was already an approximate number.

“According to the current population, the average female warrior can eat 5 kilograms of meat per day, how much it floats up and down, according to seven thousand people, the daily consumption of meat is 35,000 kilograms, a pig is counted as five hundred kilograms, about 70 pigs can be eaten a day, but five hundred kilograms of pigs are too old, and the normal pig farm is generally two or three hundred kilograms has been out of the circle, according to three hundred kilograms is 117 pigs.”

“If the maid doesn’t supply it, that’s all, the amount ….. Lord, what’s wrong with you? ”

Lin Fan was confused, Zhao Wanqing’s lips were 70 pigs at the bottom, and this was only one day! Or according to five hundred pounds! And that’s not even counting the maids!

Isn’t a maid human? It’s hard to farm every day, wash the car and carry things, right? Originally, there was not much meat allocated before, but now it is directly banned, which is too cruel, right?

Say that you have money to buy everything you want? It didn’t take long for this rule to be abolished?

If you count the maid’s side, according to the calculation of three hundred catties, at least 130 pigs will be eaten on this day, Lin Fan finally understood why the 400 square kilometers of the inner city is such a large area, all the meat in the cold storage is eaten so quickly.

More than a hundred pigs a day, how many cold storage can not stand ah!

130 pigs a day, that’s 1300 points….

If you want to provide food, cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks and geese, these must at least be exchanged for three thousand base numbers, right? One thousand to keep the breeding, two thousand to eat, should be able to last for a while.

More than 10,000 pieces of grass, really can eat!

Of course, it is very profitable to earn points.

These six poultry and livestock are the same as three thousand, which adds up to 11,7,000 points, which …. This suddenly evaporated nearly 120,000 points???

“Lord, the number of female warriors has increased a bit too much lately, and the Tang knives and watches you left behind are no longer enough.” Just when Lin Fan was confused, Lin Youyou silently made up a knife.

Looking at Lin Fan’s increasingly blue face, Zhao Wanqing didn’t know if she would say the next words.

“Don’t hesitate to say, I can still hold on.”

“The amount …. That is, the rice in our farmland has matured a lot, and it has been piled up a lot, and we don’t have such a thing as a shelling machine, and we haven’t seen a place to sell this kind of machine for the time being, so….”

Lin Fan understood, no, also want to redeem.

“System, is there a multifunctional dehulator?” Is it a machine that can remove the staple foods of rice, wheat and corn? ”

“There is… 500 points a piece, multi-functional to cover any of your needs, light energy charging, can be cultivated, harvested and even dehulled, can be exempted from multiple processes, mature rice thrown in, out is the rice that can be eaten. ”

A 500 points, multi-functional, almost can cook, or light energy driven, do not need to burn oil, very good, pour also valued, is this integral, estimated to …..

Thinking of this, Lin Fan silently opened the points panel.

Score: 31,4590

The moment he saw the points, Lin Fan was stunned, eh?

After redeeming the Time Ability, there are only 80,000 points left! How did it rise by more than 230,000 in one day? It’s a bit fast!

Lin Fan originally thought that this wave would cost all the points, the poultry would have 120,000 points, and the watch and the tang knife should be exchanged, right? Make up the whole thing this is not 200,000 points gone?

Available results…..

Good guys, it’s scary to go up more than 230,000 points a day! Much more violent than yesterday, yesterday rose so much in part because the Magic City Stadium has nearly 80,000 zombies, a direct wave of second kills, soared 80,000 points, but today….

Today he spent most of his time playing soy sauce, time can kill zombies is indeed a little slow, even the female warriors are more than nine o’clock to go out to kill zombies, and today there is no second magic stadium to brush zombies, Lin Fan feels that today can have 150,000 points is a lot, but did not expect that the direct is 230,000 points.

Exceeded expectations of 80,000 points! Compared with 310,000 points, it seems that spending 200,000 points is not a big deal.

At this thought, Lin Fan’s heart was suddenly much more comfortable.

Now if you think about it carefully, you can understand what is going on, the number of female warriors has become more, and indeed the consumption has become larger, but in the same way, the harvest has also become more!

In terms of points, the reward brought by female warriors is often tens of times the consumption, and even over time, it will become hundreds of times!

Invest more, the return is naturally terrible!

It does cost 120,000 points to exchange livestock, but this is a hammer deal, and when those breeding pigs breed the next generation, they don’t need to spend points to redeem again, chickens, ducks and geese, and even more and more with the breeding.

Even the Tang Dao and the watch are not consumption, the Tang Dao plus watch is only 20 points in total, how many points can a female warrior harvest back? This kind of arithmetic problem can be done by three-year-old children.

310,000 points make Lin Fan’s face instantly cloudy and sunny, hey, isn’t it 200,000 points? Drizzle, not a problem at all!

Of course, so many points, but also Zhao Wanqing, Lin Youyou and their contribution, today more Li Yun and the three of them, the speed of killing zombies naturally increased a lot.

“System, open Personal Properties.”

Character: Lin Fan

Strength: 410

Agility: 408

Intelligence: 451

Physique: 470

Score: 31,4590

Abilities: [Magnetic Field Control Lv7 (82021/10W)], [Lightning Control Lv7 (90501/10W)], [Wood Element Control Lv7 (79020/10w)], [Earth Element Control Lv7 (93142/10w)], [Demon Cat Lv7 (69580/10w)], [Space Alien Lv7 (68181/100w)], [Water Element Control Lv6(4725/10000)], [ Gold Element Controls Lv6 (3105/10000)], Time Controls Lv6 (9210/10w)

Possession: Flying knife*100

To tell the truth, don’t look at it, don’t know, look at the attribute Lin mortal people are stupid, lightning control, earth element control is about to be promoted to Lv8, even the magnetic field control and also fast, to know that after promotion to Lv7, he basically did not use these special abilities, equivalent to 10w experience are all Zhao Wanqing brushed out.

Although not all of it, in this 10w experience, at least more than 70,000 are brushed by them, and sure enough, the energy is still scattered out and rises relatively quickly, relying only on his own words, it is estimated that one of them can reach the level of Lv8, and the rest is not mentioned.

This time it is not only points, but even the attributes have given Lin Fan a huge surprise, Lv8 ah… Tomorrow he will be able to possess the first Lv8 level of power!

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