Chapter 233 Zombie Girl Infinitely Close to Humanity, Lin XianEr!

The first Lv8 level power! Lin Fan has not had one until now, mainly because the experience required to promote Lv8 is too much, Lin Fan really has no heart to promote, 10w experience is really too energy-consuming, will delay his progress.

High points, about to be promoted to Lv8 ability, which makes Lin Fan just have some bad mood instantly, and even tomorrow’s points will be more, now as long as the points are not continuously exchanged for high-level abilities, or what is too much cost, think about spending it is a problem.

In a good mood, Lin Fan had more smiles on his face, looked at Zhao Wanqing and the others, and asked, “What else is the problem?” I have solved it for you all at once, it is all small things. ”

“I’m gone…..”

“I’m gone, too, that…. Are you okay Lord? ”

Lin Fan’s sudden change made Lin Youyou look at each other, all of them were a little unclear, so even Zhao Wanqing asked with concern, it was really Lin Fan’s contrast before and after a little big.

Lin Fan, who was worried on the faces of Zhao Wanqing and Lin Youyou, got up and sat down between the two women and held the two women in his arms, Lin Fan kissed them separately and smiled: “I’m fine, you can rest assured, the small problem is not difficult for me.” ”

Hearing Lin Fan say this, Lin Youyou and others put their minds at ease, but at this time, it was Lin Fan’s turn to give them a problem.

“I have prepared three thousand base numbers for chickens, ducks, geese, cattle, sheep and pigs, do you think about where to put them?” These poultry and livestock are very occupying places, and what do you think about feeding these pigs, cattle and sheep and so on? ”

Lin Fan asked this sentence, Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing were dumbfounded, the same three thousand? Where is it raised? This problem is not considered for the time being, the inner city is so big, it is not a big deal to specially divide an area to raise, but the question is what do these things eat?

Chickens, ducks and geese eat corn kernels, wheat grains and these things they know, but they can’t always take those things to feed, right? There are also cattle, sheep and pigs, this thing they have only seen on TV, have not raised ah!

As a city person, where would anyone raise this thing?

Looking at Lin Youyou’s big eyes and small eyes, Lin Fan finally had a bad breath in his heart, he just gave me a problem, now it’s my turn, right?

I have laid out the big things for you, but have you leveled the small things?

Looking at Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing, who usually arranged things big and small, Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing, Lin Fan was almost smiling in his heart, finally there is something you can’t understand, right?

“When I go to turn over the book, I am bored to death, and I can’t check anything after I cut off the Internet!” Lin Youyou’s burning ass was burning in a hurry, and he didn’t care about leaning on Lin Fan’s arms, he directly stood up and ran outside.

Zhao Wanqing was also confused, stood up and rushed downstairs.

“Yoyo, you first go to see if there are any books on raising pigs and cattle, and I will go to the maid’s dormitory and ask if anyone knows how to raise them.”

Looking at Lin Youyou and Lin Youyou, who jumped in an instant, Lin Fan’s cheeks were almost laughing and cracking, these two people were too interesting.

“Shall we help?” The eldest sister and the second sister have all run away, is it not good for us to sit here? Li Siqi blinked, looked at Lin Youyou, who had disappeared, and subconsciously asked Mu Yueqing next to him.

Mu Yueqing scratched his head, and the cute cat’s ears trembled, “I remember seeing it from some book before, pigs seem to be able to eat vegetable leaves, and Sichuan Shu seems to use sweet potatoes to feed pigs, cows and sheep…. It’s like just eating grass, right? I don’t know much about chickens and ducks. ”

“Let me think… It seems that sweet potatoes, sweet potato roots and leaves, elephant grass, fruits these pigs can eat, you can also mix bran feeding, cattle and sheep these should be eating grass on the line, chickens, ducks and geese…. I don’t know about that. ”

Mu Yueqing was a veterinarian before the end of the Qing Dynasty, and he was not specialized in raising pigs, it was good to know so much, as for the chickens, ducks and geese, she had not been in contact, eating this did not count, and it was good to be able to give so many suggestions.

Looking at a few small ones gathered together to talk about each other, the look of sadness on his face Lin Fan looked very interesting, but after watching for a while, Lin Fan began to think about his own things.

He found that he seemed to have missed something, some things about the power of space, before he just thought about the space portal, but ignored the other magic of space, or because he had this thing, so he subconsciously ignored it, he had just remembered it.

In addition to teleportation and destruction, space has another function!

The prop of the space ring exists in various novels, how could he forget it?

If Lin Youyou and they have a space ring, many things will be much more convenient, right?

Think of it, Lv7 level space power, it is impossible to even make a space ring, right? That’s too low, too!

With a random wave of the index finger, a beautifully shaped silver ring appeared in his hand, Lin Fan’s eyes were slightly closed, spiritual power shrouded in the ring, the power of space spread along the finger, Lin Fan tried to open up a space on this silver ring.

Without any guidance, even just by wishful thinking, Lin Fan was very difficult at the beginning, in fact, many things are like this, everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as you stick to it, there will always be gains, and the most taboo thing for people is to give up halfway!

Laugh at!

A slight noise came, Lin Fan opened his eyes, looked at the ring in his hand that had been shattered by the power of space, shook his head, casually threw it into the garbage can, grabbed it casually, and soon another ring appeared in his hand.

The situation on Lin Fan’s side was fully seen by Zhao Yanyan’s side, and his voice couldn’t help but be a little smaller, Su Xiaoluo also obediently sat there and did not come to disturb Lin Fan.


In the dark night, everyone was busy with their own business, far northeast, more than a hundred kilometers away, in a villa, wearing a silver crown, wearing a white dress, delicate Barbie-like girls were watching some videos.

These videos are all things left on the original owner of the villa, the beautiful eyes of the wine osh color look at the screen without blinking, half-shaking, the girl yawned, and the crystal jade palm tapped twice on the small grass, indescribably delicate and cute.

Anyone who comes over and sees the girl’s posture and cute appearance will not associate her with the wisdom zombie, and after a period of study, the girl has become more and more human-like, and her demeanor and even various habits are almost no different from humans.

Dressed in human clothes, with human appearance, doing human actions, learning human language and knowledge, and her unforgettable talent makes it extremely easy for her to learn many things.

Moving the mouse, the screen paused, the voice from the computer also paused at this moment, looking at the woman in the white dress on the screen, the girl moved the mouse slightly, the progress bar retreated a little, followed by continued playback, and at the same time a passionate voice also came out of the computer.

“Look, this is the temperament of the immortal, this ethereal posture…”

The voice suddenly stopped, looking at the picture frozen again, the girl looked down at the white dress on her body again, and whispered, “Xian…. Immortal….”

His eyes were confused for a moment, as if he was thinking about what this immortal word really meant, and in the middle of the night, the young girl tilted her head and murmured, “Xian… Xian’er… Lin XianEr…. Well…. Lin XianEr, good listen, that’s it! ”

Speaking, the zombie girl who named herself Lin XianEr stood up from the sofa, and the laptop in her arms also fell to the ground, but at this time, the zombie girl who named herself Lin XianEr had no time to pay attention, and the small and moving figure stood on the sofa, and the silver crown on her head shone brightly, just like the flashing light in the girl’s beautiful eyes.

“From today on, my name will be Lin XianEr!” Lin Fan’s Forest! Do you understand? Well? ”

The girl crossed her waist and looked at the several female zombies in front of her who were cleanly dressed but their eyes looked extremely sluggish, and she scolded and scolded, and several female zombies nodded stupidly, and made an unconscious ‘ho-ho’ sound in their mouths, as if in response.

Hearing the response of these female zombies, the girl was obviously very satisfied, but soon, the girl’s dissatisfied eyes looked in the direction of the northeast, where the flames were soaring and the explosions were endless.

“Those human struggles are really interesting…. But whoever hurts his mother will die! ”

Lin XianEr’s wine-colored eyes flashed with infinite anger, infected by Lin XianEr’s anger, and the female zombies around her emitted a low roar, and their expressions became extremely manic.

Lin XianEr’s emotions seemed to be a catalyst, as Lin XianEr was exposed, her mood fluctuated violently, and the zombies around the villa seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, one by one, the eyes of the orangutan were roaring madly, showing infinite ferocity!

The roar suddenly rose high, one higher than another, one wave higher than another, one after another, like waves on the surface of the water, constantly swaying into the distance.

Tens of kilometers away, the high roar of the zombies has infinite infectiousness, just like a signal, instantly making the zombies who were already raging under the night even more crazy!

Whoops! Growl! Bolted!

Stirred by this scorching breath, the dead gray eyes of the zombies charging at the front line were filled with scarlet light, and the green tendons in the corners of their eyes bulged, looking extremely vicious and terrifying!

Whoops, whoops!

The roar was earth-shattering, and the speed of the zombies’ wild running suddenly increased by a sharp margin, and they frantically charged at the wall of the military district against the rain of bullets and bullets.


Sudden Sudden !!!


The sound of gunfire was incomparably intense, and on the outermost defense line of the military region, tens of thousands of collared machine guns were frantically pouring fire, the dazzling fire almost illuminated the outer city walls, and large bullet casings flew out of the gun chamber like no money, and the bullets fired at high speed were almost connected from the muzzle of the gun into a line, and under the high-speed fire, the barrels of the guns were perming.

Large-caliber howitzers exploded in front of the positions, rockets burned with fierce fire, and the ground washed for several days in a row, so that the ground three kilometers in front of the military region was cut down by one or two meters in a row, and everywhere there were large pits that exploded, and around these large pits were the fragmented corpses of zombies.

The zombies are roaring, hundreds of thousands of zombies are charging forward, the scene is huge and terrifying, the earth is shaking, these zombies are crazy, their eyes are flashing with terrifying rays, the speed is so fast that they can even see the remnants of the double tramps moving fast.

If normal people maintain such a speed, if they have not undergone special training, it will be destroyed in less than a minute, but the zombies are different, they don’t care about pain at all, they don’t care if the double stomps will be abolished, they only know how to charge!

Charge! Charge!

Then break through the defense line in front of you and eat all the living people in the defense line!


The howitzers roared fiercely, the dense gunfire pierced the night sky, and as many as several regiments of tens of thousands of mechanized infantry regiments, under such a terrible firepower, they could not suppress the pace of the zombies’ charge!

Zombies! Rush up!


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