Chapter 238 Lin XianEr’s plan against Lin Fan’s strategy

Liu Yuanbin’s big gamble, Wu Guozhong was shocked and stunned in place, tens of thousands of female soldiers were used as dowries, this stroke is indeed too big!

Moreover, just as Liu Yuanbin said, Wu Guozhong also felt that as long as Lin Fan did not have a hole in his brain, he would definitely not treat Liu Wanying badly, not to mention that Liu Wanying grew up in the military region, with a heroic spirit that did not let her eyebrows be shaved, and her appearance and figure were also the best choice.

The military region did not know how many senior officers were interested in Liu Wanying, and even Dou Jianwu’s old guy had brazenly put a line on his son Dou Zhihao, but unfortunately Liu Wanying directly refused.

“Does Wanying know about this?” Will she say yes? ”

When Liu Yuanbin heard this, the smile on his face quickly put away, and he said in a deep voice: “This matter, she must not refuse, she must agree to it, and if she does not agree, she must also agree, if she resists, let her relatives take her down, and then directly throw it to the man.” ”

“This….. The only way I can make a living for her! ”

Wu Guozhong was silent, and after a moment, asked, “Then what are you going to do?” How to inform that Lin Fan in the Demon City? I heard that the Changbei power station exploded before, and there should be all the power off there, right? ”

“Didn’t I already make arrangements?”

“Huh? What the? “Wu Guozhong is about to be confused, arranged well?” When?.

Looking across the wall in the direction of the airport, Liu Yuanbin seemed to see the drones parked on the airport.

“Tomorrow the drone will take off and launch an attack on the zombie crows in the sky, and I have arranged an aviation formation of six drones, carrying six thousand leaflets to the magic capital, and six thousand leaflets I don’t believe that man can’t see a single one!”

Wu Guozhong: …….

This is amazing!

But it does work!


Twenty kilometers south of the Liu family of the Demon Warlords, in a villa, Lin XianEr was curled up in the quilt, with a little dissatisfaction on her small face, and not far from her, a female zombie bowed her head, grunting as if she was saying something.

“All dead? The hundreds of thousands of zombies we rushed up to were all dead? Torn apart by a powerful weapon? Who in the military district is partying? ”

Lin XianEr grunted dissatisfactorily, Jingying’s small hand lifted up, patted on Xiao Qian, and after a cute yawn, Lin XianEr hummed twice, and then shrunk into the quilt, “Continue to attack, don’t stop, I want to see how much ammunition reserves the Liu family of the Demon Warlord has, the nearby arsenal is all occupied by zombies, I don’t believe that your bullets are infinite.” ”

“Even if I can’t run out of your bullets, I’m going to exhaust you!” In addition, let the zombies digging holes hurry up, dig to the bottom of the military region early, and then give him a cauldron to draw salaries, blossom in the middle, and see how they can prevent it! ”

“Love the carnival isn’t it! I’m going to make you party! Only after repelling hundreds of thousands of zombies began to party, how happy you are laughing now, how desperate you will be! ”

The female zombie left in a daze, and inside the room, there were several female zombies standing stupidly next to them, as if they were listening to Lin XianEr’s orders.

With the departure of the female zombie, Lin XianEr, who was shrunk inside the quilt, revealing only a delicate and cute little head, closed her eyes, and the silver crown on her head did not know when it was taken off and placed next to it, and the slight breathing sound gradually became even, and a dream-like sound spat out from Lin XianEr’s small body.

“Mom, Xian Er will definitely avenge you…. Will be… And then snatch Daddy back…. Daddy is fairy…. Xian’er’s…”

The girl’s dream was very low, the room was quiet, and several female zombies were still so stupid and silly.

Outside the villa, a female zombie walked into the darkness, and not long after, a low roar spread in the night, this roar was like a fuse, and the zombies crowded with streets under the night seemed to be infected, and the terrifying roar continued to spread to the distance.

At the edge of the area, with the roar heard, the zombies in the front took steps one after another, roaring madly towards the military district, and the black pressure of the corpse sea spread with the wild running, and as many as hundreds of thousands of zombies stepped on the corpses of their companions and quickly advanced towards the military district.

The roar of the zombies and the cheers of the soldiers of the military district were intertwined, the night was no longer calm, and as the gunfire began to stir, the defense line of more than ten kilometers was like a huge gunfire meat grinder, constantly strangling the corpses of the zombies.

On the defense line of the military region, as boxes of machine gun bullets were transported, the powerful and terrifying cannons began to roar again, venting their terrible firepower towards the corpses in front, the 30 mm caliber cannon bullets were terrifying, and the long bullets shot out, and at the moment of contact with the zombie body, the terrifying kinetic energy was like tearing cloth, instantly tearing the zombies to pieces, and then the rest of the momentum did not decrease, flying all the way.

Where the cannon bullets passed, the zombies were flying with blood and flesh, their limbs were broken, each bullet could crush the bodies of an unknown number of zombies, and on the front line, the soldiers screamed with excitement, watching the zombies who had overwhelmed them in the past being shattered, these soldiers did not know how excited.

The zombies began to attack, a new round of defensive warfare began again, and in the underground of more than ten meters deep, I don’t know how many zombies were holding tools in their hands and constantly digging tunnels, and as many as tens of thousands of zombies opened up hundreds of tunnels, constantly digging, advancing in the direction of the military region!

After two days and one night of excavation, no matter how hard the soil in the ground is, no matter how difficult it is to dig, it has advanced more than ten kilometers, and it looks like it is about to be dug at the foot of the military region, and at this time, everyone in the military region still knows nothing.

No one would have thought that Lin XianEr would be able to think of digging a hole in the ground to attack, this level of intelligence exceeded everyone’s expectations, and this was just something Lin XianEr learned two days ago when she was reading a book of martial arts.

In fact, there are already zombies in the underground digging tunnels, only one day to dig at the foot of the military region, and then tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands or even millions of zombies can rush out through one tunnel after another and sweep the entire military region, at that time, it is the end of the military region!

Lin XianEr was not in a hurry at all now, she knew that the Demon Capital Warlord Liu Family would not be bounced for long, and after solving the Demon Capital Warlord Liu Family, she could take the Ten Million Zombie Army to find Lin Fan and then snatch him up!

If it is best to follow her, if you don’t follow her, you will be stunned, anyway, you have to tie Lin Fan to her side, but the only thing that makes Lin XianEr a little uncertain is that when she is still ignorant, she seems to feel that Lin Fan is very powerful, but how powerful it is, she is not very clear.

However, this little thing, Lin XianEr did not pay attention to it, she felt that no matter how powerful, she could not defeat her zombie army, but she knew what is called quantity crushing quality, even if Lin Fan is more powerful, she will be consumed by her zombie army alive, at that time, it is not her doing whatever she wants?

When people sleep, time always passes quickly, often just feeling that in the blink of an eye, the time of the night has passed.

The rays of the sun gradually rose from the east, and the first rays of light dispelled the darkness and brought light and hope to the world.

On the defense line of the Liu family of the warlord of the Demon Capital, the firing of the machine cannon has never stopped, and on the ground more than ten kilometers in front of the defense line, the corpses of the zombies are piled up in every corner, and even the thick corpses are piled up one or two meters high, the flames are burning the corpses of the zombies, and the billowing smoke is constantly rising towards the sky.

The pace of the zombies’ attack never stopped, the gunfire never stopped, no one dared to stop, at most, after the barrel was overheated, a short pause to open fire, wait for the zombies to rush closer, and then continue to spew flames.

At the military region’s airport, Liu Yuanbin came here early, and it was a matter of his plan, and he must personally supervise it, and absolutely could not afford to lose anything.

At the airport, hundreds of silver drones reflect the light of the sun, and the shape of the manta ray is exquisitely shaped, full of technology and line.

This is the most advanced UAV in the Eastern Empire, which can launch a series of operations such as attack, enemy, evasion, return, etc. according to the system command, because no one operates, it can not consider whether the pilot can withstand the problem, so the speed is extremely fast, and the only drawback is that no one is controlled, not as flexible as the pilot.

Six drones, four missiles side by side under the wings, were actually all empty inside, with only detonators and rear propulsion devices, stuffed with sheets of A4 paper in the central area filled with explosives.

As long as these UAVs reach the designated position, these missiles will be launched, and then explode, and then the A4 paper will drift from mid-air to the ground, as many as tens of thousands of leaflets, Liu Yuanbin will not be able to do it, Lin Fan can not see one!

Yes, tens of thousands! Liu Yuanbin felt that six thousand pieces were not safe, and added another four thousand pieces, he couldn’t afford to lose, so he had to achieve the goal at once, the Liu family of the magic capital warlord he didn’t know how long he could hold on, hundreds of kilometers away, he didn’t know how Lin Fan was going to come, he could only hold on, hold out until Lin Fan came!

The sky gradually darkened, Liu Yuanbin did not have to look to know that it was those annoying zombie crows coming again, whether day or night, it was the time period for them to hunt, if it were not for these zombie crows, the Liu family of the Demon Capital Warlord would definitely not have such an almost desperate situation as it was now.

With the fire coverage of the aviation regiment, even if tens of millions of zombies are scattered, the Liu family of the Demon Capital Warlord will not be defeated as it is now!

Quack quack crunch quack qua

The piercing cries were one after another, Liu Yuanbin now regretted one thing, why didn’t he exterminate such a disgusting thing as a crow before the end of the day? Long ugly, hard to hear, and the bird itself represents ominous, it is a mistake not to go extinct!

Oh yes, there is also the eagle this kind of thing, fast, strong attack, especially after becoming a zombie, the desire to attack is stronger, how can not….


The anti-aircraft guns are firing, and large pieces of fire fly into the sky, tearing apart large pieces of zombie crows that fly down, every day, these zombie crows do not know what is fear, only know that there is food on the ground, there are living people! There are fresh chunks of meat!

Looking at the zombie crows that were constantly circling and swooping in the sky, Liu Yuanbin raised his arm, waved his palm hard, and the general who received the order hurriedly gave instructions, and soon the drone on the airport began to slide, and then rushed into the sky at a very fast speed.

Hundreds of silver drones soared into the sky, which quickly attracted the attention of the zombie crows, and the lifting of the unmanned fighter was a provocation to the zombie crows, the zombie crows abandoned the soldiers on the ground, and the crows like thick ink rushed towards the unmanned fighters.

Bump! It’s about crashing! Hit flying creatures that dare to invade airspace with their bodies, even if the head of the collision breaks the blood flow.

Hundreds of unmanned fighters flew into the sky, and in the face of the swarming zombie crows, the missiles under the wings of these unmanned fighters fired out one after another, and a violent explosion occurred in mid-air.

In the roar of terror, large pieces of feathers and dirty blood spilled from the sky, along with charred corpses.

The drone’s missiles inflicted huge casualties on the zombie crows, but the unmanned fighter also paid a huge price for it, and the fireballs in the sky burned like meteors and fell like meteors.

Not all unmanned fighters were shot down, and more fighters were frequently invisible in mid-air and then attacked, and then invisible, constantly teasing the zombie crows and leading the zombie crows farther away from the airport.

Just as the zombie crows were gradually flying away, six drones quickly took off, then disappeared in the high air, and then flew towards the magic capital at a super high speed.

Watching the drone disappear into the sky, Liu Yuanbin sighed silently.

“It must succeed!”


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