Chapter 239 razed an upscale community as a breeding farm, too luxurious!

At the beginning of the new day, under the service of Li Yun, he climbed up and waited for the three girls to help him get dressed, Lin Fan’s face was full of refreshment, and he was indescribably happy.

Stepping out of the master bedroom, Lin Fan first went to the first floor and turned around, and lost five thousand Tang knives and ten thousand watches in the warehouse, so many Lin Fan still did not believe that he could use it up in a short time?

Put these away, Lin Fan returned to the second floor, Li Yun and several of them have already laid out the meals, on the dinner table, Lin Fan glanced around and said: “Tang Dao and watches I put in the 1st floor warehouse, the shell machine will go out when it is put outside, Wan Qing You look at the arrangement, and is, have you chosen the venue?” Have you planned what chickens, ducks, and geese will be fed to these things? ”

Hearing Lin Fan ask, Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing immediately did not want to eat, and even had the impulse to feed them as feed.

Last night Lin Youyou looked for a bunch of books, did not find these related books about raising chickens, raising ducks and geese, Zhao Wanqing’s side was also all the way to defeat, the maid’s side was all eyes and black, asked the city people how to raise pigs, are you not joking?

Looking at the black faces of the two women, Lin Fan felt very happy, but remembering the countless failures last night, Lin Fan was not happy.

The difficulty of the space ring was beyond his imagination, last night tried more than forty times, without exception, the space ring did not come out at all, all failed, either the space is unstable, it does not collapse after a while, or the ring is destroyed by the power of space.

The difficulty of the space ring was beyond his imagination, and he needed to use the power of space to open up a space on the ring out of thin air, which was to open up a complete space that would not collapse out of thin air, not space passages, space portals, and so on.

It is not a mirror space, whether it is a space channel or a space portal, or a mirror space, it needs to be maintained by the power of space, if interrupted, whether it is a space portal or a mirror space, it will be instantly broken.

The principle of the space ring is the same, if it is to attach a space to the ring, it is very simple, that is, he needs to maintain it with the power of space all the time, but this is not what Lin Fan wants!

What he wanted was that the space was stable, did not need additional energy to support, and could recognize the Lord and use the space ring, this kind of operation of opening up a fixed space as a storage prop, it was really a bit difficult, Lin Fan’s head was bigger.

If you want to open up a complete and stable space, you need to have enough knowledge of the power of space and a strong ability to control it, and the other is skill, which is simply to try more, practice makes perfect.

But after doing dozens of them, none of them succeeded, Lin Fan was really a little uncomfortable, but thinking about the high price of the space ring in the points mall, Lin Fan felt that it was not so uncomfortable.

If he learns how to do it, won’t he be able to earn a lot of points in vain? Isn’t it blood to earn if you don’t buy it?

A ten-cube space ring sells for 10,000 points, so if you make a ten-cube point, isn’t that equivalent to earning 20,000 points? Don’t buy and then white prostitute, one in and one out, hey, twenty thousand points is coming!

This saved points, why not do something bad, right?

“Elder sister, yesterday we discussed it, and we have some experience in raising those poultry and livestock, and when we finish eating later, we will tell you that I am more good at this kind of thing.”

Looking at Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing’s sad faces, Mu Yueqing swallowed the rice in the middle of the room and said hurriedly.

Listening to Mu Yueqing’s words, Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing, who were still helpless and decadent, instantly raised their spirits, and looked directly at Mu Yueqing, “Qingqing, are you serious?” Oh I remember, Qing Qing you were a veterinarian before, and the veterinarian knows that these seem normal. ”

Startled by the eyes of the two men, Mu Yueqing’s subconscious waist plate straightened up, “I do know something about this, wait until you finish eating, first find a place to determine where to raise these livestock.” ”

With Mu Yueqing’s assurance, Lin Youyou and Lin Youyou were both relieved, seeing this situation, Lin Fan was wondering, could he also …..

However, thinking about the level of Li Yun’s spatial ability, Lin Fan’s horn twitched twice, and it seemed that he could not count on it.

After eating, Lin Fan and Lin Youyou and others left the supermarket, standing outside the supermarket, Lin Fan exchanged four multi-functional hulling machines, in fact, it can not be said that the dehulling machine, this thing can be done whether it is sowing seeds or others, and it is inexpensive, only 500 points.

Four multi-functional agricultural machines camouflage, like the kind of corn harvesting machine, Lin Fan looked at it twice and was not interested, and casually handed four manuals of use to Zhao Wanqing completely ignored.

Zhao Wanqing was not interested in this thing, after handing over the instructions to her subordinates, she did not look at it more, if she had to deal with this kind of thing herself, then she would not do anything every day.

Miscellaneous things are handled almost, and then the top priority is the most important, to put it bluntly, it is the problem of chickens, ducks, geese, cattle, sheep and pigs.

Standing bored next to him, Lin Fan looked at Lin Youyou and the two and asked, “Have you two discussed where to raise cattle and sheep?” ”

Lin Youyou gestured to Zhao Wanqing, and Zhao Wanqing said: “There are two predetermined locations, one is the northern city area, there is a park over there, cattle and sheep can be kept in captivity over there, and chickens, ducks and geese can also be raised over there.” ”

“Another location is in Dongcheng District, there is a garden community, the vegetation coverage rate is also very high, these grasslands are ready-made, and the area is large enough, choose the garden community, the park does not have to be destroyed, choose the park, the garden community can be preserved, I and Yoyo are more inclined to keep the park.”

“The city of our judgment now lacks everything, except for the housing community, and now more than ninety-five percent of the houses in the inner city are empty, and the most important point is that there are many high-end places than the garden community.

Lin Fan didn’t have any opinions, anyway, he was only responsible for getting chickens, ducks and geese out of these things, and how to arrange them later would not be under his control.

“Then the garden community, let’s go now, finish it early, and go to work on something else early.”

Lin Fan made a decision, there are many things to do today, first of all, we must expand the sphere of influence, this has to build a city wall on the edge of the area, this has a system, he only needs to pay points on the line, the only trouble point is after the establishment of the city wall, those zombie animals in the inner city.

This thing needs a careful investigation of one area after another, which is a bit time-consuming and energy-consuming, but in order to expand the territory, the problem of zombie animals must be solved, otherwise the female warriors will always be in danger, and the population will not be broken, Lin Fan does not want to cause a large number of deaths and injuries to women because of a momentary negligence.

Especially female warriors, a qualified female warrior grows up, but it takes a long time, it is okay to break one or two, if you suddenly fold one or two hundred or something, Lin Fan will die of pain.

Dongcheng District, Happy Garden Community, Lin Fan and Lin Youyou, Zhao Wanqing three people flew in mid-air, looking down at the Happiness Garden Community below, Lin Fan nodded while watching.

The situation in the happy garden community is similar to what Zhao Wanqing said, there are many flower beds, lawns, and the vegetation coverage rate is very high, and it is really good to use it as a pasture, whether it is raising pigs, cattle, sheep or chickens, ducks and geese.

Happy Garden Community is located in the fourth ring, the entire community area is very large, there are nearly 70,000 square meters, equivalent to more than 100 acres of land, such a large place used as a farm, more than enough.

Even after the second wall is built, the farm can be moved out and a larger farm can be opened!

Larger farms are a must, and as the sphere of influence expands, the population is bound to surge, the end is now two months away, the small survivor colonies are basically dead, and the rest are large survivor colonies with more than thousands of people.

The population of Mordor is as high as more than 25 million, even if 95% of the people have become zombies, more than one million have survived, excluding men, women have at least 300,000 or 400,000 like this.

That is to say, after the demons were completely cleaned up, the total population of the City of Judgment was about three or four hundred thousand, and how much meat would three or four hundred thousand people eat a day? Especially the female warriors, they are big meat eaters.

It is absolutely impossible for the farm not to expand, and it is not a bad thing to plan ahead, it is better than holding on to the Buddha temporarily.

“This place is good, very suitable for farming, there are meadows and pools, and such a large area can also be divided into areas, put some rabbits, sika deer into it, the meat quality should be very good, in addition, the plants here from time to time with wood element energy to promote it, those cattle and sheep and the like should grow better.”

The beef and mutton raised by good forage are naturally better in quality, especially with the thin wood element energy, and these cattle and sheep are likely to grow larger.

Hearing that Lin Fan also planned to get some rabbits and sika deer, Lin Youyou and the two looked at each other, and felt that it seemed to be really feasible, the texture and nutrition of venison meat were higher than that of cattle and sheep, especially deer blood, and the price of venison raised by the farm before the end was expensive to die, not to mention wild, wild but national protected animals.

Now there is no law, their own free-range sika deer to eat, it seems to be a good choice, as for rabbit meat, not to mention, the price has been high, which is enough to prove the popularity of rabbit meat.

With an idea in mind, Lin Fan looked around at the buildings of the Happy Garden Community, which had to be demolished.

Falling to the ground, the earth element energy poured into the ground along the double foot, and the magnetic field energy spread out immediately, and as the earth element energy spread, the entire happiness garden community underwent great changes.

Residential buildings are like sand piled up, constantly desertifying, just like the wax figures under high temperature are constantly melting and getting shorter, and the steel supporting these buildings is also decomposed by the magnetic field to form steel plates.

The buildings of the entire Happy Garden Community kept disappearing, and pieces of steel plates flew to the side and piled up together, in just ten minutes, the entire Happy Garden Community ….


A community that took almost a year or two to build disappeared in just a few minutes, and the Dongcheng District suddenly became empty, which seemed extremely abrupt in the high-rise Dongcheng District.

The residential buildings all disappeared, this is not the end, the ground shook, at the edge of the community, in the four directions of east, west, south and north, four walls slowly rose from the ground, and finally stayed at a height of three meters!

The whole Happy Garden community has become a flat land, and the surrounding area is also surrounded by walls, the prototype of a farm is so ready, what is needed now is to put poultry and livestock into it, and then use wood elements to produce plants, and all this is done!

PS: the new January, brothers ask for more support, just looked at the October update volume, 31 days updated less than 540,000 words, brothers, the author has worked very hard, please support!

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