Chapter 240 says that a good farm, how can it soon become a zoo?

Standing on the ground of the Happy Garden Community, Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing watched the entire community turn into dust, their eyes were surprisingly calm, and they didn’t feel anything surprising or surprising at all.

In Lin Fan’s body, they saw too much shock, this is a small scene in front of them, it is not worth mentioning at all, to let them do it, it is not impossible, but the result is not the same.

Well, it is to directly raze the entire Happy Garden Community to the ground, and the two belong to the route of destruction.

Looking at the happy garden community has reached the basic requirements, Lin Fan scanned a circle, always felt that there were still shortcomings, a little thinking Lin Fan understood what was missing.

Meadows, plants, and the pool in the happy garden community also need to be cleaned up to check whether it is contaminated by the virus, otherwise raise a bunch of chickens, ducks and geese or something, drink some water for a few minutes to become a zombie, and the more than 100,000 points can be directly floated.

Wood element energy diffusion, has been completely transformed into the ground of the breeding ground grew a large number of plants, there are flowers and grass, there are some usually very common trees, in the wood element of a wide range of spawning, tens of thousands of square meters of huge farms soon become green, the ground is full of vegetation.

The flowers and trees that were spawned by the wood element emitted a faint fragrance, the aroma of the flowers and plants made people feel very good, after giving birth to the plants, Lin Fan took a few steps to the side of the pool, the palm spread, the wood element energy fell into the water, quickly walked around, and the situation was just as Lin Fan had worried before, the water here was indeed polluted by the zombie virus.

I think there should be the blood of the zombie, or the zombie fell directly into the water, which completely polluted the pool, and the fish inside have become zombie fish.

Cleaning up the pool and the zombie fish, Lin Fan thought about it for a while, and gave birth to some aquatic weeds and other things in the pool, which contain wood element energy, which can purify the water quality for a long time, without worrying about the risk of being polluted again.

Looking down at the pool in front of you, can not say the pool, the happy garden community is indeed very good, the front can not be called a pool, it is not too much to say that it is a pond, the specially built waterway flows through most of the community, before the construction of some small arch bridges and pavilions, can be used as a fish pond to raise fish.

Yes, Lin Fan has a new idea, poultry and livestock are there, and fish can’t be less, right? The meat of the fish is also delicious.

“System, how are the fish in the mall sold?” Fry such as fish and shrimp will do. ”

Halfway through the conversation, Lin Fan hurriedly added another sentence, miscellaneous to get down, this point is really not much left, if there is another fish on three points, Lin Fan really has to throw up.

“Fry of fish and shrimp have 1 point, the same for any species, limited to freshwater fish, excluding amphibians.”

Lin Fan just wanted to say that the crocodile is not also 1 point, the system immediately broke his road, Lin Fan thought about it, 1 point a fry, but it is also OK, fish This kind of thing fertility is very terrible, do not need to buy too much, buy too much This pond is estimated to be unable to raise.

“The system exchanges me for crucian carp, carp, grass carp, koi, as well as freshwater shrimp, crabs, lobsters, the same thousand.”

“Ding! After deducting 7,000 points, successful exchange for crucian carp, carp, grass carp, koi, freshwater shrimp, crab, lobster 1,000 units each, is it now put into the pond? ”

“Well, right now.”

Lin Fa’s voice just fell, the original clear pond suddenly appeared a large number of fish fry, in addition to crabs, lobsters and other carnivorous aquatic species, watching those fry quickly spread in the pond, Lin Fan smiled slightly, it will not be long before the City of Judgment can eat fresh fish, not those frozen fish that are frozen in the cold storage without even the taste of fish, or canned fish.

Retracting his gaze from the pond, Lin Fan looked around at the tree-lined farm and said to the two daughters of Lin Youyou next to him: “You come with me.” ”

Taking the two women to the east side of the area near the wall, Lin Fan’s mind moved, and a wall rose from the grass, gradually dividing into areas, these areas are large and small, and these planned areas account for half of the total area.

Flying into the air, Lin Fan pointed to the open area on the left and said: “This side is used to raise cattle and sheep, rabbits, sika deer and other animals, these are grazing, usually you can go to the pond to drink water, the area is also large enough.” ”

“In addition, the area on the right, the largest one you have also seen, there is a large pool over there, which can be used to raise ducks and geese, and the outlet I have blocked with steel wire mesh, there will be no fry running to the duck pool, and the other one is used to raise chickens.”

“As for the last three meters long, two meters wide captive trough used to raise pigs, pigs are still better in captivity, too dirty, probably arranged like this, do you think there is anything that needs to be improved?” If not, I would have put down all the cattle and sheep. ”

Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing looked down at the area under their feet that was divided by the wall, and the plan that Lin Fan had just said reverberated in their minds, and after a moment the two women shook their heads.

“There is nothing to improve, we don’t know much about this aspect, as far as we are concerned, you have arranged it very reasonably, and if there are professionals, there may be some good suggestions for improvement.”

Hearing the two girls say this, Lin Fan nodded, no problem, then he can put down all the domestic animals and everything.

“System, give me three thousand cattle and sheep, sika deer and rabbits to put in the largest free-range area, three thousand pigs into those captive troughs, three thousand chickens in the middle, ducks and geese three thousand in the top area with a pool.”

“Ding! 120,000 points will be deducted for 3,000 points for each of 3,000 cattle, sheep, pigs and sika deer, and 3,000 points for each of 3,000 chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and now start to be released, and give you three days of various types of feed. ”

The system’s prompt sounded, the originally empty farm instantly had more than 20,000 poultry and livestock, the largest free-range area, thousands of cattle moving freely on the grass, from time to time looking down to eat the grass on the grass, not far away, thousands of sheep gathered together, farther away, three thousand elk in the woods kept running and jumping, frightened rabbits scurrying around.

The sound of cattle and sheep echoed in the free-range area, chickens, ducks and geese were not quiet on this side, more than 10,000 poultry were scattered in two areas, and the harsh cry was simply a kind of spiritual pollution, but on the side of the pigsty, a fat domestic pig was eating the feed in the stone trough with his head down, and only the sound of eating was stinging.

Lin Fan carefully looked around in the end, and distinguished that the system did as he requested, and a part of the breeding pigs were left for breeding and cubs, and the cattle and sheep were similar, so that Lin Fan was relieved a lot.

As long as there are breeding pigs and sows, there is no worry that these pigs will be eaten later.

The farm was arranged here, Lin Fan was relieved, opened the points panel and took a look, and his heart jumped.

Score: 1208

Four-figure points, almost fell below the record low of this time, 310,000 points directly evaporated, I pull a go, this is also too terrible!

Lin Fan was stunned for a while, but he calculated in his heart, it seems that the previous 31,4590 points are not enough to spend, these remaining points, or because the female warriors have gone out of the city to kill zombies, which only supplemented the lack of points, otherwise it may not be enough to deduct!

Five thousand tang knives and 10,000 watches in the morning are 150,000 points, four multi-functional agricultural machines 2,000 points, those carp and the like 7,000 points, cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks add up to 166,000 points, and the sum of 7788 is 31,5,000 points!

If you only have the previous 31,4590 points, if you want to redeem these things, you still owe 410 points, this point is spent too fast, Lin Fan is stunned.

After a hard work or two, once you return to the liberation, it is really terrible, but when you turn your head, it is only two days? Nor does it seem unacceptable.

By the end of today, it is estimated that the points can pick up a big wave!

After cleaning up his mood for a while, Lin Fan turned his head and said to Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing: “You two look at the arrangement, I will go to work on something else.” ”

Returning from his consternation, Lin Youyou nodded and signaled, “You go, there are me and Wanqing here.” ”

Putting down the heart Lin Fan disappeared in mid-air in an instant, the figure fell into the ground, continued to go to the sewer to promote the cannibal vine and the piranha flower, today is the final finishing work, busy for two or three consecutive days, finally to finish.

After Lin Fan’s figure disappeared, Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing looked at those chickens and ducks and other things under their feet, feeling that their heads were going to be bigger, and they didn’t dare to stay for a long time at the moment, so they flew towards the hospital with their companions.

They have to find some maids to be responsible for raising pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, considering that noise pollution and these things are dirty, you can appropriately adjust the salary upwards, raise a good reward, can improve the status, raise a bad punishable.

The most important thing is the first-hand information on Mu Yueqing’s side, although there is no need for the two of them to raise, but the information that should be there must always be sent to those maids, otherwise this is not difficult for people?

Lin Youyou how the two of them are arranged, Lin Fan does not know, nor do he plan to care, he is now stuffy is in the underground to promote the production of cannibal vines and man-eating flowers, today the entire inner city will be completely finished, no longer have to worry about the underground zombie rats infested, if there is, even in the mouse nest, the cannibal vines are pulled out for you, to raid the house to destroy the door.

Thinking that today can be completed, Lin Fan’s excitement in his heart will not be mentioned, but…..

The inner city is indeed finished, but what about the outer city that is about to be built? That area is bigger…..

Thinking of this, Lin Fanren was a little bad, didn’t he have to work in the sewers every day???

Lin Fanren was a little confused, so why were zombie animals so annoyed? Why hasn’t something like a rat become extinct before the end of the world?

West Eight!

In his heart, he was very unhappy, and after the last part of the blank area was spawned with man-eating vines and piranhas, Lin Fan frowned and emerged from the ground.

Finding a place to sit down, Lin Fan fell into contemplation.

He runs down the sewers every day, that’s not a thing! It is estimated that before the laying of the underground of the outer city, it is time to expand outwards, although now the wood element energy level is high, the laying speed is very fast, and there is nothing to bother with, but the key is not here.

As the leader of a big power, he couldn’t run down the sewers every day, and Mordor could do this now, but what about going to the next city? Or is he coming? A big power leader does this kind of work every day?

Like words?

Surely not like words!

Therefore, something must change, this kind of thing must be entrusted to others, not Zhao Yanyan, but only a lower-status subordinate.

Thinking about it, Lin Fan felt the need to set up a new department!

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