Chapter 253 pinched people’s hearts and subdued tens of thousands of female soldiers

Liu Wanying bit her lip, lowering her head and not daring to look at Lin Fan, feeling indescribable guilt and uneasiness in her heart.

Yes, the duty of a soldier is to defend the country and protect the people, but where was she at that time?

Not only did Liu Wanying lower her head to avoid Lin Fan’s gaze, but even the female soldiers behind her were avoiding Lin Fan’s gaze, this avoidance was different from the previous fear, but guilt, uneasiness and self-blame.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan knew that his purpose had been achieved, and as long as things went well, these female soldiers would become the sharpest knife in his hand.

“Even if you don’t say it, I know what you’re doing, but it doesn’t matter, now look up and look at the women in the farmland, I think you should and must look at them, that’s the least respect for them.”

Hearing Lin Fan’s words, Liu Wanying stiffly raised her head and looked at those women in the farmland, not only her, but also the female soldiers in the rear.

Lin Fan brought a group of female soldiers over, what a battle of more than 10,000 people? The maids in the farmland had already seen it, and at this time they all raised their heads and looked at the female soldiers suspiciously, their eyes meeting Liu Wanying and others in midair.

“I ask you now, should you, as soldiers, protect these unarmed women who have lived a fairly happy life under my rule?”

Liu Wanying nodded and said without hesitation: “It should!” ”

“What about you?”


Turning to face Liu Wanying and tens of thousands of female soldiers, Lin Fan stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes looking at every woman in the front row.

“I know that in the scene in the square, you will hate me, fear me, and even want to kill me, it doesn’t matter, I don’t care, since you acknowledge your duty, then from today onwards, you should shoulder the duty of protecting these defenseless women, right?”

“Liu Wanying, you say, will you?”

“I will! Unless I die! Liu Wanying said firmly.

“We will too!”

Without waiting for Lin Fan to continue asking, tens of thousands of female soldiers shouted in unison.

Nodded with satisfaction, Lin Fan waved his hand casually, and spatial projections appeared in mid-air, numbering as many as hundreds, in these projections, there were maids weeding in wheat fields, maids who built fruit trees in orchards, and some maids who were cleaning, and even some maids herding cattle and sheep in the farm.

In addition, there are some pictures at the city gate, hundreds of female warriors with their backs against the city wall, holding Tang knives and constantly killing zombies.

Pointing to the scene in mid-air, Lin Fan said, “Did you see it?” This is the city of judgment today, I have given these women a stable life, everyone has her job, maybe you think I am a demon, because I killed many people in your face to persecute you, but do not forget that you also disobeyed military orders, if you obey orders, will anyone die? ”

Listening to Lin Fan’s questioning voice, Liu Wanying clenched her fists, not knowing what to say for a while.

She now understands that the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital is doomed to extinction, and it is her father, Liu Yuanbin, the commander-in-chief of the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital, who is the last gentleness to her and the soldiers under her command, and she took the lead in misinterpreting Liu Yuanbin’s meaning.

As for why it is only them, and not all the soldiers in the military region, it is all because of the man in front of him, he does not take in men, is he a demon? This definition is very dazed, if she agrees at the beginning, the subsequent slaughter will not appear, as Lin Fan said, he is a knife, and she is the one who holds the knife.

Thinking so, guilt and self-blame almost overwhelmed her sanity.

Beckoning to the maids in the farmland not far away, a group of maids saw Lin Fan’s signal, did not dare to hesitate, and walked out of the farmland one after another.

In the City of Ruling, Lin Fan’s meaning was the only will, and everyone remembered this sentence.

A maid approached and looked at Lin Fan uneasily, not understanding what Lin Fan was asking them to do.

Hooking Liu Wanying’s chin and making her raise her head to look at the women in front of her, Lin Fan asked, “Let me ask you, what kind of life did you lead before I rescued you?” How is life in the City of Adjudication now? Any complaints? Any complaints about me? Truth be told, I don’t like to hear lies, you think it through. ”

The maids trembled, and their hearts became even more uneasy.

“Start on the left, you speak first.” Lin Fan raised his hand and pointed at the first woman on the left.

Named by Lin Fan, the first woman on the left was startled, and said with an uneasy voice: “Before I was rescued by the Lord, I was played by different men every day in the Drunken Dream Death Bar, Liu Jinbao gave us the definition of a venting tool, as long as you don’t die, you can play casually, the life in the city of judgment is very good, just a little tired, but I can eat enough, and I don’t have to be bullied by men, I’m very happy.” ”

“Lord… The words of the Lord, at the beginning, were terrible, and then I felt that people were still very good, did not bully us, and talked to count, I was very grateful, but my body was not clean, and I didn’t have that qualification if I wanted to thank me with my body. ”

After the woman finished speaking, she looked at Lin Fan nervously, Lin Fan ignored her and raised her finger to the second woman.

“You say.”

“Ahhh… I… I was at the Zhenlong Hotel before, I ate very little, most of them were men’s things, they didn’t treat me as a person, I almost died later, it was the Lord who saved me, although the work of the City of Judgment is a little tired, but overall it is okay, yesterday I also ate a meal of meat, very happy. ”

“Come on.”

“I, like them, although the work in the city of judgment is a little tired, but safe, and there are no disgusting men doing those things to me, I am already very satisfied, the Lord is very good, has given me a stable life, in the last days, to be able to do this, I have nothing else to ask for.”


The words of dozens of women were similar, the women’s voices were not loud, Lin Fan used his magical energy to send it to the ears of every female soldier, hearing the self-statements of these women, the female soldiers’ fists clenched and loosened, loosened and clenched.

Especially the female warriors at the front who could see the expressions of these women were even more deeply moved.

“Hear that? This is the life of these women in the last days, if it weren’t for me, they would probably have been played alive, I am indeed a bad person, a murderous devil without blinking, but gave them a stable life, and you? Where are you saviors? ”

In the face of Lin Fan’s inquiry, including Liu Wanying, no one spoke, where were they at that time? Of course, he lived a stable and non-dangerous life in the military district, ate as usual every day, trained and slept as usual.

But on the contrary, these women who need their protection live a life that is worse than death, pigs and dogs are not as good as death, how can they accept this? How to withstand the torture of the heart?

Waving his hand to let the maids retreat, Lin Fan said indifferently: “It’s very self-blameful, isn’t it?” I think you have time to blame yourself now, so you might as well think about what you will do in the future and how you can fulfill your commitments. ”

Liu Wanying looked up at Lin Fan, with extremely complicated emotions in her eyes, she now understood what Lin Fan wanted to express when she said so much, it was nothing more than wanting to trap them, but this set, she had to drill, and she was leading the drill, and she didn’t turn back to drill, without the slightest reluctance.

“We’re going to take responsibility to protect them, you say, what do you want us to do?”

Liu Wanying is a smart person, looking at her performance, Lin Fan raised his hand and put up two fingers and said: “Two choices, first, like those women outside the city, pick up a knife and kill zombies.” ”

“The second is to do some other work like these maids.”

Faced with the two choices given by Lin Fan, the second Liu Wanying did not consider it at all, and said in a firm tone: “I choose the first one, what those women dare, I also dare, as a soldier, the zombies can’t scare me!” ”

“We also choose the first one!”

Looking coldly at Liu Wanying and the tens of thousands of female soldiers in front of him, Lin Fan asked, “I can give you weapons, but why should I believe you, or rather, are you worthy of trust?” What if you go against the water? ”

Raising her hand, Liu Wanying said word by word: “I swear in the name of a soldier that I will never do anything that damages the reputation of a soldier, my duty is to defend the country and protect the people, and I will never do anything that is sorry for you and the city of judgment!” My weapons will only be aimed at my enemies! ”

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

Clapping his palms, Lin Fan looked admiring, “Very good, remember what you said, I believe that female soldiers will not do such a thing, but let’s be a villain before a gentleman, I tell you in advance, there is a rule in the city of judgment, that is, joint sitting.” ”

“I believe you all know what it means to sit together, from today onwards, you will live with these maids, and if you do something against the rules, it will be the maids of the entire dormitory.”

“You all know what I mean, right? I hope you don’t do stupid things. ”

Liu Wanying took a deep look at Lin Fan, she had an endless chill in her heart, this man is an out-and-out evil person, his thoughtfulness is simply unbelievable, obviously he has such a strong ability, can’t you keep your brain simple?

But Liu Wanying has nothing to say, she doesn’t plan to do stupid things, she has always kept her promises.

“Don’t worry, we will never do anything that is treacherous and contrary to military ethics!”

“That’s best.”

After solving the unstable factor of the female soldiers, Lin Fan was looking forward to how much these female soldiers would bring him, unlike those female soldiers from the wild road, these were strictly trained female soldiers, and they were much higher than ordinary female soldiers in all aspects.

These female soldiers will grow faster and kill zombies more efficiently.

“System, exchange 13,201 Tang knives and watches of the same amount for me.”

“Ding! With deduction of 26,4020 points, the item has been sent to your personal space. ”

More than 260,000 points evaporated in an instant, and Lin Fan’s heartbeat slowed down by a beat.

With a wave of his hand, more than 10,000 Tang knives and watches were divided into two piles and piled up next to them, and Lin Fan raised his hand to pull Lin Youyou, who was full of helplessness, over.

“Those who can work more, those who can work more, you arrange, I will go first.”

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