Chapter 254 Magnetic Field Energy Promoted to Lv8, at this moment, I am God!

Everything that should be done has been done, some trivial things, Lin Fan is too lazy to care about it, he is ready for weapons and equipment, what else should he do?

Besides, Lin Youyou is not unable to leave this matter to others, Lin Fan is cultivating Lin Youyou’s ability to control the overall situation.

Leaving the hospital, Lin Fan went straight to the farm, the female soldiers arrived, and the weapons were also issued, if this group of female soldiers improved their strength, these pigs, sheep and the like in the farm were not enough for them to eat for a few days, so they had to add another wave.

Not only meat pigs, but even breeding pigs and sows should be more, otherwise the reproduction rate will not be able to keep up with the food.

In addition, the farm should also be expanded, the previous more than 100 acres of poultry and livestock are not very spacious, now put a batch of in, it is estimated that it is difficult to turn sideways.

Above the farm, Lin Fan looked at the side, planned it, and circled a community and park next to it, two communities plus a park, these more than four hundred acres of land, is definitely enough!

Waving his hand to build the wall, as for the previous residential building is gone, the wood element spawns the grass, after being completely done, Lin Fan thought for a while, the previous seven thousand female warriors exchanged for three thousand units of poultry and livestock, then now 13,200 female soldiers plus one Liu Wanying, how can this have to be doubled?

Previously, it cost 16,3000 points to redeem fish and shrimp, cattle and sheep, chickens and ducks, and if you double it, it was 32,6000 points…

In this way, Lin Fandeng was stunned.

Silently opened the integration panel, and after a glance at Lin Fan’s heart, his heart was cold.

I’m special…. How is it so bad?

Points: 22,7919

It’s less than 230,000 points, which is 100,000 points worse than 320,000 points! Lin Fan’s face was a little green.

Before it was also said that 470,000 points is a lot, almost enough, how now …..

Looking at the empty and huge farm, Lin Fan directly turned around and left.

Busy business, farewell!

Don’t say anything, get busy with something else, and it’s never too late to redeem when the points are enough.

Anyway, there are 100,000 points left, and I will definitely be able to save enough before this evening, and the priority now is to get a ring of steel wire outside first, not to mention what city walls are not city walls and the like, the points do not mention any city walls!

ran a trip to the military area, did not do anything seriously today, expand the sphere of influence, and then clean up the zombie animals in the second wall, this is all to be done today, today want to brush points to improve time energy is not to be considered, tomorrow will talk.

The power expanded too fast at once, and it was not a good thing, Lin Fan now felt that he had just eaten into a fat man in one go, and he directly supported it, and he was a little indigestion.

At the Changbei Power Station in the north of the city of adjudication, Lin Fan came here again, and the second wall was stuck on the edge of the Changbei Power Station, encompassing the Changbei Power Station.

After coming here after two days, Lin Fan found that the Changbei Power Station was full of corpses and blood stains, and there were many zombies wearing the uniforms of the Changbei Power Station, apparently after he rescued those women, the zombies who came from afar attacked this side, and the men who did not have time to run were all blocked inside.

It may be that a wave of direct annihilation or a part of it may escape, but I don’t know where to run, but this Lin Fan doesn’t care, it has nothing to do with him.

Even if someone survived, he would give them a ride when he met it.

Hovering in mid-air, Lin Fan spread out his hand, the magnetic field energy was activated, and the steel on the ground flew up, decomposing into a four-meter-high steel wire mesh in mid-air, and then submerged into the ground to a meter deep, leaving a three-meter height outside.

The strength is fully opened, but in more than ten seconds, the steel wire fence has been built a ten-kilometer-long section, Lin Fan did not stop, the figure flew through the air, and the three-meter-high steel wire mesh wall was also constantly spreading.

With the expansion of power again, although it only expanded 10 kilometers outward, but the scope was larger, this expansion was not only in one direction, but in the four directions of east, west, south and north by 10 kilometers at the same time.

The original inner city walls were 20 kilometers long, but now they have been widened by 10 kilometers again, and the second wall is 40 kilometers on each side!

40 kilometers, this is already one-third of the area of the magic capital, the second key hospital of the magic capital is located relatively south, the ten kilometers range of this second expansion, after the completion of the expansion, less than a kilometer away, is the sea.

20 kilometers south from the Second Key Hospital of Magic City is already the limit of expansion, and if it is expanded in the future, it can only be in three directions: east and west.

Wire mesh was erected all the way to the southernmost point.

Standing in mid-air and looking at the endless sea, Lin Fan stopped and looked at it for a moment before flying towards the west.

The four 40-kilometer-long steel wire fences did not waste Lin Fan’s time for too long, and as his understanding of ability deepened, Lin Fan became more convenient to use.

Standing inside the steel wire fence, looking at the zombies isolated by the steel wire fence, Lin Fan shook his head and ignored it for the time being, outside the steel wire fence, it was temporarily not under his control.

The figure disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was already ten kilometers away.

Spiritual perception spread, Lin Fan used his mind to find the zombie animals lurking in the shadows, and the spiritual power swept across the carpet, and soon all the zombie animals within ten kilometers appeared in Lin Fan’s perception.


The palm clenched his fist hard, the terrifying fluctuations stirred, the magnetic field within ten kilometers was instantly disturbed, and all the zombie animals distributed within the ten kilometers were running or resting, and all the zombie animal heads exploded instantly at this moment.


Within a radius of ten kilometers, it was like fireworks, popping, and there was even one closest to Lin Fan, just separated by a wall.

“Ding! Kill zombie dog, +1 points, +1 magnetic field control experience, current experience 85901/10w. ”

“Ding! Kill the zombie cat, +1 points, +1 magnetic field control experience, current experience 95403/10w. ”

“Ding! Kill the zombie bear, +20 points, +20 experience in magnetic field control, 10w/10w current experience. ”

“Ding! Congratulations on your magnetic field mastery experience reaching full value, now promoted to Lv8, and 0/100w of experience required to advance to the next level. ”

“Ding! Kill the zombie leopard, +10 points, +10 magnetic field control experience, current experience 1034/100w. ”


The prompt sound of the system in his mind jumped wildly, and the magnetic field energy was finally promoted to Lv8, and the promoted magnetic field energy instantly replenished Lin Fan’s previous loss of mental power, not only that, because the breakthrough spiritual power also skyrocketed several times.

The points soared wildly, and the magnetic field controlled the energy to strengthen Lin Fan’s body at high speed, listening to a series of prompts in his mind, Lin Fan was shocked.

It’s been almost a month since he woke up, and this is the first time he’s seen more than 1 point of points and experience!

And directly is 20 points 10 points such a big head, the previous zombie mouse 0.1 points and experience tips, Lin Fan also thought about whether some zombie animals will exceed 1 point, but did not find a good experimental subject, now the results have come out.

The zombie bear is worth 20 points, and the zombie leopard is worth 10 points, this is not the end, Lin Fan listened carefully, among which tigers, lions, wild boars are the same as zombie bears, are 20 points, after all, the destructive power and horror are there.

And some small zombie animals, just like zombie dogs, such as monkeys, listening to the dense, endless prompts in the mind, Lin Fan felt that this should be a direct destruction of a zoo, otherwise there would not be so many animals.

Lin Fan did not delve into the specific situation, it was just a zoo, it was not worth his special trip, anyway, the points and experience were already in hand.

If it weren’t for the consciousness perception that did not distinguish between humans and zombies, Lin Fan wanted to use this trick to clear the scene, the number of zombies within ten kilometers was enough to be millions, and this time, his points could go directly to the sky! And it won’t do much damage to the building.

The only concern is that the people who are still alive within these ten kilometers, if he does this ruthlessly, the living people within the ten kilometers will all die, so that the points are there, but the people are gone, now the points are important or the people are important?


This is Lin Fan’s answer, he killed all men, if because of the increase in the level of special energy and points, he killed all men and women, then what else is he? Is he short of strength now? No, there is no shortage of points, maybe some points are missing, but it is not lacking to the point that you have to rely on this kind of large-scale killing to get points.

If it is really lacking to that extent, the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital will have enough points for a thunder dragon.

Power is controlled by people, and so are points, and if he is desperate for the sake of points, then what has he become? A slave to points? If you lose your heart and become a slave to something, the end will not be much better.

(See here someone has to say again, the author you are restricting the protagonist again, to be honest I don’t understand what you are talking about, the protagonist is now invincible on earth, what am I restricting?) Points? The question is, is the protagonist really missing points? )

(Isn’t the protagonist missing points at this stage?) Counting the current second city wall, with a total area of 1,600 square kilometers and a population of less than 25,000 dead, is he missing points? Men kill, in order to score men and women do not kill together, then isn’t it leaving the protagonist alone to play a single machine? )

After the magnetic field energy enhancement ended, the spiritual power increased several times, feeling the spirit that exploded in his mind, Lin Fan hooked his corner and revealed a faint smile.

Now he has directly increased the range of spiritual power shrouded tenfold, from the previous 10 kilometers directly to the current 100 kilometers, this improvement is a qualitative change!

Now that he is here, his spiritual power can almost envelop the entire magic capital!

The spiritual power spread to the extreme, and the radius of a hundred miles was in control, and a single thought could decide the life and death of anyone within a hundred miles, and this god-like feeling almost made Lin Fan intoxicated.

He…. Now I really want to try this god-like power!

The arm was slowly raised, Lin Fan still closed his eyes, with a faint smile, the raised arm was level with the shoulder, the thumb and middle finger were intertwined, and a crisp snapping of fingers echoed.


With this snapping of fingers, the magnetic field in a radius of a hundred miles was disturbed, which was a big shock of magnetic field against animals!

The ripples that could not be seen with the naked eye suddenly spread out at the moment Lin Fan snapped his fingers, and in less than a second, they spread to a radius of a hundred miles, and at this moment, the heads of zombie animals within a radius of a hundred miles exploded at the same time, and none of them were spared!

And as the snapping of his fingers fell, what echoed in Lin Fan’s mind were countless prompts!

At this moment, the points exploded!

PS: What happened to Goalkeeper Ogares? If you don’t like it, you will say ghostwriting? Also greetings to the author’s whole family? The whole comment area is you, I don’t know what I thought I had done to hurt nature, and the online violence is really terrible now

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