Chapter 255 points exploded, continuously promoted, truly belongs to the power of God

“Ding! Kill zombie dog, +1 points, +1 magnetic field control experience, current experience 17,5031/100w. ”

“Ding! Kill zombie orangutan, +10 points, +10 magnetic field control experience, current experience 25,4010/100w. ”

“Ding! Kill Zombie Eagle, +20 points, +20 experience for magnetic field control, 39,5014/100w experience for current experience. ”



“Ding! Kill the zombie cat, +1 points, +1 magnetic field control experience, current experience 100w/100w. ”

“Ding! Congratulations on your magnetic field mastery experience reaching full value, now promoted to Lv9, promotion to the next level requires 0/1000w of experience. ”


Lin Fan never thought that wanting to try this kind of god-like power would cause such terrifying consequences, a snap of his fingers, like a god ruling all living beings, under the thought, millions of zombie animals in the magic city died at this moment, and the massive points and experience directly piled up the magnetic field energy he had just promoted to Lv8 to the full level, and this is not the end, the points and experience are still skyrocketing.

It’s just that now Lin Fan doesn’t have so much time to sigh, nor does he have time to care how many points there are, and he has now entered a very wonderful realm.

If the promotion of magnetic field energy to Lv8 before gave Lin Fan a feeling of ‘god’, then the magnetic field energy promoted to Lv9 opened the door to the temple of gods for Lin Fan in a real sense.

There was a hollow and chaotic in his mind, as if he had experienced the Big Bang, Lin Fan’s mind wandered in the boundless empty space of the universe, the endless energy was strengthening his consciousness, the magnetic field energy changed his body’s genetic sequence, optimized his body, and constantly refining.

Lin Fan was now in a strange realm, the whole person seemed to be out of his soul, overlooking the world from above, looking up at the endless universe, and looking down at the sentient beings struggling in the sea of suffering.

Thoughts and thoughts are rapidly increasing, like myths or fantasy novels, or God’s perspective, and he can now easily grasp everything in his mind perception.

The entire magic capital, as long as Lin Fan thinks, he can see everything that happens in any corner, even if it is a tiny ant, Lin Fan can see it clearly, not only that, if Lin Fan thinks, just need one idea, magnetic field energy can decompose any object or even a living organism into atoms or branches.

At this moment, he is a high god, he has entered the temple of the gods, sitting on the throne belonging to the gods, he looks down on the sentient beings at his feet, and all living beings are ants!

This kind of god-like feeling was very wonderful, Lin Fan closed his eyes slightly, immersed in it, and his body exuded unparalleled divine power.

Lin Fan was on the street, surrounded by zombies, under the previous intentional control, these zombies could not notice Lin Fan at all, now Lin Fan fell into a breakthrough, the diffused aura was like a dazzling beacon in the night, these zombies screamed and rushed towards Lin Fan.

The zombies roared, waving their arms, vainly trying to pounce on Lin Fan, tearing his flesh and blood, and as far as the eye could see were countless zombies, just when the zombies approached Lin Fan, the mighty and vast divine power like a god spread, and the divine power was like hell, under this terrifying divine power, all the zombies who vainly tried to get close to Lin Fan were dissipated like dust in the wild run.

Terror! The incomparable horror happened around Lin Fan, and the terrifying divine power radiated, and everywhere it passed, it was like snow under the bright sun, the dawn of dawn, all the zombies evaporated and disappeared in an instant, without a trace.

This phenomenon is terrifying, with Lin Fan as the center, countless zombies evaporated, thousands of empty alleys, and there was nothing empty within a radius of several kilometers, only dilapidated buildings, abandoned vehicles and garbage all over the ground.

In the area within ten kilometers, only Lin Fan’s lone figure remained, and as many as millions of zombies were evaporated out of thin air at this moment, this! It is the end of the ant’s vain attempt to offend Shenwei!

A few kilometers away, Li Siqi’s figure suddenly stopped, just now she had a feeling of heart palpitations in her heart, as if some big terror suddenly descended, and the feeling of unease made her subconsciously stop.

Vigilant eyes looked around, not only Li Siqi, but also the hundreds of female warriors around her, one by one looked around suspiciously, just when the female warriors wanted to speak, everyone froze.

In the invisible world, an invisible coercion spread, and everywhere it passed, all the zombies dissipated into smoke and dust, and all the zombies on the entire main road disappeared at this moment, only the flying ash in the sky was slowly dissipating.

Looking at this strange and terrifying scene in front of her with a dull gaze, Li Siqi shivered with excitement, since she obtained the power, she had never been so afraid as now, that feeling was like facing some unknown great terror, like the figure of the God of Death hovering around, and would cut off the scythe of death in her hand from the top of her head at any time.

This feeling, like an ant, does not have any ability to resist at all.

Frightened, indescribable panic, Li Siqi couldn’t understand what happened, the sudden big fear made Li Siqi stunned in place, as if she had been cast a body-fixing spell, not only her, more than a hundred female warriors also had different postures, motionless, looking extremely funny, only their eyes revealed horror.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Li Siqi looked ahead with a frightened gaze and said with difficulty: “That feeling just now, what happened in front?” ”

In the middle of the team, Liu Yu’er recovered from the shock, stepped forward and proposed: “Lord mother, let’s retreat temporarily, report this matter to the lord, and let the lord personally…. Forehead…. The Lord seems to be in front? ”

Liu Yuer said half of the words, looking at Lin Fan’s position displayed on the watch, everyone was stunned, according to the position projected by the watch, isn’t the coordinate point belonging to Lin Fan in front of them?

Needless to say, after the initial shock and panic dissipated a little, Li Siqi had already felt the familiar aura ahead, it was the same source breath, and the earth attribute elements were echoing each other several kilometers away.

Those who can react with the earth element energy in her body, except for Lin Fan, the source, there is no other person, including Su Xiaoluo, the earth element energy possession is the same, it cannot be said that there is no connection, but it feels different.

When facing Su Xiaoluo, the earth element energy between the two echoed from a distance, and he could feel the breath and position of the other party, and had a sense of intimacy, but when facing Lin Fan, it was like the lower person was facing the upper one, which was a sense of surrender from the source.

Stunned looking at the direction where the breath came, Li Siqi closed his eyes, through the earth under his feet, his mind came to several kilometers away, clearly ‘seeing’ standing on the street with his eyes closed, as if immersed in some special artistic conception, a wave of daunting, can’t help but want to surrender the divine power continues to spread to the surroundings.

After retracting his thoughts and opening his eyes, Li Siqi understood that it turned out that Lin Fan had broken through, and she also had this kind of breakthrough, but it was not as outrageous as Lin Fan.

Looking at the empty situation on the main road, Li Siqi was helpless, what do you say about this?

Lin Fan’s wave of zombies was all in seconds, what could they do? What are they fighting?

Scratched his hair with a headache, Li Siqi turned his head to look at Liu Yuer and the others who were confused, and said helplessly: “Just now my brother broke through, the movement is a little big, probably a large part of the surrounding area is free of zombies, in this case, let’s disperse, a team of ten people, go to search for survivors, we are estimated to be here in the morning, and then change places to kill zombies in the afternoon.” ”

Liu Yuer and they were also confused, but what could they do? Now I can only do what Li Siqi said.

Lin Fan’s breakthrough affected not only Li Siqi, or it was not the impact caused by the breakthrough.

More than seventy kilometers away, in the northeast area of the magic capital, a squad of dozens of people was running on the streets in embarrassment, dozens of people were stepping on roller skates under their feet, their clothes were dirty, and their faces were covered with all kinds of dirt, one by one, they looked even more embarrassed than beggars.

These people, both men and women, most of them had some hard boards tied under their clothes, as if they were wearing a layer of armor, carrying backpacks on their backs, and holding baseball bats and iron bars in their hands.

These baseball bats and iron bars are covered with blood stains and minced meat, and even a lot of hair of various colors, and behind these people, more than a dozen zombie dogs are chasing madly, not only zombie dogs, but also zombie cats flashing in the corner.

“Quick! Hurry up again! Don’t stop, don’t look back! ”

At the front of the line, Du Zhihang, who was dressed in rags and his hair was covered with dust, turned his head and kept waving and shouting at the students behind him.

A few days ago, they escaped from the school, and they wanted to take advantage of the zombies to go to the military area, and then fled to the city to find a gathering place for some survivors, but they didn’t want to encounter zombie dogs halfway.

After paying the price of more than 100 people, they finally fled to a shopping mall, stayed for two days, sorted out their bags and taught their companions who could not play roller skates to get started, Du Zhihang led the remaining more than 100 students to continue to escape.

The mall can’t stay, zombie dogs are everywhere, and on the second night, a zombie dog didn’t know where to get into the mall, and it took more than ten people to finally kill it.

The mall was not safe, and even Du Zhihang did not mention leaving, and a group of students could not stay, and quickly escaped early in the morning on the third day.

The zombie dog’s sense of smell is very sensitive, Du Zhihang and others did not run far, they were picked up by the zombie dog, and they were running wildly along the way, simply with roller skates, they were not too tired, but even so, some people died tragically.

And most of the students who died tragically just learned to roller skate, or couldn’t react in some kind of emergency, tripped or blocked, and when they got up or went around, the zombie dogs had already chased them.

In a few days, not only did not shake off the zombie dog, but even yesterday there were more zombie cat shadows, which made things worse.

Escape! Crazy escape! The consequence of stopping is death, at this time, Du Yuhang and all the students hated the two creatures of dogs and cats in their hearts, if they could, they would now want to immediately exterminate these two animals, it would be a nightmare!

“Aaaaah! Save me! Save me! Save me! ”

There was a scream behind him again, Du Yuhang, including everyone in the team, understood what was happening, and the last person was caught by the zombie dog.

No one will stop, no one will turn around to save people, and if they do, the only end will be to be buried together.

Du Yuhang’s indescribable fear and anger in his heart, how he now hoped that the zombie dogs and zombie cats behind him would all die, so that they could rest and be free from this endless nightmare.

Can’t help but turn his head and look at those zombie dogs with resentful eyes, Du Yuhang can’t wait to beat those zombie dogs into a sieve with his eyes, but the scene that made him stunned happened.

Du Yuhang looked at the scene behind him in a daze, and the whole person was stunned.

PS: It is said that only the protagonist has special abilities is that only the protagonist has, at most count the women under the protagonist, don’t over-interpret

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