Chapter 257 Special Class Abilities, Mind Reading!

Does krypton gold feel cool? In the past, Lin Fan’s answer was probably more vague, it should be cooler, right? But now, Lin Fan can answer with certainty!

Refreshing! Very cool! Cool! Cool fried!

The four outer walls were all built, a total length of 160 kilometers, the walls were 20 meters high and 15 meters wide, and it took less than a minute. It is the power of krypton gold!

The 160,000 points evaporated instantly, but in exchange for it, a total of 160 kilometers of four walls were directly built in one minute, which if Lin Fan was allowed to do it himself, let alone say, how could it take more than three days.

It’s really to get up in the morning to build the city wall, and when I go back in the evening, twice a day, think about Lin Fan feels terrible.

Standing on the city wall and enjoying the scenery in the distance, in fact, there is nothing to appreciate, the same dilapidated buildings and unspeakable zombies, but it can’t stop Lin Fan from being in a good mood.

Retracting his gaze, casually opening the space door, spanning a distance of ten kilometers, Lin Fan returned to the inner city wall, standing on the city gate tower, Lin Fan raised his hand to stop the captain and female warriors who wanted to come up to salute, his mind moved, and the city wall under his feet began to upgrade.

Get taller, wider, and the defense is more terrifying!

After doing all this, Lin Fan turned his head and disappeared, and in less than a minute, the 4 walls of the inner city were also upgraded, and the price was only 80,000 points.

At this point, Lin Fan has 198,3781 points left.

Although krypton gold is cool, it is more expensive, and it is close to 600,000 points all of a sudden.

After upgrading the city wall, Lin Fan returned to the hospital bored, and there was no need for relationships, Lin Fan felt that the whole person had become a lot lazier.

Walking in the courtyard, a maid passing by saw Lin Fan coming, and knelt down to salute until Lin Fan walked out for a distance, then stood up, listening to the question marks of the maids, Lin Fan had a ride or not, in fact, this attention has been put on the system mall.

If you have money, you naturally have to spend it, you have to buy something, Lin Fan wants to consume a wave now, of course, this consumption is not bought casually, he also has a plan.

Turning page by page through the powers in the system mall, Lin Fan asked, “System, are there any mind control skills?” It is to forcibly change other people’s minds, so that they cannot betray me, but will only serve me wholeheartedly, and is there a mind reading in the mall? ”

“Lord, rewrite other people’s impressions of you, so that they cannot betray you, and consider you wholeheartedly, this requires a certain attainment of the soul, it is recommended that you exchange soul powers, so that you can change a person’s thinking, mind reading belongs to special types of powers, the mall is for sale, and the Lord can search in special types of powers.”

The system is indeed omnipotent, Lin Fan sighed in his heart, after looking for a circle, he finally found a special type of power, Lin Fan opened it and took a look, and his heart….

[Extraordinary Charm]: Special class of special abilities, cannot be upgraded, after the purchase you have extraordinary charm, in any way you will be a woman’s dream lover, meet any harsh standards of women, you can kill any woman under the age of three to fifty, price: 200,000 points.

[Mind Reading]: Special class of powers, can not be upgraded, after purchase, you can read the inner thoughts of others, everyone will not be able to hide in front of you, note that if this ability is used beyond the user’s strength too much, mind reading may fail, price: 200,000 points.

[Hide the sky]: Special kind of power, can not be upgraded, after purchase, you can become any appearance you think, or imitate any creature you see, regardless of appearance and sound can be perfectly restored, price: 200,000 points.


Looking at this bunch of special types of special abilities, Lin Fan really opened his eyes, really what strange powers there are, as well as the ability to communicate with non-humans, simply put, as long as it is not a person, you can communicate, no matter what cats and dogs you are or ants and birds, even if it is a plant, you can communicate, provided that the plant has the ability to communicate.

“System, buy me mind reading.”

Mind reading, this thing is full of fantasy, the phrase “people’s hearts are separated from the belly” has been passed down for so many years, no one can see through all of a person’s thoughts, and there are often countless people who want to see through what others are thinking, and now Lin Fan has this opportunity!

“Ding, deduct 200,000 points, the mind reading ability has been successfully redeemed, and now it begins to fuse.”

A cool breath poured into Lin Fan’s mind as the sound of the system fell, his eyes were cold, and then everything returned to calm.

“Ding! Mind reading and fusion of supernatural abilities are completed. ”

Is this the end of the fusion? Lin Fan felt that he didn’t seem to have changed much, but the system would not lie to him, saying that after the fusion, it should be the end of the fusion, and he now has the ability to read minds and can read other people’s thoughts.

For the mind reading technique he had just acquired, Lin Fan wanted to try what it felt like, and also wanted to see what others were thinking.

After searching for it, Lin Fan’s attention was fixed on a maid, and he decided that it was this maid.

Although he was anxious to test the effect of mind reading, Lin Fan’s face remained calm, walked to this maid unhurriedly, raised his hand to stop her kneeling and saluting, Lin Fan asked seemingly casually: “What’s your name?” ”

(The Lord asked my name?) Did you fancy me? No, no, no, absolutely impossible, I don’t look very beautiful, am I doing something wrong? No way? I was obviously so careful, and I definitely didn’t. )

Liu Meijing stood nervously in front of Lin Fan, lowered her head and said, “If you return to the Lord, your subordinate is called Liu Meijing, and she is responsible for cleaning.” ”

(I’m so nervous, I don’t know what the Lord stopped me, if you want to do something to me, I don’t mind, although I’m not very beautiful, but don’t men like to steal food, in case you want to eat some wild food)


Before Liu Meijing answered, Lin Fan heard Liu Meijing’s heart, this feeling was very wonderful, he heard a lot of what Liu Meijing was thinking in her heart, such as what kind of wild food, what posture and so on.

It’s amazing!

Lin Fan felt that the woman in front of him was indeed a little self-aware, knowing that she didn’t look very beautiful, as for the others, Lin Fan couldn’t say anything, probably sighing that he was more sought-after?

After experimenting with the effect of mind reading, Lin Fan felt quite interesting and indeed useful, as long as his eyes looked at each other, thinking about listening to each other’s thoughts, what the other party thought in his heart, what he thought in his head, all of them could not be hidden in front of him.

“It’s okay, you step down.”

Liu Meijing’s face was dazed and stunned, and the whole person was a little stunned, there was a big kind of who am I? Where am I? Why am I here? feeling.

Watching Liu Meijing leave in a daze, Lin Fan touched his nose and turned to look for the next victim.

Passing by the orchard, Lin Fan saw a beautiful-looking maid, this maid looked good, and her figure was also great, in line with his aesthetics, this kind of even a picnic food is within the acceptable range.

Of course, wild food thinks like that, but… It seems that wild food is indeed a little exciting?

With this thought, Lin Fan walked to the maid and saw Lin Fan coming, Shao Mingxue quickly knelt on the ground and bowed her head to salute.

“Good Lord.”

Lin Fan’s distracted kung fu saw Shao Mingxue kneeling on the ground, raised his hand and waved, and helped Shao Mingxue up.

(Why did the Lord come all of a sudden?) And he came straight to me, did he see me? And he lifted me up, am I going to be chosen too? It shouldn’t be, after all, Liu Yuer’s female warriors have a higher status and a higher ranking, how can they get my turn)

(Maybe, wasn’t Captain Ye suddenly picked up before, what if I’m lucky?) )

Looking at the side face of the woman in front of him, Lin Fan’s head was all the thoughts in Shao Mingxue’s heart, I have to say that this woman’s idea does make some sense, if people don’t even have dreams, what is the difference with salted fish?

“What’s your name?” With a silent face, Lin Fan asked.

“If you return to the Lord, your subordinate is called Shao Mingxue, and the job is to take care of this apple tree.” Shao Mingxue lowered her head, her eyes peeked at Lin Fan from time to time, and then quickly retracted.

(The Lord asked my name, did he really take a fancy to me?) Am I hopeful? I also look good, my body is good, it’s not without a chance, am I going to fly on the branch and become a phoenix? So excited. )

(I don’t know if the Lord is powerful, fierce or not, for a long time, there are so many Lord and mothers, and I don’t know how long it will be my turn.) )

Lin Fan: …..

Listening to Shao Mingxue’s speed comparable to the drift of a hearse, Lin Fan never expected that this woman in front of him, who looked quite beautiful and pure, was so dirty in her bones.

Lin Fan will want to reply to her, fierce yuppie, it won’t take long at all, guaranteed to have a share every day, but after thinking about it, forget it.

The gaze looked Shao Mingxue up and down, well, the breath was pure, obviously it was an original cargo that had not been passed, Lin Fan was puzzled, the woman who was rescued actually had the original goods.

This is not because Lin Fan thinks so, the end comes, the order collapses, the law is a decoration, the men are bestial, the women want to live, either very capable, or reduced to a venting tool, or use the body for food, Shao Mingxue in front of him is so beautiful, the figure is also very material, until now it is still the original, how to look at it, outrageous!

“Who were you rescued by? Is your survivor gathering place in good order? ”

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan suddenly asked this, Shao Mingxue said respectfully: “The subordinate was rescued by Li Siqi’s mother, and before I was rescued, we were in a girls’ school over there, and I studied dance.” ”

(Why does the Lord ask such questions?) Is it because the Lord does not know how to speak? Or excuse me? It doesn’t matter, as long as the Lord makes a little statement and says come over tonight, I will definitely not refuse! )

Listening to Shao Mingxue’s almost shouted heart, Lin Fan was stupid, the ghost didn’t know how to speak, do you show your mother so much?

But listening to Shao Mingxue’s answer, Lin Fan understood.

There are only women in girls’ schools, and it is still normal to be original, anyway, there are no men in girls’ schools, this is all boarding, I think it is not the original unless you have a boyfriend before the end of the day, or you accidentally broke your own electricity.

There is also that this Shao Mingxue in front of him is actually learning to dance, no wonder his body is so good-looking, his face is also very good, sure enough, there is no third and three, how dare he go to Liangshan.

“Go back and pack your things, don’t look at the orchard here, there is a lack of maids over there in the supermarket, you go over and try, fail and come back to see the fruit trees.”

PS: Thank you for the 10,000 rewards of the big devil who loves to read, thank you very much for the tips, urging, flowers, evaluation tickets and monthly tickets, really thank you, in fact, many of the book review areas are some authors or water army, but after reading it, I feel disgusting, don’t say it, continue to code

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