Chapter 258 Soul power is in hand, and the mind reading technique is really strong to burst!

(What?) Did I just hear me wrong? Lord…. The Lord said that there was a shortage of maids in the supermarket? Let me go over and try? Don’t say it’s a maid, as long as I go to the supermarket to work as a dishwasher! It is impossible to fail, and you must pass it if you work hard! )

(Aaaaa I Shao Mingxue also have this day, me! Shao Mingxue flew on the branch and became a phoenix! )

Filled with boundless ecstasy, Shao Mingxue kept roaring in her heart, but her movements were not slow at all, she quickly knelt in front of Lin Fan, and kept thanking: “Thank you for the Lord’s gift, thank you for the Lord’s gift, your subordinates will definitely strive to be a maid, and they will definitely make you extremely satisfied!” ”

Shao Mingxue didn’t know how excited she was, and her voice didn’t hide it in the slightest, originally many women in the orchard were paying attention to Lin Fan and Shao Mingxue, hearing Shao Mingxue’s excited words, these maids didn’t know how envious, one after another hot eyes looked at Lin Fan, if Lin Fan didn’t summon, they all wanted to pounce and recommend themselves!

They can too! They look good too! They’re pretty maids, too! Any job maid can do! They can all accept it!

Feeling the hot gaze, Lin Fan’s scalp was a little numb, and this group of women was too enthusiastic to withstand it.

“You get up, pack up your things and report to the supermarket, just say I said it.”

Lin Fan was almost unbearable, he was afraid to stay for a while, this group of women directly pounced on him and gnawed him as Tang monk meat, good guy, this is entering the wolf’s den.

Lin Fan turned his head and left, without stopping at all, under the eager gazes of a group of women, Lin Fan came out of the orchard, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Standing at the gate of the orchard, Lin Fan turned his head to look inside the orchard, and he could still see the hot eyes of expectation, Lin Fan subconsciously looked at the nearest woman, and a psychological fluctuation spread to Lin Fan’s mind.

(Is the Lord just gone?) What a gas! I’m not bad-looking, and E! Why don’t you choose me as a maid! Aaaah! I’m not willing! You must send ten calls to the picture of the Lord tonight to vent your anger! )

Lin Fan: ????

My mother, this is also too raw, I hope you can still get up tomorrow, you are a ruthless person.

However, E???

Lin Fan subconsciously glanced at it and hissed…. Really! But what the hell is this silicone smell! Bad review, turned out to be artificial, Schett!

Secretly cursing angrily, Lin Fan scolded and left the orchard, looking forward to it.

Along the way, Lin Fan tried the special ability of mind reading all the way, and he found that he didn’t seem to have to ask, as long as he paid attention to those maids when he passed by, he could read the thoughts of these maids, which was quite useful.

If you don’t want to read it, it’s very simple, as long as you don’t read their thoughts, send and receive freely.

After testing the ability of mind reading, Lin Fan felt very satisfied, the effect was indeed outstanding, these 200,000 points were not in vain, the effect of mind reading did not know how much, if there was a maid with bad intentions or something in the future, brainwash her on the spot.

What kind of brainwashing is like, that’s what he has the final say.

With mind reading, this is not enough, you need another power, if you want to brainwash, the soul ability is the key.

Opening the system mall again, Lin Fan looked for a soul power, the soul energy belongs to the high-level power, involving the soul, how to look at it does not look like a low-level power.

“System, buy me soul powers.”

“Ding! After deducting 100,000 points, the soul energy has been purchased, is it fused? ”


As soon as the words fell, there was suddenly more knowledge about the soul energy and how to use it in his mind, and at the same time, a strange energy also merged into Lin Fan’s sea of consciousness.

After closing his eyes and feeling the soul power he had just obtained, Lin Fan opened his eyes a moment later.

The newly acquired soul power does not need to be upgraded for the time being, and the Lv1 level soul power is more than enough to deal with ordinary maids, and it is not to deal with some awesome boss, Lv1 level is enough.

And the soul energy this thing consumes spiritual power, Lin Fan is not blowing, his strongest thing now is spiritual power, not to mention one or two maids, even if the entire city of judgment more than 20,000 women are all brainwashed, Lin Fan does not frown.

In the blink of an eye, 300,000 points evaporated, if it wasn’t for more than two million points at once, this is really not enough to spend, the miscellaneous adds up, and the small one million points are gone.

Sensing Lin Youyou’s breath, Lin Fan went straight to the other side of the square.

All the way away, Lin Fan saw that more than 10,000 female soldiers were lining up to lead Tang Dao and watches, Lin Youyou stood by and watched, probably there was also an element of unease in it, beautiful words everyone will say, be careful to sail the 10,000-year ship, the city of judgment has finally developed to the current level, if something goes wrong, Lin Youyou’s hard work that has been busy for so long will be scrapped.

At a glance, dozens of maids distributed equipment to the female soldiers, and the three teams of female soldiers around the square were wearing white and beautiful combat uniforms, with serious faces, calm eyes, palms on the handle of the knife, and indescribably beautiful postures, standing there was a beautiful landscape.

After looking around, Lin Fan found Liu Wanying in a corner, this female major general was leaning against the wall at this time, holding a Tang knife in her hand, wearing a watch on her wrist, looking blankly at a group of female soldiers, and did not know what she was thinking.

Lin Fan curiously tried it with mind reading, and a sentence of heart appeared in his mind.

“Am I wrong? Maybe that Lin Fan was right, if it weren’t for me being so arrogant and willful, those people wouldn’t have died, right? My soldiers also listen to me, I don’t express my position, they naturally will not submit, in the final analysis, I am still to blame. ”

“I say that I joined the army to defend the country and protect the people, but when the zombies broke out, I was leisurely training in the military area every day, and if it weren’t for those maids telling their experiences themselves, I wouldn’t have dared to imagine that human nature under the end was so terrifying.”

“Don’t you dare to fight with zombies, afraid of death and fear, so you vent this negative emotion on the same kind? What a weak and ridiculous act, only daring to bully those weak women, when these women are in dire straits, where am I, a general who protects the people with his mouth? ”

“What is the difference between me who shouts loudly with slogans but does not do anything practical, and those who are full of benevolence and morality, and who are full of men and women and prostitutes? Compared to Lin Fan, a murderous and cold-blooded demon, I was like a joke, but I still felt that I was right. ”

“So does this knife have that magical power? Boarding with the power of demons, can make themselves stronger, those female warriors have a strong breath, no wonder they are not afraid of zombies, although Lin Fan is a demon…. No, to the women of the City of Judgment, he should be an angel or a god. ”

“He saved those women from the sea of suffering, those men really deserve to die, don’t take up arms to fight zombies in the last days, and still attack their compatriots, this kind of people die is not a pity, maybe…. Those people that Lin Fan killed in front of me were originally such damn people? Did I blame him wrong? ”

“No matter what, this weapon with magical power, I will definitely take good care of it, through it to obtain incomparably powerful power, I have been wrong for a long time, now it is time to shoulder my responsibility.”

“Not only me, but also my soldiers, my regiment, my division, I want to lead them to save more women, men’s words… Kill, kill, obey the man’s will until I have the power to change the rules, and hopefully one day there will be a man alive, otherwise humanity may be extinct. ”

“Dad…. You okay? The Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital…. Are you okay? Is the second brother okay? Those soldiers …. Are you guys okay? How long can you last? I hate myself so much, if I have Lin Fan’s power, I should be able to save you, right? ”

“In the final analysis, I am still too incompetent, I will only complain about the sky, I hate it!”

Dozens of meters apart, listening to Liu Wanying’s heart, Lin Fan thought that her heart would be very chaotic, her thoughts would be very complicated, but she didn’t think that this woman would think so much, and…

How old is this woman? Why is the thinking still so middle two? And what is the situation that this inexplicably whitewashed him? If it weren’t for the soul power that had just been exchanged, Lin Fan wondered if he had already brainwashed Liu Wanying.

However, through mind reading, Lin Fan knew the truest thoughts in her heart, and she really planned to lead the female soldiers to protect those maids and protect the City of Judgment as she said, and that was enough.

What he wants is such a result, once many things have become a habit, it is difficult to change them, especially for a long time, these female soldiers, including Liu Wanying, have a deep friendship with the women of the City of Ruling, even if they hate him at the beginning and want to destroy the City of Ruling, they will be limited by this bond.

People are emotional creatures, especially women, easy to be controlled by sensibility, rational women are not absent, but relatively speaking, too few, especially in the current environment, everyone huddles to warm, the kind of feelings born into death, is not easy to give up.

If in this case, Liu Wanying and these female soldiers could still ruthlessly do something to harm the City of Ruling, Lin Fan also admitted it, it was really awesome!

Reading Liu Wanying’s heart, Lin Fan put down his heart and stopped taking care of her, whether she would whitewash him or not, as long as he was honest as a tool man, he loved what he wanted.

As for the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, Lin Fan can only say that he will not personally destroy it, this is already the limit, as a stumbling block on the road to hegemony, he is itself on the opposite side, and it is really wishful thinking to let him save it.

All the way straight to Lin Youyou, Lin Fan opened his arms and held her in his arms, smelling the fragrance between his hair, Lin Fan closed his eyes comfortably.

“Why did you come back so soon? Is everything done? Or are you tired and planning to take a break? Leaning into Lin Fan’s arms, Lin Youyou asked softly.

Holding Lin Youyou’s soft body, Lin Fan hummed, “Hmm…. After all done, I expanded the farm, put another 6,000 units of livestock, the second wall was also built, the zombie animals were all cleaned up, now you can safely and boldly clean up the zombies, I estimate, at least four or five million zombies, enough for the female warriors to kill for a long time. ”

“By the way, I passed by the orchard and picked a woman as a maid, I can’t let Li Yun do everything, washing, cleaning or something, just let these maids come, Li Yun I like the craftsmanship of the three of them, this one doesn’t need to be changed.”

Hearing Lin Fan talk about this, Lin Youyou also reacted, now Li Yun and they are also very busy, let them cook, wash, clean every day, it is indeed not a thing, even if there is more Ye Ruolan now, it is not enough.

“There should really be some more people on the second floor, Wang Ziwen and Liu Yuer have been waiting for a long time, it’s almost time to transfer them over.”

“As for the maid does need some, this is my neglect, temporarily set twenty, the maid who pinches the back and beats the shoulder, the maid who cleanses, the maid who washes clothes, the maid who feeds these must be arranged, well…. So much for now, do you have anything to add? ”

Lin Fan: ……….

PS: I saw that some brothers asked what other novels they had written, and they wrote a lot, basically they were all 404, the only one that can still be read is the infinite game: ten times the reward, but the current state is a eunuch, probably the situation is a little h, the editor asked not to write, I think many people should have read it, the other one is to be a god from today, this one has been rectified and scrapped, it is not recommended to read, there are too many repetitive chapters.

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