Chapter 260 finished calf, it turns out that the skill points are all on the force value!

East City Gate, City Gate Tower.

Taking the teacup handed over by the maid next to him, Lin Fan lowered his head and blew it, took a few sips of the fragrant tea, and leisurely looked at the scene below the city wall.

The second wall has been built, without the interference of peripheral zombies and potential zombie animal crisis, the female warriors have broken away from the city wall and scattered to move farther, so that the speed of killing zombies will be faster, and correspondingly, the faster the strength will increase.

Under the current city wall, there are only many female soldiers who have just walked out of the space passage, a team of ten people, advancing and retreating, although it seems that it is the first time to use a cold weapon such as the Tang knife, but it does look good, much better than the clumsy situation of ordinary women who just touched the Tang knife, after all, the bottom is there.

Good physical fitness and excellent psychological quality made these female soldiers not afraid of the zombies rushing over, and rushed forward with Tang Dao.

Lin Fan didn’t know how to train in the army, these female soldiers cooperated tacitly, very methodical, and the efficiency of killing zombies was very high, and the zombies often just rushed to the killing range of Tang Dao, and they were cut off by Tang Dao, and it was difficult to get close.

Seeing that these female soldiers performed so well, Lin Fan was relieved a lot, and his attention was all focused on Liu Wanying, the words before were so full, if he didn’t pick a thorn and hit Liu Wanying well, this woman’s tail would be cocked to the sky.

It’s just that Lin Fan looked at it for a long time, it seems that there is nothing to pick, Liu Wanying, this woman is stupid, but the strength is really not said, the Tang knife in his hand is all out of flowers, Lin Fan’s eyes almost glared.

Dao Fa Lin Fan also does not understand, but he still has eyesight, Liu Wanying is obviously practiced, and not that kind of goods, the lethality is amazing, a Tang knife is impermeable, tossing and turning, moving under the feet one after another, the silver blade in the sun reflects dazzling light, the zombies everywhere they pass are all over the ground, the scene is indescribably amazing.

A person rushes into the zombie group with a knife, under normal circumstances, even if there is a weapon, it will be eaten by the zombie in minutes, no matter how powerful you are also a person, at best, there are more weapons with terrible lethality, but the zombies are rushing from all directions, and you have to pounce on the street if you have weapons.

But Liu Wanying’s performance refreshed Lin Fan’s cognition, rushed into the corpses alone, every time the Tang knife in his hand was swinged, there would inevitably be zombies being beheaded, if this is a front, forget it, but you don’t have eyes behind your back, Lin Fan saw two zombies pounced behind Liu Wanying, and almost grabbed their claws on Liu Wanying’s shoulder.

But Liu Wanying’s figure turned, not only avoided the past, the Tang knife in her hand also pried back from under the ribs like an eye, and the sharp blade accurately killed the two zombies in seconds, one head was cut off, and the other simply cut in half of the body from the shoulder.

Lin Fan was stunned, Liu Wanying below was very fast, her feet were very urgent, the Tang knife in her hand was shining silver, obviously there was only one Tang knife but she made it hard like several, the whole body was airtight, and the zombies fell to the ground where they passed, cleanly, without dragging mud and water, and the killing speed was outrageous.

Liu Wanying alone can catch up with the speed of three female soldiers killing zombies, it doesn’t feel like she is being besieged by zombies at all, but the zombies lined up and directly hit their necks to the knife.

Lin Fan is stupid, this is so outrageous!

If it weren’t for the kind of knife technique that had real lethality rather than appearance, Lin Fan wouldn’t believe it, but the point that made Lin Fan feel most depressed was that he seemed to have pitted himself?

It can’t be said that you have pitted yourself, Liu Wanying’s way of killing zombies is indeed fast, but correspondingly it is also physically demanding, in other words, under normal circumstances, Liu Wanying simply can’t hold out for too long, even if it is chopping cabbage, it takes effort, not to mention zombies?

Liu Wanying plays very flower, and the speed of killing zombies is very fast, but this all requires physical support, if the physical strength cannot keep up, it must be the result of giving in vain, but the problem lies here.

Tang Dao killing zombies can feed back part of the power to the user, improve the user’s strength, and increase the battery life at the same time, it is this effect that gives Liu Wanying the capital to do whatever she wants, so that she dares to rush directly to the corpse, unscrupulously rush to kill, and do not take the zombie seriously at all.

In fact, it is true, under the city wall, at the beginning, Liu Wanying still maintained a skeptical attitude towards the power of the Tang Dao, and even maliciously thought, will Lin Fan pit her, give her an ordinary Tang Dao, and then let her die in the corpse, when the female soldiers are leaderless, won’t it be better to control?

But in the face of the zombies rushing over, Liu Wanying couldn’t care so much, and took the initiative to greet it, using the Xin You knife method that she had practiced since childhood, Liu Wanying didn’t feel anything when she went down, but as the number of zombies killed increased, her body was warm and baking, as if there was a stream of heat nourishing her body.

The most intuitive feeling is that after each killing of a zombie, a force will be fed back into the body along the palm through the hilt, and this is how this warm current comes from.

The most important thing is that Liu Wanying found that she has played two sets of knife techniques, and she is almost a little tired in normal times, but now she doesn’t feel tired at all, but feels very excited, and her body seems to have endless strength.

Not only that, she can clearly feel that her strength has become stronger, if this is prone to illusions, but there will be no illusions in terms of speed, her speed has obviously increased a little compared to before, although it is not the degree of direct improvement, but at least one-fifth of this.

Feeling the changes in her body, Liu Wanying believed that the Tang knife in her hand did have that magical power that could make ordinary people stronger, and when the maids told her the rules before, she also asked two words, hearing that the female warriors could cut out the knife qi, and even when the body surface condensed, Liu Wanying wondered if the maid was teasing her.

Now she believes that although Lin Fan’s man is a little more dictatorial and cruel, he really doesn’t say to his subordinates that this way of making ordinary people stronger is not a way for human beings to continue or even survive the end.

Although only women have this qualification, but the knife qi is all out, who knows what will happen in the future? If this thing can prolong life or something, human beings will not be extinct, and at most men will be gone.

Moreover, seeing Lin Fan’s magic more and more, Liu Wanying doubted whether Lin Fan could solve the problem of no new life born in the future, pre-apocalyptic cloning technology and test-tube baby technology are very mature, as long as researchers and doctors of these two technologies are found, the next generation is not impossible.

As long as you get some men’s ones and store them, in theory, human reproduction is really not a problem.

There is no worries, Liu Wanying’s way of killing zombies is more unrestrained, before the villains were still pulling on the edge of the zombies, now pull a fart and rush directly to do it!

Directly rushed into the corpse, the improvement of strength made Liu Wanying’s perception more sensitive, the real meaning is to see the six roads and listen to all directions, the wind and roar behind him can make Liu Wanying determine the approximate direction, which is the scene Lin Fan saw.

There was no turning back at all, a backhand knife, two zombies were beheaded, and this gorgeous visual feast emerged endlessly, the figure rotated like a lotus blooming, sprayed with blood in the sky, and flew into the sky were countless heads.

Cool! Gorgeous, although there is no glare, no powerful energy explosion, no shocking explosion, but that feeling, it can really be called a visual feast.

It turns out that slaughter is also an art, which can be expressed so beautifully and so ornamentally!

Upstairs at the city gate, Lin Fan was holding a teacup in his hand, and everyone was dumbfounded.

How the is this meow prick? Killing zombies is so fast, and it is so beautiful, which makes him how to pick, he is really difficult to do!

Lin Fan was a little depressed in his heart, it seemed that Liu Wanying was a little stupid, but the strength was still not said, what was this? Are all skill points on the strength value? If this guy marries Liu Wanying before the end of the world, he will suffer.

If you can’t be reasonable, you can’t beat it, and it will definitely not be Liu Wanying who dares to be beaten, this is simply for the ancestors.

Lin Fan even maliciously thought that this woman had not been in love in her thirties, and she had not married out, whether it was because the value of force was too high and no man dared to ask for it.

Don’t say anything that you don’t want to fall in love, it must scare men away, and there is no goal to talk about.

After speculating maliciously in his heart, Lin Fan felt a little more comfortable.

Liu Wanying’s words, Lin Fan still hopes that she can grow up, she is not really stupid, but the starting point is too high, and she is too well protected, simply put, it is a nerd who learns stupidly in the ivory tower, and needs to be beaten by society for a period of time to learn smart.

Unable to find a reason to pick a thorn, Lin Fan smacked, feeling a little bored, handed the teacup in his hand to the maid next to him, his eyes swept around aimlessly, and then Lin Fan found something worth exploring.

Not far from the side stood a female warrior, the key was not in the female warrior, but in the combat uniform.

The white boots and short skirt look very good, this combat uniform is simply the pinnacle, showing the most beautiful places of a woman perfectly, even if it is an ordinary looking woman, wearing this combat uniform can add a lot of color.

However, Lin Fan was also worried about a question, would this skirt be too short? This is also more than ten centimeters and twenty centimeters above the knees, which is a little short no matter how you look at it.

If this is a hoof or some cool flying kick, isn’t it all gone?

As a qualified ruler, Lin Fan felt it was necessary to make some corrections on this point, and before correcting them, he needed to verify whether his idea was correct and whether this skirt would go away.

In order to confirm this, Lin Fan silently took out a pen, and then secretly observed the maids around him, and took advantage of their lack of attention to casually throw out the pen in his hand.

“Huh? When did my pen drop? ”

Lin Fan looked at the pen on the ground and said suspiciously, the maid next to him immediately reacted to pick it up, Lin Fan was immediately anxious, let you pick it up, how can I do it?

“Stop, I’ll do it myself.”

Stopping the maid behind him, Lin Fan leaned over, raised his hand to get the pen, tilted his head slightly to find a good angle, and his eyes quickly swept under the hem of his skirt, and then…

“Shhhh Groove! ”

PS: I coded until four o’clock in the morning, got up late, woke up at two o’clock, I was stupid

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