Chapter 261 Lin Xian’er: All attack! I want to let the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, leave no grass!”

At a glance!

It’s really a glance! Lin Fan saw exactly what he wanted to see, but…

Lin Fan’s face turned green, what kind of thing is this? I prepared for such a long time, I almost handed over all my pants, you show me this?

Lin Fan now understands how Shirai Kuroko felt when he lifted Mikoto’s skirt, which one designed your horse’s safety vault? Why is there such an evil thing in the world?


At a glance, the white security vault directly made Lin Fan look stupid, and planned it with all his heart, and the result was ???

Shiro looked forward to it.

The smile gradually disappears and gradually becomes hideous!

The female warrior who was on the edge of the city wall heard Lin Fan’s scolding, subconsciously turned her head, and looked at Lin Fan’s posture, and the female warrior’s big eyes were full of question marks.

This pose…. This action…. It’s so familiar! Classic action before the apocalypse! Steal…..

Ahem, but if it is the Lord, then it is definitely not, the Lord must be picking up pens, and such a decent and upright person in the Lord will never do such a thing!

Subconsciously tiptoe up a little so that she could become higher in altitude, the female warrior looked dizzy and asked in a soft voice: “Lord, are you okay?” ”

“Ahhh… Forehead… I dropped my pen, pick it up, it’s none of your business, you are on duty. ”

Lin Fan burst into tears in his heart, although he was sure that there would be no danger of running away, but… But…..

Don’t mention it, it’s all tears when you say more.

Lying back on the seat in disappointment, Lin Fan looked unloved, leaning on the maid, Lin Fan had a sad feeling.

In this cruel apocalypse, people’s hearts are cold, only this paper still has some temperature.

Lin Fan looked at the three maids beside him with an unloveable expression, in fact, when the three of them saw Lin Fan’s action, they knew what Lin Fan wanted to do, in this regard, women are often incredibly smart.

But depending on the situation, it should be sanctioned, as for what it is, they already have a number in their hearts, as a woman, even one was picked up from the garment factory, of course, it is clear that there is a safety vault in the skirt of the female warrior, which Lin Youyou explained very early.

I didn’t think that the defense should be prevented, Lin Fan, the lord, was rejected first, which is very …..

Lin Fan’s air pressure was a little low, and his mood was very low, and the three reserve maids didn’t know how to comfort Lin Fan, so they could only stand by and serve carefully, not daring to make the slightest mistake.

Finally, Lin Youyou, the main mother, opened her mouth to choose a maid to enrich the supermarket, they were already lucky to be selected, but they didn’t want to be passed by Lin Fan who was in a bad mood because of a little carelessness, that really wanted to die.


The Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, the office of the General Headquarters.

Across the desk, Liu Yuanbin and Wu Guozhong sat opposite each other, and there were more peanuts on the desk where the documents were originally placed, a bottle of two pots and two cups.

Two old people who are more than 160 years old together eat peanuts and drink two pots, you have a cup and I have a cup, just like the feeling when they were still fighting decades ago.

“Lao Wu, are things arranged?”

After taking a sip of the second pot and feeling the spicy feeling in his throat, Wu Guozhong put down his wine glass and sighed: “It has been arranged, and I promise to teach those zombies a lesson, and if the intelligent zombies also follow, it will be good.” ”

Silently took the wine glass and drank it, Liu Yuanbin closed his eyes, the hand holding the wine glass stopped in the air, and it took a long time to open his eyes, “I have drunk a lot of various wines over the years, or the second pot head has the taste of the year!” That will also be a second pot head with peanut rice, which is already very satisfying. ”

“yes….. Now decades have passed in a flash, you and I are old, the younger generation has become fathers, and time has passed really fast. Wu Guozhong sighed, and memories flashed in his eyes.

“Don’t talk about that, it’s okay to arrange it, right? Don’t let us be a hundred at that time, affecting the underground nuclear bomb, then we will be blamed for death. ”

Wu Guozhong nodded, picked up a peanut rice and peeled it, looked at the full peanut rice in his hand, raised his hand and threw it into the sword.

“Of course, no problem, not to mention that the place where the nuclear bomb is stored is a hundred meters underground, just the alloy that is several meters thick, the explosion of ten nuclear bombs on our side will not affect it, rest assured.”

“That’s good, come, Lao Wu, continue to drink, what discipline did you have to manage before, now you don’t have to think so much, drink!” Liu Yuanbin’s old face was a little dizzy, and his face seemed to be radiant with a new life, and he shouted loudly.

Wu Guozhong picked up the wine glass, the two touched it, and drank it one after another.

As soon as the wine glass was put down, the landline that was swept aside on the desk suddenly rang, Liu Yuanbin was stunned, the nervous reaction paralyzed by alcohol was a little slow, and it took several rings before Liu Yuanbin picked it up.

“Hey, I’m Liu Yuanbin.”

“Your horse’s Liu Yuanbin, my **** your whole family, because you are still the commander-in-chief of the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, how can you drop a nuclear bomb on the territory of your country!” Are you worthy of the country, worthy of the people! Are you worthy of that military uniform on you! ”

The roar from the microphone made Liu Yuanbin wake up instantly, he didn’t drink much, he was only slightly drunk just now.

Liu Yuanbin, who came to his senses, thought for a while, and understood what Yang Ligong was talking about, indeed, Lin Fan’s move was really similar to a nuclear explosion, and the monitoring satellite signals of the military region were all disrupted, and it was normal to mistakenly think that a nuclear bomb was detonated.

“Speak! You **** talk! Yang Ligong on the other end of the phone jumped like thunder, and his exit was dirty, and as a president, he could drink and scold in such a disregard of his words and deeds, which shows the anger in his heart.

Looking at Wu Guozhong on the opposite side, Liu Yuanbin smiled helplessly, and then said: “You calm down, I didn’t detonate the nuclear bomb, and the matter of the superpower here in the magic capital should also be clear to your side, this time it was done by the ‘thunder god’, not a nuclear bomb explosion, although that moment is similar to the power of the nuclear bomb explosion.” ”

In the office of the president of the imperial capital, hearing Liu Yuanbin’s reply, Yang Ligong’s eyes were about to pop out, and he was shocked beyond words in his heart.

Didn’t an explosion of more than 10 million energy levels detonate a nuclear bomb? Is it an attack made by one person? Can humans deliver attacks comparable to the destructive power of a nuclear explosion? Yang Ligong was stupid, and he even suspected that Liu Yuanbin was fooling him.

“What are you kidding?”

In the commander-in-chief’s office, Liu Yuanbin’s eyes showed a look of memory and attachment, and said calmly: “I’m not joking, it’s true, even if the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, collapses, I won’t use any nuclear bombs, I grew up in this land, I guarded it for decades, how can I let it be destroyed in my hands.” ”

“I have done what I can, Yang Ligong, I don’t want my wrong thing to happen to you, for the study of zombies, my acquiescence has created the appearance of intelligent zombies, I hope you don’t make the same mistake, I am ready for martyrdom.”

In the office of the president of the imperial capital, listening to the voice coming from the microphone, Yang Ligong was stunned in place, what did he hear?

The intelligent zombie appeared because of Liu Yuanbin’s tacit consent? Liu Yuanbin, the commander-in-chief, plans to martyr the country? What is the situation?

“Wait, you said that the intelligent zombie was made because of your acquiescence? What did you do? And what are you talking about martyrdom? Is it you or the entire Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital? ”

“Hmm…. Human experiments, the original intention is to crack the zombie virus and make a vaccine, but the ambition of the researcher is too big, not studying this at all, so there are intelligent zombies, and the martyrdom is me, including all the officers and soldiers of the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, the intelligent zombies are too terrifying. ”

Liu Yuanbin felt regret in his heart, and his tone was indescribably low, “Under the command of intelligent zombies, hundreds of thousands of zombies scattered to attack the defense line, missiles killed and injured only hundreds of zombies at a time, machine guns could not suppress the speed of the zombie charge at all, and the aviation corps was forced by millions of zombie crows to take off.” ”

“I’ve tried my best, if there is no emergency, the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital can last for two days at most, I have planted a bomb under the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital, just wait for the zombies to flood the military area, and then…”

Yang Ligong was shocked, he was shocked by what Liu Yuanbin said, for the research of human experiments, he did not blame Liu Yuanbin, if you want to gain, it is inevitable to pay, now is not a peaceful era, you can only use this method, the only thing that makes him angry is the researcher!

The ambition of the researcher has caused the crisis that the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital is now about to collapse, but the entire Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital is martyred, and this loss… It’s really too big!

“Wait, no, isn’t that ‘Thor’ there? Can’t he save the Liu family, the warlord of the Demon Capital? Or did he run out of strength that time and couldn’t shoot in a short time? ”

In the commander-in-chief’s office, Liu Yuanbin smiled bitterly and looked to the south, as if he wanted to see Liu Wanying more than a hundred kilometers away through the wall.

“He only promised to strike once, the price is my daughter and 13,200 female soldiers, and his forces only accept women, so…. I agreed, this is the best way out for the children, and it is also their only way to survive, and it is better than being buried with the military district. ”

In the presidential office, Yang Ligong now has no anger in his heart, and he weakly sat back in his seat, he didn’t know what to say, Liu Yuanbin was not ashamed of his duty, he was going to be martyred, including hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers, this news echoed in his mind, for a long time.

For Lin Fan, Yang Ligong didn’t have much idea, being able to fight such a terrifying attack was no longer something that the state could restrict, as Liu Yuanbin said, maybe trading was the best choice for those female soldiers.

There is only one man’s power, and women will not be miserable no matter what.

“Take care! You are all the pride of the empire! I apologize to you for my previous words and actions. ”

Yang Ligong was silent for a long time, only then did he say this sentence with difficulty, the phone hung up, Yang Ligong leaned on the seat in disbelief, with an indescribable sadness on his face.

The Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital…. It’s going to die!

In the commander-in-chief’s office, Liu Yuanbin shook his head and hung up the phone, picked up the wine glass that was full, and touched Wu Guozhong, “Cheers.” ”

The two drank one after another.

In the north of the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, Lin Xian’er, who changed places, finally felt safer, this time she ran out directly for more than twenty kilometers, and she still didn’t believe that anyone was so neurotic to throw that kind of terrifying thing into the no-man’s land here.

Settled in a villa again, Lin Xian’er arranged the villa according to her preferences, I don’t know how long it took, a female zombie came over and roared twice in a low voice.

Lin Xian’er’s hand moved, and she turned her head to look in the direction of the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, and the light in her eyes became cold.

“Did you dig through? Very good! Let the zombies all attack! I want the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital to leave no grass behind!! ”

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