Chapter 273 Wang Ziwen broke through the Condensation Realm, and a sudden woman cried for help

As soon as Wu Zhihao gave the order, more than a thousand people instantly moved and spread along the underground pipeline in all directions, seemingly intending to outflank them in front of Wang Ziwen and them.

Most of Wu Zhihao’s subordinates are some outlaws, killing and setting fires, basically all of them have been done after the end of the world, extremely fierce, basically everyone has one or two lives on their hands, and even zombies have killed a lot.

Watching his subordinates disperse, Wu Zhihao waved his hand, beckoned the remaining subordinates behind him, and went straight ahead, he planned to block the women on the ground directly in front of him.

Such a wild woman, he must get, these women are stronger than those women he has played with I don’t know how many times, he likes this kind of strong women!

The stronger the rouge horse, the more he likes it! It is best to be able to conquer directly, become a blade in his hand, usually can be a lover, and when you go out, you can be a sharp knife.

More than a thousand people in the underground pipes are running wildly, on the ground, Wang Ziwen with 40 female warriors are still killing zombies, passing by some storefronts will check to see if there are survivors, if not, continue to move forward.

Wang Ziwen is a little strange now, this has gone out for two kilometers, and he hasn’t even seen a living person, are the survivors here so unlucky? All eaten by zombies? .

Or was it hiding somewhere she didn’t know?

In places like sewers, Wang Ziwen didn’t think about it, but just those zombie rats made her cut off these thoughts, but many times, it was such a coincidence.

No survivors also saved Wang Ziwen a lot of time, leading his 40 female warriors all the way, but all the zombies that appeared in front of them were all killed under their swords, and the wide main road, except for vehicles, was full of zombie corpses.

The group kept on footing, and there were more and more zombies dying under Wang Ziwen and others, from becoming a female warrior to now, Wang Ziwen didn’t know how many zombies she killed, but now she had a feeling.

That is, she seems to be about to break through!

With the source power crystallization given by Lin Fan, Wang Ziwen’s attribute soared to more than thirty points, plus killed an unknown number of zombies, and now the attribute point is approaching the 40-point mark, and once she crosses the past, she can be promoted to the Condensation Realm.

This feeling of being about to break through came very suddenly, Wang Ziwen was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously turned on the watch to check his personal attributes.

The watch not only records military merits, positioning and other functions, but also can view personal attributes and some other functions, now Wang Ziwen is very curious, what is her strength, is it really about to break through?

Character: Wang Ziwen

Power: 39

Agility: 39

Intelligence: 21

Physique: 40

Realm: The peak of the condensation realm

She hadn’t seen her personal attributes for a few days, and now that she opened it, her physique had unknowingly risen to 40 points! No wonder she has a feeling that she wants to break through, as long as any attribute of strength and agility is promoted, she can officially break through to the Condensation Realm.

When the time comes, listen to the ‘original’ female warriors, even if they encounter individual anti-tank rockets, they are not afraid! It seems that the defense was tested with the previously captured individual anti-tank rocket launcher, and a single soldier anti-tank rocket was eaten unscathed, that is, the ground under his feet was damaged, and a big hole was directly blown out.

Hard anti-soldier anti-tank rockets are more energy-consuming, just broke through to the condensation realm, at most two anti-two shots of qi in the body is about to bottom, but this is already very terrifying, which means that they do not have to be afraid even in the face of the powerful thermal weapon of individual anti-tank rockets.

With their speed, it is not as simple as a word difficult to be hit, but it is difficult, ordinary people’s eyes can not keep up with their speed, they can’t aim accurately, hit with a hammer?

And now the strongest Li Fengjiao and Xu Yan of the first generation, these people, the qi is almost a foot thick, that is simply not good, the three-foot qi wall is just around the corner!

Knowing that she was about to break through, Wang Ziwen was even more excited in her heart, she was finally going to come to this step!

With a breakthrough as a driving force, Wang Ziwen’s speed of killing zombies has skyrocketed, and the Tang knife in his hand has swung out an afterimage, often the knife light has not passed, Wang Ziwen has rushed out for several meters, and after a few seconds, the standing zombie body is separated.

Wang Ziwen suddenly stormed away, the female warriors were stunned for a moment, the speed on their hands was a little faster, chasing Wang Ziwen closely, the slow speed before can ensure that the physical strength has been maintained at the normal level, the consumption is very low, the speed will naturally appear tired and consume a little more.

They don’t know how to save, naturally they don’t know how to save effort, how to be fast and fast, not everyone is Liu Wanying, they can use the knife technique.

The team members did not understand Wang Ziwen’s situation, but soon they did.

As Wang Ziwen cut off the heads of several zombies with a knife, suddenly, a strong momentum rushed out from Wang Ziwen’s body, and the terrifying qi was like the sharpest sword blade, and all the zombies who vainly tried to get close to Wang Ziwen were crushed by the qi, and the female team members who were forced by the momentum of the explosion kept retreating.

They and Wang Ziwen are not comparable, they have not eaten source force crystals, at most these days the ruling coins have saved enough, exchange for a source force pill to eat, but the difference in the medicinal power of source power pills and source force crystals is not a star and a half, eating one only adds a few four-dimensional attributes, and even some people’s intelligence attributes have not moved.

Among these female warriors, the strongest attribute point barely broke 30 points, the higher the strength, the more difficult it is to improve, the greater the gap, barely reaching 30 points of the team, Wang Ziwen can easily destroy ten, this is the gap.

You haven’t pulled out your knife yet, I’ve already cut off your neck, what are you fighting with me?

In terms of speed alone, it is already an absolute crush!

The gang qi with Wang Ziwen as the center kept raging around, the gang cyclone was like a meat grinder, the zombies within five meters around Wang Ziwen were all crushed by the gang qi, even the blood could not fly in, all blocked by the gang qi.

With Wang Ziwen as the center, Gang Qi abruptly opened up a vacuum area with a radius of five meters, within this radius of five meters, it is the forbidden area of zombies, not to mention these zombies, even if you casually throw a female warrior over, it is the life of being instantly twisted into a blood mist.

Wang Ziwen’s breakthrough did not last long, and soon the anger was recovered by Wang Ziwen, and at this time, the team members dared to come close to Wang Ziwen.

“Captain, have you just broken through the Condensation Realm? So strong! The momentum of the light shook us out more than ten meters away. ”

“yes! Too strong! Is that the Condensation Realm? I felt like a little ant under that momentum, and it was uncomfortable to get a little closer! ”

“Me too, me too, too strong!”

Listening to the enthusiastic inquiries of the team members, Wang Ziwen smiled slightly, successfully broke through, and she was in a good mood.

Finally, she was also promoted to the Condensing Gang Realm!

“It’s okay, you have to work hard, it won’t be long before you can reach my level.”

Wang Ziwen said this, the fastest one among the team members, at least it will take more than a week to reach her level, the gap caused by that source power crystallization is too big!

Many of these team members became female warriors before her, and now they are overtaken by her, I don’t know how much.

Hearing Wang Ziwen’s encouragement, the female warriors raised their morale, looked at the zombies rushing over again, shouted, and rushed forward with a Tang knife.

Looking at the desperate appearance of the team members, Wang Ziwen smiled and rushed forward.

Condensation Realm is not the point, improving strength is like sailing against the tide, if she does not advance, she will retreat, she cannot have the slightest slack!

With Wang Ziwen’s stimulation, the advance speed was two points faster again, and it kept killing hundreds of meters, and suddenly, Wang Ziwen stopped and frowned and looked at the branch road on the left.

With a wave of knife qi casually clearing out a vacuum of zombies tens of meters away on a line in front of him, Wang Ziwen asked, “Did you hear anything?” ”

The zombie’s roar was too noisy, and Wang Ziwen wasn’t sure if she had heard it wrong.

The surrounding female warriors were puzzled when they heard Wang Ziwen’s inquiry, and after cutting out the knife qi one after another, they all stopped and listened, but unfortunately they didn’t hear anything.

Unlike the team members around her, Wang Ziwen, who broke through to the Condensation Realm, was very sensitive, plus now all the surrounding zombies have been killed, and the nearest zombies are still thirty or forty meters away, and her side is suddenly quiet.

“Help~~~ Help! Who will save me! Help me! ”

The voice was very weak, which should be the reason why the distance was too far, but Wang Ziwen had already determined that someone was calling for help, or a woman.

“Someone is calling for help, there should be survivors nearby, you guys come with me!” After 20 people broke off, 20 people followed me to clean up the zombies on this side of the branch. ”

After that, Wang Ziwen rushed directly towards the branch road, and the zombies rushing along the way could not block Wang Ziwen’s way forward at all.

Fifty meters away from the branch road, Wu Zhihao and more than a thousand of his men lurked in the surrounding houses, both upstairs and downstairs.

Hiding in a coffee shop and looking through the window at the woman hanging on the balcony on the third floor, Wu Zhihao was in a bad mood.

Just now he let people lure a large part of the zombies on the branch road, and then killed a part, which made people hang a woman outside as bait, just….

Why don’t you hang far away from your horse? The position of the hanging woman is forty or fifty meters away from the main road, such a distance, no one can hear the woman shouting through her throat, what kind of cerebral palsy is this? He couldn’t wait to kick the subordinate in charge of this to death.

Looking at Wu Zhihao’s unkind face, Xie Yuanhao swallowed dryly and proposed, “Boss? How about we change streets? ”

Wu Zhihao endured the anger in his heart and looked at the door of the coffee shop, where a subordinate was quietly observing the outside.

“Monkey, are those women coming? Or has it already been gone? ”

The subordinates called monkeys are very thin, and the gills of the monkeys are indeed a bit like monkeys, hearing Wu Zhihao’s question, the monkey said without looking back: “Boss, I see those women, but they don’t seem to stop, they want to go directly, ah… It’s already passed. ”

Wu Zhihao became even more angry in his heart after listening to it, stood up and was about to leave the coffee shop, this time he must punish that pen well, hang so far away, are you Jiang Taigong? Do you hang your horse?

Wu Zhihao had just walked to the door, and he was still looking at the monkey outside the door, and his face suddenly looked happy.

“Here it comes! Here it comes! They’re back! Big boss! The women came back again! And it’s quickly approaching the encirclement on our side! ”

PS: The character picture is Wang Ziwen.

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