Chapter 274 predicts the danger in advance, calm and calm Prince Wen

Wu Zhihao, who was originally angry, heard the monkey’s surprised cry, and his footsteps suddenly stopped, his face full of stunned.

Is this okay? Walked through and rewinded back? It can still be heard from such a distance, it is really difficult for those women, but the women hanging outside are also very hard, the voice is called a hoarse, more than ten meters away, and the soundproof glass door, he can hear it very clearly, sure enough, women are women, this high note is fierce!

Wu Zhihao decided that this woman performed so well that he would definitely reward her after going back.

Since those women have already come, Wu Zhihao does not plan to go out, what kind of ambush is going out? And those women are still far away, isn’t he going out now to fight grass and snakes? At that time, it will not be so simple to chase, and you must wait until those women are all in the encirclement before you can start.

Rush up to the second floor quickly, as a commander, he must always grasp first-hand information, but also give orders, when the time comes, all the subordinates lurking nearby will rush out as soon as possible!

Standing in a hidden corner on the second floor, Wu Zhihao looked at the end of the street, where dozens of women were holding Tang knives and quickly approaching this side, and the zombies blocking the road were not the slightest threat at all, and they were beheaded like cabbages.

Wu Zhihao’s eyesight is very good, but it is not to the point that he can see what a person looks like from dozens of meters, as the women approach, Wu Zhihao gradually opened his eyes, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, it was with the bestiality of conquest and the madness of wanting to possess!

He saw it! That’s right! As the women approached, he saw it!.

There are more than twenty women in the front row, each of them is wearing a white and black self-fitting combat uniform, the combat uniform like a skirt is full of beauty, and all of them are in good shape, especially the face, Wu Zhihao can’t hold it!

He can’t resist the beast blood in his body!

Pretty! It’s so beautiful! Especially the one who took the lead in the middle, it made him unable to take his eyes off, heroic, heroic, and beautiful, these words are not enough to describe this woman in Wu Zhihao’s heart, this is simply the most perfect woman in his heart!

These women! It’s all his! It must be his, whoever dares to covet, he will kill whom! And the force behind these women, he will also have a nest, and all the good-looking ones will be imprisoned, and they will not be released until they are completely taken down and conquered.

As for those that were ugly, which he could not look at, or who were tired of playing dead or alive and refused to yield, he gave them to his men, and he always gave soup to his brethren when he ate meat.

Holding a cup in his hand, Wu Zhihao’s heart was indescribably excited, he was waiting, waiting for these women to rush to the ambush circle he prepared, and when the time came, in the face of hundreds of guns, even if these women were strong in combat, they would succumb under the deterrence of firearms!

If he doesn’t give in, he will interrupt the hoof and bring it back, he has a way to make these women submit!

Closer… Near…. Closer…. Not only Wu Zhihao was looking at Wang Ziwen and others who rushed over, but more than a thousand men who were ambushed around were also looking at Wang Ziwen and others who rushed over, their breathing became rapid, and their eyes lit up one by one, eager to rush up.

On the street, Wang Ziwen and 40 female team members are moving quickly, she has seen the women hanging on the balcony on the third floor, and a large number of zombies attracted by the sound have gathered below.

40 meters…. 30 meters….

Suddenly, Wang Ziwen frowned, as her strength became stronger, her perception of crisis became stronger and stronger, it was fine before, but as she got closer, a sense of crisis lingered in Wang Ziwen’s heart, and it became stronger and stronger.

The footsteps slowed down, Wang Ziwen swept forward, except for the zombies, did not find any other danger, Wang Ziwen did not believe, vaguely looked at the shops on both sides, and soon, Wang Ziwen saw a flashing figure next to a window.

Not only here, she also saw some men secretly looking at her side in several places, and then looked at the women who were hanged, Wang Ziwen probably understood.

This is someone who estimates that they want to attack them, and the source of the sense of crisis comes from these people.

The face remained unchanged, Wang Ziwen moved steadily, and did not move, but the voice was compressed into a line by the air, and it accurately reached the ears of the 40 female team members around him.

“Be careful, someone is ambushing us, this is a bureau, but the danger should not be great, these people should not have any destructive weapons, at most some firearms, these things are not much threat to us, just be careful.”

Hearing Wang Ziwen’s transmission, many female team members were shocked in their hearts, their faces did not show anything wrong, and they were still moving forward, but they had secretly gathered their attention and were highly concentrated.

For these female warriors with attributes of more than 20 points, the threat of firearms has been reduced to a certain extent, unless it is a high-power sniper rifle, but as long as it is not a shot hit the head or heart, they will not die with a single shot.

As they advance, these female team members have also felt the faint crisis, which is the instinct of the strong to warn them, but the intensity of the warning is not large, which means that the people who ambush them are not very threatening to them!

“Captain, I already feel it, the threat is not great, for the captain, it should be nothing.”

Listening to the sound in her ears, Wang Ziwen completely relaxed her heart, and at a distance of more than ten meters, even if there were zombies blocking the way, they were quickly cleaned up.

Standing below the woman, Wang Ziwen looked up at the woman whose voice was already hoarse and almost speechless, and she hooked her horn and revealed a mocking smile.

“Tired, huh?”

The woman didn’t know why, and quickly nodded.

“I’m so tired, my throat hurts, come up and save me, please, my arm is going to break.”

“How many people are in the room?” Or how many of you are here this time? Can you tell me about it? Looking at this woman for a while, Wang Ziwen did not have the slightest fear of being surrounded, but the woman hanging in mid-air was blinded.

“You…. What are you talking about? How can I not understand it? Please, come and save me, my companions have hung me here and run away by themselves, and if you don’t come again, I will die of hunger and thirst here.” ”

Ignoring the woman’s dry pleading, Wang Ziwen held the Tang knife in her hand and looked at the woman in mid-air so faintly.

“Aren’t you going to come out yet?”

On the second floor of the coffee shop, seeing this situation, Wu Zhihao has already understood that they are exposed, but he does not understand, how did they be exposed? This doesn’t make any sense!

No one showed their heads during the whole process, how did this group of women find out? And the tone is still so determined, isn’t she afraid of the guns in their hands?

Or bet that they don’t have a gun in their hands?

If that’s the case, then sorry, he just wanted to tell these women on the street that they had gambled wrong!

The cup he had been holding in his hand was thrown hard into the street outside, and Wu Zhihao couldn’t bear it anymore, and roared: “Do it!” ”


At the same time, the cup shattered in the street, and the crisp sound and roar echoed in the street, followed by thousands of people rushing out from all corners of the street.

The windows of various shops, the windows on the second floor and even the rooftop, one after another the figures of men came out, some of these men were holding pistols, some were holding iron bars, machetes and other weapons, one by one, with a fierce face, their eyes flashed with greed, so they couldn’t wait to eat Wang Ziwen and others directly into their stomachs.

Looking at so many people rushing out at once, Wang Ziwen was stunned, and the female warriors around were stunned.

They knew there were people going to ambush, but there were too many of them! This is dense, there must be thousands of people! Just to block 41 of them? Are these people particularly sick?

Anti-aircraft guns to hit mosquitoes?

Holding a pistol in his hand, Wu Zhihao slowly walked out from the second floor, holding the railing with both hands and looking at Wang Ziwen and others who had stayed on the street, and a relaxed smile floated in the corner.

Before Wang Ziwen’s bizarre situation really made him nervous, and now seeing the expressions of these women in Wang Ziwen, Wu Zhihao completely put his heart into his stomach.

He guessed that this group of women felt that the strength was strong enough, and the art masters dared to rush into the encirclement, but he did not expect that he would be so ruthless and directly use thousands of people, so he was stunned on the spot.

He felt that these dozens of women on the street must be desperate in their hearts when they saw so many people coming out of the surroundings, right?

“Isn’t it a surprise? I didn’t expect us to have so many people, right? What do you think? If you put down your weapons and surrender, you can suffer less flesh and skin, I don’t want to be rough with you, after all, guns are not eyes, it is a hole, now no one will operate on you, there is a high chance of death! ”

“As long as you submit to me, I can give you high treatment, I don’t like others to reject me, otherwise I will be very angry, the consequences of my anger, very terrible!” I don’t think you’ll see me angry behind! ”

After a brief period of consternation, Wang Ziwen regained her calm.

She has nothing to be afraid of, isn’t it more than a thousand people? And what is so scary for her? It’s just more than a thousand dying people, she just didn’t expect that the other party would send so many people to ambush them, that’s all!

Killing more than a thousand people, for her, is as simple as crushing ants, even if they have guns!

Give a baby a dagger and the baby be a threat to an adult? No, even the dagger baby can’t hold it, the pistol is in the hands of these people, it’s good to deal with ordinary people, if you deal with them, it’s no different from holding a burning stick in your hand, it’s not as useful as that iron bar or machete!

Looking in the direction of the second floor with mocking eyes, Wang Ziwen said disdainfully: “Very high treatment, do you mean to be your woman?” Don’t take a picture of your face without, do you deserve it? How many handfuls do you match? Are all old people, talking so middle two, the consequences of your anger are very serious? I don’t know how serious it is, and I don’t want to know, I just know that you are all going to die here today! ”

“Do you think you’re ambushing us? It looks like you’ve surrounded us all, but in fact, you’re now dead bones in the grave! ”

With cold eyes, Wang Ziwen raised the Tang knife in his hand, and the tip of the knife pointed at Wu Zhihao, who had a livid face on the second floor, and was murderous.

“Kill! One does not stay! ”

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