Chapter 276 is willing to be the sword in the Lord’s hand, willing to be stained with blood for the Lord’s hands

“Shouldn’t I have been discovered?”

This is the truest thought in Xie Yuanhao’s heart now, the footsteps stopping beside him made him frightened in his heart, he didn’t dare to move, he didn’t dare to move at all.

He didn’t know if the woman next to him had found him, or if he simply stopped here, he didn’t dare to move!

He was gambling, he was betting that the women around him did not find him, so that he could survive, and if he moved, he would surely die!

These women who run like they are flying, even if they let him run a hundred meters first, he will be killed in a few seconds!

There was no hope of escape, he could only lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, he could only hope that the woman around him simply stopped here, rather than finding him.

Wang Ziwen looked down at Xie Yuanhao, who was pressed by two corpses and pretended to die at her feet, just now, if she hadn’t observed carefully enough and saw the slight ups and downs here, she might have let this cunning guy go.

Lying on the ground pretending to be dead was quite similar, and if it weren’t for the ups and downs of her breathing, she would have leaked through.

Wang Ziwen was not in a hurry, looked down at the man pretending to be dead at his feet, three minutes…. Five minutes…. Ten minutes…..

As one figure after another came over, Wang Ziwen knew that the men around her were almost cleaned up.

Sure enough, Ning Yuzhen escorted the woman who had asked for help before and walked over, and then kicked her to the ground.

Looking at the terrifying scene in front of her, smelling the pungent smell of blood, the woman’s face turned pale and she kept retching.

“If you spit it out, you’ll give me a little bit of food back.”

Wang Ziwen has no mercy in her heart, if it weren’t for their strength, they might have become playthings, don’t say that this woman can’t help herself, since everyone is their master, then as a winner, no matter what you do, it’s not too much, right?

Hearing Wang Ziwen’s cold drink, the woman was frightened not lightly, and quickly stopped the gagging action.

“Any idea where these people’s strongholds are? Don’t tell me that you happened to be caught on the way to these people, and if you have no value, I don’t mind giving you a ride. ”

The indescribable horror in the woman’s heart, she found that these women in front of her were demons crawling out of hell, killing people without blinking, more terrifying than Wu Zhihao and these people, and most likely not people at all!

Can people fly? Are people that fast? Can a person block a bullet with a knife? This kind of picture is only found in movies!

In the face of Wang Ziwen and these women like demons, she did not dare to resist, or even dare to hide the slightest, she did not want to die, if she did not show any value, she would die!

“Know! Know! I know where they are, I was brought directly here by them, they are in the subway station, I can take you there, don’t kill me, I don’t want to die! I was also forced, I was also forced to do it, if I didn’t do it, they would kill me, and then change to someone else to do it, I was really forced! ”

Hearing the woman’s pleading, Wang Ziwen’s gaze remained unchanged, since he already knew the stronghold of this group of people, there was no need for the man under his feet to live.

Raising his hand, the tip of Tang Dao stabbed down without hesitation.


Tang Dao passed through a corpse and Xie Yuanhao’s body like a string of sugar gourds, and the severe pain made Xie Yuanhao couldn’t help but raise his head, his closed eyes opened widely, the bruises on his neck and forehead were exposed, and blood quickly overflowed.

Xie Yuanhao was desperate in his heart, he didn’t expect that the other party still found him, and even he suspected that the other party had already discovered him, but he was just waiting.

These women need a leader who knows the way, so there is no need for him to live!

With a turn of the wrist, the blade crushed Xie Yuanhao’s heart, Wang Ziwen pulled out the Tang knife with his usual face, looked at the woman kneeling on the ground next to her with wide eyes in horror, and spoke: “Congratulations, survived, lead the way ahead.” ”

The woman’s frightened soul was about to fly, and just before her eyes, a living person was killed! It was less than half a meter away from her, and even the splattered blood flew to her face!

After waking up, he looked at Wang Ziwen and others who were around, in the eyes of women, the image of Wang Ziwen and others was a bright eye, long horns on the top of his head, and an image like a devil’s wing.

The woman stood up with a snort, and the intense fear made her feet soft, and she couldn’t use the slightest strength.

“Yuzhen, you take her, let’s go to the subway station immediately and let this woman show the way.”

Ning Yuzhen nodded when she heard this, picked up the woman with one hand, and asked, “Which subway station?” ”

“East…. Which subway station on Dongfeng Middle Road, walk back two kilometers along the main road you came from, and then turn left to arrive. ”

Hearing the woman’s words, Wang Ziwen and others turned around one after another, quickly disappeared on the branch road, Xie Yuanhao’s death, the female warriors did not pay attention to it, when they came over, they knew that there was a living person here, such a close distance, they still didn’t feel that there was a ghost!

A group of people moved forward quickly, and soon came to the subway station on this side of Dongfeng Middle Road, looking at the fence blocking the entrance of the subway station. Wang Ziwen waved casually, the fence was split, and the group went straight to the subway station without hindrance.

On the first basement floor, Wang Ziwen saw people walking in the subway station, and soon, these people also found Wang Ziwen and others.

Looking at these people, Wang Ziwen waved his hand and said with a cold gaze: “Kill!” If a man does not remain, we are the sword in the Lord’s hand, and if it is a sin to kill, this sin will be borne by us in the Lord’s place! ”

With an order, the 40 female warriors rushed out like arrows off the string, and the men, who were still a little puzzled before, instantly showed a look of horror.

Blood splattered, the corpses of the female warriors were everywhere, and there were corpses of men everywhere, Wang Ziwen took the women around him step by step, and occasionally the men who fled to this side in a panic were also mercilessly killed by Wang Ziwen.

Walking in the subway station, there are roars, begging for mercy and screams everywhere, Wang Ziwen’s face is full of sorrow and joy, and her eyes are full of indifference, for her, there is no difference between men and pig and dog zombies.

The only difference may be that men are not as good as zombies, at least killing zombies can also improve her strength, and killing these men, she will not have the slightest improvement.

“Nope… Don’t kill me! I don’t want to die yet! ”


“Spare your life, spare your life, spare me, I haven’t done anything!”


“You devils, you will go to hell!”


The sound of cursing and screaming was connected, and the entire mountain of corpses killed in the subway station was covered with blood, and the blood of men was spilled all over the ground, and even converged into streams.

Wang Ziwen’s eyes swept over, and one by one the women huddled on the ground holding their heads, not daring to move at all, for fear of causing some misunderstanding and being killed by mistake.

These women can see that female warriors kill people everywhere is regular, they only kill men, not women, as long as they don’t mess around, they will definitely not die, they think, no matter how ruthless this group of women is, they won’t even kill women, right?

As long as they don’t kill them, they can do anything, anyway, they have experienced the cruelest things under the apocalypse, haven’t they? What else is cruel to being played with by all kinds of men?

Some of them even think that in this short period of less than two months, the men they have dealt with have almost caught up with some enlightenment teachers in the Neon Empire, right?

Although it seems exaggerated to say this, it is enough to show the despair and numbness of these women, they have not resisted, but the people who resisted were played alive, and only the last breath was fed to the zombies.

This cruel image greatly shocked them, and then they gave in and became numb.

As the screams became less and less, Wang Ziwen looked at the time, more than half an hour has passed since she came underground, it seems that there are still many men left here, but it is not clear how many women there are, but at a glance, there are squatting women everywhere, this time it should be a big harvest!

Not long after, Ning Yuzhen ran over and wiped the blood off her face, Ning Yuzhen said excitedly: “Captain, we caught a big fish this time, counting the men we killed before, there are more than nine thousand people in this underground force, there are more than three thousand men here, and the remaining five thousand are women.”

Rao expected in his heart that the harvest this time would be great, but hearing the approximate data reported by Ning Yuzhen, Wang Ziwen was still taken aback.

More than 5,000 women! The power of nearly 10,000 people, this is all catching up with Liu Wanying’s female soldiers before they came to the city of judgment!

She also said why not a single survivor in the vicinity saw it, it turned out that all of them were caught here.

A faint smile appeared on her face, and she was very satisfied with the harvest this time! If she goes back this time, she and the team members will get a lot of rewards in terms of merit and rewards, right?

Not only Wang Ziwen was thinking so, Ning Yuzhen and many female team members were thinking so, one by one excited no, not long after, a female warrior rushed all the women over.

Before squatting in various places, Wang Ziwen didn’t feel anything, but now more than five thousand people have been driven over, which is particularly spectacular!

As far as the eye can see, it’s all women! Densely packed, you can’t see the head at a glance.

Just as Wang Ziwen looked at the women in a daze, a cute female warrior came up to Wang Ziwen and said in a whisper: “Report captain, the number of people is counted, counting the woman standing next to you, the total number is 5791!” ”

The heart vibrates, 5791 women! The population of the city of ruling can expand on a large scale again, and it will be close to 40,000, right? I heard that yesterday, Li Siqi brought back more than 2,000 women.

He also complained, saying that Lin Fan broke through and evaporated all the zombies in a radius of ten kilometers, resulting in them having no place to kill zombies, and Lin Fan also specially compensated those women for five Source Power Pills each.

That’s equivalent to killing 600 zombies! But carefully calculated, it is indeed similar, killing zombies can improve strength, but also get military merit, these two combined, it is almost worth 5 source power pills.

Yesterday it was said that it increased by four or five thousand people, and today she herself brought it back to close to six thousand, and counting others, the population of the city of judgment exploded!

The more prosperous the City of Ruling, the happier Lin Fan would be, and likewise, the happier Wang Ziwen would be in her heart.

But looking at so many women in front of you, it’s good that there are many women, but how to bring it back?

A total of 41 of them, escorting nearly 6,000 people back, even if they were dreaming!

After thinking for a while, Wang Ziwen raised her hand and pressed her fingers silently on the watch.

Since things can’t be solved, then call people!

PS: This is the one after the previous 275, yesterday the brain was not clear and sent wrong, directly sent 277, if not looking at the comment area I don’t know, sorry, you can take a look again.

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