Chapter 277 Summer, sunshine, pool, this is life

Villa No. 1 in the world’s high-end villa area.

The maids were cleaning the villa, and Lin Fan ran to the outdoor pool, wearing sunglasses, shirtless, wearing big pants and lying on a chair, with a sun umbrella next to him, and several beautiful maids in bikinis stood next to him, holding fruits and various cold drinks in their hands.

Drinking a sip of ice cola, eating a mouthful of fruit, enjoying the beautiful sunbathing, touching the beautiful hoof here, pinching the magnesium butt over there, Lin Fan feels very good, this is called life!

The water that had been deteriorated for nearly two months in the pool had been cleaned and replaced with fresh and clean water, sparkling, and a few maids were playing in the water, splashing pieces of water.

Normally, these maids don’t dare to be so presumptuous, but Lin Fan wants to see ah, there are no girls playing in the pool to do in the pool?

waved his hand, signaled Shao Mingxue to take the cold drink away, Lin Fan smacked, put the big umbrella on his body straight, although the bikini is good, but the summer is more hot, he still goes to the water to swim twice is better.

“Ming Xue, accompany me to swim, I can’t swim, you teach me.”

Shao Mingxue put down the cold drink, a few dazed and panicked flashed on the face of the fan, and the whole person was not good….

Teach swimming? She… She won’t!

But Lin Fan asked, how could she do it?

What an opportunity! Just because she can’t swim, she is going to miss it! This also hurts too much!

Tangled in her heart, she definitely didn’t dare to deceive Lin Fan, this water will show the stuffing, won’t it be finished by then?

After walking two steps and finding that there was no sound behind him, Lin Fan turned his head in puzzlement, looking at Shao Mingxue’s face turning from pink to white, Lin Fan asked, “Why don’t you go?” ”

“Lord…. Lord, I… I can’t swim, I can’t teach you…” Shao Mingxue stiffened her head and whispered intermittently, not to mention how unwilling.

Raised his eyebrows, Lin Fan said in his heart, that’s it? Is this a problem?

“It’s okay, you won’t teach you by me.”

“Huh?” Shao Mingxue was dumbfounded, looking at Lin Fan blankly, wouldn’t you?

But immediately Shao Mingxue reacted, is this something special? Her brain let the donkey kick today, the reaction was so strange!

“Oooo Lord, when I come, you must teach me well, your subordinates are stupid, inflexible, and afraid of being flooded, you must hold me tight. Shao Mingxue trotted to Lin Fan’s side, and she was almost jumping up with excitement.

Hehe, Lin Fan smiled in his heart, this girl is still more good.

“Don’t worry, I definitely won’t let you go, it’s okay to be stupid, just study hard, let’s…”

Before Lin Fan finished speaking, a message popped up from the watch on his arm, and looking at the incoming call on the watch, Lin Fan’s face instantly shrugged.

Answering the phone casually, Lin Fan said with a lack of interest: “Ziwen, do you have something?” Or are you having some problems there? ”

Inside the subway station, listening to Lin Fan’s voice from the watch, Wang Ziwen applied for a shock, and even stood up a little straighter, and the dozens of female warriors next to her looked at Wang Ziwen with envy.

They also have watches on their arms, but they don’t have permission to contact Lin Fan at all, unlike Wang Ziwen, who lives with Lin Fan, although it is not a high-level, but the permission for watches in this regard has been opened.

“Lord, can you come to the Middle Dongfeng Road subway station? I have encountered some trouble on my side, there are some survivors here that I can’t bring back, the number is a bit large, and there may be a lot of casualties when escorted back. ”

Next to the pool, listening to the sound coming from the watch, Lin Fan was a little depressed, he just wanted to play with the maids in the water, this was interrupted, but Wang Ziwen here is a small matter, and he can come back in minutes.

Wang Ziwen is not Zhao Wanqing, and she does not have special abilities, and she wants to escort hundreds of survivors back safe and sound, which is no longer a question of difficulty, but impossible.

With 41 people, it is inevitable that there will be places that cannot be protected, and in this case, he still has to go.

“Okay, you stand still, I’ll go right away.”

After ending the call with Wang Ziwen, looking at Shao Mingxue who was disappointed beside her, Lin Fan slapped her backhand on the magnesium butt, and Shao Mingxue screamed, and jumped two steps away with a face.

“Wait for me obediently, I’ll be back in five minutes.”

After speaking, and ignoring Shao Mingxue, who was dizzy on his face and was hungry and happy, Lin Fan wore big pants and walked through the spatial passage and came to Wang Ziwen’s side.

Coming out of the spatial passage, Lin Fan subconsciously glanced at it, and then he was shocked.

As far as the eye can see, the subway station is densely packed with women’s figures, where is the number of hundreds and thousands, there must be thousands! Lin Fan was shocked!

What kind of luck is Wang Ziwen? Unexpectedly copied such a big force, judging from these women, the population of this force is at least 15,000 or more!

Normal forces, men are generally more than women, Lin Fan could not have imagined that Wu Zhihao is a ruthless madman, disobedient directly feed zombies.

Lin Fan was shocked by so many women, and the women in the subway station were also stunned by Lin Fan’s shape, with well-proportioned upper body muscles, and the ape arm bear waist looked full of explosive power, especially the big pants, the old height of the umbrella branch, obviously exceeded the standard a lot.

However, these women were almost numb to men, but they were still shocked when they saw Lin Fan so big, but Wang Ziwen and the female warriors were different.

That eye couldn’t be moved away from Lin Fan like a magnet, Lin Fan was even woken up by the sound of swallowing saliva, and then he saw the wolf-like gazes of the female warriors, and instantly felt a little cold.

Should I cover it? Lin Fan had this idea in his head, and in the end he didn’t put it into action, just look at it, are the big men still afraid to see it?

Everyone on Wang Ziwen’s side looked stupid, this was the first time she saw Lin Fan’s figure, as well as the big umbrella, her eyes were dull, and she only had one thought in her mind.

So big!

Looking at the thousands of women in front of him, Lin Fan put away the surprise in his eyes and asked, “How many people are these?” You’re so lucky, aren’t you? ”

Wang Ziwen came back to her senses, quickly explained what happened before, and after speaking, pointed to these women and said: “Lord, there are a total of 5791 people here. ”

5791 people? Lin Fan was surprised in his heart, this number is really too much, close to six thousand! As for the people Wang Ziwen said about ambushing them, Lin Fan was not interested.

A group of native chickens and dogs, not worth mentioning!

It was Wang Ziwen’s strength that made Lin Fan look at it twice.

Character: Wang Ziwen

Power: 42

Agility: 41

Intelligence: 22

Physique: 44

Realm: Condensation Realm

Unconsciously, Wang Ziwen broke through the Condensation Realm, vaguely remembering that when she first met this woman, she was still an unlucky child who was interrupted by a gun.

“You guys did a very good job today, all rewarded, Wang Ziwen commanded meritorious officers to be promoted to one level, promoted to Lv4 squadron leader, and rewarded with a bottle of source force crystal, I can also make an exception to reward you with a small condition, Ning Yuzhen performed prominently, promoted to Lv3 team leader, reward a bottle of source force crystal, the rest of the team members also performed well, each rewarded five bottles of source force pill for encouragement.”

The City of Ruling suddenly increased its population to nearly six thousand, and Lin Fan was very happy in his heart, the City of Ruling was now short of people! There is a shortage of people!

“Your merits will be announced to the City of Ruling later, so that everyone knows about your efforts.”

Hearing Lin Fan’s reward, all the female warriors, including Wang Ziwen, were overjoyed, one by one, they were excited, and their worst also had five Origin Power Pills! After eating, their strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds, even if they break through the 30-point mark, it will be almost the same!

As for Wang Ziwen and Ning Yuzhen, they were even more surprised, a bottle of source power crystallization! Ning Yuzhen didn’t know how long she had to save to redeem a bottle, and the position of the squad leader was also unattainable, the city of judgment now had nearly 20,000 combatable soldiers, but the number of squad leaders was only over a hundred!

The power of the squad leader is very big in the current ruling city!

It’s just that the best reward is Wang Ziwen, the official is promoted to one level, a bottle of source power crystallization, and most importantly, there is a small request promised by Lin Fan!

“Thank the Lord for the reward!”

Wang Ziwen took the lead and half-knelt on the ground to salute, and the 41 cheers were connected, crisp and loud.

With a wave of his hand, he lifted Wang Ziwen and the others up.

“Yuan Li Dan these rewards, after you go back, go to the military merit office to collect them, as well as their respective badges, as for Wang Ziwen, do you have any requirements?” It can be mentioned that as long as it is not too excessive, I can drown up, if I don’t think about it, you can also wait and say, I can write it down for you. ”

Wang Ziwen stood up, her eyes didn’t know where to put it, looking at Lin Fan’s eyes, she was flustered, she looked down, the umbrella was too big, and her heart beat faster.

Looking around, Wang Ziwen did have an idea in her heart, when she killed the zombies today, she tied her hands and feet, for fear that the blood of the zombies would stain her body.

The white combat uniform looks good, but it is too easy to get dirty!

“Lord, can you think of a way to add some small functions to the combat uniform, that is, it can automatically remove dust, waterproof and bloodproof? When I killed zombies today, I was hiding from the blood of zombies, and I was very distressed. ”

Hearing Wang Ziwen’s words, Lin Fan turned his head to look at the group of female warriors next to him, compared with Wang Ziwen, the blood on his body was indeed splattered a lot, which greatly affected his perception.

“Well, after I go back, I want to think, there is nothing else, I will bring these women back first.”

Turning his gaze to the women behind the female warriors, Lin Fan waved his hand casually, the space door opened, pointing to the space door, Lin Fan said: “Let’s all go in, the other end of the passage is a new life.” ”

The women were already numb, and in the face of Lin Fan’s orders, none of them refused, after all, in addition to death, they did not feel that there was an environment worse than those they had experienced.

Watching the women obediently enter the space door, Lin Fan was very satisfied, and it was not until the last woman entered that Lin Fan closed the space door.

“You guys keep up the good work, I’ll go back first.”

After ordering the female warriors, Lin Fan turned his head and opened the space door and plunged in.

There is also a delicious girl waiting for him on the other side of the pool, saying that five minutes have passed, and more than ten minutes have passed.

Watching Lin Fan leave, Wang Ziwen and the others half-knelt on the ground.

“Congratulations to the Lord!”

PS: Thank you brothers for your support, the weather is cold, everyone pay attention to the cold and keep warm.

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