Chapter 278 Pool frolic, equipped with enchantment instruments

After solving the matter on Wang Ziwen’s side, Lin Fan returned to the villa in his big pants, next to the pool, Shao Mingxue was still waiting with his eyes open, and the look of longing for it, Lin Fan was going to smile.

Shao Mingxue really waited very anxiously, Lin Fan said that it was five minutes, but it turned out that it was more than three or five minutes, and she didn’t know what to do.

She knew that Lin Fan had a lot of things going on as the lord of the City of Judgment, and if she encountered any trouble, it was possible that she would come back in the evening, but she was unwilling, and she did not dare to leave the pool and return to the villa.

She is a little maid, don’t say five minutes, she has to wait for five hours, otherwise as a maid, she can’t even make the Lord happy, so what’s the use of her?

Even if she waited for five hours, when Lin Fan came back, he smiled at her with satisfaction, and she was satisfied, not seeking satisfaction, but begging that she had done nothing wrong.

Now seeing Lin Fan returning, Shao Mingxue couldn’t mention how excited, the delicate earlobes were all pale, like transparent otter gems in the sun.

In Shao Mingxue’s excited gaze, Lin Fan came to him with a few big strides, stopped her and picked her up, and in the scream, Lin Fan jumped directly into the pool, and the splash made the eyes of several other maids in the pool unable to open, and they were washed out by the water wave for a few meters.

“Wuhu…. Hahaha. ”

In the huge pool, Lin Fan’s laughter was everywhere, and under the transparent water, Lin Fan’s hand kept patronizing Shao Mingxue and several people, bringing a laugh.

Happy times always pass quickly, and before you know it, it’s getting dark.

“Lord, wake up, we should go back.”

Opening his eyes, Lin Fan looked at the sun that had tilted to the west, yawned, and rubbed his head on Shao Mingxue’s two big pigs, and then reluctantly got up from the recliner.

In the afternoon, I had a lot of fun, tired Lin Fan lay on Shao Mingxue and enjoyed the sunlight and slept in a daze, the meat pad was very comfortable, and the pillow was also great, especially the underwater play, it was a pity that Shao Mingxue’s lung capacity was too low, and it didn’t take long to surface for ventilation, which also extended the playing time to two hours.

In general, Shao Mingxue’s swimming skills are indeed very bad, and he learns very slowly, and he probably has to work hard to learn it for a while in the future.

Pulling up Shao Mingxue, who had been lying for a long time and feeling a little numb, looking at her beautiful face that had never subsided, Lin Fan took out a bottle of Source Power Dan in the space and handed it to her, “Have you eaten this Source Force Dan, your physique is too bad, this can be regarded as today’s reward.” ”

Shao Mingxue knows her own family affairs, she is an ordinary woman, she was used by Lin Fan as a pillow meat cushion for half an afternoon, people are almost wasted, even if they are uncomfortable, they dare not move, for fear of disturbing Lin Fan’s sleep, although it was very comfortable at the beginning, but it became tormented later.

Taking the porcelain bottle handed over by Lin Fan, Shao Mingxue lowered his head with a face and said softly, “Didn’t the Lord already reward it in the afternoon?” ”

Lin Fan’s heart jumped, remembering the frolic in the pool, pinched her face, and said dissatisfied: “Give me less to play hearse drift, just your dish technique, a full two hours, if it is not the first time to play in the pool, I will definitely let you stay where it is cool, you give me a good practice, and then the dish will not take you to play.” ”

Holding the porcelain bottle in his hand, Shao Mingxue looked up and wanted to say something, but seeing Lin Fan’s eyes, he quickly lowered his head again, and the morale that dared to bulge up was instantly gone.

“Lord, there is no goal, how can I practice alone…. You can’t be so embarrassed. ”

“The method is figured out by people, and if there is no goal, you will not look for the goal? Do you know if I put my goals in front of you? ”

Shao Mingxue instantly realized, expecting Ai Ai to look at Lin Fan, and twisted: “Then the lord should not be angry.” ”

“Don’t just be blind.”

Turning his head and walking into the villa, Lin Fan’s voice came from afar.

“Come and bathe me.”

Shao Mingxue’s eyes lit up, isn’t the goal coming!

“Come, Lord, subordinates will come immediately!”


Walking out of the bathroom, Lin Fan stretched his muscles and refreshed, and the two maids beside him came up with clothes.

The two maids’ clothes were half-dressed, and after cleaning up a little, Shao Mingxue, who had already changed into a maid’s outfit, also walked out, and compared with before, Xiao Mingxue looked a little swollen.

“Lord, do you need subordinates?”

Waving his hand, Lin Fan said, “Go downstairs and wait in the living room.” ”

Dressed neatly, Lin Fan walked downstairs, and Lin Youyou in the living room had already rushed back one after another, pulled Lin Youyou, Lin Fan sat down on the sofa, and told her some things she thought about when she rested this afternoon.

In fact, it is not a big deal, it is the problem of the combat uniform that Wang Ziwen said, the white combat uniform is indeed good-looking, and it is pleasing to the eye when you look at it, but what the female warriors do is not a clean job, and the blood splashed by killing zombies is easy to stain the combat uniform, so he found the system to communicate.

Listening to Lin Fan talk about the problem of combat uniforms, Lin You rubbed her head, she also found this problem, but there is no good solution, only let the female soldiers wash themselves, anyway, it is summer, and it will dry overnight.

“Lord, do you have any good solutions?”

(Continue to change back to the Lord, the title of Brother Fan is too awkward, I write my own, how to say how to say, if I feel dissatisfied, change a copy, go to find my own satisfactory reading, there are so many Feilu novels, and there is no shortage of my one, readers who should leave can’t stay.) )

Lin Youyou herself has no way, she doesn’t have a system, let her deal with internal affairs, this kind of difficult thing, she can’t get it, at most to send two sets to the female soldiers, change and wash every day, otherwise let the female soldiers hide some zombie blood, but this is obviously impossible.

If all female warriors kill zombies carefully and avoid dirty blood, then don’t kill zombies, dance on the street every day.

Lin Fan naturally has a way, he has already said hello to the system in the afternoon, he now has extra confidence in his heart, and this new thing is still very interesting.

“System, exchange it for equipment enchantment for me.”

“Ding! After deducting 500,000 points, the equipment enchantment instrument has been redeemed and has been sent to your personal space, please pay attention to check! ”

Instantly 500,000 points are gone, don’t look at this equipment enchantment instrument expensive, but expensive reason, this thing can enchant equipment, add additional effects, such as fireproof, waterproof, dustproof, dirt, and what to increase the defense of this series of functions, but only limited to clothing, excluding weapons.

The weapon enchantment instrument was more expensive, but Lin Fan felt that there was no need to buy that thing, and the Tang Dao with a unified system was already very powerful, and there was no need to strengthen it again.

With a wave of his hand, a half-human-tall, two-meter-long black instrument appeared in the living room, Lin Fan handed the instruction manual to Lin Youyou, “This thing is called equipping the enchantment instrument, put the clothes in, and after taking it out, there are the most basic fireproof, waterproof and dustproof functions, that is to say, the dirty blood of zombies is no longer a problem.” ”

“Waterproof and dustproof these are the most basic functions, and then increase the defense according to the level, and at the same time add a buff that automatically recovers from wear and tear to the clothes, these additional abilities, in terms of defense, the higher the level, the stronger the defense, and the more energy is consumed.”

“From low to high, there are a total of seven levels, probably the sword is difficult to hurt behind, just by clothes can ignore the explosive destructive power of some missiles, but this kind of defense I feel has no effect on you, with your strength, you will not be afraid of missiles.”

Strange eyes looking at the black instrument in front of him, Lin Youyou’s face was full of curiosity, adding additional special effects to his clothes? It sounds a little interesting, like playing an online game, but it can solve the current troubles, and she doesn’t care much about the rest.

Seeing that Lin Youyou had focused his attention on equipping the enchantment instrument, Lin Fan smiled mysteriously, “In addition to this, there is another thing I want to give you, not only Yoyo, all of you have a share.” ”

Just at this time, the gate of the villa opened, Zhao Wanqing walked in, heard Lin Fan’s words, walked a few steps quickly, and looked at Lin Fan curiously, “Lord, what do we all have a share?” ”

Lin Fan raised his arm, raised his clenched fist in front of Lin Youyou, and under the curious gaze of all the women, asked, “Yoyo, guess what is here?” ”

Lin Youyou’s question mark, what can be hidden in his hand? And looking at Lin Fan’s clenched fist like this, the things in his hand were definitely not big.

With a jump in her heart, Lin Youyou’s eyes flashed with surprise, but she didn’t dare to speak, her face was hesitant, the answer she thought of did not dare to say, if it was not, then Lin Fan’s side would be too embarrassed, disappointed she would be a little, but compared to this, he was more worried that Lin Fan would be embarrassed.

“This…. I… I guess not….”

Lin Youyou thought about it, or shook off the thought in his heart, the smartest answer at this time is not to know, let Lin Fan reveal it himself.

It’s just that Lin Youyou’s idea is very clever, and halfway through the words, he was blocked by Lin Fan with his fingers.

“Be bold and say it, don’t try, how do you know you’re wrong?”

After getting along with Lin Youyou for so long, how many sweat hairs there were on her body, Lin Fan could count clearly, and seeing the surprise flashing in Lin Youyou’s eyes, he probably knew what Lin Youyou thought.

In fact, he also has this meaning, anyway, now there is no law that stipulates how many daughters-in-law, he wants to give as many women as he wants, he will give as many women!

Lin Youyou’s eyes flashed with excitement, his eyes were terrifying, and tears came out.

“Yes… Be… Is it a ring? ”

Lin Youyou asked this sentence with difficulty, the whole heart was mentioned in the eyes of the throat, every woman’s obsession with the ring is unusually deep, especially the wedding ring, Lin Fan has never said it before, she has never thought about it, after all, Mi Li has been calling the Lord, and she does not dare to look at that side.

Now that Lin Fan suddenly made this hand, she couldn’t help it.

Pinching Lin Youyou’s chin and kissing her Xiao Xiaoyou, Lin Fan smiled and said, “It’s really clever, for the sake of your correct answer, there will be a reward tonight!” ”

Lin You was crying with joy, but when he heard Lin Fan’s words, he couldn’t help but glance at Lin Fan, and no matter how heavy his life was, he would be gone.

In the nervous expectant gazes of the women, Lin Fan spread out his fingers, and a diamond ring that exuded a faint light lay in his palm.

Pulling up Lin Youyou’s slender little hand, Lin Fan personally put the ring on Lin Youyou, and then took it to the edge and kissed it.

“This ring is even my answer to you, in addition to the symbol of the wedding ring, this is still a space ring, and there is a space of 3*3*3 size inside.”

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