Chapter 279 is not good to clean you up today, I wrote this Lin character upside down!

This space ring, Lin Fan failed many times, played in the pool for a while today, and after going ashore, he held Shao Mingxue’s pillow and planned to sleep, but he had a whim.

Sage Time to make a space ring, will there be an extra gain? After all, men’s sage time is very wonderful, which can make men highly concentrated, and work efficiently with half the effort, Lin Fan wants to try.

And then…. After damaging the two rings, it was so natural and logical!

At the beginning, it was only 2*2*2 in size, Lin Fan worked hard for half a day, and he barely got 3*3*3, but he was also satisfied, the space of 3*3*3 is not small, and it can hold a lot of things.

Covering the diamond ring on her ring finger, Lin Youyou was already speechless with excitement, what she cared about was not the diamond ring, but Lin Fan’s intention, even if it was not a diamond ring, just a platinum ring or silver ring, even if it was made of straw, as long as it was given to her by Lin Fan, she would regard it as a treasure!

Looking at Lin Youyou’s excited appearance, Lin Fan hugged her into his arms and carefully comforted her, to be honest, he didn’t expect a ring, Lin Youyou could be excited and couldn’t even speak, during this time, the hardest thing in the city of judgment was Lin Youyou.

Without Lin Youyou, the City of Ruling would not have the scale and order it has now.

The woman is actually very strange, now quiet like a kitten, the next second wild like a female leopard, female lion.

Inexplicably, he was grabbed by the neckline, Lin Fan didn’t understand what Lin Youyou wanted to do, he saw Lin Youyou’s face full of stunned, and Lin Youyou has been getting along for so long, Lin Youyou has always been passive, he has never been so wild at all, this is the first time he has been counterattacked head-on.

Being held fiercely, Lin Fan was never afraid, and in the end, Lin You was short of breath and took the initiative to separate.

“Lord, I really love you, I am willing to do anything for you, I used to feel very tired, but now I feel full of energy, I think I can still stay up all night without stopping today!”

Lin Fan: …

Looking at Lin Youyou’s current state of excitement, Lin Fan felt, isn’t this too much? This medicinal effect is also too fierce, how virtuous is the main palace lady, how can it be like a fierce horse that has not yet been tamed?

Seeing that Lin Youyou was about to get up, Lin Fan quickly held her down, good guy, I want to continue to be busy when I don’t eat food, I really have you.

“You treat me honestly, see how I clean you up tonight!”

Pressed on the sofa by Lin Fan, Lin Youyou looked at Lin Fan with his neck twisted, “Look how I clean you up tonight!” ”

Lin Fan: …

I’ll let you come down tomorrow, I’ll take your last name!”

Turning his head to look at Zhao Wanqing, Zhao Yanyan and the others, in their expectant gazes, Lin Fan took out the second ring, and then put it on Zhao Wanqing.

Grabbed by the collar by the women one by one, Lin Fan felt that if he came down tonight, this dress was afraid to be scrapped, but the funny thing was that Su Xiaoluo was too short to be strong at all, and he kept bouncing around, almost making Lin Fan laugh.

Su Xiaoluo, who was holding her feet on the ground, kissed her fiercely, and finally Lin Fan held her and sat on the sofa, looking at the women around her, Lin Fan said: “This ring you need to imprint your spirit on it, that is, the so-called confession of the Lord, when the time comes, you want to use spiritual power to control, it is very convenient.” ”

Lin Youyou heard this, tried to do it, and sure enough found that there was a 3*3*3 size space in the ring, his eyes looked at the equipment enchantment instrument next to him, his mind moved, the equipment enchantment instrument disappeared, and when Lin Youyou looked again, it was already placed in the space ring.

All the women tried it, and then they saw that the things in the living room disappeared from time to time and then appeared again, having fun, making Ye Ruolan, Wang Ziwen and others envious.

Diamond rings, they also want, not only want this, but also want to climb into the master bedroom.

When the enthusiasm of the women subsided a little, dinner had been prepared, and after eating, Lin Fan checked the people Lin Youyou selected from the female warriors, and his heart was very relieved.

The female warriors did reassure her that in terms of faith values, they were all full value, and I don’t know how many times better than the maids, in this case, Lin Fan was more at ease in imparting special abilities.

Lin Youyou picked out a total of 200 women, in terms of posture, figure or completeness, Lin Fan is very relieved, the base is large, or the first time women, naturally also increased, especially in girls’ schools, these places without men, most of them are still the first time, and they are very beautiful.

Unlike Wu Jingjing and Wang Dan, these female warriors need to go out to fight, and it is not advisable to pull out seedlings and help them, Lin Fan did not do this kind of killing chickens and eggs, but spent 1,000 points to directly teach the power, level Lv1, this kind of can be advanced and grow.

From today onwards, these women will also be eliminated from the ranks of female warriors, belonging to the Wood God Temple, and there will definitely be Earth God Temple and Water God Temple in the future, these women, including Wu Jingjing and those women, the status is all divine envoys, simply put, the harem reserve, the divine envoys worship the gods, this is normal, right?

If Lin Fan is idle one day, he can go around twice and try some new dishes by the way.

After the teaching of the power, the 200,000 points were gone, but now the 200,000 points were really drizzle for Lin Fan.

“System, open Personal Properties.”

Character: Lin Fan

Power: 492

Agile: 490

Intelligence: 550

Physique: 575

Points: 191,9511

Abilities: [Magnetic Field Control Lv9 (127,1031/1000W)], [Lightning Control Lv8 (39,2009/100W)], [Wood Element Control Lv8 (10/100W)], [Earth Element Control Lv8 (16592/100W)], [Demon Cat Lv7 (90090/10w)], [Space Energy Lv7 (79101/100W)], [Water Element Control Lv7 (10121/10w)], [ Gold Element Control Lv7 (10091/10w)], [Time Control Lv6 (9210/10w)], [Soul Power Lv1 (50/100)], [Mind Reading]

In one day, the wood element energy was promoted to Lv8, and the water element and gold element energy were finally promoted to Lv7, and the strength skyrocketed, and the points did not have to worry.

The equipment enchanter just now cost 500,000 points, and just imparted the power and spent another 200,000 points, but compared with the previous 168w points, it did not fall but rose!

The investment in the early stage has paid off, and the nearly 20,000 female warriors who were completely scattered out have a terrifying lethality, and in just one day, they have skyrocketed by nearly 800,000 points, plus Zhao Wanqing, Lin Youyou, these big points brushers, today in one day, they have earned more than 900,000 points!

And in the process of killing zombies in the past two days, each team has brought back a lot of women, and when they are screened out tomorrow and scattered, the points are likely to directly exceed one million!

The remaining zombies on the second wall are estimated to be completely cleaned up in less than three days! At that time, Lin Fan didn’t dare to imagine what kind of number his points would skyrocket!

There were too many points, and Lin Fan didn’t know what to spend now.

Dismissed 200 excited women, Lin Fan took Lin Youyou back to the living room, originally Lin Fan felt that this big night, there was no entertainment, it was better to rest early, after all, some people dared to provoke, he should not fight, didn’t it seem that he couldn’t do it?

The reason why he didn’t go back to the master bedroom directly was because Zhao Wanqing had a statistical report to report here, and this kind of big thing was still worth his stop.

Zhao Wanqing’s intelligence department has developed very smoothly, counting the population of the city of rulings and other aspects, doing very well, reducing some of the pressure on Lin Youyou’s side, and when the Ministry of the Interior grows up, Lin Youyou can completely relax.

Holding Lin Youyou in his arms, Lin Fan has no other purpose, that is, simply don’t want to run tonight, Lin Youyou has no intention of running, but looks full of fighting spirit.

Looking at Lin Fan and Lin Youyou, who were frantically stuffing dog food, Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes, picked up the document and reported: “According to the latest statistical results, the total population of the City of Adjudication is currently 43,913, an increase of 12,951 over yesterday, of which the number of female warriors totals 25,113, and the rest are maids or other high-level personnel. ”

The population directly surged to close to 4.4w people, Lin Fan was stunned, today brought back 12951 women? But after thinking about it, Wang Ziwen brought back nearly half of it herself, and the rest was spread evenly among Zhao Wanqing and them, which was about the same.

The biggest head was still on Wang Ziwen’s side, and Lin Fan estimated that when the second city wall was completely cleared, the population of the city of ruling could exceed the 100,000 mark!

1600 square kilometers, such a large place, only 100,000 people, is indeed a bit empty.

“The number of female warriors, it is estimated that Tang Dao should not be enough, right? I am optimistic that many female warrior combat uniforms are not popularized, the garment factory can add another group of people, and there are more people, there are not many entertainment facilities, tomorrow I will find a way to restore the network or something, at least so that women have TV to watch. ”

As the helmsman of the City of Judgment, Lin Fan did not do anything, although the status of the women was low, they could not help but treat them as people, completely as cattle, without the slightest entertainment, there were no men, this group of women would go crazy sooner or later.

Spending 600,000 points to exchange for 30,000 units each of Tang Dao and counter, Lin Fan directly threw it into the underground garage, so many things, it was too much space to be thrown directly in the living room.

The reason why there is so much exchange is because the survivors will be collected in the next few days, and the province will exchange every day, anyway, now there are many points, which is completely worthwhile.

The 600,000 points spent will almost be earned back tomorrow in half a day, and the strength of the female warriors is improving, and the more they improve, the faster they will kill zombies.

Not to mention the addition of thousands of female warriors, it is likely to exceed 600,000 points in half a day, which is the return brought by the initial investment!

“Counting these newly added female warriors, it is really not enough, and there are many missing watches.” As Lin Youyou, who is in charge of the internal affairs of the ruling city, she is still very clear about materials.

“That’s okay, it’s enough now, we have 30,000 units in the underground garage, at least for a short time.” Shrugged, after saying this, Lin Fan stood up, directly carried Lin Youyou on his shoulder, turned his head and walked towards the master bedroom on the third floor.

“I don’t clean you up today, you don’t know how many eyes Yan Wang Ye has, tomorrow I will be able to let you go to the ground, I will write this forest character backwards!”

On the sofa, caught off guard to see Lin Fan so wild, Zhao Wanqing and the others glanced at each other, all stupid.

It’s not nine o’clock!

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