Chapter 280 Spring breeze blowing, war drums beating, who am I Lin Fan afraid of?

The spring breeze is blowing, the war drums are beating, who am I Lin Fan afraid of at night?

This night, Lin Fan did not let Lin You stop, in exchange for the end of the day, there were indeed tired cattle that did not plow the land, but now it is different.

Early the next morning, Lin Youyou didn’t even get up to eat breakfast, Lin Fan pushed her a few times, only heard humming, no one moved, looked carefully, did not wake up at all.

Seeing this situation, Lin Fan smiled disdainfully, and did not weigh how many pounds and taels he had, he wanted to fight with him, it was simply looking for death!

In the rare salted fish time, Lin Fan ate a little bite, Zhao Wanqing and they went out to kill zombies, Lin Fan answered the master bedroom, holding Lin You to sleep back to the cage.

Lin Fan’s salted fish, the city of judgment is like a clockwork machine, running in an orderly manner, because Lin Youyou is physically ill today and can’t handle internal affairs, Zhao Wanqing was driven to the shelves, and after dealing with the mess left by Lin Youyou, he ran out to kill the zombies.

Lin Youyou slept until noon, and when he woke up, everyone was dumbfounded, and his cute appearance made Lin Fan laugh.

After knowing that it was almost one o’clock at noon, Lin Youyou wanted to jump up directly, but overestimated his situation, almost folded his waist, and finally could only honestly collapse in Lin Fan’s arms.

Looking at Lin Youyou’s resentful eyes, Lin Fan tickled her nose and asked, “Do you still dare?” ”

Lin Youyou wanted to be tough, but after considering Lin Fan’s strength and comparing his own strength, Lin Youyou felt that it was more important to have a small life.

In the afternoon, Lin Youyou was recuperating in the master bedroom, and Lin Fan came to the outside of the villa.

Yesterday he thought about it, to restore the network signal in the inner city, at least he can watch TV and so on, right?

Lin Fan flipped through the system mall, did not find what he wanted, and simply asked the system directly.

“System, is there any satellite or the like, restore the signal problem of the city of ruling, there can always be no electricity but lighting, how boring it is.”

“Lord, the system mall has the ‘Eye of God’ satellite, this satellite has a service life of up to a thousand years, light energy power generation, its own material can be unscathed in the core of the nuclear explosion, the ‘Eye of God’ satellite has a variety of functions, the most basic is to provide network signals, as long as it is a TV series, movies and other things that have appeared on the earth, the ‘Eye of God’ can analyze and include it.”

“‘God’s Eye’ only serves the lord’s own forces, whether it is in the magic capital or other cities to establish a base, ‘God’s eye’ can restore the signal problem in that area in a targeted manner, this is the most basic civilian version, the price: 100,000 points.”

Listening to the system’s words, Lin Fan knew that there must be some big move to be put behind, and sure enough, without waiting for Lin Fan to ask, the system sent a prompt sound again.

“The second is the war version, the ‘Eye of God’ can launch the dark matter destruction cannon, pointing where to hit, according to different targets, different instructions, can adjust the intensity of destruction, the minimum can accurately kill an ant on the ground, the highest can destroy the earth, the price: 100 million points.”

Lin Fan: …

What about you Nima?

100 million points, you dare to say!

However, the maximum output can destroy the star with one hit, which seems to be really awesome! Although he doesn’t need it.

Just kidding, the earth exploded, where did he go? Traveling the universe? Or be an intergalactic invader? I don’t know if there is an alien life planet other than Earth, if not, it will be gg.

For the war version, although Lin Fan really wants to exchange one, but the 100 million points Lin Fan can only choose to give up, your sister’s 100 million points!

Lin Fan, who had just floated for a long time, immediately felt his poverty!

But think about it, 7 billion people in the world, even if one in seventy survives, there are 6.9 billion zombies in the world, even if the major empires kill some of them, at least 3 billion, right?

3 billion points is enough for him to buy 30 war versions of ‘God’s Eye’, and when the time comes, it is not impossible to buy one to play, just rush the destructive power of that star destroyer level, Lin Fan feels that it is necessary to buy one.

In a bad mood, come to Mars, or to the sun …. Forget about the sun, this really can’t be beaten.

“System, exchange me for a civilian version of the ‘Eye of God’, this thing doesn’t require me to get a rocket to launch it into outer space, right?”

“Lord, after the ‘Eye of God’ exchange is completed, it will appear in outer space, and then launch a series of functions, all films, anime, TV series, variety shows and even short videos around the world, the City of Judgment can be received, including some Neon Empire **** educational films, as well as the Lord’s favorite ****, ***** Lifan.”

Lin Fan:…….

Can you close your mind? You don’t talk and no one treats you for a dumb, all you say is a bunch of asterisks, who knows what unhealthy thing you are talking about?

As a man with a big harem, Lin Fan is very disdainful of these things, joking, is he someone who can look at that kind of thing?

“System, where to find this thing? Or how to play? ”


Listening to the blind voice of the system, Lin Fan coughed twice, “It’s okay, I’ll just ask, exchange it.” ”

“Ding! After deducting 100,000 points, the civilian version of ‘God’s Eye’ has been released into outer space and is now being activated, and it is expected that the network signal in the inner area of the City of Adjudication will be restored in ten seconds. ”

“Tips, you only need to search for it to watch normally, no need to go over the wall, no need to download, and there will be no mosaic, I wish you a happy life.”

Nima, this system is so intimate.

After releasing the ‘Eye of God’ satellite, Lin Fan wanted to go back to the villa’s theater to take a good look, but after taking two steps, Lin Fan stopped.

He doesn’t seem to need to see those now, he is now a lord, he doesn’t know how many good horses under his hands, if you want, you can change the different ones every day, it seems that there is really no need to see those, at most it’s just some feelings, right?

Thinking about it like this, Lin Fan was a little interested, and then he asked Shao Mingxue to go to the theater to watch an anime movie together, and watch and learn well.

The main thing is to let Shao Mingxue look good and study hard, don’t be like a little stupid cat all day, nothing will happen.

Lin Fan’s side was very moist, and the female warriors cleaned up the zombies very quickly, and Lin Youyou did not get up after all this day, and paid a heavy price for her provocative behavior.

Time passed day by day, and as Lin Fan thought, as the number of female warriors increased, by the afternoon of the third day, the inside of the second city wall had been thoroughly cleaned up.

Within 1600 square kilometers, there is no zombie, Lin Fan has been at home as a salted fish for the past three days, swimming every day, singing a song, watching a movie, or playing a game with the maids that will lose and take off his clothes, in short, life is quite moist.

However, this nourishing life also ended on the third day.

The City of Judgment is about to continue to expand!

And this expansion, Lin Fan has already planned, with the G1503 highway as the boundary, shrouding the entire magic city, this range will have become a ruined magic capital warlord Liu family is also included, as long as the zombies within the G1503 highway are cleaned up, the magic city can be said to be taken!

Taking the magic capital is only the first step, and then it is to expand to these places in Su City.

Lin Fan planned to speed up his pace, now there were still seven days before he woke up, it was a whole month, Lin Fan planned to take the magic capital within this month, and at the same time completely stabilize the area of the magic capital!

At that time, he will leave the magic capital and go to other cities to develop.

In fact, there are many choices, even if he does not go to other cities, Lin Fan can also come over and go to places such as the Stick Country and the Neon Empire, what the Eastern Empire did not do decades ago, he can do now!

Lin Fan still remembered, then what Emperor Tokunomiya Masahito didn’t still recruit him as a princess’s colt? It’s called a horse, right?

There is no need for this old deflated calf trick, he himself went to rob it, do you need to be canonized?

And that big stick empire, really the whole universe belongs to your family, Lin Fan can’t remember when there was an ‘excellent’ bloodline of the big stick country, and it all evaporated for him in the past, completely extincting your excellent bloodline!

By the way, there is also the Three Empires, your special Tiantian world’s number one power, to die at the border, if you don’t give your mother’s grave all the soil raised, he won’t be called Lin Fan!

In the living room, Lin Youyou, Zhao Wanqing, Zhao Yanyan, Li Siqi, Mu Yueqing, Li Yun, Zhang Qiuyue, and Yueyi were all listed, and next to them stood women such as Zhou Xiuyan, Jasmine, and Ye Ruolan.

Lin Fan walked all the way over and sat down on the sofa in the middle, there is no other meaning in moving the crowd today, that is, he plans to all go out and directly clean up all the zombies in the magic city within the G1503 high-speed with a posture of destruction!

“Wanqing, report our current situation.”

Zhao Wanqing picked up the folder next to her and opened it, looked at the text on it, and read: “According to the latest statistics, the total population of the City of Ruling is currently 11,2103, with a total of 51,011 female warriors, 21,054 female warriors above the Condensation Realm, and 1,051 female warriors above the Condensation Realm. ”

The total population was as high as more than 110,000, which exceeded Lin Fan’s expectations, and the ratio of female warriors and maids was quite normal, and overall the number of combat personnel was still very large.

“The purpose of letting you come over today should be clear, I won’t say more, 1,000 female warriors are left on duty inside the City of Ruling, and all the rest of them are dispatched, the goal is to clean up all the zombies in the magic city within the G1503 highway, the carpet cleanup officially begins, and not a single zombie is left!”



Lin Fan’s words fell, Lin Youyou and the others got up, their faces were serious, and they shouted in unison.

Watching the women leave the villa, Lin Fan also followed to the outside of the villa.

Looking up at the sky overhead, Lin Fan silently opened the system mall.

“System, the Tianluo Di Net system has exchanged it for me.”

“Ding! Deduct 1 million points and successfully redeem the Tianluo Di system, please select the placement area. ”

“Temporarily placed on the second wall.”

“Ding! It was confirmed that the placement location was the second city wall, covering a total area of 1,600 square kilometers, and the Tianluo network system had been activated. ”

The sound of the system fell, and a building like a light prism tower suddenly rose on the outermost city wall, and above these buildings suspended a white ball of light, and there were such buildings every 100 meters on the city wall, and light shuttled on these light balls, and finally intertwined into a large white net that enveloped the entire inner city.

The light interweaves into a net, then slowly rises, rising towards the inner city, and finally disappearing thousands of meters in the air.

As the white net disappeared, so did the buildings on the walls that resembled light prisms, as if nothing had happened.

Standing at the door of the villa, watching the big white net in the sky disappear, Lin Fan silently breathed a sigh of relief.

With this Luo Di Net system as protection, even when he is not there, what missiles, zombie birds, don’t even think close to the inner city, it will be broken for you in mid-air, no matter what you come, no matter how much you come, all have to evaporate!

The same is true of nuclear bombs, the Tianluo Earth Network system has the function of detecting targets, but any attack aimed at the inner city can be detected for you from a hundred kilometers away, and it will be detonated by laser in minutes.

Not only that, if there is a woman in the inner city who dares to plot against you, the Tianluo Network system can directly kill you in seconds.

This is a weakened version of the ‘Eye of God’ with its own detection function, except that the destructive power is not as destructive as the war version of the ‘Eye of God’!

With this ‘Heaven and Earth Net’ system, the base on this side of the magic capital will be solid!

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