Chapter 281 Fantasy has special powers, and the power of fantasy is crazy and fried!

PS: Today this is indeed the third change, the title is not wrong, the first 276 chapters were missed, that will be made up, brothers who did not read it can take a look.

After solving the security problem of the magic capital base, Lin Fan put down his heart, and then said to the system: “System, exchange another high-level special ability for me, and I will fantasize about manifesting.” ”

“Ding! After deducting 100,000 points, congratulations to the Lord for obtaining the high-level fantasy manifestation, and now starting to fuse. ”

A cool air flow poured into his body, Lin Fan only felt that there was something more in his mind, and in the end, he seemed to have mastered some kind of creative power.

To some extent, the ability to create the ability coincides, one is to materialize the fantasy, the other is to create, these two types are similar, what is the specific difference, Lin Fan can’t figure it out.

Lv1 level fantasy manifestation energy fusion very quickly, opened his eyes, Lin Fan carefully felt it, as far as the current fantasy has special abilities, limited by the skill level, can only manifest some dead things, but this is enough.

The power of fantasy in the body poured into the palm along the arm, under Lin Fan’s control, according to the ideas in his mind, a hand cannon full of science and technology appeared in the hand, the hand cannon was silver and blue, silver bottomed, and the blue pattern was embedded on the hand cannon to emit a faint light, and there seemed to be energy flowing inside.

Holding this cannon in his hand, Lin Fan’s figure flashed outside the city, and at this time, because of the existence of the city wall, a large number of zombies were piled up under the city wall, constantly scratching and hitting the city wall.

It’s a pity that the defense of the city wall is not at all something that these zombies can break, and it is even more hopeless to rush in.

Lin Fan did not hide his breath, and as soon as a strong living aura appeared, it attracted the attention of many zombies.


The zombies roared, turned around and rushed towards Lin Fan, who held the silver hand cannon that had just appeared, and aimed the muzzle at the zombies on the street and pulled the trigger.

With the trigger pulled, the muzzle of the pistol lit up with a dazzling blue light, and after a short charge, a blue unstable ball of light about the size of a fist flew out, the blue ball of light is not fast, at least if normal people want to hide, it is still somewhat difficult for the hand cannon to hit.

After flying more than ten meters, the ball of light instantly exploded, and the dazzling blue electric light shrouded everything within a radius of five meters, and the electric ions of destruction instantly engulfed a large number of zombies, and even the corpses were not left.

There was no sound from the explosion, and the area covered by the ion cannon was directly evaporated into a large pit with a radius of five meters, and everything in this area was vaporized.

“Ding! Use the XT-1 plasma hand cannon to kill zombies, +1 points, +1 fantasy Manifestation experience, 20/100 current experience. ”

“Ding! Use XT-1 plasma hand cannon to kill zombies, +1 points, +1 fantasy Fantasy Ability, 70/100 current experience. ”

A plasma cannon directly evaporated 70 zombies, Lin Fan looked down at the hand cannon whose energy light was dimmed, and pulled the trigger again at the zombies rushing ahead.




Lin Fan was like a child who had obtained a new toy, playing with a cannon in his hand, and in one after another, the blue ion cannon flew in mid-air, silently exploding, and then destroyed everything around, streets, cars, zombies, all of which were destroyed without leaving the slightest trace.

“Ding! Use the XT-1 plasma hand cannon to kill zombies, +1 points, +1 fantasy Manifestation experience, 100/100 current experience. ”

“Ding! Your fantasy has a full level of experience and is currently level Lv2, and it takes 0/500 experience to advance to the next level. ”

“Ding! Use XT-1 plasma hand cannon to kill zombies, points +1, fantasy Avatar experience +1, current experience 210/500. ”


The lethality of the plasma hand cannon is really nothing, points and experience have skyrocketed, and soon they have been promoted to Lv2, and even their experience is improving rapidly.

Playing up, Lin Fan kept pulling the trigger, and after firing an ion cannon again, Lin Fan still wanted to shoot, but found that his hand was empty, and subconsciously looked over, looking at the empty palm, Lin Fan was a little puzzled.

“What about my cannon?”

“Lord, the XT-1 plasma cannon has exhausted the power of fantasy and disappeared, if you still want to use it, you need to reshape it with the power of fantasy.”

As soon as the system prompted it, Lin Fan reacted, the XT-1 plasma cannon does not exist, it was built by him with the power of fantasy, the reason why it exists is because of the power of fantasy, and the energy maintained now is emptied by him in one breath, and it is normal to disappear.

Since the XT-1 plasma cannon is gone, he can directly change one.

Looking at the zombies that kept pouring over the street, Lin Fan hooked his horns, grabbed his hands and made the action of holding the gun, and the power of fantasy condensed a black and gold super technology giant cannon that emitted a faint electric light.

The black-gold giant cannon is one meter long, the whole body is hideous, the position of the cannon is a black-gold dragon head, the muzzle is the size of an adult’s fist, the gun body has a dragon-shaped pattern, the red electric light jumps, the whole giant cannon is full of science and technology, full of cool feeling.

Holding this one-meter-long giant cannon in his hand, Lin Fan smiled viciously, looked at the zombies rushing over on the street in front of him, and pulled the trigger hard with his finger.

With the trigger pulling, the dragon-shaped pattern on the entire giant cannon seems to come to life, one after another electric light surges, red electric rays condense at the cannon port, the hideous dragon head eyes seem to be glowing, and the process of condensing energy is like a breath.

The light of the cannon port flickered, and in less than a second, a red light spread out, the red beam flew out directly from the muzzle, covering an area of six meters wide, and the earth cracked where the red beam passed, as if it was shattered by some terrifying energy, and the zombies in this area were directly evaporated and destroyed.

The red light beam was terrifying, containing an endless aura of destruction, after the light dissipated, a huge trench six meters wide and nearly one meter deep instantly appeared on the street, a distance of hundreds of meters, everything in this range disappeared, and there was a faint white smoke on the ground.

“Ding! Use the GNT-1 Death Light Destruction Cannon to kill zombies, +1 points, +1 fantasy Manifestation experience, 500/500 current experience. ”

“Ding! Your fantasy has full experience and is currently level Lv3, and it takes 0/1000 experience to advance to the next level. ”


“Ding! Use the GNT-1 Death Light Destruction Cannon to kill zombies, +1 points, +1 fantasy Manifestation experience, 1000/1000 current experience. ”

“Ding! Your fantasy has a full level of experience and is currently level Lv4, and it takes 0/5000 experience to advance to the next level. ”

“Ding! Use the GNT-1 Death Light Destruction Cannon to kill zombies, +1 points, +1 fantasy Manifestation experience, current experience 3070/5000. ”

One shot down, the fantasy energy rose two levels in a row, six meters wide and more than 100 meters range, zombies directly evaporated thousands, feeling the power of fantasy soaring in the body, Lin Fan smiled, held the GNT-1 type death light destruction cannon in his hand and ran two steps to the side, and pulled the trigger again.


Different from the quiet of the plasma hand cannon, the GNT-1 Death Light Destruction Cannon is so earth-shattering every time it fires, and the destructive power is extremely amazing, and the vacuum area six meters wide and hundreds of meters long is a cannon, and the zombies have died innumerably!

Lin Fan’s figure moved back and forth on the street, with the accurate control of the distance, a full thirty meters wide main road, Lin Fan fired five cannons in a row, in just a dozen seconds, the entire main road was destroyed by the GNT-1 Death Light Destruction Cannon, and a vacuum area hundreds of meters long appeared in front of Lin Fan.

Everything within a hundred meters was destroyed, not only zombies, but even the street was destroyed, but Lin Fan didn’t care about this, and with a stomp, the damaged ground was instantly restored, and even countless times stronger than before.

The GNT-1 Death Light Destruction Cannon is powerful, but the consumption is also very large, and the five cannons have consumed the power of fantasy, looking at the GNT-1 Death Light Destruction Cannon that slowly disappeared in his hand, Lin Fan did not feel a pity, because….

With his backhand, Lin Fan pulled out an even more terrifying giant cannon!

There is a meter thick muzzle with dense threads, the giant cannon is very large, directly on the ground, surrounded by a large number of stable structural frames, the gun body is up to ten meters, the entire giant cannon is lying on the ground, full of thick and terrifying gas engine.

Lin Fan stood behind the giant cannon, holding the huge launcher in both hands, and pulling the joystick down with his arm, as Lin Fan pulled the joystick, the ten-meter-long gun body began to rotate violently, the electric light splashed and jumped, and the three crossed thunder rays of the cannon port at one meter collided together, the electric light was fierce, and the terrifying electromagnetic force stirred.

The position of the cannon port, where the three thunder rays crossed, a small electric ball condensed, and then it was instantly shot out by a huge force, and the blue electric light ball instantly flew out of the distance of thousands of meters with a speed like light, and then followed the trajectory of the electric light ball, and the huge gun port instantly spewed out boundless destruction electric light.

The electromagnetic cannon evaporated everything within a thousand meters with the power of destruction, the light was extremely dazzling, and it buried everything in an instant, and when the light gradually disappeared, Lin Fan looked sideways ahead, and the scene in front of him made Lin Fan couldn’t help but smack.

The thirty-meter-wide main road was completely destroyed, and what appeared in front of Lin Fan’s eyes was a neat arc-shaped trench, thirty meters wide and thousands of meters long, the trench was as deep as two meters, and the white smoke left by the high temperature was steaming inside the trench, and the ground was dissolved by the high temperature into almost magma crystallization.

“Ding! Use the HINT-1 matrix electromagnetic cannon to kill zombies, +1 points, +1 fantasy Manifestation experience, 5000/5000 current experience. ”

“Ding! Your fantasy has reached full XP with the current level Lv5, and it takes 0/10,000 experience to advance to the next level. ”

“Ding! Use the HINT-1 matrix electromagnetic cannon to kill zombies, +1 points, +1 fantasy experience with supernatural abilities, 10000/10000 current experience. ”

“Ding! Your fantasy has a full level of experience, currently level Lv6, and 0/10w of experience is required to advance to the next level. ”

“Ding! Use the HINT-1 matrix electromagnetic cannon to kill zombies, +1 points, +1 fantasy ability, current experience 3400/10w. ”

An electromagnetic cannon evaporated more than 10,000 zombies, and the power was upgraded by two levels in a row, this feeling is really cool, compared with the time power, the fantasy of the ability to promote is too fast! In just a few minutes, it went straight from Lv1 to Lv6, which was simply cool!

Restoring the damaged streets, Lin Fan carried the huge electromagnetic cannon and rushed forward, and the electromagnetic cannon weighing tens of tons was as easy as carrying a small wooden stick in Lin Fan’s hand.

It just looks more shocking, the ten-meter-long huge cannon body is carried by a man like a fly, that feeling is too contrary!

A slip of smoke came nearly a thousand meters away, looking at the massive zombies in front of the street, Lin Fan’s corner hooked an arc, and his palm pulled down the joystick hard.

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