Chapter 283 The Mansion of Nations fell, Attack on Jasmine

Can thousands of policemen with weapons such as pistols, micro-punches, and rifles be able to block tens of thousands of zombies? In the case of sufficient ammunition, it is possible,

The zombies attacking on the side of the Mansion are different from the side of the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital, Du Yuhang they didn’t command much at all, they just rushed up by numbers, facing the zombies rushing densely, not to mention anything else, as long as you raise the gun and raise the point to shoot at the head part of the zombie, you can definitely kill the zombie.

This kill refers to a headshot.

There are too many zombies, all piled up to charge, it is difficult to empty guns, there are already corpses of unknown zombies lying on the ground, but these zombies are still charging without fear of death.

Zombies do not know fear, only know to follow orders to attack, or follow the instinct to chase people and bite.

Thousands of policemen with guns kept firing, all kinds of gunfire kept echoing over the Wanguo Building, under the fire of thousands of policemen, the momentum of the zombies’ advance was controlled, but this was only temporary.

The Mansion of All Nations is not a police station, nor an armory, there is no unlimited ammunition, Chu Tianxiong they have been trapped to death, it is impossible to get out, that is, as long as they wait until the ammunition runs out, their result is only death! .

Bullets are limited, but zombies are infinite, tens of thousands of zombies or those tens of thousands of zombies, not less at all, the reason is simple, how many zombies are in this area? Tens of thousands of zombies are just because this road can only stand tens of thousands of zombies, and at the corners of various streets, there are still unknown how many zombies have not rushed out.

The zombies kept attacking, the police in front of the Universal Building kept shooting, the police at various windows did not stop, time kept passing, the sun in the sky gradually set to the west, unconsciously more than half a day has passed, the corpses of zombies on the streets are everywhere, and the zombies are still charging while stepping on the corpses of their companions.

At the gate of the Universal Building, most of the high-intensity shooting for half a day, so that the arms of these policemen are sore, one by one, the heart is full of despair, the zombies are like killing endlessly, these policemen remember how many zombies were shot and killed, but at a glance, the zombies still can’t see the end!

Bang bang!

Duh!! Click!

In a certain one, the gun in the hand of a policeman suddenly jammed, the sound of empty shells kept ringing, the policeman subconsciously touched behind him, but touched an empty one.

The policeman was stunned, turned his head to look at the empty box behind him, and looked blankly at the bombardier who looked a little frightened.

“What about the magazine? Give me a magazine, what are you waiting for if you don’t load it? ”

The loader tilted the empty cartridge box and a large box over, with an indescribable fear on his face.

“Nothing…. Out of bullets….”

The policeman subconsciously said: “Then you should go and get it!” ”

“This…. This is already the last box! The loader was crying, and his voice was trembling.

The policeman who spoke was stunned, he understood what the loader meant, the spare ammunition was finished! There are no more bullets to resist the zombies!

Looking back at the massive zombies surging in front of him, the policeman felt indescribable horror in his heart.


There was also an empty sound not far away, followed by a scream, as more and more police stopped shooting, the zombies moved faster and faster, and the building of all nations was getting closer and closer!

Looking at the hideous faces of the zombies, the policeman nervously touched in his clothes pocket, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Trembling took out a bullet from his clothes pocket, the police stuffed the bullet into the magazine, and then silently raised it.

The zombies in front of him have rushed to ten meters in front of the front, and the policemen next to him are fleeing in panic, he did not escape, looking at the hideous and terrifying faces of the zombies, he pulled the trigger fiercely.


The bullet passed through the jaw, pierced the Heavenly Spirit Cover, the blood fountain sprayed, and the lifeless corpse fell to the side, followed by countless zombies swarming and stepping over his corpse.

The Mansion of Nations was lost, and tens of thousands of zombies trampled on the corpses of thousands of policemen and rushed into the Mansion, and soon there was a shrill scream in the Mansion.

On the 21st floor of the Wanguo Building, the door was knocked open, and the sad Dong Yun and others were still in a helpless state, this afternoon, they didn’t think of any useful methods, now the door was suddenly knocked open, Dong Yun and others, who were already in a bad mood, were like a powder keg that was ignited, and it exploded in an instant!

“Who let you in, don’t you know it’s in a meeting!”

Slap the table, Dong Yun split his head and covered his face is a burst of scolding, Chu Tianxiong and the others’ faces are also very bad, but they didn’t speak, after all, Dong Yun, the chief shi, has spoken, will it be their turn?

“Shi long! It’s not good, the zombies have invaded! ”

The man who rushed in looked terrified, and he didn’t pay attention to Dong Yun’s scolding, in other words, he must have been scared a lot, but now, he can’t manage so much!


Chu Tianxiong got up suddenly, the middle-aged Fa Fu’s body looked a little fat, his face was not angry but powerful, and he asked, “What do you say?” Zombies invaded? How can it be? Aren’t there so many brothers downstairs? How can zombies attack? ”

“Director Chu, there are no bullets! The bullets are out! Now the riot force is holding an explosion-proof shield downstairs to resist the zombies, but they can’t stop it at all! Chief Shi, think of a way! ”

Dong Yun’s face was frightened, as white as paper, and now there was no anger in his heart, and only one sentence was echoing in his mind.

Zombies have invaded!

The body fell back to the seat weakly, Dong Yun’s eyes were empty, and he kept chanting, “What to do…. What to do…. The zombies have attacked…. I’m going to die…. Am I going to die? I don’t want to die yet… I don’t want to die yet…”

Not only Dong Yun, most of the people in the room were in this state, Chu Tianxiong looked at this situation and weakly sat back on the seat.

He was also desperate.

No support, no rescue, nothing, what to fight with countless zombies outside? Bare hands? A punch to the zombie will shake at most, and then it will rush up, but as long as it is scratched, it is basically over.

It was a struggle that was not equal at all and hopeless, and everyone was desperate.

The secretary who rushed in saw this situation, fell to the ground in disbelief, the big guys couldn’t help, what else could he do?

Inside the villa two kilometers away, the door was knocked, followed by being pushed open, a girl appeared at the door, her eyes looked at Du Yuhang and others who were like wild beasts in the room, a flash of nausea flashed in their eyes, and said coldly: “The Mansion of All Nations has been breached, if you still want to do it yourself, hurry up, disgusting.” ”

Hearing the voice coming from the door of the room, Du Yuhang and the others raised their heads, and their eyes flashed with a tyrannical look.

“The Mansion of Nations has been captured? Hahahaha! Is this human? The weak ones are the same as pigs! ”

Tortured the woman under him like a fierce, looking at the other party’s dying appearance, Du Yuhang bit up, crushed the woman’s neck alive, and then raised his head with blood full of blood.

“Don’t play, first go and kill those who dare to attack us, there is time to play!”

Throwing off the dead woman under him, Du Yuhang got dressed, and walked out of the villa with the few remaining men, the girl at the door was waiting impatiently with a cold face, seeing Du Yuhang and others come out, disgust flashed in her eyes, and she raised her legs and walked forward.

Looking at the figure of the woman walking away, Du Yuhang spat and scolded: “Stinky cousin, you have the ability to play ah, sooner or later it will kill you!” ”

After speaking, Du Yuhang’s figure instantly rushed out, and the speed was not slow.

One kilometer south of the Mansion, Jasmine was leading the team to clean up the zombies, and faintly heard the dense gunfire from the front, and the movement of her hand paused, and her eyes looked in the direction where the sound came from.

“Captain, what’s wrong?”

A team member saw this situation and opened her mind to ask, and she didn’t hear the gunshots from a kilometer away.

Looking at the direction of the Wanguo Mansion, Jasmine recognized it and asked, “I’m not mistaken, it’s the Bund over there, right?” ”

The female team member glanced at the side that Jasmine pointed to and nodded, “Yes, it’s the Bund, why did the captain suddenly ask about this?” ”

“Speed forward, there are gunshots ahead! And a lot! Jasmine spoke in a deep voice, and the female team members instantly understood.

There are gunshots that mean there are survivors, the gunshots are very dense, proving that there are many people on the other side, and if you are lucky, this may be a great achievement!

A few days ago, the news of Wang Ziwen’s sweep of the subway station spread in the City of Judgment, saving nearly six thousand women at once, and was promoted to squadron leader on the spot, and also rewarded a source power crystal, and now the strength is directly catching up with the ‘first generation’ Li Fengjiao and others, although there are still some gaps, but they also maintain the appearance of a few attributes.

Not only Wang Ziwen, but all the female warriors in that team were rewarded, and Ning Yuzhen was even promoted to the captain, the same level as their captain Jasmine!

Now the female warriors of the City of Judgment are all full of energy to climb up, and no one wants to be just an Lv2.

As soon as Jasmine gave an order, the fifty female warriors in the squad, including a divine envoy of the Divine Punishment Force, no longer kept their hands, the movements on their hands accelerated, and one after another sword qi broke through the air, and dozens of people quickly rushed towards the side of the Mansion.

Urgent! It’s really urgent!

There are more than 10,000 female warriors on the northern side, a squad of fifty people, this is more than two hundred squads, if you don’t run faster, you may get over there, and the credit has long been robbed by others!

It was only one or two hundred meters after rushing out, and the female soldiers in the squad all heard the gunshots coming from the other side of the Mansion, and before their faces could show joy, the gunshots suddenly began to decrease and then disappeared in less than a minute.

This situation made the members of the squad even more anxious, and they couldn’t wait to rush to the side of the Mansion now, and Jasmine jumped to a high place a few times and looked intently at the side of the Mansion.

Looking at the continuous flow of zombies into the Mansion, Jasmine knew that this was not intercepted by other teams, but that the side of the Mansion was attacked by zombies!

Seeing this scene, Jasmine felt indescribably anxious in her heart, and the credit in her hand could not fly like this!

Back on the ground, Jasmine kept swinging out a series of knife qi, the zombies blocking the way fell like cutting wheat, Jasmine wanted to speed up, but there were too many zombies, and wanting to cross a distance of hundreds of meters in a short time was simply a dream.

“Hurry up, the Mansion of All Nations has been attacked by zombies, and if we go late, we may take over all zombies.”

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