Chapter 284 The villain died of too many words, give me a reason not to kill you

Jasmine was still leading her team members to move forward quickly, and at this time, the interior of the Mansion had completely collapsed.

The policemen with explosion-proof shields have long been turned into zombies, and a large number of zombies rushed directly upstairs, and all the living people along the way were killed by zombies, but this phenomenon was terminated with the arrival of Du Yuhang and others.

How could Du Yuhang let these people in the Mansion of All Nations go so simply? The feeling of walking around the ghost gate is really terrifying!

As a noble new human being, he was almost killed by the old human being, how could Du Yuhang be willing?

After obtaining the power of the new human being, Du Yuhang developed a solipsistic psychology, unscrupulous killing and wanton behavior made his heart more extreme, killing zombies along the way, killing when he saw men, and women playing alive to death, anyway, in Du Yuhang’s heart, everything must be killed!

Once the long-term depression is released, it is like a Pandora’s box that has been opened, and now Du Yuhang is a devil! .

He wants to torture everyone in the Mansion of Nations and make them feel hopeless! He wants to see them being gnawed alive by ten thousand corpses!

Du Yuhang held a spear in his hand and walked all the way to the 21st floor, all the men along the way were brutally killed by him, and the women were stayed, these women Ogares once explained that they would be kept as a venting tool.

In fact, Ogares is also a bitter force, in the pyramid sequence he is only the lowest watchdog, not worthy of what happens with other new human women, those new human women are prepared for those high-level pyramids, no way, Ogares can only target human women.

Ogares’s order, Du Yuhang they dare not disobey, at most play to death, anyway, so many women, torture to death is nothing at all.

On the 21st floor, Du Yuhang kicked open the closed door, and he did not enter at the first time, and dozens of zombies entered in his place.

Bang bang!

A gunshot sounded, Du Yuhang was relieved in his heart, he knew that the people in the room had guns, although he was not afraid of zombies, but he was afraid of pistols! A shot in the brain, he is also dead.

Killing zombies in the past few days has indeed improved his strength a lot, but not to the point of being able to dodge bullets.

The screams came, hearing this, Du Yuhang knew that he should almost be able to go in, the gunfire had stopped, someone had already been bitten by a zombie, in this case, if someone could calm down and keep the bullet, Du Yuhang could only say that the other party was awesome.

Step by step into the office on the 21st floor, looking at the figure on the ground who was still struggling by the zombies, Du Yuhang smiled viciously and looked at everyone in the room.

“Good evening, everyone, you guys look very bad, are there any troubles?”

Du Yuhang’s words shocked Chu Tianxiong and others, they didn’t expect that the intelligent zombie could even know human language, and this learning ability was too terrifying!

In fact, they didn’t know that Du Yuhang and the others were originally human beings, but they were just transformed into new humans by Ogares, and they thought that intelligent zombies learned human language in a short time.

Looking at Chu Tianxiong, they didn’t speak, just looked at him in horror, Du Yuhang was very satisfied in his heart, it was this kind of frightened and desperate gaze, he must let these people taste enough of the pain of despair before killing these people!

“You seem scared? Is it because of these disobedient children under my feet? Sorry, they are hungry, they eat a little ugly, you have more burden, you just don’t know if this person has enough for them to eat, if not, it will only bother you. ”

“Look at how pitiful these children are, can you learn from Buddha to cut meat and feed eagles, and contribute yourselves so that these children of mine can eat a full meal?”

Du Yuhang had an evil smile on his face, and the words he said made Dong Yun and the others shiver.

Give yourself out to feed the zombies? You can tell it!

“What’s wrong? Aren’t you all coming out? Or are you going to let me pick it yourself? If I had to choose, it wouldn’t be as simple as two people. ”

Hearing Du Yuhang’s words, Dong Yun and the others were even more frightened, Chu Tianxiong’s face did not move, he took the initiative to step forward and stand up, and the pistol that had been empty of bullets in his hand was also thrown to the ground on the side.

Looking at Chu Tianxiong who came out, Du Yuhang was stunned, and a wave of anger rushed to his mind from the bottom of his heart.

This is different from what he planned! Aren’t humans supposed to be selfish at this time? What are you rushing out for?

Looking at Chu Tianxiong who came out coldly, Du Yuhang was extremely angry in his heart, he hated others to sabotage his plan the most, Chu Tianxiong stood up, how did he see a group of people killing each other? How do you see the desperate look of those people?

At this time, there is still this kind of brain dead standing up to die for others, he really can’t understand ah!

Chu Tianxiong did not have a pistol in his hand, Du Yuhang no longer had the slightest bit of jealousy, under extreme anger, Du Yuhang walked towards Chu Tianxiong with full anger, he wanted to pick off this man’s tendons little by little, and then let the zombies bite him to death, which can solve the hatred in his heart!

Looking at Du Yuhang who walked over, Chu Tianxiong was indescribably nervous, his hands were a little shaky, and a dense cold sweat appeared on his forehead, seeing Du Yuhang getting closer and closer, the long gun in his hand was about to be able to stab him, Chu Tianxiong knew that he couldn’t wait.

He didn’t know if Du Yuhang would suddenly give him a shot, he could only gamble now!

Moved! Chu Tianxiong moved, grabbed his right hand to the back of his waist, a brand new pistol appeared in his hand, the muzzle of the gun instantly pointed to Du Yuhang’s face door, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Zombies will only die if they hit the head, this is very clear in Chu Tianxiong’s heart, this time quickly pulled out the gun, Chu Tianxiong felt that this was already his peak, even when he was young, it was not so fast, he was in a desperate situation!


The shrill sound of gunfire echoed in the room, and a corpse fell in response, with a look of horror and disbelief in his eyes, but it was not Du Yuhang.

Du Yuhang dodged!

The effect of killing zombies in the past few days is still there, when he saw Chu Tianxiong quickly pull out the gun, Du Yuhang knew that it was not good, his head quickly deflected to the side, his movements were already fast, but still a little slower!

The bullet flew against his cheekbone, there was a terrifying opening on his face, blood sprayed wildly, not only that, but his ears were also knocked off by the bullet, and half of Du Yuhang’s face was spraying blood, indescribably miserable.

He dodged the bullet, but a student behind him did not expect this to happen, and was directly shot in the head and became a substitute ghost.

One shot did not kill Du Yuhang, Chu Tianxiong’s pupils contracted suddenly, and he was about to turn the muzzle to hit Du Yuhang again, but at this time Du Yuhang had already reacted, where would he give Chu Tianxiong the opportunity to shoot!

After all, Chu Tianxiong is middle-aged, and the rapid shooting of the gun just now has drained his physical strength and spirit, where is it comparable to Du Yuhang’s strengthened body.

The long gun in his hand flicked, the tip of the gun instantly cut off Chu Tianxiong’s arm, the arm was cut off, Chu Tianxiong screamed, and the gun fell to the ground.

“Kill you! Kill you! Kill you! I’ll kill you! Du Yuhang was furious, with a face full of blood, the spear in his hand stabbed madly at Chu Tianxiong, and instantly stabbed more than a dozen times, and a large amount of blood shot out.

Looking at Chu Tianxiong’s fallen body, Du Yuhang still didn’t let go, kept stabbing the spear in his hand, and roared in his mouth: “Kill me!” Kill me! Kill them all! Bite alive! One does not stay! Aaaah! me off! It hurts me! ”

Du Yuhang’s roar like a wild dog echoed in the room, and a large number of zombies directly pounced, and in an instant, Dong Yun and others were pounced by dozens of zombies, and they were gnawed alive by zombies in desperate screams.

At the door of the room, Li Jing leaned against the wall, with a sneer on her face, looking at Du Yuhang’s miserable appearance, and her heart was indescribably relieved

In the past few days, Li Jing has long seen that these men are not pleasing to the eye, doing disgusting things every day, it really makes her want to vomit, and she is arrogant, will it be okay to die early? It’s a shame that I have to play, I didn’t get killed.

But she won’t say these words, she also knows that Du Yuhang they don’t look at her well, she is now alone, and she doesn’t want to provoke Du Yuhang these mad dogs, if she is bitten by a dog, it is not worth it.

She was too lazy to look at the situation in the room, and it was better to kill zombies to improve her strength at this time than to watch Du Yuhang and these people go crazy.

Strength is the root of everything, if it weren’t for her current strength being stronger than Du Yuhang and them, it is estimated that she would have been poisoned now, Li Jing felt that it would be better to stay away from Du Yuhang and them in the future.

As soon as she turned around and came to the door, a knife was placed across her neck, and the piercing chill made Li Jing stiffen in place.


Li Jing even held her breath, her heart was full of dazedness, there were thousands of zombies in the Mansion of All Nations, how did this person come up? And how did you touch her side? Why is there no movement at all? Is the strength she has improved in the past few days all fake?

It shouldn’t be! Even if Du Yuhang wants to get close to her, no matter how careful she is, she can feel it, what is the situation now?

Looking to the side with a stiff head, the eyes were covered with fallen zombie corpses, and then a beautiful woman wearing a white military hat and a black and white uniform, and at the neckline of the woman, there was a golden two-star badge.

All the way to this side, in the process of going upstairs, looking at the corpses all over the ground, Jasmine felt more uncomfortable, finished the calf, everyone died, this special credit flew from the bowl!

And the culprit who caused all this in front of you is this woman in front of you! And those people in the room, without looking at Jasmine, they know that the entire Mansion has no living mouth, and the identity of this woman in front of them is worth thinking about.

The zombie is stunned and will not attack, this woman should not be a smart zombie, right? There is only this possibility, the zombies will not attack, otherwise, as long as it is a person, or alive, the zombies will definitely chase to the ends of the earth, and then eat the infection into zombies.

Tang Dao crossed Li Jing’s neck, looking at this rather beautiful woman, Jasmine said coldly: “What are you?” Smart zombies? Give me a reason not to kill you. ”

Li Jing swallowed her spit with difficulty, and said in a dry voice: “I’m not a smart zombie, it’s…. It’s a new human being, I know where the women are locked up, those women who kill me will die, and I believe that I can still give the last order before killing me. ”

“I…. I rely on my mind to communicate with the zombies, no matter how fast you move, there is no faster transmission of ideas, I can control the zombies within three kilometers. ”

PS: The day of thunder and five changes has begun again, brothers who want to fatten must order a custom ah, for the sake of the author such a stable update, don’t say, codeword go.

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