Chapter 295 Sorry, I’m LSP!

“My requirements are not high, you can just design the drawings for me, what kind of ship girl or so on, I will do it myself, don’t have a problem?”


“Lord, in fact, you want to design drawings are fake, want to be LSP is real, right? Won’t the system give you drawings, and you won’t make a ship girl? ”

Lin Fan is stupid, waht? The system actually let spit on him as LSP?

“Sorry, I’m LSP, don’t say anything, hurry up, it’s urgent!”

“Lord, what blueprints of the battleship do you need? Specifically which battleship of the Second World War, aircraft carrier, cruiser, battleline or DD, sorry, destroyer. ”

Lin Fan: …..

System you honestly say, are you playing too much?

“First of all, battleships must definitely have …. For example, Celestial City, or Kiyi, if they want to cross the ocean, how can they not have such a big killer as battleships? ”

(Don’t compare with today’s battleships, say that there is no such thing as battleships, they are all destroyers, see clearly that the protagonist is talking about World War II)

“Lord, are you sure you didn’t take a fancy to Amagi and Kii’s swimsuits? Turquoise has only been out for a long time with new skin. ”

Lin Fan: …..

You’re wrong, you’re not only playing nest, but also color batch routes, right? How do you know everything?

Lin Fan is really stupid.

“Your system, I found that you are true today, don’t force me to kill the system to silence.”

“Dear Lord, the drawings are out.


Say you two sentences that you are not happy yet! What a thing!

“Okay, okay, let’s not talk about you, let’s talk about the next topic, since the battleship has it, then there must be a cruiser, then what Kaohsiung loves big dogs must have.”

“The sea fleet definitely needs aircraft carriers, and there must be a battle of the first voyage, right? Akagi Kaga these two sisters count, the five-flight battle is not bad, Shozuru and Zuizuru, oh yes, the big phoenix can not be less. ”

“One battle and five battles come together, are you sure you won’t fight, Lord? Two sick women plus a ruihe next to the non-stop yin and yang strange qi, you don’t sink halfway into the sea. ”

Lin Fan: …

Think about life’s .jpg.

“Real men are fearless! Then just Akagi Kaga of a voyage, next is the destroyer, first a Lingbo, then a snow wind, two little loli is enough. ”

Battle cruiser aircraft carrier expulsion was available, and submarines were also indispensable.

“The submarine gave me Yi 168 and Yi 19, this adds up to four young girls and loli, enough refining enough, no matter how many bodies can’t bear it!”

“System, you can give me these design drawings first.”

“Lord, are you sure you don’t need a transport ship?”

Transport ships …. Kagano? Hiss…..

Lin Fan’s eyes widened and he gasped, a certain Nai Niu, too big for him to do it!

“System, bring me a tree, I’m in good health, I can carry it!” How can the fleet go out without transport ships? Must have! ”

“Lord, you need to exchange the drawings of a total of 11 battleships, namely battleships: Amagi and Kii; Cruisers: Takao, Atago; Aircraft carriers: Akagi, Kaga; Destroyers: Snow Wind, Lingbo; Submarines: I-168, I-19 and the transport ship Kagano, are you sure? ”

“Friendly reminder, your fantasy has a special ability that cannot support the consumption of 11 ships plus the Heavenly Demon Karma Dragon Diamat.”

frowned, in fact, this problem system does not say that Lin Fan also thought of it, he said happy before, and unconsciously said 11 ships, but this number is really too much, fantasy has the ability to Lv7, the power of fantasy has not reached the point of that Wang Yang sea.

But these are necessary, to say that it is a trouble, although I look down on the Neon Empire in my heart, I can’t wait to sink him all, but I have to say that the Neon Empire still has strength, and the surface fleet ranks first in the world, and the Romantic Empire ranks fourth in the world.

As an empire surrounded by the sea, the Neon Empire has always attached great importance to the construction of the sea surface fleet, according to Lin Fan’s previous understanding, after nearly two years of development, it is even expected to surpass the Millikan Empire to become the first, as for the Eastern Empire, it ranks sixth with several other empires.

Think about it, the Eastern Empire with five sea fleets can only rank behind the Neon Empire, which is enough to prove the strength of the Neon Empire’s sea surface fleet.

Wanting to fight the Neon Empire from the sea, Lin Fan even felt that 11 warships were relatively few, and if it weren’t for him and Diamatt, adding ten more Lin Fan would not be too much.

Despite the end times, the neon surface fleet still has to be respected, this is not to grow the morale of others to destroy their own prestige, and the consequence of looking down on the enemy is likely to be a capsized ship in the gutter.

Although in terms of current strength, there is no trouble, but the female warriors under her died on the sea before logging into the Neon Empire, shame?

There are many ways to solve the Neon Empire, he can destroy it by walking around alone, and even Lin Fan can sink the Neon Empire, but this is not his purpose, directly Lu Shen is simply too cheap for this country, and it is necessary to use blood to cleanse the sins they committed decades ago!

“System, is there any solution?”

If there is a problem to find the system, this is the simplest and most direct way, Lin Fan has always been able to save trouble, absolutely not uncomfortable!

“There are two ways to solve the current problem, first, the fantasy has the ability to promote Lv8, so that the power of fantasy can meet the requirements, and the second is to buy the mind cube and reduce the consumption of the fantasy power through the mind cube.”

These two methods…..

Lin Fan subconsciously glanced at the experience value of fantasy with extraordinary abilities, 43,3011, only 430,000 experience, 570,000 experience away from upgrading, where to find 570,000 zombies? Can’t you just go to other cities to upgrade first for this suspension plan, right?

“System, how many points are the mental core?”

“Mind cores are priced at 100,000 points, each ship needs 2 mind cores, a total of 22 mind cores, a total price of 2.2 million points, considering the huge amount of money you buy, battleship drawings can be attached to you without spending extra points.”

2.2 million points????

Lin Fan was stupid, silently opened the points column and took a look, and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Points: 721,2503

The points are completely enough, even if you add other expenses of the subsequent ruling city, it is completely enough, and the points are the last thing to worry about, and when the expansion plan begins, the two sides open together, and the points will definitely fly to the sky.

Don’t forget, there are 100,000 female warriors in the City of Ruling right now! Before, more than 50,000 female warriors all went out to brush four or five million points in one day, but now what about 100,000 female warriors?

Points can be said to be the least worrying thing, there are not many others in this world, that is, there are many zombies, and the things that can be bought with points are not a problem at all!

After finalizing the matter of going overseas, Lin Fan put down his heart, now is to wait, when the female warriors digest this reward and improve their strength, it is time to go to war!

Today, except for Lin Fan, everyone was very busy, Lin Youyou and they didn’t see a shadow for a day, and they rushed back at night with a full body of exhaustion.

Stepping forward and holding Lin Youyou into his arms, Lin Fan lowered his head and kissed him, asking, “Why didn’t I see you take the documents back?” ”

Zhao Wanqing stretched her muscles with a lazy waist, and exhaled a long breath: “Everything has been settled today, the eldest sister wants to accompany you well in the past two days, and there are still two days before the Lord is leaving?” The eldest sister has a big appetite and wants to eat for two full days first. ”

“Zhao Wanqing doesn’t fight today and kneels and begs for mercy, I won’t call Lin Youyou!” Lin Youyou, who was lying in Lin Fan’s arms, instantly exploded, and your special appetite is great!

Seeing Lin Youyou rushing over in anger, Zhao Wanqing was startled, and quickly went around the back of the sofa, “Kill!” Kill! Help, someone has been exposed and wants to kill and kill people! Sisters save me! ”

Chasing behind Zhao Wanqing, Lin You’s leisurely face was full of anger, pointing at Zhao Wanqing while chasing and shouting, “Little wave hoof, if you don’t fight today, your soul will fly to the sky, my eldest sister is in vain!” ”

The two women chased and fought and did not exert any strength, one chased and one ran, Lin Fan found the opportunity, grabbed Lin Youyou, looked at the woman who was struggling in his arms and was about to rush out, Lin Fan quickly soothed: “Don’t see her in general, let’s clean her up together at night, big sister I’m towards you.” ”

Lin Youyou’s eyes lit up, and he didn’t open his teeth and dance his claws at Zhao Wanqing, looking at her collapsed face, and a disdainful smile was evoked in the corner.

“Run, you keep running, you can run the monk and run the temple? If you have the ability, don’t go into the master bedroom today, or you will die today.” ”

Zhao Wanqing people are stupid, people are not as good as heavenly calculations, did not calculate that Lin Fan actually cleaned her up with Lin Youyou, sure enough, is it worthy of the surname Lin? She instantly realized something.

Holding Lin Youyou back on the sofa, Lin Fan plans to use points to buy mental cores instead of going out to brush experience upgrades is almost because of this, he plans to accompany Lin Youyou and them in the past two days, this time to go to the Neon Empire, should not come back in a short time.

Di Ma is okay to fly in the magic city, the distance is too far after the contact is broken, Di Ma disappeared directly, can not leave the magic capital is destined to have no zombies to brush, and can only spend points to buy the heart core, in fact, this can also be regarded as a way to reduce the burden, in the future there will be more and more characters, not to mention Lv8, even Lv9 fantasy can not be stopped.

“Yoyo, I have already put 160,000 Tang knives and 200,000 watches in the warehouse, and I have also put 8,000 units of livestock on the farm, which should be enough.” Biting Lin Youyou’s ear, Lin Fan said softly.

This is what Lin Fan did today, just this little thing, he spent 4.016 million points, 8,000 units of livestock is a total of 416,000 points, plus 160,000 Tang knives and 200,000 watches, this is 3.8 million points, if not for the previous clean-up activity female warriors all dispatched, brushed out more than 5 million points a day, this is really not enough!

Now Lin Fan has less than 3.2 million points left in his hand, if he deducts another 2.2 million points to buy the mental core, then there are only 1 million points left, in general, the remaining points are still quite a lot, enough.

By the time these 100,000 female warriors kill the City of Judgment, it is likely that in less than a day, this point will come back directly.

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