Chapter 296 What martial virtue does the young man talk about? Bring me a Star Destroyer

The City of Ruling is about to expand, 100,000 female warriors are waiting for Dan, Liu Wanying, this woman is a little stupid in Lin Fan’s opinion, but as a general, she is still very competent, selflessly teaching the Xin You Dao Method to many female warriors in the City of Ruling, practicing in the square every day.

The so-called teaching is not something taken out on the Internet to bluff people, the real sense of the knife is a killing move, from here it can be seen that Liu Wanying has regarded herself as a part of the city of judgment, or the collapse of the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, made this woman grow up rapidly, and also cut off the bonds in her heart.

And the city of judgment and her bond are also deepening.

The female warriors practice every day, although there is no obvious improvement in strength, but the foundation is much thicker, except for those recruits who have just joined the ranks of female warriors, most female warriors have learned the Xin You Dao method almost, although they are not proficient, but at least they have already started!

The improvement of attributes has also improved the understanding of female warriors a lot, how strong is a set of excellent knife techniques? Just look at Liu Wanying, Lin Fan didn’t open any small stove for her here, and in three days, she did not reach the level that many female warriors could not reach in more than a week!

The strength of the Condensing Qi Realm was cut out by her with the help of the Xin You Dao Technique! There are also some source power pills and source force liquids that she exchanged for military merits, which can enhance her strength, but anyway, this proves Liu Wanying’s strength, she can change, can others change it too?

Liu Wanying did not hide the slightest selfishness, poured out her pockets, Jasmine, Zhou Xiuyan and Liu Mingyue all ran to the other side of the square to study, and in three days, there was also a lot of progress.

Not to mention the female warriors, the maids of the City of Ruling did not relax for half a moment, the army was about to go to war, and the food must be well prepared, and no maid on Lin Fan’s side dared to be sloppy.

This is Lin Fan’s first overseas expedition, and it is also the first time that Lin Fan is separated from the women at home, Lin Youyou and others strictly ordered to prepare food and drinking water, including all kinds of things, and even 24-hour shifts with female soldiers staring at high intensity, not daring to be sloppy.

For two days, Lin Youyou, Zhao Wanqing, Li Yun, all the women have always been with Lin Fan in the villa, or they accompanied Lin Fan around, Su Xiaoluo also gave up the construction of the palace, hanging on Lin Fan every day, the little loli is small and more clingy.

On the third floor of the martial arts arena, Lin Fan and Lin Youyou and others stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the below, the phalanx of 780,000 people held Tang knives, practicing the knife technique in unison, their eyes swept over, and most of the familiar faces in the front row, Wang Ziwen, Liu Yuer, Chu Hanyan, these women with excellent performance.

In front of the phalanx of 780,000 people, Liu Wanying stood with her hands in her hands, inspecting everyone practicing sword techniques, and from time to time she gave instructions or corrected some people’s mistakes, looking very serious.

“Lord, this Liu Wanying is really good, with her, the strength of the female warriors has instantly increased by at least fifty percent, we can be regarded as picking up a treasure.” Looking at Liu Wanying’s back below, Lin Youyou had an appreciative look in her eyes, this was the second time after Jasmine that Lin Youyou praised the female warriors under him.

Zhao Wanqing nodded with deep empathy, and sighed: “If there is no special ability, Professor Liu Wanying’s knife technique is undoubtedly the best and fastest way for female warriors to improve their strength, which can greatly improve the actual combat ability of female warriors, with this set of knife techniques, as long as it is not a powerful thermal weapon such as missiles, ordinary female warriors can deal with it.” ”

With a faint smile, Lin Fan withdrew his gaze from the square, this martial arts arena was specially made by him for Liu Wanying, two days ago, I heard Zhou Xiuyan mention that Liu Wanying taught sword techniques, but there was no good venue, Lin Fan took the time to take a look, as a leader in charge, Lin Fan casually leveled an area and made this martial arts arena out.

“She did really well, she surprised me a lot in the past few days, this woman is very smart and capable, but the previous environment was too good, so that she didn’t even play half of it, pass on my order, Liu Wanying taught the three armies, performed excellently, promoted to one level, led the position of captain, led three thousand troops, and rewarded thirty thousand ruling coins.”

“Tomorrow…. I personally awarded her the medal square. ”

Tearing open the space casually, Lin Fan glanced at Liu Wanying on the square, raised his hoof into the space passage, I don’t know if he felt something, Liu Wanying turned her head and looked suspiciously in the direction of the floor-to-ceiling window on the third floor, but what she saw was a one-way glass.

Shaking her head, Liu Wanying turned her head back.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window on the third floor, looking at Liu Wanying’s back, Li Yun smiled slightly, “This newly promoted captain is very sensitive. ”

“I was rewarded with a bottle of Source Power Crystals before, with her ability, three days is enough to digest the sudden surge in strength, although it has not yet reached the Condensation Realm, but it is not far off, and the people who practice martial arts themselves are more sensitive, so many of us look at her, and it is normal to feel something.” Lin Youyou smiled and turned to leave.

After Lin Youyou left, Zhao Wanqing and the others also left one after another, and not long after the women left, a striking prompt reached the watches of more than 200,000 people in the City of Ruling.

“Notice: After the decision of the arbitration group, under the crown of the great god Lin Fan, the squadron leader Liu Wanying was promoted to one level, the position of the leader of the group, the class sequence Lv5, the commander of the army 3,000, the source power crystallization a bottle, 30,000 ruling coins to encourage, this motion was passed unanimously, and tomorrow the medal square will be awarded by the honorable Lord himself!” At the same time, preside over the departure ceremony. ”

The announcement prompted three times in a row, and the female warriors who were still practicing sword techniques in the square were all stunned, and then looked at Liu Wanying in the front with envious eyes.

Captain, leading three thousand, class sequence Lv5, this may be an achievement that many female warriors can not achieve in a lifetime, but no one is jealous in their hearts, these three days Liu Wanying taught them knife skills, female warriors have gained a lot, this kind of selflessness they ask themselves can not do.

As the party, Liu Wanying was even more stunned in place, looking at the virtual screen that popped up on the watch, and the whole person couldn’t react.

“Congratulations Wanying, one step forward from the position of the general.” Ye Lihua put the knife into the sheath and walked up, her handsome face fluttered, and her eyes were full of joy.

Not only Ye Lihua came up to congratulate them, but Ye Ruolan and they also came up to congratulate them, and for a while Liu Wanying’s side was very lively.

Returning to her senses and accepting everyone’s congratulations, Liu Wanying had a faint smile on her face, inadvertently turned her head, looked at the window on the third floor, and her gaze paused for a few seconds before turning back.

The port of the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, has now been razed to the ground by the shock wave of the explosion, completely turning into a ruin, and it is no longer as majestic as before.

On the calm ruins, a spatial door suddenly opened, and Lin Fan’s figure walked out from inside.

The plain gaze swept over the sea in front of him, and the wreckage of the battleship could be seen on the sea, his gaze penetrated the sea, and one battleship after another sank to the bottom of the sea, and the ship’s hull was hit by the shock wave and the potholes were destroyed.

With his arms raised, the magnetic field energy spread, and the wreckage of the battleship in the sea suddenly shook, and then Lin Fan slowly emerged towards the sea under his control.

The sea was turbulent, and large bubbles rose up from the bottom of the sea, followed by 10,000-ton warships that surfaced and were dropped to the coast.

There are not many main ships of the North Sea Fleet, most of them are supply ships, and there are a large number of missiles stored in them, and after the previous scrubbing blows to the corpse tide, there are not many missiles left, but Lin Fan does not pay attention to it.

Taking out a blueprint from the system space, Lin Fan closed his eyes, and the blueprint in his hand turned into a point of light and dissipated, followed by the scrapped ships on the coast being decomposed, and then reassembled in mid-air according to the pattern of the blueprint, and soon a warship that could be called a giant appeared in mid-air.

The historical Amagi class battleship has a total field of 251.8 meters, a waterline length of 234.7 meters, a maximum broadside width of 30.8 meters, a draft of 9.4 meters, and a full load displacement of up to 47,000 tons!

This is a hegemon on the ocean, a big toy in the true sense of the word! The battleship more than two hundred meters long looks full of visual shock, the sky city is not a battleship in the true sense, but a battle cruiser, according to the blueprint shaped the sky city except that the appearance is exactly the same as the World War II period, the equipment has been improved.

Yes, exactly the same in appearance, and even retained the main gun and auxiliary guns of these World War II naval guns, you must know that modern warships have abandoned the weapon of naval guns and switched to missiles, because missiles are more advanced and more destructive than naval guns!

The times are advancing, so are the weapons, naval guns are already the pinnacle of World War II, the emergence of missiles has replaced the dominance of naval guns, and the celestial city built according to the blueprint still relies on naval guns in terms of attack, but ….

Naval guns that launch missiles? The system really has yours!

And you tell me this is a missile? You tell me this is a missile?

HM-053 particle destruction missile, DMP-1911 electromagnetic wave missile, HDM-030 black hole annihilation missile, FZL-903 anti-gravity space missile.

wqnmlgb! You can’t fool a child!

Are you a missile? Your missile is gone in a city, look at what you got this thing? Particle destruction, black holes, electromagnetic cannons, anti-gravity cannons, why don’t you go to the sky? Come and come, Celestial City you give, you install a Star Destroyer Cannon for me.

Lin Fan is really stupid, bullying me to read less, right?

This weapon, aren’t you bullying the fleet of the Neon Empire? People are still children, you come up and pull out a star-level weapon for me.

You system, don’t talk about martial virtue!

“Lord, incense? Doesn’t fragrant me to exchange you for missiles of that size on Earth? ”

Faced with the system’s inquiry, Lin Fan decisively waved his hand, “No need, I think this is very good, what martial virtue does the young man talk about?” ”

Looking up at the terrifying gun port on the Tiancheng-class battle cruiser in front of him, Lin Fan didn’t dare to think about the expression of the group of Neon Empire navies when they saw a missile sprayed in the barrel to destroy their battleship.

After intercepting for half a day, I found that the missiles fired by Tiancheng could not be intercepted at all, and it is estimated that the expression should be very interesting, right?

The more he thought about it, the more funny it was, Lin Fan was almost unable to hold back, and quickly took out two square cores that emitted blue light.

This is the mental core necessary for Dajian in the color batch route, but that Dajian looks at the bloodline, and Lin Fan directly ships this!

With a gentle push of the palm, the two mental cores submerged into the body of the Celestial City, and the mental core shattered into points of light in the sky, and then shrouded the entire battleship, Lin Fan had a feeling that the Celestial City in front of him came to life, no longer a cold battleship, but with the breath of life!

It’s just that this kind of life qi machine is still missing, and it only takes an opportunity to really come alive!

Lin Fan knew what this opportunity was, raised his arm, and lightly pressed it on the hull of the Tiancheng-class battleship, fantasizing that the energy would be launched, and a steady stream of energy poured into the hull.

As the memory in Lin Fan’s mind was sketched, the Tiancheng-class battle cruiser in front of him emitted a faint light, and began to shrink rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it shrunk to the size of a human.

In the faint light, there was a slight coughing sound, followed by a figure wearing a black robe with an umbrella and slowly walked out.

“Ahem… The battlecruiser, Celestial City, come and see you. It seems that this will allow me to use my skills a little… Lord, can you tell us about our enemies? ”

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