Chapter 299: The Largest Turquoise! No rebuttal!

Putting the two young girls on the side of the Celestial City, Lin Fan felt the power of fantasy in his body, and felt a little helpless in his heart, sure enough, after building two submarines, only a quarter of the power of fantasy that was not much was left.

Considering the relationship between the Akagi and Kaga sisters, Lin Fan gave up the idea of building one of them, and the two sisters would build it together if they wanted to build it, and he didn’t want to take it seriously.

The choice at the moment is only Kagano, Kagano’s words…. The first Azure is not at all refutable, it is worthy of being a transport ship, and this is absolutely deserved!

As soon as the idea moved, the hull of the tree was constructed, the 136.6-meter hull was 19.9 meters wide, the draft was 6.67 meters, and the displacement was 10,526 tons, this body length turned out to be so broad, and there is such a heavy tonnage, where the specific weight grows, it goes without saying!

With the two mental cores submerged into the battleship, Lin Fan channeled the little fantasy power in his body, and after stopping, the fantasy power in his body was only about one-tenth left.

If you want to build an aircraft carrier for a tenth of the amount, it is a dream!

While thinking, in the faint white light, a tall figure in a white navy uniform walked out of it, and Lin Fan looked up, his gaze seemed to be attracted by a magnet.

With a long black straight hair shawl, cute horns on his head, and a white navy uniform, two large pigs almost broke the navy uniform, and it was hard to imagine how the slender waist could support such a heavy burden.

Dah… Dah… Dah….

The cute little Nai Niu stepped forward step by step, and the black pointed heels under his feet made a crisp sound.

“When I first met, Lord, I am Shige-sakura’s transport ship Kagino, my hobby is hot springs, and my height and weight are… Ah, sorry… I’m sorry to introduce myself in this regard now! If there is anything I can help with, please leave it to me…”

The purple beautiful eyes blinked, and Akira was very nervous in his heart, and the oxtail behind him flicked around uneasily, looking very helpless.

There was some disappointment in his heart, Lin Fan was still expecting these specific values of height and weight, and the result…

Looking at the restless little Nai Niu, Lin Fan put away the disappointment in his heart and soothed: “Don’t be nervous, from tomorrow, you will need to contribute, although it is not a transport ship gun, but the logistics are also very important.” ”

The uneasiness on the delicate face swept away, as if he had found a sense of existence, Higano nodded vigorously, “Lord, Higano will definitely work hard!” Leave the logistics to me! ”

It’s good that Yuno doesn’t nod, this head Lin Fan almost stopped breathing, the waves are rough, this naval uniform is not broken until now, the quality is really good!

Sighing in his heart, Lin Fan stepped forward and took Yuye’s little hand, Bai Yan’s little hand was soft, like pinching on a marshmallow, and Lin Fan’s face was slightly pale, let Lin Fan pull, and his heart was pounding.

Pulling Yuno to the side of the women in Tiancheng, his gaze swept over the women, Lin Fan only felt that the effort just now was worth it!

In the past, I could only rush to the paper people, fantasizing about when I could get these ship girls into reality, at that time, I really fantasized about such a day, but reality is indeed delusional, and now he has done it!

Although he spent a huge amount of points and a huge amount of fantasy power, he did what countless people thought but couldn’t!

This apocalypse! This system, Lin Fan is really grateful.

If it weren’t for the apocalypse and the system, he would be dead by now, and no one in the world would know who he was and when he died, just like passers-by occasionally stepping on an ant to death and not looking down at all.

No one will pay attention to him as an orphan, and even the hospital will casually throw his body into the morgue, or take out the organs in his body that are still intact and donate them to other people in need, as for his wishes, does it matter?

Lin Fan didn’t know about this, if the treatment fee was not enough, maybe he would use his organs to fill the gap, in short, probably no one would collect his body.

And the emergence of the doomsday and the system has given him the strength to overlook the world now, with the entire magic capital as a territory, and even 100,000 female warriors and 100,000 maids under his command, with thick walls and a peaceful residence.

The ambition of lying on the knees of the drunken beauty and waking up to the power of the world, he has now reached half of it, and as for the other half, he can barely reach a part!

He didn’t dare to think about these before the end of the world.

The doomsday and the system have achieved him, he likes this doomsday, this system is not bad, not the same as those systems, give any task at every turn, complete the achievement to erase, it is still intimate.

“Lord, is everything done?” Seeing Lin Fan pulling Yuye over, Tiancheng bowed his head slightly and asked softly.

Glancing at the steel piled up on the coastline, Lin Fan shook his head and said, “No, the ideal situation is that there are two aircraft carriers, Akagi and Kaga, but unfortunately there is a little problem, and it takes tomorrow to build them.” ”

“It’s the Akagi and Kaga sisters, have they been transformed into aircraft carriers?” It’s really good, this is also a way out for the two sisters. He nodded clearly, Amagi as a senior, still knew about the two juniors of Akagi and Kaga, but only the two sisters in the battleship period.

It is not a pity that Akagi and Kaga Rinfan have not been built, and it is not a big problem to wait for the power of fantasy to recover tomorrow.

The gaze swept over the group of ship girls, the gentle big sister Amagi, the straightforward Ji Yi, the cold royal sister Kaohsiung, the astringent big sister Atago, the cute little loli of Lingbo and the arrogant and cute snowy wind loli, the cute and intimate little cotton jacket Yi 19 and Yi 168, and of course, plus the stupid and docile calf Niu Xiye pulled in his hand, this is all today’s harvest!

No loss, no loss at all!

Just looking at the ship clothes that were in the way of the ship girls, Lin Fan held his chin and asked the system: “Can you lose these ship suits?” If I take them back to the villa, my floor will collapse, which is a walk of 10,000 tons. ”

“Lord, unloading the ship requires a special port, or let the ship ladies show the prototype of the battleship and park it in the sea.”

Lin Fan’s face turned dark, he praised you just now, you will pick it now.

“I understand all that you said, I mean, is there any other way? Do you look like there is a port here? Or do you think you can still park boats here? ”

“Lord, you can spend 100,000 points to turn on the ship storage function, after this function is turned on, the ship girl can independently put the ship into the exclusive space.”

His eyes lit up, Lin Fan wondered, and this good thing?

“No, system, are you talking about 100,000 points to open all ship girls, or 100,000 points for a ship girl?”

“Lord, it is 100,000 points to open all ship girls, not a single person, please rest assured, the system will not pit your points casually.”

Lin Fan was embarrassed in his heart, he didn’t say that the system would pit him points, was he someone who would think like that?

“System, turn on the shipmount storage function for me.”

“Ding! After deducting 100,000 points, the ship equipment storage function has been turned on, and any ship girl can freely take out or take back the ship equipment through her thoughts. ”

100,000 points deduction, Lin Fan didn’t have any special feelings anyway, looking at Tiancheng and the others, Lin Fan said: “You guys try, put away the ship with your mind.” ”

“Ahem… Does the idea charge for the ship? Tiancheng coughed lightly, did not doubt Lin Fan’s words, his mind controlled the ship to put it away, for her, Lin Fan’s words are the holy will, just do it right, if there is a mistake, it is a big deal to propose it later.

As the women of the Celestial City collected the ship suits, the ship suits that surrounded the many ship ladies disappeared out of thin air in the blink of an eye, and seeing this phenomenon, Lin Fan couldn’t help but show a smile on his face.

“Shipwear…. Really disappeared? Ji Bo looked at the empty palm blankly, just now she was still holding a nuclear bomb in her hand, no, it was a chopping knife, and now there is no more.

“Hmph…. The Lord is still quite capable, so he is a husband worthy of Lord Xuefeng. The silver-haired little loli crossed her waist, looking angry.

Tiancheng put away the umbrella in his hand, and the umbrella disappeared with his thoughts, and the white lady with black silk put her palm on the edge to hide her smile, and looked at Lin Fan with soft eyes, “The strength of the Lord really makes Tiancheng’s heart happy and sincere, and it is worthy of being the creator of me and others.” ”

Seeing that Tiancheng and the others put away the ship, Lin Fan let go of the small hand of the white lady of the tree, put his arms around, and picked her up in the surprised eyes of Tiancheng, the plump and plump body fell into his arms, full of flesh, feeling the same weight as a normal person, Lin Fan smiled slightly, looked at her surprised little face, and lowered his head and kissed her.

Only after a moment did Lin Fan raise his head, it would be difficult for Tiancheng to maintain that gentle big sister look, and sighed helplessly, “The Lord really gave Tiancheng a problem.” ”

Although he said that, his eyes were full of love and he also had a smile on his face.

Put down the heavenly city in my arms, look at the sky that has darkened, the sky in the distance can already see the shining stars, it is dark, the last day of leisure has passed, tomorrow…. It’s time to go overseas!

Hunzhong is full of war intent, Lin Fan has a raging fighting spirit in his eyes, is the Neon Empire?

He Lin Fan! It’s about to come with invincibility!

Are you guys ready?! Ready to die?!

The icy gaze looked in the direction of the Neon Empire, feeling Lin Fan’s Hun Fan at this time, and the ships of the Celestial City also looked in the direction of the neon, their eyes full of murderous intent.

For them, Lin Fan’s enemy is their enemy, Lin Fan is their creator, their god, and their everything!

And any person or force that makes Lin Fan unhappy is their enemy, and they will use the giant cannon behind them and the chopping knife in their hands to let those people know what despair is!

Anyone who dares to stop the Lord’s forces! All perish! Even if they are crushed, they will not hesitate!

PS: The character picture is a calf cow bunye, in addition, thank you for sleepwalking $ life big guy 10,000 rewards, the big guy is healthy, all the best, the big guy broke the cost, and thank you readers for their great support, don’t say anything, continue to code.

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