Chapter 300 Leveling the Imperial Palace and Occupying the entire Neon Empire!

When night fell, the lights on the side of villa No. 1 were bright, and a large number of maids walked in the villa, busy with their own affairs, and did not dare to slack off at all.

Outside the villa, the space door opened, and Lin Fan walked out of it, followed by the ship girls of Tiancheng and Kaohsiung.

“Ahem… Is this the dwelling place of the Lord? Very stylish. ”

Turning his head to the Celestial City and smiling, Lin Fan said, “Go, go in, from today onwards, this is your home.” ”

Saying that, Lin Fan took the small hands of Jiao Bo and Xuefeng and walked towards the villa.

“Hmph… Family or something, this is what you asked Xuefeng to agree. ”

Jiao Bo’s jewel-like eyes looked at Xuefeng, and her figure was reflected in his eyes, “If you don’t want it, give me that share.” ”

Xuefeng quickly hugged Lin Fan’s arm, and the two little pigs submerged Lin Fan’s hands, staring at the big eyes and small head shaking like a rattle, “No, no, I…. I was just joking, no one can grab the share of Lord Yukikaze, obviously… Obviously, Xuefeng is already only a small part. ”

Saying that, Xuefeng looked at Ji, Atago and the others, and when he saw Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung’s eyes widened, and he opened his eyes, but did not say anything.

Aitago chuckled twice, raised his hand and pinched Xuefeng’s somewhat baby fat little face, “People are not big hearts, but not small, just your size, can you stand it?” ”

Yukikaze glared at Atago angrily, and his little face was full of madness, aaaa This big Hun woman is really abominable!

Lin Fan didn’t care about the snow wind, pulled two little loli into the hall, and instantly looked at more than ten eyes, all of them with surprise.

Lin Fan went out for a while, and brought back so many beautiful women who were not human, which directly stunned Lin Youyou and them.

“This…. It feels familiar. ”

“Isn’t this snow wind? Ship girl? Did the owner change the ship lady this time? Should you go out and rely on the ship girl, right? ”

“Really, that’s Celestial City, that’s Love Big Dog, that’s Jiami….”

“Ship girl?”

Lin Youyou and they were a little dazed, but Li Siqi and Su Xiaoluo, the two girls, were all like a few family treasures, and even guessed some of Lin Fan’s thoughts.

Walking into the living room with a group of ship girls, in front of Lin Youyou and others, Lin Fan pointed to Tiancheng and others and introduced them one by one, and at the same time introduced Lin Youyou and them to Tiancheng.

Snow Wind Little Loli was stupid after listening to people, this… There are so many love rivals at this moment, oh no, it seems that she is the one who entered the door behind, and Xuefeng is going to cry!

It’s not only Xuefeng who is going to cry, but also Li Yun and the three of them, this… There are so many people in this family at once, how long do they have to cook?

However, Lin Fan had already thought of this question, looking at the three daughters of Li Yun, Zhang Qiuyue, and Yue Yiren who were in a stunned state, and spoke: “Yiren, let the maids cook from today onwards, there are more and more people in the family, and the three of you can’t be busy.” ”

It’s not because he is going to go out on a campaign himself, Lin Fan let Li Yun and them no longer have to cook, just as he said, there will be more women in the future, if they all want Li Yun and the three of them to cook, it is estimated that they will be tired to death.

And with the expansion of the chassis, they also have to guard a city sooner or later, and they can’t still cook every morning, noon and evening, right?

Some things always need the maid to do, otherwise what do you want the maid to do?

Hearing Lin Fan say this, Li Yun’s third daughter’s face turned anxious, “But…”

Raising his hand to stop the three daughters, Lin Fan said what he thought, and in desperation, Li Yun and the three could only nod in agreement.

The Celestial City was a fantasy creature, and when it appeared, Lin Fan gave them the same sense of taste and digestive system as humans, instead of eating oil.

At the dinner table, eating the meals urgently made by the maids, the Kaohsiung and other ship girls who tasted this taste for the first time showed an incredible look on their faces, as ship girls, how could they have ever eaten human food?

Now it’s still the first time, as for what Kakuno said, it’s just instilling the lines in the blue together, in fact, Kono has not yet drunk Uenai.

Of course, Lin Fan specially prepared a cup for her,

Watching Yuno take a sip of Niu Nai, and then a happy smile appeared on his face, Lin Fan asked, “How is it?” Is it delicious? ”

This cow is an authentic beef produced on the farm, without any additives and any ingredients, it is a pure natural beef nai, not only pure taste, but also contains a touch of plant energy, which is good for the body.

“Delicious, thank you host!” Putting down the cup, Higashino nodded happily, and the cute ears on his head fluttered a few times, enough to see that Kagino was indeed happy in his heart.

After eating, Lin Fan sat comfortably on the sofa, and the left and right sides plus his arms were occupied by two little loli and two young girls, this situation made Su Xiaoluo want to cry without tears, God pity, usually that’s her place!

Lin Fan didn’t have a turn, there were too many loli, and he couldn’t refine it for a while.

Sitting on the sofa, Lin You looked at Lin Fan hesitantly, he was going to go on a campaign tomorrow, but according to Lin Fan’s orders, he only brought fifteen thousand people, could this work? Wouldn’t it be too little?

Noticing Lin Youyou’s gaze, Lin Fan put his hands on the waist of Xuefeng and Jiaobo, and his fingers gently rubbed, “Yoyo, if you have anything you want to say, just say it.” ”

Lin Youyou’s face was full of helplessness, and he spoke: “Master, I still think that you only brought 15,000 people is really too little, how can I say that the Neon Empire is also an empire, although the land area is not very large, but how to say that there are more than 100 million people, you only bring 15,000 people over…. How can I rest assured! ”

Lin Youyou is not worried about Lin Fan’s accident, with Lin Fan’s strength, there is no one on the earth who can make Lin Fan have an accident, she is afraid that Lin Fan will lose too much with fifteen thousand female warriors, and that feeling of frustration will make Lin Fan unhappy.

The Neon Empire is not like the Eastern Empire, everyone is a national person, it is simple to submit, after all, the Neon Empire is a foreign country, forcing the other party to submit will inevitably have a rebellious mentality, just as the so-called non-my race will have different hearts, when the time comes, the surface surrenders, and when Lin Fan leaves with a large army, those women suddenly rebel, even if they can be suppressed, the consequences are irreversible.

There are so many cities in the Neon Empire, and 15,000 people are constantly dividing the troops, how many times can they be divided? But she is different in China, even if there are fewer female warriors left in the country, she is not a little more bitter, but there will be no problems, not to mention that there is Zhao Wanqing and they are there, and they can come back to help at any time.

Is Lin Fan OK? Separated by the sea, they really can’t help.

Looking at Lin Youyou’s helpless look, Lin Fan knew what she was worried about, this problem Lin Youyou had also mentioned in the past two days, but it was all rejected by him, and today it was mentioned again, Lin Fan felt that if Lin Youyou was not relieved, even if he left, leaving Lin Youyou alone to guard the demon capital, she would also be restless in her heart and would be restless.

Releasing the snow wind and the little loli in his arms, Lin Fan sat up straight, and instead held the two soft and cute young girls of 19 and 168, explaining: “Yoyo, you probably don’t understand the psychology of the Neon Empire, let me ask you, who lost three superweapons in the Neon Empire back then?” And then two detonated inland? ”

As long as anyone who has taken a history class knows this, Lin Youyou said without thinking: “Milliken Empire, what’s wrong with this?” But we are the people of the Eastern Empire, the citizens of the Neon Empire have always looked down on us, even if we are in the past, unless we kill all, or have absolute excellence to suppress those people, otherwise sooner or later there will be chaos. ”

Raising his hand, his index finger waved, Lin Fan denied: “Your understanding is too one-sided, at a glance, you just don’t understand the mentality of the neon people, the people of this empire are typical slave psychology, only if they hurt and are afraid, they will submit to you, in other words, they submit to the strong.” ”

“Yoyo, let me ask you, when the Millikan Empire detonated two superweapons on the territory of the Neon Empire, ending the battle ahead of schedule, then what was the relationship between the Neon Empire and the Milliken Empire before the end times?”

“Father-son relationship, after that battle, Neon has always regarded Millikan as a father.” Lin Youyou still didn’t understand, she was a little confused about what Lin Fan wanted to express.

“The reason why the Neon Empire looks down on us people in the Eastern Empire is because they were once invaders and beat us without fighting back, to be correct, whether we were the invaded party or the defeated side, we once half of the empire was occupied, if it were not for the neon empire front stretched too long, but also angered the Milliken Empire, the direction of that protracted war is not easy to say.”

“In the heart of the Neon Empire, we are the defeated side, and the retreat is also because of the strength of the Millikan Empire, and they agree that they lost to the powerful Millikan Empire, not our Eastern Empire, so they submitted to the Millikan Empire, groveled, and servile, even if the Millikan Empire detonated two nuclear bombs on their land.”

“The citizens of this empire are deformed, they recognize the strong, as long as you are strong enough to crush, they will submit to you, no matter what you have done to them, and what I need to do is to crush the Neon Empire head-on, destroy their fleet, kill all men, and trample on their noble emperor!”

“Raze the imperial palace, enslave the bloodline of the emperor, including the harem concubines, smash their sacred mountains, throw all the war criminals’ tablets and ashes in the Yasukuni Sacred Toilet into the cesspool, I will crush everything in their hearts and break their national spirit head-on, and everything they are proud of will be destroyed by me!”

“The emperor, including his heirs, has all been wiped out, and I want them to know the end of the resistance!” And only by obeying can you live! Only in this way will they submit, this is the Neon Empire, a country that believes in the strong to deformity! This is true for both the kingdom and the people. ”

“Yoyo, now do you understand?”

Looking at Lin Fan stunned, Lin You was puzzled: “Is this so?” ”

“That’s pretty much what the master said.” Zhao Wanqing pulled Lalin’s leisurely arm, with memories in her eyes, “I remember when I used to do business with neon people, when you were in an absolute advantage, they had always been servile and condescending, and their attitude was respectful to the extreme, and when you were weak, they would bite back and turn their faces and not recognize people.” ”

“Theoretically, as long as the master is still there, the people of the Neon Empire dare not have the slightest desire to resist, and that is only men, women’s words are more servile, after all, the women of the Neon Empire understand everything, that servility is like engraved in the bones, the master only wants women, men are all killed, there will be no problems at all.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Wanqing spread her hands, “Not to mention that the master did so desperately, all the men were killed, it is estimated that the scare will scare those women who are naturally servile and timid, only know where to obey and dare to resist a little?” ”

Nodding at Zhao Wanqing, Lin Fan smiled and said: “Wanqing still knows a little better about this, so fifteen thousand people is already a lot, wait, it won’t be long before I use fifteen thousand people to level the entire Neon Empire!” ”

“At that time, the Neon Empire is our territory, what our ancestors did not do, today, I, Lin Fan, will do it!”

PS: The picture is Atago

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