Chapter 105 The power of the individual anti-tank bazooka, minor problems

Wang Kui of the Zhenlong Hotel, Liu Jinbao, who was drunk and dreamed of death, the Zhao family brothers in the north, plus Liu Zhikun himself, formed a four-way force to firmly trap the dark incense bar in the middle, originally Liu Zhikun felt that it was stable, and felt that these women in the dark incense bar were the meat in his bowl, and he could take it down at any time.

As a result, now the meat flies! This special Liu Zhikun exploded on the spot!

Among the four major forces, he is the most well-equipped, body armor, individual bazookas, I thought I was proud of all directions, but what happened?

The meat in his bowl was cut off in the blink of an eye! Can Liu Zhikun not be angry? As for why Wang Kui is suspected, because Wang Kui’s Zhenlong Hotel is the closest!

Thinking of the two women he had booked a long time ago, I don’t know how many times Wang Kui had already played, Liu Zhikun’s eyes were dark!

Don’t say whether he will reward the little brother in the future, he hasn’t played it yet!

“Horse’s! Boom me! Kill Wang Kui’s dog thing! Dare to grab what Lao Tzu ordered! Tired of living! ”

Liu Zhikun is going to explode in anger, he can’t afford to provoke Yang Yiping and can’t afford to provoke a Wang Kui? .

Hearing Liu Zhikun’s roar, the little brother carrying the individual bazooka quickly ran up, skillfully loaded the individual rocket, tilted his head to look at the auxiliary aiming realm next to him, and quickly pulled the trigger with his finger.


The sound of the individual bazooka is very muffled and not loud, with the pull of the trigger, the rocket set up in front of it shot out in a burst of white smoke, and the flaming rocket instantly slammed into a window on the 18th floor, followed by the window bursting, the rocket exploded on the 18th floor, and the terrifying roar mixed with the fire quickly gushed out.

“Go on! Don’t stop! Give me that dog thing to blow up Wang Kui! Give it all to me! Rush in and destroy Wang Kui for me! ”

Looking at the fire coming from the 18th floor, Liu Zhikun was still puzzled in his heart and commanded the subordinates around him.

Liu Zhikun is very smart, there is no one in the dark incense bar, then it doesn’t matter, if you destroy Wang Kui, won’t there be an experimental subject? At that time, women can also save a little more time to play.

That Yang Yiping is too much of a thing, living people have to kill more than ten a day, how many people can’t help him experiment like this!

Under the command of Liu Zhikun, a group of subordinates rushed out, and the younger brother carrying a single soldier bazooka next to him continued to load and began the second round of bombing.

A kilometer away, Lin Youyou paused in his steps, not only her, but hundreds of women present stopped, and their eyes looked at the Zhenlong Hotel behind them.

Frowning and looking at the fire that exploded from the 18th floor, maybe others can’t see what is going on, but Lin Youyou’s eyes are so keen, she didn’t see the first single soldier anti-tank rocket, but the second shot was so obvious, how could she not see clearly?

Stopping for a moment, listening to the women next to him talking about it, Lin Youyou’s expression remained unchanged, “Don’t worry, go back to the hospital first.” ”

Hearing Lin Youyou’s order, the women had no objection.

Walking on the road, Lin Youyou thought in his heart, the single soldier rocket is not something that ordinary people can have, even the police station will not have, this kind of weapon of mass destruction, the empire will not equip the police, even the special police do not have this thing.

Even the Milliken Empire, which advocates freedom, would not equip the police with such weapons, and only the military had such weapons of mass destruction in the country.

Could it be that the army entered the city?

This idea was vetoed by Lin Youyou as soon as it came up, the army entering the city will definitely not be this little move, and it will definitely not specifically attack a hotel.

“It seems that the water in the magic city is deeper than expected.”

With such an understanding in his heart, Lin Youyou didn’t pay too much attention to it, the single soldier anti-tank rocket is indeed powerful, but what does it have to do with her? She is not afraid of this thing, even if a rocket is fired at her, she can make the rocket go back and forth from anywhere, and it is not she who should be worried, but the person carrying the rocket.

Glancing at Zhou Xiuyan casually, Lin Youyou felt that this matter could be asked to this woman, maybe she would know something.

How loud are the explosions of man-portable rockets? As big as seven or eight kilometers away, Lin Fan, who was visiting the mall, heard it!

Of course, this is not only the loud explosion of the rocket, but also related to Lin Fan’s five senses.

The figure flashed, appeared in mid-air, overlooking the direction of the Zhenlong Hotel, looking at the exploding flames, Lin Fan subconsciously scratched his chin, but forgot that he was still holding a small cute T-shaped in his hand, the touch was not right, Lin Fan looked down, the lace and openwork design that entered his eyes almost made Lin Fan’s blood pressure rise.

Hurriedly put the little cutie into his personal space, Lin Fan thought about it, but still didn’t go over to make it lively, now his main task is to empty the mall.

On this day, he ran back and forth dozens of times, as for the thug who died at home, Lin Fan also saw it, he didn’t think about it, just came out so good at kung fu, someone hit the door.

As for the result, of course, it was very rhythmic, and Lin Fan didn’t care, anyway, with Lin Youyou to deal with it, he just continued to empty the things in the building.

Carrying things and watching the points experience swish, this feeling is simply not too good, nothing is done, plant energy and soil system energy is inexplicably Lv4, who is to reason with?

It won’t even be long before Lv5 is needed, and this speed is really barbaric!

As for the cost of a pass with only more than a thousand points left, this inexplicably rose to 5149, sure enough, the truth of the power of many people, the ancients sincerely do not deceive me.

More than a hundred people plus Lin Youyou and them, this speed is simply not too fast! In two or three days at most, the point will rise back to 2W.

Back to the Dahua Shopping Center, he stuffed a bunch of things into the personal space again, and then the personal space was full, and Lin Fan was a little helpless.

Do you say that 5*5*5 space is small? Not small, actually! But it can’t stand the big Chinese commercial building! Running back and forth this time, Lin Fan was a little uncomfortable.

“System, can’t personal space be upgraded with points? How many points do you have to get to the next level? ”

Lin Fan is a proper salted fish, can move less, he is naturally too lazy to move, for example, at night, Lin Youyou often moves, unless he has no strength.

With Lin Youyou taking such intimate care of him, and having someone to serve him when eating and dressing, Lin Fan became more and more lazy.

“Lord, it takes 10W points to move up to the next level.”

Lin Fan: …..

His gaze was sluggish for a moment, Lin Fan silently glanced at the more than five thousand points, and said angrily: “Why don’t you grab it!” ”

Good guys, 10w points? That’s all a high-level power, right? So far, even if he doesn’t spend a penny, he doesn’t even have 5w points, tell him 10w points? Aren’t you kidding?

Knowing that there was no hope of upgrading, Lin Fan could only fly back to the hospital helplessly.

In mid-air, Lin Fan saw a group of women coming from the north, and Lin Youyou’s figure in the crowd was so conspicuous.

looked up at the sun, unconsciously it was already afternoon, estimated that it was about three o’clock in the afternoon, to be honest, he was too lazy to continue moving, anyway, there are so many maids in the family, or let them move, isn’t it fragrant for him to kill zombies?

“Speaking of which, it’s time to clean up all the zombies around the hospital, and then erect a barbed wire fence to prevent the zombies from pouring in again, at least a safe area within ten kilometers of the hospital.”

Muttering, Lin Fan scratched his head, in fact, he had planned to do this before, but he was delayed by other things later, and it was still a little annoying for the zombie to run to the hospital side like this.

With thought, Lin Fan fell to the ground, and several maids saw Lin Fan and quickly knelt on the ground to say hello.

“What’s your name?” Forget it, it’s not important, pass on my order, let 100 maids gather here, and I have something to order in a moment. ”

One of the maids nodded and got up to convey Lin Fan’s order, while the other two maids knelt on the ground and waited for Lin Fan’s next order.

Ignoring this maid, Lin Fan came to the emergency room in a few flashes and poured out all the things in his personal space.

He was lying in the room on this side of the emergency building, and there were many maids here who specially placed some luxury goods, and when he saw Lin Fan coming over, he hurriedly knelt down to salute.

Leaving everything behind, Lin Fan hurriedly left the emergency building, just as Lin Youyou walked in with hundreds of women at the entrance of the hospital.

Giving up going to the maid’s side, Lin Fan walked to the door of the hospital, his feet seemed to shrink into inches, and when he took a step, his figure was already tens of meters away, which was not too fast, but in the real sense.

The soil system energy was attached to the foot, not Lin Fan was walking, but the earth under the foot shortened the distance, and with one step, the figure instantly came to tens of meters away.

Holding Lin Youyou head-on, Lin Fan lowered his head and kissed him, Lin Youyou’s face was slightly pale, and he patted Lin Fan’s shoulder and said: “Don’t, just finished killing the zombie, there is a smell on the body.” ”

“I don’t care, fragrant.”

Lin Youyou didn’t have a word, she was really no rut, the breath of being kissed was a little short before separating, Lin Fan smiled, pulled Zhao Yanyan and Li Siqi, and kissed them one by one under the smiling eyes of the two women.

“You guys are improving pretty fast, and you’re doing a good job.”

Holding Lin Youyou’s slender waist, Lin Fan did not skimp on his praise, the speed of the two women killing zombies is indeed fast, and the experience of supernatural energy is swishing, it is estimated that if it were not for the zombies, they would be able to rise to Lv5 today.

Lv5 before the energy advancement is relatively fast, then it is difficult, thousands of experience at every turn, it is really terrifying, not to mention the current Lv7 magnetic field control, want to upgrade is directly 10w experience, this is 100,000 zombies!

I can’t imagine how many zombies Lv8 has to kill!

Being stunned by Lin Fan’s face, Zhao Yanyan was extremely grateful in her heart, if it weren’t for Lin Fan, she would really be an ordinary woman now, right?

Committed to Lin Fan, as a maid, she really didn’t have the slightest complaint, not to mention that Lin Fan was also very good to her now, whether it was nightlife or other aspects, Zhao Yanyan was very full.

“Lord, if you hadn’t given Yan Yan plant powers, where would Yan Yan be so powerful, Yan Yan really thank you so much.”

“Siqi too!” Li Siqi jumped up, like a little rabbit, and the tied double ponytail also jumped and jumped, and Lin Fan thought of the reins.

Looking away, Lin Fan looked behind the three women, and in the front was Li Fengjiao, these veteran female warriors, followed by Wang Ziwen, Liu Yuer, and other new female warriors, and finally the women who were brought back this time.

“This time I went out and gained a lot? That’s at least six hundred, right? Are you copying a large gathering place of survivors with thousands of people? ”

Lin Fan’s tone was full of surprise, mainly because there were too many women brought back this time, six hundred is a conservative estimate, if you add the number that the hospital originally has, wouldn’t the number suddenly exceed a thousand?

This population base has directly doubled almost tripled!

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